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Fantasy Eye of the Beholder (Dragon Rider RP)

Thanks. I'll read through everything and post a rider.

For the creator, how are the students selected for the school? Is it for the upper crust? Are students extensively tested beforehand? Are there psychological tests?

I'd like to make a troublemaker character (similar to Tuffnut from HTTYD) and need to figure out the best way for him to get into the school.
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Yeah, that's true about the interest checks.

Happened to me the last time I tried to make a role play.

You should definitely add tabs to your role play (add tabs button is found in the first IC tab).

That would be another good way for people to find this role play, though I reckon that function will be a bit neglected until later when the site can get used to it.

(also they're kind of required now whooPS)

Cool cool, no pressure.

I was mostly thinking about location because of where my character could have grown up, but I think if nothing else, they could have moved to the academy for its... prestigious reputation?

Nah, you can totally keep it a secret if you would like.

I was just wondering if this was going to be a kind of standard sandbox role play or nah.

I don't have any ideas, personally, but if I get struck with inspiration, I'll be sure to run it by you. c:

*looks out into the distance*

I wonder when the last time I posted once a day in a role play...


It usually takes me getting really into the plot.

I think my posting rate tends toward "posting several times a day then suddenly getting busy with whatever else and not replying until a week later."

At the very least, I can guarantee you that I won't abandon a role play without a word.

If that's going to be a problem, you're welcome to let me know now.

You won't hurt my feelings. xD

And @RatFlail!

Welcome to site.

Hope you've been enjoying yourself so far?
@Pine Yeah, it looks interesting so far. I like the doc embedding and bbcode functionality. A lot different than having to circulate things through email. I'll probably RP a few games before I consider running a game, though. There's nothing like hands-on experience.
@Beowulf I added a small snippet about endurance racing to the Field Guide (Notes). You're more than welcome to mention it in your character sheet or in gameplay! :D

@Pine More tabs it is! I'm going to work on one for the school and another for info on the military, etc. I'm hoping that the more world-building and info I can pack into this thread, the more real and immersive it will feel. And don't worry about posting, I haven't done anything all week either, and I also write novels and poetry and short stories so I'm likely to disappear at times. I hope that won't happen too much, though.

@RatFlail That's a good question! I would say it's really a matter of tuition. Your character would have to fill out an application and be accepted, but that process probably wouldn't be nearly as selective as the price. I'll go more in-depth about that and other things in the new tab. Basically, it's not super difficult to be accepted, but your character would have to have a lot of money to burn on a school like this. Does that make sense?

Also, I would like to warn you all that 99% of what I do on this site is from a tablet or my phone, so unfortunately nothing will be formatted in a neat way or made out to look really pretty. But, as they always say, don't judge a book by its cover! I hope that my post quality and extra lore and info will make this fun. :)
Thank you much. Now, all I have to do is decide which dragon I want. I've narrowed it down to the Broadwing and the courier, can't remember what it's called because it's French. Maybe the top American breed. Their sturdy. None of the Asian breeds, their more for combat and lap races, and to look pretty. And I'll give the British breeds another look, I might have missed something.
How much player independance will you allow? Can we create a character and mostly (though not strictly) tell our own story and progress our own plot?
Hello, Bone. Nice to see you still knocking about.

Side note.

Bah! Found more dragons suited for long distance travel. Now I got to find the one I would like and... Uuuuhh.
@Beowulf You're quite welcome! Excellent idea. :) The French breed you're talking about is likely the Papillon Bleu, the blue/grey lightweight breed. That would be an interesting choice, especially due to their uniqueness! But, of course, whatever you select will be awesome. I also have more detailed info on all the breeds if you're interested!

@RatFlail You're very welcome! I'm super excited to see what you come up with!

@Bone2pick I would certainly allow as much independence as the plot allows, as long as your character follows the general direction of the thread (such as being located at the academy, interacting with the others).
@Beowulf I'm always haunting this place. (B')


Extinct said:
I would certainly allow as much independence as the plot allows, as long as your character follows the general direction of the thread (such as being located at the academy, interacting with the others).

Ah I see it now, final paragraph in the overview: this is an academy RP. My mistake. I'm looking for a bit more freedom than that. Thanks anyway.
@RatFlail that's good to hear!

Yeah, role playing over email is a bit of a pain.

I used to do that, but then one of my role play partners had their email hacked and blah. Dx

Not a good time.

But yeah, joining a role play first is the best thing you can do, in my opinion.

I know the site takes some getting used to, so if there's anything you're confused about, just let me know!

@Extinct I look forward to it!

I mean, I've only recently gotten to where I obsessively plot everything out, so sorry for dumping all those questions on you. xD

But okay okay, as long as we're both in agreement on erratic posting times, then we're all good. lol

All I care about in role plays is that people stick around, personally, I don't care so much about how frequent or not they are with it.

Content beats aesthetics any day, I don't really care if this role play looks glamorous or not. xD

Anywhooooo, I'll start working on a cs, hopefully have a character up today or tomorrow.

I'll run it by you two and see which one of you would like to nab my character's dragon.

@Extinct @MoltenLightning
That sounds perfect! Thanks @Pine ! :D

EDIT: Also, the new tab about the school is up! If y'all have any questions, come at me! :D
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I look forward to introducing you all to Blue and Connor McKinley

Done. It's short and hurts me, but done.
*excites over thread*

Ahhh, this is going to be fun.


@Extinct @MoltenLightning

I'm thinking that I'm going to adapting an old character of mine to this role play.

(I re-did him recently but never actually used him, whooPS.)

All I know for a fact right now: male, twelve, rich upbringing, and wanting to go into sports.

If I go with the character I'm thinking right now, he's going to be quite the oddball, especially for a kid his age.
That's totally fine, Extinct.

And ye Molten.

We're gonna' be chill, so chill, don't even worry.

Teamwork makes the dream work lET'S GO.

Also, I definitely read that your character was twelve but I totally forgot. xD

I'll leave the dragon 100% up to you, but as for breeds, I was thinking a Golden Lily, maybe Da Vinci, maaaaaybe a Baudelaire crossed with a sporty breed (Jester?) or... well, it's really whatever you want. lol

I'm not necessarily going for the most optimal choice and boy do I love torturing my OCs.

I could PM you some info on that aforementioned character, if you would like?

I'm planning on keeping my CS about as vague as I can stand.

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