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Fantasy Eye of the Beholder (Dragon Rider RP)


kyber child
Character Sign-Up Sheet

Rider Name:

Rider Age:

Rider Gender:

Rider Appearance: (real photo or a description)

Rider Personality:

Desired Field: (combat, sport, gear-building, labor)

Dragon Name:

Dragon Gender:

Dragon Breed:

Dragon Size: (in tons, when it is fully grown)

Dragon Appearance: (description, unless you can somehow find an accurate photo)

Dragon Personality:

*IMPORTANT: You MUST read the Field Guide (Notes) and The Academy (Settings/Locations) section before signing up!*

Current Members

Nicolette Darnell ~ Bellamy (Black Lotus) @Extinct

Stark Hastings ~ Ravivual (Blue Emerald) @Extinct

Cadence Julie ~ North (Virginia) @MoltenLightning & @Kurai Okami

Richard Avershire ~ Ramona (Jester) @RatFlail

Connor McKinley ~ Blue (King of the Valley) @Beowulf

Chance Whittaker ~ Lady (Golden Lily/Baudelaire) @Pine & @MoltenLightning

*Note: Please do not make more than 2 of the same breed of dragon. If there are already 2 of that breed on this list, please try to choose another. Thank you!
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Rider Name: Nicolette "Nic" Darnell

Rider Age: 15

Rider Gender: Female

Rider Appearance:


Rider Personality: Nic knows that, as a girl, she is already at a disadvantage in the world of dragon-keeping. However, this makes her a very determined and driven individual. Nic has a lot of fire and moxie, even if she isn't aware she does. She tends to be sarcastic and quick-witted, and makes up for her small stature by having a big mouth. Nic never says no to a challenge and is known to pick fights, regardless of whether she can win them. She has a lot of heart, and despite her wit, she can be very reckless and impulsive, which in rare occasions can work to her advantage. Brash and loud, Nic is not a lady, and she makes sure everybody knows it. She really wants a dragon that matches her will and spirit, and doesn't care much about how rare or illustrious the breed is. She is more focused on finding a good teammate than a worthy prize.

Desired Field: Combat

Dragon Name: Bellamy

Dragon Gender: Male

Dragon Breed: Black Lotus

Dragon Size: 6 tons (technically making him middleweight, he is quite large for his breed)

Dragon Appearance: A deep, midnight-black with even darker striations on the body, only visible in certain light, and shiny silver wing tips. Bright green eyes and a bright, intelligent face. Very large for his breed, and slightly more slender and athletic than what is common.

Dragon Personality: Bellamy is intensely loyal to Nic, and can be very jealous and possessive of her. He absolutely refuses to be handled by anybody else, but is otherwise quite pleasant to be around and extremely clever. Bellamy has a big heart, and will happily go to the last if his strength when asked. His high intelligence allows him to understand a lot more commands and cues than the average dragon, and makes him a very fast learner and therefore very easy to train.


Rider Name: Stark Hastings

Rider Age: 16

Rider Gender: Male

Rider Appearance:


Rider Personality: Stark is fairly cocky when it comes to dragons. Having grown up in a dragon-keeping family, he knows a lot more about the creatures than most aspiring riders. He has a lot of confidence when the question of his future in dragon-keeping comes up; he's going to own the best and most valuable dragon he can get his hands on. Stark has no fear of the beasts whatsoever, another uncommon trait in would-be riders. His father flew a terrifying Rocky Mountain Red in the military, and there isn't much Stark hasn't seen himself. Despite his apparent arrogance, Stark is a pretty amiable guy, and likes to socialize and discuss dragon-keeping with other interested parties. He often becomes the go-to dragon expert in every group he's in, and is always more than happy to share his experiences with others.

Desired Field: Combat

Dragon Name: Ravivual

Dragon Gender: Female

Dragon Breed: Blue Emerald

Dragon Size: 11 tons

Dragon Appearance: Rav is a pale teal color, with thin green striping that grows fainter as it extends outward from the barrel and long, sharp horns. She is lean and muscular, with green-tipped wings and bright yellow eyes.

Dragon Personality: Ravivual is a very high-maintenance dragon. She can be fussy and intractable, refusing to follow commands and preferring to slack off or cause mischief. Although thoroughly incorrigible, she and Stark get along famously and are very strongly bonded even when they argue.
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Rider Name: Cadence Julie

Rider Age: 12

Rider Gender: Female

Rider Appearance:

Rider Personality: She's a temperamental girl, going from happy and joyful to angry. She gets annoyed easily, but shrugs it off almost immediately. You could say shes 'fast'. Shes quick to judge, quick to like, quick to hate, quick to move on. But, if she forges a bond, she almost never leaves it. Sometimes, she'll lecture you on things, then forget she did the next day. She does like having friends, and would love a dragon to go flying with for days delivering things to others, exploring the world.

Desired Field: Labor

Dragon is up to @Kurai Okami !
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The wardrobe is workable when he's in uniform, but I'd like to at least keep the hair and civvies, although it might not fit dress code. If this does not fit the time period, I can work on it some more.

Rider Name: Richard "Rip" Avershire

Rider Age:16

Rider Gender: Male

Rider Appearance: guy on the left

Rider Personality: Troublemaker with a conservative upbringing (basically Downton Abbey with an ex-military mother and farmer/Lord father)

Desired Field: Sport

Dragon Name: Ramona

Dragon Gender: Female

Dragon Breed: Jester

Dragon Size: 4 tons (guess this is medium lightweight)

Dragon Appearance: Green and gold-yellow with soft spikes running from neck to tail.

Dragon Personality: Passive but watchful of Rip to keep him out of trouble, like a large dog with a small child. When the time comes, though, she can speed through the most complicated terrain, even a light forest.

I've got a lot more to him, but would rather reveal that through RP. I'd like to PM his background to you, @Extinct, to make sure I'm not breaking the theme. I'll do so once I get PM access tomorrow.
@RatFlail He's brilliant! I quite like the idea. Since you lack PM privileges, I'll send one to you so you can reply. Your character sheet has been approved!
Rider Name: Connor McKinley

Rider Age: 14

Rider Gender: Male

Rider Appearance: He stands at a confident 5'5" and weighs 140-ish pounds. Farm boy build. Is lucky he can even attend this school. Guess having parents that own an extremely large amount of land used for farming, and able to sell all of the crops for a large price, helps a lot.

Rider Personality: He's calm, and does as he's told. He strolls through life, taking in the sites, sounds, and smells without a care in the world. Rather brave, having ridden on a Palomino male in his prime during mating season.

Desired Field: Sport

Dragon Name: Blue

Dragon Gender: Male

Dragon Breed: King of the Valley.

Dragon Size: 9 tons

Dragon Appearance: ((Include long spade on the tail. Long, but rather narrow.))

Dragon Personality: Like all Kings, he is a fussy one. Always turning his noes up at things Connor thinks is alright. It's a surprise anything like a King of the Valley picked Connor in the first place. But Blue seems to be the physical manifestation of what is common of most Kings.
Alright, here is Lady! (Since I can't come up with anything better than that, lol) *THIS IS CHANCE'S DRAGON*

Dragon Name: Lady

Dragon Gender: Female

Dragon Breed: Golden Lily & Baudelaire

Dragon Size: 7 tons

Dragon Ability: Venomous Bite

Dragon Appearance:

She is a pale metallic yellow, with golden brown spots dotting her head to her tail. Her wings are fan-like, with large bronze spades on the membrane. She is slender, and long, but her tail is shorter then most. She has a crest running down her neck to her tail. All of her hands/paws/claws have a brown splattered pattern on the bottom, except one, her front right. She has small ears instead of horns, which are total mysteries.

Dragon Personality:

Shes dramatic, and an egoist. Its takes her a while to warm up to someone, as she is picky and has a large ego. Not to mention how careless she can get, which normally doesn't clash well with her ego. When feeling threatened in anyway, however, she'll flee, then make up an excuse for why.

She'll boast and brag, then run and hide anywhere away from the threat when things get suspicious. She's easily frightened, so we can assume shes very anxious and paranoid. On the inside, at least. Shes rather difficult to handle when this happens, as she becomes very anxious to leave for fear shes going to be injured.
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Chance Shepherd Whittaker

Rider Age: Twelve

Rider Gender: Male

Desired Field: Sport

Chance is an anomaly in comparison to the average boy his age. He is small, meek and oftentimes very somber. When he speaks, it's often in a matter-of-fact manner, bluntly stating what he believes to be an evident fact. This can land him into trouble every now again, seeing as the boy will not hesitate to jump on correcting someone, regardless of their age. He has a tendency to act condescending, making random comments about the depravity of mankind and or casting incredulous glances at someone if they say what he perceives to be a stupid remark. For the few people that he finds acceptable, his sense of humor is dry, often morbid. Whether other people are able to find mirth in this doesn't matter to him, as he would just as much enjoy bringing out a few chuckles as he would to disturb someone.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/thing.jpg.bd5428591060bc5ae5068d4f196d9bfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/thing.jpg.bd5428591060bc5ae5068d4f196d9bfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon Name:North

Dragon Gender:Male

Dragon Breed:Virginia

Dragon Size: 4 tons

Dragon Appearance: ( ^^^ )

Dragon Personality:hes a quiet and shy dragon and will get easily nervous but is very trustworthy and loyal is very careful of everything but will do what is needed



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:Rider Name: Cora Slade

:Rider Age: 18

:Rider Gender: Female

:Rider Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Beautiful-Girl-Smile-1024x576.jpg.301ee987caaa6b60ed53f413b829a5d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Beautiful-Girl-Smile-1024x576.jpg.301ee987caaa6b60ed53f413b829a5d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

:Rider Personality:

Characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, she uses her drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve whatever end she has set for herself. If there’s anything she loves it’s a good challenge. Her ability think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing any particular action makes her a very powerful and intimidating figure. She has a dry sense of humor, and more often than not will let sarcasm get the best of her. She presses down dominantly, relentlessly, and unforgiving on those who oppose her. Though beneath her multitude of layers at her core self lies a young woman, who in in a way is completely opposite to the shell she portrays herself as. And though the cover truly is a part of her, a heartless cruel part, it is only a mere fraction of who she really is.


As hard and rational as her exterior may be, just beneath the surface hides a cunning and manipulative face few come to notice. She, a dominant girl by nature, often proves stubborn and will stop a very little to get her way. Though compromises aren’t unheard of, they are far and few between. As a sort of underlying tact she has developed an incredibly manipulative way in acting that, more often than not, result in her triumph.

She is followed by a long, complicated past. One that left her with exceedingly poor handling of emotions. Love. Kindness. Hope. Things that when faced with, end up mentally crushing her more than thought possible. Loss. A cruel heartless thing that leads to isolation. That leads to one pulling away, concealing, and hardening. Walls form within walls.

:Desired Field: Undecided


:Dragon Name: Neptune

:Dragon Gender: Male

:Dragon Breed: Feral

:Dragon Size: 20 tons

:Dragon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/northern_tribe_dragon_rider__substrata_by_numioh-d66gu5a.jpg.3e8fa586dc3340f96f266592b43cf2f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/northern_tribe_dragon_rider__substrata_by_numioh-d66gu5a.jpg.3e8fa586dc3340f96f266592b43cf2f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

+Ignore the "Knight."

:Dragon Personality:
In a matter of words he is Secretive. Cunning. Feral. Aggressive at times. Reserved at others. Calculating. But his heart holds a special place for Cora. They are two of a kind. He's a feral. Not much is known of them. His mind is not domesticated. And as close as he is to his rider he is still truly Wild.

[Note: Their Bond/Relationship is unique to Cora's Background which will be explained in my intro post.]



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Hello hello hello! I'm back, finally. Was going through a rough patch with my anxiety and school work and the lot, but I think I'm ready to get back to playing on this site. I hope you're still interested!

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