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One x One Extraterrestrial Angels- brain babies

Faction Before Blood

My people skills are rusty...


-Visually : 11
-Biologically: 22
-Earth years:2,852 &1/2


color-iridescent black
little wing colors

Protective, Quick to Anger, Sweet Overall

Telepathy, eidetic memory, psychometry, thoughtography

...and he can fly

Araqiel was the first of his family born on earth, he has three older siblings that were born on their home planet and a dozen more born on in transit to the little blue and green planet, not to mention so many younger siblings he can hardly count them all that were also born on earth. The patriarch of the family is the equivalent of what would be known on earth as a biologist and was given the assignment to study Earths intelligent species. And they were ok for a really long time. But one day some hikers came across their homestay and witnessed a few unfortunate events that prompted the hikers to call in the authorities.
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Name: Stephanie Lange
Nickname/s: Steph
Age: 26 years
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: independent, adventurous, snarky, sarcastic, sassy, compassionate, kind
History: Growing up in the usual strict, apple-pie family that wanted her to go off to Harvard or somewhere and become a successful doctor or lawyer. Deciding that a lawyer was not what she wanted to be, Steph ran away with only a hand-me-down car and beat up guitar to her name, to pursue a career in music. She doesn't exactly have a roof and four walls, but does consider her car her "home", and often stays in motels across the country, depending on where she is for a gig. Her career is slowly taking off, extremely slowly, but she does make enough money to buy food, clothes, and gas money. (Part of it does come from pool and poker games, but she doesn't tell anyone about those)
Car: 1967 four door chevrolet impala, black
Skills: is an extremely good singer, as well as a proficient guitarist and good on the ukelele
{shh I was inspired to make a dean-ish character I promise I did not do it on purpose}

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