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Fantasy Experimented school


The world is just 1's and 0's
We are scientists subjects and are being injected with different types of chemicals. Once they have injected the chemical they want to test the subject gets sent to a school were they will teach you how to control yourself and the powers the chemicals have given you.during free times you will soar with other students

Rules: use good grammar and no killing romance aloud.
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Elizabeth wondered around her new school, "wow it's SUPER big!" She said while spinning in circles. She laughed and kept looking for more students.
Niko ran up to Ray and said "Hello" then quickly left and super jumped on top of building

(Last post from me tonight got to go to bed)

Niko ran up to Ray and said "Hello" then quickly left and super jumped on top of building

(Last post from me tonight got to go to bed)
Mae walked through the doors to the new school she would now be attending after the "experiment"

"Wow, that serum made my head hurt" She thought as she looked up the spiral staircase where other students were walking up and down to their classes
When the boy came up and quickly left she was shocked. Another enhanced speed, just like me, she thought happily. She saw someone and went up to him. "Hello, I'm Elizabeth, what's your name?" She asked curiously. @Rayischo


SatanLikesSprinkles said:
Mae walked through the doors to the new school she would now be attending after the "experiment"
"Wow, that serum made my head hurt" She thought as she looked up the spiral staircase where other students were walking up and down to their classes
Did you make your character in the Charcter sign-up?
CelestialBunny said:
When the boy came up and quickly left she was shocked. Another enhanced speed, just like me, she thought happily. She saw someone and went up to him. "Hello, I'm Elizabeth, what's your name?" She asked curiously. @Rayischo

Did you make your character in the Charcter sign-up?
As The Girl came to Ray, his surprised face turned into a smiling face. He bowed down to the little girl. "Hey, Nice to meet you Elizabeth, I'm Ray!" He said and hold out a hand to shake.

I see it now! But just one question, what type of manipulation because I have weather and elemental manipulation and Ray has some fire manipulation. What does your charcter have. (Don't think I'm being rude but I just want to get to know your character, maybe they can be close friends?)

"Hi Ray!" She shock his hand. "I don't want to be rude but what are your powers?" She knew everyone had powers because they were created. She smiled.
CelestialBunny said:
I see it now! But just one question, what type of manipulation because I have weather and elemental manipulation and Ray has some fire manipulation. What does your charcter have. (Don't think I'm being rude but I just want to get to know your character, maybe they can be close friends?)
"Hi Ray!" She shock his hand. "I don't want to be rude but what are your powers?" She knew everyone had powers because they were created. She smiled.
Np :) I have elemental manipulation as well, sorry i didn't make that clear xD
Ray's eyes widened and than smiled again with closed eyes. "I don't like it to talk about my powers. The only thing g I'll say you is, that I'm able to control Blood Red Fire." He said looked at her curiously. "Em... How old are you if I'm allowed to ask you?"

"I'm eight! Fire? I don't like the ability to control fire, to me it's a curse, that I have too." Sap he said frightenedly, she continued to ask him more questions, "tell me about you! I want to get to meet you" she said cheerfully.

OOC: Yay! Elementals, wait which ones my little girl can control all but shadow.
Mae walked over to @CelestialBunny "Don't you want to look around the school a bit more?" A tinge of irritation in her voice as she looked over to the older boy next to her. She really didn't get how Elizabeth could make friends so fast. "You know, they have a library Liz."
Elizabeth watched as her sister and Ray discussed. "Ok sis, bye Ray see you later" I said before I grabbed my sisters hand and walked towards the library. "According to the map, the library should be right.... Here" she said pointing to the Room that said 'Library'
"Sweet," Mae said, leading her sister behind her. After a few minutes of looking, she turned to Elizabeth. "So, that Ray guy, you two seemed to get along well. He a manipulator too?"
"A manipu- What?" Elizabeth looked at her sister, confused at what a manipulator was. "Ray is a 19 year old boy who can control some sort of Dark Fire?.... I think" she said happily.
"Oh, thats cool..." She trailed off. "Hey, maybe you could go meet some people around your age? You're good at talking to people, right?" This was just an excuse so she could have some alone time and find her dorm room. "I'm sure you'd enjoy making more friends."
"But I haven't seen other 8 year olds so far, I know there's one more but that's it" I responded upset. "Plus, I don't even know where I'm going to sleep" she said looking into her sisters eyes.

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