

Two Thousand Club
Character Name: Expellix
Race: Bunny Wabbit
Class & Level: Cleric of the Moon (17)

Hit Points: 157 ((6+3) x 16) + 13

Armor Class: 17 (10 + 6 Dexterity + 1 (Blade Barrier))

Strength Score: +0
Dexterity Score: +5 (+4 base score/+1 from ability increase at level 4)
Constitution Score: +3 (+1 from ability increase at level 16)
Intelligence Score: +5 (+3 base score/+2 from ability increases at levels 8 and 12)
Charisma Score: +1

Proficiency Bonus: +6

Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Light/Heavy Shields and Simple Weapons

Strength Check: +0
Dexterity Check: +5
Constitution Check: +2
Intelligence Check: +11 (+5 from Intelligence Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus)
Charisma Check: +8 (+1 from Charisma Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+1 from Adorable Rabbit)

Total Talent Trees Known: 2

Talent Trees Known: Two Weapon Fighting, Shadow Magic

Racial Abilities
Adorable Rabbit: By being an adorable rabbit, he gains +1 Charisma for being able to sway the minds of lesser creatures with his cuteness.

Very Smol: AoE attacks do -5 damage

Trait Talent - Intelligence
Cautious Mistake: When you roll a 1, the Attack of Opportunity made by your opponent deals only half damage.

Two Weapon Fighting
Passive Ability: You gain proficiency with all simple and martial finesse weapons. In addition, your hours of practice have made you capable of using two weapons at once. If you are using a Finesse weapon in your off-hand, you may make 1 attack with it on your turn.

(Tier 1 - Passive Buffs) Choose one of the following abilities:
Blade Barrier: You are skilled at using your offhand weapon as a makeshift shield. You gain a +1 AC when wielding an offhand finesse weapon.

(Tier 2 - Active Abilities) Choose one of the following abilities:
Uncanny Dodge (2 Round CD): When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use this ability to halve the attack’s damage against you.

Horde Breaker (4 Round CD): You have learned that the best way to hold back a horde of enemies is to assail them all with relentless attacks. When you use this ability, you may make a single weapon attack against every enemy near you.

(Tier 3 - At Will Abilities)
Dual Slice: When you hit with one of your main hand attacks, your off-hand attack deals an additional +4 damage.

Evasion: If you succeed on your Dexterity Check against a damaging spell, you take no damage instead of half damage.

Shadow Magic
Mind Blast (Unique Spell - Attack Action): You have learned to harness the powers of Shadow into powerful blasts. Your basic attack every round deals 1d10 shadow damage. Whenever you hit an enemy with this basic attack, their chance to hit is lowered by -1. This stacks up to 2 times and resets if you miss a basic attack.

At level 5 this spell does 2d10 shadow damage, at level 11 it does 3d10 shadow damage and at level 17 it does 4d10 shadow damage.

Shadow Bolt (Costs 4 Spell Points - Attack Action): You summon the shadows from around yourself and form them into a tangible bolt, which you then launch at an opponent. This spell does 1d8 shadow damage per level, to a maximum of 12d8 damage at level 12. This spell decreases the targets chance to hit by 1 for 3 rounds.

Descent Into Madness (Costs 3 Spell Points - Attack Action): You harness the shadows around you, gathering them into a small ball in front of yourself before letting it explode. Up to six nearby enemies of your choosing take 1d6 damage per level, to a maximum of 12d6 at level 12. All enemies get a Dexterity Check for half damage. Enemies are also afflicted by 'Confusion' which can have the following effects:
  • At the start of each of their turns, enemies roll a 1d6. On a 1-3, they act normally. On a 4-5 they do nothing that turn. On a 6 they attack their nearest ally.

Shadow Assassin (Costs 1 Spell Point - Attack Action): You call upon your enemies own shadow to attack them. When you cast this spell, their shadow takes on its own form behind the target and stabs them in the back once, dealing damage equal to your Mind Blast spell and decreasing their AC by 1.

Invisibility (Costs 2 Spell Points - Bonus Action): You call upon the void of night to mask your presence, rendering you invisible to others. While invisible you have a +4 AC. This invisibility lasts for 3 rounds before dropping.

Darkness (Costs 2 Spell Points - Reaction) You blanket the surrounding area in an impenetrable darkness, which only you and any allies you choose can see in. Enemies in the area have a -2 to-hit with all attacks during the spells duration, which lasts for 1D4+1 rounds.

Shadowform (Costs 4 Spell Points - Bonus Action): You call upon the void of night to empower your body. While this spell is active, you appear to be made of pure shadow. In this form you have a +2 AC, and all your basic attacks deal an additional 1D10 damage. In addition, the Spell Point cost of all abilities is reduced by 1. This spell lasts for 1d4+2 rounds.

(Harmony Spells)
Prismatic Spray (Costs 4 Spell Points - Attack Action): Harnessing the fury of the Sun, you unleash a devastating blast of magic which can have many different effects on an opponent. You can hit up to 4 enemies with this ability. Roll 1D6 to discover what the effect of the spell was. Roll a different d6 for each enemy.
  1. The target takes 1D6 fire damage + 1d6 per level, to a maximum of 12d6 at level 12. Enemies get a Dexterity Check for half damage.
  2. The target takes 1D6 radiant damage + 1d6 per level, to a maximum of 12d6 at level 12. Enemies get a Dexterity Check for half damage.
  3. Any ally around you is healed for 1d8 per level.
  4. The enemy is blinded for 2 rounds, giving them disadvantage on all attacks for the duration and giving attacks against them advantage. Enemies get a Constitution Check to avoid being blinded.
  5. The enemy is stunned for 1 round. Enemies get a Constitution Check to avoid being stunned.
  6. Re-roll two times, ignoring any more '6' options.
Cure Wounds (Costs 1 Spell Point - Bonus Action) You harness the power of the Sun to heal an injured ally. Choose one ally around yourself, and restore 1d8+1 per level, to a maximum of 1d8+5. There is no roll required for this heal. At level 5 this spell heals for 2d8+1 per level, to a maximum of 2d8+10. At level 9 this spell heals for 3d8+1 per level, to a maximum of 3d8+15. At level 15 this spell heals for 4d8+1 per level, to a maximum of 4d8+20.

Cleric (Moon) Abilities
  • As a Cleric of the Moon you have access to Light Armor, Medium Armor, Light/Heavy Shields, Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons.
  • As a Cleric of the Moon you gain access to the Shadow Magic tree.
  • As a Cleric of the Moon, your spell casting attribute is Charisma or Intelligence of your choice.
  • The calculation for your Spell Save DC is: 8 + Charisma or Intelligence Modifier (whichever is higher) + Proficiency Bonus.
  • As a Cleric of the Moon you add your Proficiency Bonus to Charisma and Intelligence ability checks.
    • Bane: Starting at level 1, you have learned to channel divine magic to curse enemies around you. When you use this ability, all enemies in your vicinity are cursed for 1 round. During this round, any roll that they make using a d20 has a 1d4 subtracted off the total, which the monster rolls for.
      • You can do this a number of times per day equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier.
      • At level 5, the subtracted number becomes 1d6. At level 11 it becomes 1d8. At level 17 it becomes 1d10.
      • Using this ability is a full round action, meaning you make no other actions that round.
Uses: 5
    • Desecrate: Starting at level 1, you can use the power of shadow with ruinous effect. You can call upon the power of darkness to damage all nearby enemies for 1d10 + your cleric level.
      • You can use this a number of times per day equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier.
      • At level 5, the damage becomes 2d10. At level 9 it becomes 3d10. At level 15 it becomes 4d10. At level 20 it becomes 5d10.
      • Using this ability is a full round action, meaning you make no other actions that round.
Uses: 5
    • Reaper: Starting at level 5, when you damage an enemy with a basic attack, you gain 5 temporary hit points. These hit points stack.
    • Potent Cantrip: Starting at level 9, you add your Charisma or Intelligence modifier to your basic spell attack damage.
    • Nights Wrath: Starting at level 11, when you critically strike an enemy you regain 1 Spell Point. This roll has to be a natural 20 to function.
    • Harmony: Starting at level 15, you can steal 2 spells from the Light School of magic and add them to your own spell list. These count as Shadow spells for you. If you already have both the Light and Shadow schools you may pick 1 spell from each and have its Spell Point cost lowered by 1.
Spells: Shadowform and Prismatic Spray
  • Divine Intervention: At level 20, you implore Luna to help you when your needs are great. The GM will roll a d100 and if the roll is a success, you just might get some much needed help. Or maybe not. Who knows?
    • Using this ability is a full round action, meaning you make no other actions that round.

Insight and Judgment - Finesse Simple Weapons: 1d8 damage + Dexterity, 3d6 Fire damage or Frost damage, +3 Epic Weapon, 19-20 Critical Strike

Coldstabby - Finesse Martial Weapon: 1d6 + Dexterity, 2d6 Frost damage, +1 Rare Weapon, 19-20 Critical Strike

Mind Blast - 4d10 damage + Intelligence, 19-20 Critical Strike

Insight and Judgment
Main-Hand (To-hit): +14 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Main-Hand (Damage): 1d8+8 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Damage (Frost or Fire): 1d6

Off-Hand (To-hit): +14 (+5 from Dexterity Score//+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Off-Hand (Damage): 1d8+8 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Damage (Frost or Fire): 1d6

Weapon Extra (To-hit): +14 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Weapon Extra (Damage): 1d8+8 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+3 from Epic Weapon)
Damage (Frost or Fire): 1d6

To-hit: +12 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus/+1 from Rare Weapon)
Damage: 1d6+6 (+5 from Dexterity Score/+1 from Rare Weapon)
Damage (Frost): 2d6

Shadow Magic
Mind Blast (To-hit): +11 (+5 from Intelligence Score/+6 from Proficiency Bonus)
Mind Blast (Damage): 4d10+5 (+5 from Intelligence Score)

Insight and Judgment
Twin axes crafted by Princess Luna, made from lunar steel and heavily enchanted. These blades are able to move and act on their own independently from Expellix. They also have Frost and Fire enchants on them (Frost on Insight and Fire on Judgment). Both axes are +3. Their power can be further unlocked by Luna. These are Simple weapons.

Current Enchantments (Rank 3 out of 5):
  • +3 bonus to hit and damage
  • 1d6 Frost damage or 1d6 Fire damage
  • Can act on their own
  • Can attack 3 times a round instead of twice
  • They dance for 4 rounds and you may use a bonus action to make 1 of them make an attack. The other defends, adding +2 AC to Expellix.

A Simple dagger with a frost enchantment placed on it, given by Princess Luna to him. It is a +1 weapon. It does 2d6 Frost damage on a hit.

Sapphire Pendant
Expellix acquired a necklace with a sapphire inlaid into the center of it from Luna. It helps with his rate of mana regeneration as well as gives him the ability to store a spell with a cost of 2 points or less in it.

Decanter of Endless Water
This stoppered flask sloshes when shaken, as if it contains water. The decanter weighs 2 pounds.

You can use an action to remove the stopper and speak one of three command words, whereupon an amount of fresh water or salt water (your choice) pours out of the flask. The water stops pouring out at the start of your next turn. Choose from the following options:
  • "Stream" produces 1 gallon of water.

  • "Fountain" produces 5 gallons of water.

  • "Geyser" produces 30 gallons of water that gushes forth in a geyser 30 feet long and 1 foot wide. As a bonus action while holding the decanter, you can aim the geyser at a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. Instead of a creature, you can target an object that isn't being worn or carried and that weighs no more than 200 pounds. The object is either knocked over or pushed up to 15 feet away from you.
Bag of Holding
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.

If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.

Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.
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