Exoprism OOC

Put the word spoiler in square brackets, then post your picture then follow it up with /spoiler in square brackets.

So, [potatoes]image here[/potatoes]

And replace potatoes with spoiler.
No problem. Helps to know the code stuff here and there. Look forward to doing with ya.
Woah woah woah woah Woaahhhhh


Neither of our characters are unique now because you decided to make him have white hair...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Do I need to change the picture that took me two hours to find?

^^; I hope I don't sound hostile, it's just like......... How would you feel if you owned a very successful bakery, that had the greatest tasting strawberry tart there ever was.... The recipe was passed down your family for generations and you worked hard to recreate it everyday... Well what if someone came along, took the recipe and then starting selling the same exact strawberry tart.....

It wouldn't be a good feeling would it.
Sorry! I would change the picture, but it's midnight here and I'm using an Ipad. Don't worry, I'll change it tomorrow if I get a chance.
I have no idea what that is, but I'm sleeping with a good and funny thought in mind. ^_^ And besides, great minds think alike. Good night!
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Yeah I don't get it either lol... The wording is a bit strange eeheh...

I'm pretty sure theres an earthquake
I don't think so omg

There's gonna be an attack from my stomach soon.... Shingeki no hunger...... 
I'm gonna eat something brb
Good, defend the fort while I'm gone bud 
That didn't take me too long...

How much of a child am I right now;

  • Chicken nuggets
  • Doritos
  • Oreos

My lunch
I had oreo's for breakfast. Mostly because my dad got me up about twenty minutes before we had to go to church. 
And the whole-wheat toast he made me just didn't work out.
Yes, let the new generation rise and raze the social etiquettes put in place by the ones before! Let us salt the land and set fire to the morals and beliefs! Youth! Youth!

Wait is that not what we are doing.....

I... I mean yeah... Youth! Youth!

... ^w^

Hip hip horray for innocence?

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