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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Chris saw Vanna at one of the trees and quickly turned to her, a bit hesitantly at first, and began to walk towards her. He then suddenly became a bird a flew over her before landing in one of the higher branches before changing back to his human form and without looking at her, he simply said,"Hey..."
Vanna noticed Chris fly up but landed on a different branch, "hey " she moved her notebook and pen over so it was balancing on the branch next to her. She turned her body so she was facing towards him "I'm sorry" she looked at him then looked back down "I don't know why I freaked out like that" she could feel a tear roll down her cheek, which started to burn her eyes
Chris shook his head and said,"No, it's my fault. I'm a hypocrite, I scare people off with my powers, I can't control it. I'm sorry, I truly am." He seemed to be choking on his words a little as he sighed and put his knees up to his face as he said,"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one in the wrong...I always am."
"You're not wrong, now that I think about it I'm actually kinda glad I seen that. I can finally clearly see exactly what people see when they look at me. It does change you, I've seen other vampires kill things but I don't know why watch you made me realize how much of a monster I am" she looked at him " I'm not afraid or scared of you, I never was and I never will be, I know you Chris, as you and believe me, you are the nicest and coolest guy I've met in a long time"
Chris looked down at her and said with a tear going down his face,"I don't see you as a monster! I almost see you as a normal person, I can't see you as a monster. You have control, I don't! Every time I change into a animal I get their instincts, sometimes when I turn into a wolf I want to tear you apart. When you were riding me as a horse my instincts were telling me to buck you off!" He then looked back up as he took a big breath and put his knees to his face again.
Vanna got up and climber up towards him and sat so she was righ in front of him. " Chris you have more control than I ever will, and believe me i know exactly how it feels, when this different part of you takes over and you have to fight to control it. I felt the same way every time you've been around me I wanted you, to kill you. The first two people I killed were my own parents, after that i helped to slaughter a whole town, I looked right into a little boy's eyes as I watched him die" tears started running down her face, burning her cheeks " I can't turn it off, but you can like right now your you" she dabbed the tears off of her face " I'm not telling you this because I want you to feel bad for me, I'm telling you this because you are so much stronger than you think, even stronger than me"
Chris watched as Vanna began to climb up, but remained silent with his face buried in his knees. The occasional sob would come out, but he seemed to be doing better after what she had told him. He didn't want to show Vanna his teary face and didn't want to ruin his masculinity.
When he didn't say anything back she turned from him, "I'll give you a minute" she looked down than jumped, she looked up at him. Then started walking, she didn't go far she hid behind a tree, and started crying, harder than she did before.
Evie frowned when there was no responce. She gave it a few more moments before turning to leave. "I guess I'll see you around." She didn't wait for him to reply before walking back into the dormatories. She walked through the hallways at a brisk pace, excited to have a moment to herself and rest. She doubted that she would be sleeping anytime soon but it had been a busy day and she was happy to have a moment to collect herself. When she reached the door to her room she unlocked it and immediatly plopped on her bed. She rested for several minutes before sitting back up and glaring at her packed bag. She hadn't yet taken a chance to set up her part of the room. She slowly unzipped her bag and began unpacking. She quickly put up her clothes before pulling out a fuzzy black blanket and placing it on her bed. She slapped up a few band posters and called it good. The rest she would get as she needed it, she had the basics. She glanced down at her watch and figured she still had time to kill, she slipped on a jacket and ran a brush through her tangled hair. Finished with everything she could possibly think of, she sat down on the couch and popped her earbuds in, before getting lost in the music.
Feliun suddenly turned back and looked at Dru.how did he know what i was thinking. Maybe he is a wizard. maybe i am just seeing an illusion. Surely, it must be an illusion. A 24/7 cafeteria what a lie! Erm, I must handle this carefully. I can't let him know that i realized this is an illusion, maybe just play along. " Oh! Are you sure that i won't offend you ?" asked El innocently. " well so what do you consume ? ", Fel added with a little award smile.

( italics denote my thoughts )
Ceil looked over at Ryu and frowned. "Awwww we just got here! Fiiiiiiine." She moaned and looked back at the girl. "You can come with us it you wanna." She said, smiling before running back up the beach and toward Ryu. "We should come back to this place sometime, and bring swimsuits so we can actually swim. And Evie could come along." She rambled as she walked.


@Ghostly Phantom
divyansh said:
Feliun suddenly turned back and looked at Dru.how did he know what i was thinking. Maybe he is a wizard. maybe i am just seeing an illusion. Surely, it must be an illusion. A 24/7 cafeteria what a lie! Erm, I must handle this carefully. I can't let him know that i realized this is an illusion, maybe just play along. " Oh! Are you sure that i won't offend you ?" asked El innocently. " well so what do you consume ? ", Fel added with a little award smile.
( italics denote my thoughts )
"I eat the hope in human's hearts. In rare instances I will consume their fear and use the power to amplify their fears. I have eaten the sweetest dreams and explored worlds that could never exist in a world dictated by reality. Hope is what I eat and boy oh boy is it an amazing meal." Dru smiled and his golden eyes calmed El slightly just by looking at him. (Way to tag me so Ii can respond) @divyansh
Mani smiled back at the girl, nodding with a tiny whisper of, "I'd like to." She followed them, almost forgetting to grab her flute from behind the tree. She skipped along the path, listening to the conversation with a joyful smile on her face. @Rosyshark

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