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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Chris looked up at Vanna to make sure that she hadn't fallen off and quickly swam upwards so Vanna would be able to see above the water while Chris swam around underwater. Chris hoped that Vanna was enjoying herself. Honestly, how many people could say that they rode on a shark named Chris.
Vanna looked around once they got back up to the surface, once Chris went back down Vanna kinda just stayed where she was, her jacket was starting to feel really heavy and she look under the water for Chris the water for her eyes was to dark for her to see that well, she headed back towards to shore.
Chris followed behind Vanna, but this time was a dolphin. He let out a few short clicks to let her know about that change and was swimming at her side. The dolphin kept a eye on Vanna just in case she needed anything.
As Vanna got closer to the shore she noticed that Chris was now a dolphin, she finally got out and took her jacket off. So now all she had on was her black tank top and her skinny jeans. She waited a minute before going back in.
Chris watched as Vanna came back into the water and did a small trick as he jumped out of the water and plopped back in. He then let out a few more clicks as he swam back towards her. It was clear that he was happy to be a aquatic animal for once.
"You just love to show off don't you" Vanna yelled out to Chris, she kinda though it was cute, she could tell that he was having a lot of fun
The dolphin looked up at Vanna and let out a short series of clicks. Basically the way a dolphin says,"Yes, yes I am." He then skipped across the water on his tail and did a few more flips and tricks before returning to Vanna and waiting for her to say something.
"I'm taking that as a yes " she couldn't help but laugh at him " I'll be right back dolphin boy" she went under the water and swam down to the bottom and wanted to see if she could still do something.....
Chris continued to swim happily, but when Vanna told him that she'd be back he stayed where he was and waited for whatever Vanna was going to do. He would occasionally snap at fish and actually ate one. He looked around a little to make sure that no one had seen him devour the fish.
Vanna made sure that she was in the right depth of water, at first she wasn't, she was out to far so she had to swim closer towards the shore. She looked up and noticed that Chris was actually eating a fish, something useful to know for later. Once she got into shallower water she stayed on the bottom, she started running and it was actually working as she got towards the shore she got faster and faster, she was out of the water completely she stopped and looked back "I can't believe that actually works"
Chris watched as Vanna ran from the ocean floor to the surface. He really didn't seem to care as he continued to eat more fish. He didn't really seem to care if someone was watching, but his stomach was rumbling from all those tricks and he could use a meal right about now anyways.
Vanna looked at him eating more fish "who's the crazy killer now" she was actually kinda mad at him, she ran off and went the other side of the school. How can he get so mad at me killing things for food then he does it and it's all fine and he doesn't even need it, it's almost like he's doing it for fun. She said to herself as she went back over to the nurses office and grabbed about 5 bags of blood and went into one of the trees and started eating. In the first time in a long time she wanted to actually kill something but no one here was really full human. 5 bags was definitely not enough but that's all she could take.
Chris watched as Vanna ran off and quickly jumped out of the water and ran after her as a basic cat and soon found her at a tree with five bags of blood. He pawed her leg a little and waited for her to say something, anything.

" so you have nothing to say for once" Vanna stood up and leaned back against the tree and crossed her arms "I seen you, and you really had the nerve to yell at me earlier for killing things and you did it too, and don't just say it's because you weren't yourself and that's just how you are when your an animal because that's what they do, well killing is what I do Chris so it's not far that it's okay for you to do it but not for me" she turned her whole body so she wasn't facing him.
The cat heard what she said and when she turned around he only let out a short mew and lowered his head in shame. He was such a hypocrite! He turned around and quickly began to run to his own room, he was clearly upset and wanted to go to his room for a moment. He eventually came back to his room and changed back to his human form and unlocked the door with his key and tossed himself onto his bed and mutter,"Why am I a hypocrite?"
Vanna could hear him leave, she needed a few minutes to calm herself down. She grabbed all of the empty bags and walked back towards the school. She got rid of the bags and went back to her room. She left her shoes and jacket at the beach but she really didn't care, she got to her room and changed into dry clothes and just sat on the couch and just stared at the wall

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Mani waved to the girl, a smile forming as she faded from sight. She placed her flute under a tree beside a girl with a cat pawing her. She ran her fingertips along the cat's back still invisible. Slowly, she made her way to the harpy girl and faded into the visible spectrum. "Hi." Her voice was soft, breathy as if someone caught a breeze and fashioned a voice for it.
Ryu couldn't quite see who Ceil was waving at, she didn't really care to look either. She kept watching the sun as it sank into the ocean. She looked down at her phone to check the time, already nine forty-two damn time went by pretty quickly. As she looked back to Ceil a girl appeared suddenly, it must have been who Ceil was yelling at. Ryu stood up and yawned, "Yo! it's getting pretty late we should probably head back soon, bring the new girl if you want but I think curfew is soon." As she yelled she waved them back toward her.

@Rosyshark @Ghostly Phantom
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Vanna started to feel bad about what she said to Chris, she got up and went over to the door but before she could open it she realized that she still had no clue where his room was, she didn't even have his number. she thought for a moment and just decided to go back out and hopefully he would find her again, she looked at the clock and noticed that it was really late so she didn't know how much time she would have. She walked out side and sat down on one of the benches.
Feliun looked at Dru after he completed. Fel suddenly took attention position and saluted Dru comically as he said, " YES SIR! THANK YOU DRU SIR! ". Feliun then proceeded to enter into the cafeteria. The place was quiet large with a rather high roof, high enough to fit a troll. As fell glanced downwards, he could see an army of chairs and tabled made from high quality oak set up symmetrically. He could see that the staff was still there and a few students were there eating or studying. Well studying in a cafeteria sounded little odd to Feliun at start but he soon realized the benefits of it. After all food and study were his favorite things to do, that is after sleeping. Fel turned back to Dru and asked, " Erm, this place is bigger than i expected. But what do they serve here ? "

divyansh said:
Feliun looked at Dru after he completed. Fel suddenly took attention position and saluted Dru comically as he said, " YES SIR! THANK YOU DRU SIR! ". Feliun then proceeded to enter into the cafeteria. The place was quiet large with a rather high roof, high enough to fit a troll. As fell glanced downwards, he could see an army of chairs and tabled made from high quality oak set up symmetrically. He could see that the staff was still there and a few students were there eating or studying. Well studying in a cafeteria sounded little odd to Feliun at start but he soon realized the benefits of it. After all food and study were his favorite things to do, that is after sleeping. Fel turned back to Dru and asked, " Erm, this place is bigger than i expected. But what do they serve here ? "
Dru put an arm around Feliun "this is a school for supernatural creatures, they have pretty much everything... just not what I eat." Dru shrugged then let go of Fel only to push him ahead of himself to get him to head towards a line "come on get in line its like we have been waiting for days, that is an order."
Feliun was struggled to maintain his balance when Dru drop his arm around him. It wasn't that fel was weak he was just caught off guard. El heard what Dru spoke, he wondered ' just not what i eat? what does he mean by this '. Fel was tempted to ask Dru this but he digressed. He didn't wish to risk offending him, after all Dru did warn him. After being pushed fel just walked straight into the line. He mummer, " Gee, he seems to have taken the 'sir' thing too seriously. "

@Drumonkey ( my last post done )
divyansh said:
Feliun was struggled to maintain his balance when Dru drop his arm around him. It wasn't that fel was weak he was just caught off guard. El heard what Dru spoke, he wondered ' just not what i eat? what does he mean by this '. Fel was tempted to ask Dru this but he digressed. He didn't wish to risk offending him, after all Dru did warn him. After being pushed fel just walked straight into the line. He mummer, " Gee, he seems to have taken the 'sir' thing too seriously. "
@Drumonkey ( my last post done )
Dru had followed his new friend for lack of better word into the line. Dru could almost feel his hesitance to ask the question Dru had left on the table and chuckled hoping that this meant the kid was learning how asking the wrong question could seriously offend someone and that isn't something you should go around doing. "You know I can almost hear your want to ask what it is I eat, feel free to ask." Dru chuckled then at his murmured comment and decided to let it pass without comment.
Chris looked around for a moment in his room as he sighed and left. He quickly changed to his cat form and began to scurry around campus, did anyone want to converse with a cat?
Vanna sat in one of the trees, she had a notebook and a pen, for a few minutes she was kinda just drawing, she started thinking about what happened with Chris, she could see a cat running around she knew right off it was him. She really wanted to talk to him but she really had no clue what to say or if he would even want to talk to her after all that she said. She stayed where she was and hoped that for some reason he would come and talk to her.

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