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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Vanna could tell that he was mad, she stood up "doesn't matter to me" she went back over to the other side of the room, she looked through her clothes for something more comfortable to wear. She pulled out a black tank top and grey sweat pants, she really didn't care that he was in the room she figured he wouldn't want to look at her any was. As she was changing she looked back over to Chris, Now he knows how I felt when he was pressuring me to eat real food she thought to herself. Once she was done she grabbed a bottle of lotion and sat down on the other end of the couch. maybe him staying up all night with me won't be as fun as I thought

Chris smiled as he said,"Narnia it is!" He then watched the movie for a while until a scene came where the lion had roared and Chris only said,"That was so weak, even I can do better than that!" He then shook his head and joked,"Mr.Lion, for shame!"

Ceil shrugged. "I think she said her name was Rose, she seems nice, made me tea and didn't get mad when I slammed the door open on accident." She sail walking along. "I asked her if she wanted to come with us but she said no. I'm guessing she's probably adjusting in her own way. But maybe next time she'll wanna come with." She added smiling. "But yeah that's about all I know. Nice, shy, named Rose. I don't even know what she is." She huffed before pausing. "well honestly I don't know what y'all are either but I dunno if asking that is rude or something so I'll just leave that question up in the air if y'all wanna answer it or not."

@TheFrozenShadows @Love You to Death
Evie stared at her for a moment, before opening her mouth to speak. "I'm a siren, and I'm sure you can figure out what we do if you don't already know." She paused and flashed a charming smile, "Maybe I can sing for you sometime," and you'd do whatever I wanted, she added to herself. While quite useful at times her powers didn't seem fair to her. She could make anyone give up their free will for her sake, even take them kill themselves. There was no denying that the nature of her powers were dark and that in itself made her dark as well. She wasn't entirely sure if she liked it, but she supposed it was better than being a god dammed fairy.

@Rosyshark @TheFrozenShadows
Vanna sat there, some what focusing on the movie. "you probably can" she said in a calm but not harsh tone. As the movie went on she got a little more into it, more than she thought she would. Once it was near the end she almost wanted to ask him what movie was next but kept her mouth shut. A comedy would be a perfect movie to watch right about now

Chris looked at Vanna and could tell she was loving the movie, the credits soon started to play and Mike popped open the laptop and loaded up a Madea movie. He smiled at Vanna as he said,"You're going to love this movie, trust me." He then settled down on the couch and waited for the movie to start.
Vanna moved closer to him so she could see the movie better, "what is it" she looked at the screen while it was still loading she pulled her knees up to her chest " tired yet" she moved her eyes from the screen over to Chris

Chris shook his head and said,"The magic of energy drinks are wonderful." He then looked up at the screen and said,"Madea!" The movie started and five minutes in and Chris had already began laughing his head. He chuckled and laughed until he couldn't breathe anymore and started coughing.

This could be fun... Ryu let her fangs show, and made her eyes start to glow, her claws now shown, and horns like those of rams came spiraling from her head. She made as scary of an expression as a cute little girl could, she began to growl and tapped Ceil on the shoulder. As Ceil turned to face her Ryu did her best death metal scream voice, "I'M A FUCKING DEMON!" She hopped Ceil would be at least a little scared from her little DEMONstration (heh puns).

@Rosyshark @Love You to Death
Vanna couldn't help but start laughing, half of it was because of the movie the other half was because of how Chris was reacting to it, once he started coughing she paused the movie giving both of them a second to calm down, it didn't take her long, but she looked over at him "are you okay"

"Siren? That's so cool-" Ceil paused when she felt the tap on her shoulder. She turned only to hear Ryu's extremely loud and startling scream. She stepped back when Ryu screamed. She stood there for a second in silence, with a look of pure shock and it was obvious she was started. After a moment her face shifted to a huge grin and stepped forward took a breath. "AND I'M A FUCKING HARPY!" She yelled back, wings splayed. Though it was sort of pitiful sounding compared to Ryu's scream. Ceil just started to giggle. "That was freaking scary dude, how did you do that?" She asked, her smile not leaving.

@TheFrozenShadows @Love You to Death
Ryu began to laugh at Ceil's reaction, and even more at her attempt to do what she'd just done. "Did you not just hear what I said? I em an demon, I got da scery en meh blood," as she spoke her voice became sort of robotic and sarcastic. She retracted her claws and fangs and had her horns disappear. However she kept her eyes aglow, she liked how they looked better that way then normally. She spoke up again, "And so what's the plan, your roommate or just wander around, sorry if I'm being dumb I just didn't get what you guys really wanted to do."

@Love You to Death @Rosyshark
Evie laughed and watched her two new friends. As she laughed she began to wonder, how Ceil could go out in public. If she were indeed trying to hide the fact she wasn't human from those who wouldn't understand, such as humans themselves, it didn't seem possible. Perhaps the answer to her question would be to simply live somewhere within the supernatural world, away from most humans. She was jolted out her thoughts by Ryu's question, "I think we planned on wandering, but you'll have to excuse me. I promised my little brother I'd call him, can I catch up with you guys in an hour or two?"

(I gotta go for the night, apparently sleep is necessary)

@TheFrozenShadows @Rosyshark
Chris laughed and laughed until he finally managed to say,"Yeah, yeah I'm good...all clear." He then started the movie back up and began to having his laughing fits again and said,"This is hilarious!!" while laughing and pointing at Madea dropping a car in the street from a forklift and shouting for the lady to call the popo and sliding into her car.
Ciel nodded. "I think we're just wondering. And aw alrighty Evie." She said, faking a pout. It didn't hold up for long though, soon she was smiling again. "We can all meet up again later!" She added before looking back at Ryu. "So shall we now wonder the campus in search of lonely people in need of new friends and the possibility of adventure?!" She asked, trying to sound as over dramatic as she could, even adding some emphasis with a confident pose.

@Love You to Death @TheFrozenShadows
Ryu waved off Evie, and in an attempt to balance out Ceil's energy she spoke with little excitement and a very bored out of her mind face, "sure." She gave a big and drawn out sigh before walking in a random direction. "We've got an entire island to search, I wouldn't be against starting at the beach or something. Just an idea though," Ryu looked around them as she spoke looking for something interesting, she didn't like making decisions but figured she'd give a little input on what they where they were going to go.

Dru was in front of the school looking at the sky unsure of what to do. The few people he had met didn't like him or had run off so he didn't know what to do or say anymore. @anyone
The moon had been engulfed by the clouds and the stars seemed to have lost their shine in the dark of the night. The school's gate was closed and it had been a while since the fog had settled down. Even the sound of a cricket chirping were absent and the only sound that broke the spell of silence was of the wind as it rustled through the foliage surrounding the school's entrance. The place didn't seem terrifying even at this hour. It seemed to have a certain peace to it, one that would make anyone feel content.

This peace is soon broken a high pitched buzzing. It was the sound of a portal. From the portal more noises came, disrupting the quiet of the place even further. " You got the charge? The headphones? And the money? " said a feminine voice through the portal. Accompanying the voice came a young lad, about 5 feet 9 inchs in size with a slender body. " Yea mum, I got it all " said the boy as he backtracked from the portal and in front of the school. The boy was none other than the heir of the Elgar family of mages, Feliun Elgar. Feliun wore a lose fit shirt that had red and white stripes and over it he had a black thin jacket that hanged by his shoulders. A pair of glasses that seemed a little too large rested on Fel's tiny nose and his short cut black hair seemed to mix with the night. Feluin had been holding a blue traveling bag with him that he had dragged out with him.

Feliun turned around as the portal closed, leaving purple colored glow as it closed. Feliun seemed surprised. He looked around confused. Fel shook his head left and right wondering why the gate was closed and why was it so dark. Maybe another magician was showing his skills or perhaps Fel had come to a wrong place. El scrambled through few more thoughts before realizing what had happened. " Awww Nutts! " He exclaimed. " The time zone! How did you forget about that genius?! " grunted the boy.

Fel took a few steps forward towards the gate. He wasn't sure if his late entry would be permitted or even welcomed by the school staff. ' Maybe i can just sneak in. They don't seem to have a guard or something. Well lets just hope they don't have dogs. ' The image of a grey Pitbull running towards feliun came to his mind. Fel face seemed terrified, he was about to start running but instead shrugged the face off. Fel was certainly not getting scared of a dog anymore. He is to become the leader of the might Elgar family soon.

El Silently walked towards the giant gate, trying to avoid making any sound. He didn't want to grab anyone's attention. " Oh well, here goes nothing " said fel as he pushed the huge gate. The gate opened smoothly. It seemed that the school was said to be prestigious for a reason, they did maintain their stuff well. This was a good news for fel as unlike any movie the gate didn't make a screeching noise and caught someone's attention. Fel moved in with a smile. He felt blessed to have got in without attracting anyone's attention. After all who would like to get caught by the staff and be lectured on the very first day. Fel continued his walk towards the school campus. He blended well in the night even with his flashy cloths and bag. Fel had nearly reached the campus when his phone begun to ring and it rang rather loud. El hurried to silent it but he knew this might be too late. He Quickly pulled it out and silenced it and then proceeded to look around, maybe expecting a big freaking dog running to leap onto him.
"No dogs especially not a pitbull you shouldn't be worried about things like that. Why did you get here so late kid?" Dru seemed to appear behind the boy when in actuality he had been outside thinking when this boy seemed to maybe portal in and seemed worried when Dru saw the image of a pitbull chasing him causing him to chuckle faintly before walking up to the kid his socks not making a sound and that was when he spoke. @divyansh
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Vanna wasn't laughing as much as Chris was but she still thought it was hilarious. "This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen" she said as she started laughing at a different scene and kinda wanted to look away but she just couldn't.

Chris laughed and laughed until he eventually fell asleep half way through the movie. He had already drank his energy drink, and he didn't have any sugary snacks. He then started snoring and seemed to be out like a light.
Once Vanna noticed Chris fell asleep, she moved turned to movie off then moved him so he was laying down on the couch, she put a blanket over him then took the laptop and grabbed some headphones and went over and sat in the recliner. She put on a movie that she knew she could stay quiet during the entire movie so she wouldn't wake him up. She thought it was kinda cute to see him sleep.

Ciel paused and looked at Ryu. "There's a beach here?" She asked before bonking herself on the head with her wing, in a fashion imitating when someone puts their palm to their forehead. "Of course there is, this is an island! Lets go look at the beach! Maybe we'll see little beach critters!" She rambled as she ran ahead to where she thought the beach might be.

Kazurei walked up to the school his arms high in the air with Chisai on his shoulder. "Look at it Chisai isn't it cool just think of all the fun we'll have here!" Chisai growled. "Rrraaahhhh." Kazurei nodded. "Well yeah strong magical people will be here." Chisai growled again. "We talked about this you can't just eat the first strong student you see. You can eat there magic but only if they are fighting us." Kazurei threw a piece of candy in the air ready to eat it when it fell but Chisai's tounge lashed out and ate the candy. Kazurei looked at him. "Hey come on that was mine!" Chisai just growled and looked away.
Evie walked around the campus until she saw a bench overlooking the forest near the entrance of the school. She pulled her hair out from her ponytail and ran her hand through the tangles. She quickly dialed her brothers number and held the phone up to her ear. She lazily leaned back against the bench and waited as the phone rang. "Ugh, for once in your life can you answer the stupid phone?" She demanded as the it went though to voicemail. "If you ever ask me to call you again, you'd better learn to pick up your god damn phone." She hung up and shoved her phone back in her pocket. She should've figured he wouldn't pick up but she had hoped for a chance to talk to her family. She sighed and leaned back, letting her hair hang over the edge of the bench,

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