Exalted MUSH Opening!


New Member
Hey, all!

You may remember a post about an Exalted MUSH about a month and a half or two months ago on a bunch of different Exalted forums. It said that the MUSH was currently in beta and that we were accepting limited applications, and we got a great response! Now that we've had a chance to tie down some loose ends with the code and sorted out our server, all of our applications are finished and we're ready to open up to the public!

At this time, we're accepting applications for Dragon-Blooded, God-Blooded, Half-Caste, thaumaturge, and heroic mortal characters. While Celestial Exaltation is not now and has not been open since the game was started, the staff of the MUSH are currently reviewing our plan for introducing Celestial Exalts as playable characters for a limited subset of experienced players on the MUSH. Once the playerbase matures and we've got a strong, constant flow of role-playing, players who have shown commitment to roleplaying and the MUSH may be allowed the chance to play a Celestial Exalt of their choice!

What is a MUSH, you ask? A MUSH, or Multi-User Shared Hallucination, is an online setting in which a text-based game can be played. They can be accessed through telnet or through any number of shareware MUSH clients for PC or Macs. Once you've logged into the MUSH, you can apply for a concept, and once that's approved, you can go through our character generation procedure, which is entirely automated and gives you the flexibility to design a character just like you would in a tabletop game.

Our playerbase is currently around 50 people and we're looking forward to expanding, as TinyPlots (or game sessions moderated by a Storyteller) are being run, on average, at least once a day. When there isn't an ST around, however, players have the option of taking their characters onto the 'grid'-- our In-Character area-- to enjoy roleplaying with other characters without a Storyteller around. Once they're done roleplaying, they can submit Recommendations for each other based on how much they liked the other players' posts. Those Recommendations correlate directly into experience points.

Not just a little experience, either; every single TinyPlot run by a Storyteller nets characters, at the very least, one XP per hour played, and many award more. Moreover, every two days, the MUSH automatically checks to see how much time you've spent on the grid, and if you've spent at least an hour (that's only a half an hour every day) you'll be rewarded with one experience point. All recommendations, moreover, are worth at least one experience point, so it's entirely possible to receive, for ten hours of play, 15 experience points. Without a problem. Players have, in the past, received upwards of 20 experience points in one week of semi-active playing, so while starting characters aren't as strong as characters who've been playing since the MUSH was started, we've seen the gap close rapidly between the highest experience characters and the starting characters in a matter of a few days.

We're also taking applications for plotstaff-- people to play on the MUSh as Storytellers. While our active Storytellers have been able to run plots just about every other day since we've opened, the plotstaff wants to play their characters as well, and having more Storytellers can't be a bad thing!

I hope this caught some of your interest, and if it has, open up telnet (or download a MUSH client: I recommend SimpleMu, as it's shareware that's very user-friendly) and access the following site:

Host: exaltedmush.net

Port: 9009

Thanks for all of your time, and I hope to see some of you there!

--Swan Dragon, Plotstaff and Public Relations
this is something i'd be quite interested in

i have one question though before i go for it though

it's something i've had issue with before when trying similar things

what time's are people normally around

i'm from the Uk myself andf have had horrible trouble in the past due to the majority of people being on US time and so not being able to get on when other people are.
We have one ST and a number of players from Europe, so there's enough traffic throughout the day to keep people who want to go IC happy. ;)
This is...well, to be honest, I have no idea WHAT it is.  I've never had any experience with MUSH'es in the past, so I don't know how to interact.  I did download SimpleMU and got connected.  Once there tho, no idea on how to actually create a character.  Can someone throw me a bone here?
Once you've created an account you type pn to get into the player's nexus and from there cg to generate a character (The locations you can exit to along with what to type to get there are at the bottom of the screen). I believe you need concept approval but have no idea where you would get this since the exaltedmush.net website doesn't have anything on it.

EDIT: Ah, if you go to http://www.exaltedmush.net you can contact the administrators through it and then I suppose that's how you get your concept validated (?)
Actually no I was wrong, when you enter the game you can get your concept approved by typing +request/add concepts/<your concept here>

then go to chargen

EDIT: Might as well add that it looks pretty damn sweet to me, the place descriptions that I've seen (not many so far) were well written, the people I talked to were cool (Admittedly that kinda goes without saying as they were Exalted players), and information is easily available in the help and news menus
Yup, 'twas Isidoros who helped me through it, approved my concept etc. I've actually finished my character creation, I'm just taking ages to write out a massive background story before I finish up 8)
Draw away your eyes, young friend. You would traipse upon a den of iniquity far removed from these blessed shores.
Naughty then? Like the Freedom stone forums...

I'm gonna go lurk there and see for myself what has become of this grandiose dream. More on this if it occurs to me to review it.

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