[Exalted 2nd edition] Heroes of Whitewall continued


Bust :(
I'll just copy the relevant portions of Melissia's post from the first thread.

here's the premise:

  • As the Realm begins its civil war, the Threshold feels a freedom it hasn't had in ages, and they move to increase and consolidate their power. The Guild becomes bolder in its business deals, and some nations openly flout the Immaculate Order for their own religions... rumors even say that Halta hires Anathema to help it in its war against the Linowan nations! Other such stories have reached Whitewall about the other three directions, such as the Lintha of the western direction being braver than ever.
  • In the North, the Bull of the North takes full advantage of the situation, starting his march on Whitewall. And yet several people exalt within Whitewall itself, as if chosen to defend the holy city against all forms of desecration, and restore it to its former glory... just in time for the popularity of the Immaculate Order to reach all-time lows (not that it was ever much-beloved within Whitewall). More and more symbols of the Unconquered Sun have been revealed as time goes on, and the cheap white concrete proves it cannot last like the titular white wall that surrounds the city formerly known as Ondar Shambal.
  • Within the Shadowlands near Whitewall, the walking dead learn of these exaltations,and fear that it will lead to the activation of the beacons on The Traveler's Road, pushing back the Shadowlands and creating a route safe from the undead to Wallport-- an idea that pleases certain Gold Faction Sidereals, as it would help restore faith in the Solars as well as push back the Shadowlands, restoring the area more and more to Fate. That it would strengthen the region against the Bull of the North would certainly be a bonus, since he represents a Solar the Sidereals can't yet control.

This is intended to be a Solar Circle game, though it doesn't have to be a Perfect Circle. Players aren't necessarily natives of Whitewall, but it would help to be native of the North at least. I'll try to balance based on what kind of solars everyone makes and what charms/abilities they pick, and include both social and physical combat, as well as opportunities for other kinds of accomplishments such as crafting and the like. If there are Infernals or Deathknights, they will be NPCs, not player characters.

We will be using the 2.5 errata with a minimal amount of house rules, mostly related to resolving fights against groups of antagonists quicker.

Game is on Sundays from 7:30 to 11:30 pm EST.

Suggested reading, for those interested:

  • Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The North (in its entirety)
  • Compass of Celestial Directions: Yu-Shan (re: The Syndics)
  • Compass of Celestial Directions: The Underworld (re: Marama's Fell)

There is a Dropbox account setup for the game as well and we will be using RPdom's TeamSpeak server.


  • Ithle


  • Playing an Twilight

If you have any questions feel free to PM myself or Melissia.
I would be interested in joining this game. Note that this would be my first exalted game ever. after taking the time to read and understand the core rulebook (I havn't read the erretta) I think I have a good understanding of whats going on. I originally wanted to try out the twilight caste, but might opt for the zenith or night caste. Is this okay?
Feel free to PM me with any questions or character ideas, I'd find it much easier to coordinate and communicate that way.
hehe alright I'll work on my character idea will probably get it finished by 8:00pm my time.. so in about 2 hours and 21 minutes. if I don't finish it by then I'll finish it in the morning and pm you what I have
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Very interested, I'd ideally like a Dawn, but I can work with a Twilight or Eclipse if I must.
I would just recommend submitting character concepts as castes are very flexible. It's not an issue if two people are a Twilight, so much as if two people are playing the same Twilight. For example, Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man are both good examples of Twilights, but they could be in the same group without stepping on each other's toes because they don't have much overlap in their specializations.
alrighty then. just 2 more posts after this then i guess.

edit: hmmmm it still won't let me PM anyone....
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Since I'm still too new to send a PM,

@Alectai, If you want to play a Dawn caste too go ahead, I'm only going Dawn because the god I'm basing him on, is a war god who's name means Frenzy
If you can't use the PM function just give me a rough idea in this thread I guess. The main reason I was suggesting PMs is because it's more like having a conversation with someone.
ResourceHog said:
alrighty then. just 2 more posts after this then i guess.
edit: hmmmm it still won't let me PM anyone....
It can take up to half an hour once you get 10 posts for the system to automatically give you your proper permissions. You can now profile comment, signatures, etc.
So far I've had ResourceHog and Sarodinian PM me, so I'm still available to take more character ideas, I'm mostly just waiting for PMs to arrive. We almost certainly won't be gaming tomorrow, but if anyone wants to show up and talk I'll be on RPdom's TeamSpeak at about 7:30 PM EST. Just look for the channel with me or Melissia in it.
Hopefully I'll have a replacement by next sunday.

General ability prioritized,

1. Sorcery,

2. War Charms

3. Personal Combat

4. Diplomacy n' shit

5. Ride Charms.
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Alright, after some discussion with Ithle, I'm going to go with a Zenith-caste songstress, who, in addition to her performance charms, is learning Silver-Voiced Nightingale from her past life.
I'm interested in playing. I can't PM so I'll include my character concept below and you can PM me if you'd like to discuss it.

Mellifluous Muse of Sagacious Counsel was a member of Whitewalls diplomatic corps prior to exaltation as an Eclipse Caste. She is a masterful manipulator who would much rather see the enemies of Creation destroy each other than lift a finger to harm them personally. She has an unhealthy fascination with the more civilized threats to Whitewall and Creation, especially the Fair Folk. She sees their inability to break a sworn oath as a grave weakness she is supremely qualified to exploit. She recklessly believes that the more dangerous her enemies, the more useful they become as tools against each other. Through negotiations with the Guild, the Realm, the Haslanti League, and the Fair Folk she has developed an addiction to the finer things in life, and likes to surround herself with the exotic.

Motivation: To sew discord amongst Creatures of Darkness (Balorian Crusade against the Underworld?)

She has a Sidereal Sifu (Black Claw Style?) whom she contacts simply by taking a table in any teahouse in Creation and ordering two cups of her Sifu's favourite. The moment the tea is served if her Sifu is not busy something inevitably distracts everyone such that the seat opposite her is unobserved and when she turns back her Sifu is sipping their drink quietly as if they had been there all along.

I envision her Virtue Flaw being a function of her hubris. She cannot do anything simply, and everything must be accomplished all at once in a labyrinthine scheme or not at all.

It might also be interesting to have the Lover's exaltation, and it would fit the character.

I haven't worked out the details, but she exalted after convincing a Raksha to accept a group of ghosts as payment in lieu of a Guild slave shipment to subsequently provoke a warband in Mamara's Fell to seek revenge against the Fair Folk. Having exalted she convinced the Guild merchant to set the slaves free in exchange for a future favour.
Hopefully I'll have a replacement by next sunday.
General ability prioritized,

1. Sorcery,

2. War Charms

3. Personal Combat

4. Diplomacy n' shit

5. Ride Charms.
One of the players is already taking sorcery, now sorcery is a big expanse so this isn't a huge deal, just make sure you coordinate so there's no overlap. If by War charms you mean mass combat I would recommend staying away from mass combat stuff because I mostly ignore it in favor of house rules that make it manageable and not a terrible mess.

Alright' date=' after some discussion with Ithle, I'm going to go with a Zenith-caste songstress, who, in addition to her performance charms, is learning Silver-Voiced Nightingale from her past life.[/quote']
We're using the 2.5 errata so I'll have to update Silver-Voiced Nightingale, but that shouldn't be a big deal because I recall that was one of the weaker styles with only a couple problematic charms.
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