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Everything Changes.


Gay for Natalie Dormer
Reserved for Laine and I!

Cas and Ade's world is turned upside down, when the United Galactic Government turns against the Time Agency- seeking to wipe out all knowledge of their scandal.
Cassidy strolled down the hallway, next to Adrian, after a long trip to the agency in Andromeda. He was well-worn from the familial argument that had stained his memory of the visit, but he was happy over one thing- his new tattoo on his right hand, which was firmly grasped in Adrian's (his new drahy) hand. The couple strolled into his room, dropping their packs on the floor. It looked the same as when he last stayed there- books and clothes strewn all over the ground and furniture. A sure sign of Cas' stay.

Cas brought Adrian over to the bed, motioning for him to sit. "You've never stayed here before." Cas grinned, laying down on the flat surface, closing his eyes and letting wisps of his messy hair float up around his head, shifting with his position. "What do you say- want to-?"

Cas was interrupted by a sharp 'beeeeeep', and the Lieutenant stood immediately, a hologram coming out of the wall. "Cassidy Petar, Lieutenant, confirm?" Cas saluted the face in the illusion, now standing tall and straight as a pin, eyes staring one thousand miles away. "Confirmed, Major." The message then switched to an automated one, made for all officers.

"All officers are to report to the bridge, for a brief meeting. You are dismissed from whatever duties you are performing, and are ordered to attend in five minutes." As soon as the message clicked off, Cas cursed, tugging off his nasty t-shirt, simultaneously hopping out of his shoes and cargoes. He looked over his shoulder at Adrian, "I'm in a real hurry you know- But if only for what you are thinking~"

The Lieutenant swung a hand out, snatching a pressed uniform off the closet door. He hurriedly slid into it, pulling a black, tight and clean t-shirt over his raven locks, and shoving the hemline into dark, steely pants. Soon he was pushing on a cadet's hat, over unruly hair, and hurrying out the sliding door in a high-neck officer's, formal uniform. "Come on, Ade!"
Ade cocked an eyebrow as he sat on the bed, “I’m thinking, this binding was a mistake, if my drahy is constantly being called away from his real duty.” There was a snigger at the end as Cas tore his shirt off. Adrian tugged at his less-than clean clothes, wondering if he too should get changed – but then again, all he had in his suitcases were vacation clothes, for hot weather. Your joke continues, o hilarious one.

“How does it feel to wear actually clean clothes?” The doctor remarked. He frowned at the stone-coloured uniform, which he rarely got to see Cas wear in the flesh. It warped into a smirk as the hat was forced onto the Lieutenant’s messy hair. “Oh. Wow.” He cooed, voice laced with sarcasm as he was scooted out the door. “I thought this was the TA, not a fashion parade.”

He followed Cassidy down the narrow corridor towards the bridge. The announcement replayed over the intercom, in a slightly more urgent tone as they approached. Officers of varying ranks were streaming out of doors, in the same direction as he and Cassidy. “Hm. Big meeting.” He sniffed, catching up with Cas, who was steamrolling ahead, “I’ve never seen so many agents. Must be important, right?” Ade frowned. The mention of brief made him think what it might be – the announcement of another lost Time Agent, perhaps? He bit his lip in anxiety as they approached the door, only for a supervising agent to catch him by the shoulder.

Excuse me, sir-” She growled, nodding at Adrian’s lack of uniform, “It’s officers only inside. Maintenance crew and er – custodians should report to their own station.”
"Oh, ha. Ha." The agent peeked over his shoulder, "At least I don't look like I just came from a surf club."

Cassidy turned at the doorway, reaching up and ruffling Adrian's hair, snickering at the commentary. "Stay here, alright... Custodian? Should be quick." The dark haired Lieutenant entered the room, disappearing through automatic doors in a second. Cas followed the long line of agents, standing in the center of the floor behind the commander, along with the others in a uniform mass. He saw Lydia across the room, with several other Captains, and she waved in greeting. She knew he was supposed to come, but hadn't known that he had already arrived.

Within seconds, a hologram rose from the floor, and the doors shut as the last officer arrived. The soft light filled the room, and other lights dimmed. The agents all snapped to a sharp salute, chins raised and staring into the black space through the window before them. The lit blue woman strode around, pacing for a moment. "We are approaching your location, Commander."

The man at the head of the bridge nodded, and the agents behind him relaxed, patiently waiting as he asked about the nature of their visit. With a large 'vroom', a ship the size of a three skyscrapers materialized, grinding to a halt in a streak of yellow light from slowing so quickly. "We are happy to have you, Ms. President. But, I must ask why you must visit, and why you called us here toda-"

The United Government's President raised her hand, stopping the question as if she was annoyed. "The matter, dear Commander Cirshen, is that the agency is being terminated." The man at the head of the bridge visibly stiffened, and barked a quick 'what?' at the hologram, who turned her back. "Fire all weapons when ready upon the bridge of Andromeda, gunsm-" The communication cut, leaving nearly one hundred shocked and confused agents standing in awe and bewilderment.

Nearly all at the same time, almost every gray uniform in the room sprung into action. People began screaming, running towards the narrow exit. Cas turned on his heels, pushing at the exit, clawing through uniforms as people were knocked over. People like the commander and command staff were running from panel to panel, rapidly pushing buttons and trying to bring up a shield to protect the ship. Screaming, was all anyone could hear. The mess of gray arms all anyone could see.

Cas, as a lower ranking officer, stood near the back of the bridge, with the Lieutenants. Luck at its finest. No one wanted to push any comrade down, to climb over their bodies to get to the exit. But it was a survival response- a panic. Cas recoiled as a palm struck his face, right in the nose. Blood spurted from the orifice, but Cas didn't feel it through the mind numbing terror that had descended upon every single one of them.

Cas, barely through the door.

Cas, ten feet from the door, grabbing his drahy by the shoulder.

Was the only explanation given, before a ripple beneath the floor brought the panels up, sending the two of them skidding across the floor, sliding towards a short ramp that led into the dome hub. Cas clawed at the floor; clawed at Adrian's shirt- and dragged them both up, pulling him further away as the space behind them erupted into pure flame, and a new stabilizing barrier cut off that part of the ship.
Ade was waiting practically at the other side of the door, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. His face scrunched as he grimly thought of what was on the menus for dinner later that night – nothing pleasant, by his standards, he was sure. The doctor lifted his head as he heard a faint rumble, the screams of terror drowned out by the bridge’s soundproofing. As the door slid open, stony-clothed Agents suddenly exploded out, crawling on top of each other like a mad animal stampede. Bewildered, Adrian flattened himself out against the wall, letting the stream of Agents pass him by. He was jolted as he felt a hand on his shoulder and a scream in his ear, and then suddenly flew forwards, pushed by the shockwave of the first blast landed on the Agency.

Ade’s vision slowly cleared, as Cas was picking him off his feet and dragging him towards the dome – the most shielded part of the ship. He blinked at the Lieutenant, unable to fully process what was happening, and looked at his moving lips, where the bottom half of his face was stained with blood from his nose. Thankfully, the doctor’s feet moved even when his mind wouldn’t, and they both sped through the hallway, dodging felled Time Agents and debris. Behind them, a bubble-like containment field formed around the open wound in the Andromeda HQ, preventing the inevitable vacuum that would suck them out otherwise.

Cah- Cas-“ Ade gasped, terror and confusion tinging his words as they continued down the hallway. The Lieutenant’s hand was still firmly clamped to his drahy’s shirt, forcing him ahead. Another blast fired – further away, this time aimed at the maintenance and custodian stations – and Adrian collapsed as his insides shook from the fallout.

Adrian felt a harsh tug on his shirt as Cas urged him to stand, and although the doctor made no effort to move, he gently began to drift upwards, and towards Cassidy. The gravity generator on the wall spat sparks and made a buzzing sound, before re-activating and throwing Adrian back onto the ground. Ade scrambled to get up, almost throwing himself at Cas as they thundered down the hallway, “Cas- Whah- what the hell is-“ He asked breathlessly as they neared the dome ramp, eyes begging for some kind of rational explanation – surely this is some kind of drill?!
Cas altogether ignored Adrian, not having time to explain; they only had time to run for their lives. Cas' eyes bulged when he felt his feet lift off the ground, as if he had jumped. The agent pedaled towards the ground, swimming through the air in an attempt to keep moving. Cas landed on his feet seconds later, and dragged his lover up with him, resuming their escape down the hallway. As they scrambled down the hall, the ship began to tilt to the right, making Cas lose his balance and barely miss falling down another side corridor.

The Lieutenant clung to the paneling, sweating from the exertion of their escape already. The ship began to slide back to normal, and Cas forced Adrian to keep moving. "ADE- GOING TO MY ROOM." He screamed over a deafening thunder, and the floor panels shifted beneath them. The engine room.

Sirens filled the air, and red lights flashing blinded Cas every few seconds. Evacuation warnings; there was no power to the ship's core, and they approximately had about ten minutes before the ship would blow like a nuclear bomb. So Cas picked up the pace, much to Adrian's dismay.

As they hurried down the hall, the explosions seemed to get farther away; muted by the distance and sound proof paneling. The agent did not slow, until he slid to a stop, putting out an arm to catch Adrian. He could see his room down the hall, but "-what is that sound?" Cas whispered, ears perked up. A private rounded the corner, walking calmly. Probably the only calm person on board. A sharp beeping sound got louder and louder as he approached, and Cas in an instant screamed, grabbing the back of Adrian's shirt and half dragging him away in a mad dash.

Behind them there was a sharp, terrified, screech- and a loud explosion as a fireball spread through the hall. "JESUS H. CHRIST." Cas screeched, thrown forward by the shock wave that rippled through the passage. Cas tried to get up, and slipped on something in the hall, landing in a warm, sticky puddle of someone else's blood with a quick slip. He turned wide-eyes towards a woman behind them, who had had shrapnel pierce her chest; she then got closed off by the automated stabilizing barriers. In front of them, a woman was calling. "Cas? Cas?!"

"Lyd!" Cas gasped, pulling himself from the crimson smear and barreling towards the voice, away from his room that was now blown into oblivion.
Without an ounce of military training behind him, Ade was practically frozen with terror to the chaos around him. His eyes remained transfixed onto Cassidy the entire time – and he let out a confused cry of terror as the other was blown out of view. Once again, the doctor found himself face-first on the floor, which was slick with the Time Agents’ blood. Watching his love disappear into the distance towards Lydia, he willed himself to stand, skidding across the tiled floors to wherever they were heaving. Adrian’s heartbeat seemed to roar in his ears as he sprinted on, the stabilising barriers closing in behind the three as they pressed on through the ship.

The next shot fired caught the HQ on it’s flank, causing the whole, unstable ship to tilt and roll violently to the left. The hundreds of bodies aboard, both alive and dead, slid awkwardly into the walls, before dropping heavily onto the ceiling. Lost by his terrible sense of balance, Adrian struggled to keep up, his panicked gasping filling the halls as he was tossed around like a ragdoll. If it wasn’t for the Lieutenant seizing Ade’s shirt every time it shifted, he would’ve been stuck way down the hallway, right next to another private who’d had a bomb planted inside him. This one exploded further away from the group, sending a bloody, firey vapour thundering up the hallway. As if to send insult to injury, the rolling of the ship finally made the power cut out, making the fluorescent lights flicker and dim as they continued down the narrow hallways.

Adrian’s eyes followed the stream of Agents in front of them – those who weren’t in total panic – towards the room up ahead : a clear, round observatory in the West wing of the ship they called the Dome. It was probably the last room left with power, it shined like the beacon of the HQ, and the UGG ship’s cannon started to slowly point towards it. The Agents running down the hallway had their hands to the devices strapped to their wrists, eagerly typing instructions to the damaged wormhole consoles in the Dome as they hurried there. “Cah- Cas-“ Ade gasped, barely able to recognise his own panicked voice echoing down the corridor, “We – have to get out of here-“
Lydia skidded up to meet the two, out of breath and struggling to maintain her balance. She grabbed Cas' hand and tugged him up as the ship began to roll to the left. It quickly went back to normal, and Cas checked to make sure Adrian was still with them. "You have got to keep up, Ade!" Cas gasped out, just as the lights in the hall dimmed and left them in a dull glow of the dome up ahead.

The agent bellowed a sharp wail as the ship turned violently to the side, churning the people inside. Cas let himself slide into the wall, before throwing an arm out and snatching Adrian in a hook, under the armpit. Lydia and he both grabbed onto the railing, as the base rolled upside down, lifting Cas and Lyd's boots off the floor, and instead making them hang midair. Lydia reached out desperately as a comrade passed them like a comet, falling through the open air towards the stabilizing barrier. Both she and Cas looked down with open mouth in shock as she smashed into a piece of the wall, and crimson spattered up the wall after a sharp 'thud'.

They desperately clung, Cas' grip loosening with each second ticking by. Sweat poured out of every pore; Cas gritted his teeth, straining to hold on to both the railing and Adrian, feet flailing in an attempt to swing towards a crook in the wall. Lydia watched wide-eyed, urging him to keep it up. Suddenly the ship groaned and violently shifted back to normal; all three of them swung into the wall. The Lieutenant let go, gasping for air after the exertion. Lydia snatched Adrian this time, dragging him forward as Cassidy followed, bent over and almost wheezing.

Cas began rapidly setting his hopper up, trying to calibrate the device to take them far away. The glass dome opened before them in one huge expanse of space, and brilliant light illuminating their faces. The lights of the U.G.G. ship hovering above the glass, indicator lights along their weapons showing a charge. They intended to destroy the entire dome with one blast, that would be like a nuke going off. The final hit to the dome would undoubtedly cripple the ship, marooning and killing all on board.

Lydia and Cas both slid to a stop, Lydia turning to watch Cassidy frantically typing instructions, hastily looking up every few seconds to look at the charging weaponry lights along the edge of the ship illuminating. Two more agents ran up to them, exclaiming in panicky voices, "Captain!" Trying to find a safe place in their limited library of places to go. They were obviously privates, dressed in civilian clothes and wearing gray cadet hats with the agency's insignia on them. Lydia beckoned the two in, tugging out some cuffs and throwing them to everyone, quickly fastening Adrian's for him.

A lad came running, clinging a large backpack, and screaming, "Someone! Please!" The fellow ran up to their group, wheezing from the run, waving his arms. Lydia tugged her cuff off her arm, and threw it to the engineer, instead clicking on her own hopper now, and pressing the side of it to Cas'. Suddenly the Lieutenant exclaimed, "Yes!" As the blue misty light surrounded them, and the group became all relieved smiles. He slammed a hand into the device, and all six felt gravity leave them as they plunged into a violent storm. Barely missing the image of a fireball rising in front of them; the dome being smashed by a plasma missile on the far end.
The seven entered Ade’s apartment, erupting from a shining blue light, five or six feet off the ground. They all simultaneously crashed onto the hardwood apartment floor, with the Agents landing slightly more gracefully than the others. Adrian dropped heavily on top of the engineer, crushing him underneath his large backpack, resulting in a loud, indignant squawk from the one buried underneath him. The doctor’s vision swirled, and it took him a few seconds to adjust to the early morning light and discern where he actually was. Home…?

“Gak – Helmi! You’re - crushing my lungs!” After another few desperate protests, Ade rolled off the lad he was sitting on, flopping unattractively on the floor and lying on his back, gasping for air. His eyes were wide with shock, reeling from the situation they had escaped from, and his chest was rigid and tight while his heart painfully pounded. He half-expected another explosion to erupt at any moment, and cringed when he heard footsteps rattling against his ears.

Eventually Adrian shuffled to sit up, rubbing his neck and groaning softly. His eyes searched the group huddled in the apartment for a familiar face, before settling on the dark skin of his drahy. He stared at Cassidy in confusion, mouth agape in horror. The doctor muttered softly into the eerie silence, his vision resting on the freckles of blood splashed on Cas’ face, “…Are you okay…?”
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Instantaneously, after landing, the neighbor that lived below began banging on the roof, screaming through the floor at the thundering crash of bodies hitting the floor. Cas sighed in relief. Yep, we're definitely home. The agent looked over at Adrian only briefly, nodding quickly. "Y-Yeah, Ade." He put a hand to his head, mind reeling. Lydia clapped, the much cooler head out of all the confused, panicking agents.

"Everyone listen- stop right now." She barked, and all the agents did as told. Lydia was cool-headed, and composed herself under stress easily. "We may have hours. We may only have a few minutes. Supplies- as much as you can carry." And with that all five agents ran off in different directions, navigating the apartment to ransack it for goodies.

Cas immediately took off down the hallway, leaving Adrian there with no explanation. He tore into the bedroom, and into the closet. Snatching up every bag Adrian and he owned. A few backpacks, and a single bag for vacations. He dragged them out, before rushing into the bathroom, dumping random hygiene care items into them, grabbing an arm full of Adrian's clothes- what he called civilian clothes. And most importantly, a first aid kit.

He emerged to find the two unfamiliar agents had ransacked the cupboards, and had filled a cardboard box with all the food they could find. "Good, good." Cas inspected, leaping over the back of the couch to grab the laptop. He shoved it in its case, knowing any technology they could get their hands on would help. Lydia began shouting, "Cas! Cas we need a car or something private!"

Cas peeked out from behind the couch, where he was stuffing bags, "Yeah? Adrian- give me the keys!"
“The keys?! What for?!” Ade gasped, his face twisted into a frown. The Agents around him were buzzing in the apartment, shouting at each other in foreign tongues as they probed Ades personal items. “Hey – woah, leave that! – Not – not in our room, damnit!” He yelled after them. Even the engineer in his overalls was scooting around the apartment, opening drawers and stuffing their contents in a bag.

A chaotic crash sounded as the brand-new coffee machine hit the floor, scattering cold liquid and dust everywhere. Ade froze, his eyes narrowed as the Agents paid no attention to it, continuing to raid his apartment. The doctor marched over to Cassidy, shaking him hard on the shoulder, “Seriously Cas, make them stop! You all just need to fucking calm-”

He was cut off as there was a horrific banging. This time not coming from the floor, but from the front door. A loud, authoritative knock, that caused everyone in the apartment to freeze. One of the Private Agents drew her weapon, creeping towards the door and looking through the peephole. She frowned at what she saw, and shook her head, mouthing ‘native’ in Kerschnaille to the rest of the occupants. At a shove from Lydia, Ade stalked over to the door, opening it a fraction to peer at the person stood outside.

The old lady, armed with her broom, jumped at the sight of the doctor. She frowned at him, taking a step back as if she’d seen some kind of alien. “…Mr Mason?” She murmured, her voice clouded with confusion, “You’re back?
Cas growled at his lover, "The car, of course!" He continued stuffing bags, ignoring Adrian with the rest of the agents. He froze at the sudden knock, and his eyes narrowed. Everyone fell completely silent, hands moving to their weapons. As soon as he heard who it was, Cas got up and stalked over to the door, peeking over Adrian's shoulder with a friendly grin. "Hey, Mrs. Schmidt! We're actually quite busy right now!" She stared in horror at his bloody mug. With that he took the door from Adrian, and slamming it, bolting it.

Lydia clapped again, "Okay- let's go everyone! Everything in the middle of the room."

Cas didn't move, instead putting an arm around Adrian's waist. Time to explain the situation to the confused primate. The agent sighed, trying to seem calm through his quavering words. "Adrian... We need the keys- this is a matter of life and death. Don't worry about this place." The Lieutenant couldn't believe his own words, trying to ignore the reality of what was going on. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping down five people's panic attacks and mourning. "If you don't give me the car, we could all die." Cas' eyes rose, a stone-look etched into his face. Complete and utter seriousness was all he had time for right now- no childish, petty arguments.
Ade bit his lip, green eyes screaming; ‘Cas, I don’t understand’ as he stared back. It took a few moments for the words to sink in. But deep down the doctor knew that tone of voice, and he could see it for himself – something terrible had happened. He reluctantly dug the keys out of his pocket, and shakingly dropped them into Cas’ open hand. “Ok.” He mumbled, casting an unsure look at the groups of Time Agents gathered on his apartment rug.

He struggled to keep up with Cas, who was piled high like a mule as they strode towards Adrian’s car, parked in the lot underneath the apartment complex. “Please, can you at least tell me where we’re going?” The doctor begged, carrying a small backpack of his own. He flicked a glance over his shoulder to the others behind him, narrowing his eyes at all except Lydia, “And who are they…? Friends from the Time Agency...?” He pestered, as if the stress on the Lieutenant’s face wasn’t obvious enough. “I don’t think they’ll all fit…” Ade said doubtfully, biting his lip as the car door slid open.
Cassidy was concentrated on the task at hand, hurriedly approaching the car- jogging with the supplies. Behind him several other agents were also carrying armfuls, faces twisted into nervous concentration as they went through the very public parking garage. The agent pretty much ignored Adrian, dropping the bundle and unlocking the car, shoving the packs into the tiny back. Soon they had the packs sufficiently stacked up to the roof, and he slammed the hatch, running round to the front.

Lydia, as always, barking orders. "Everyone in! Everyone in now!" She ran around to the passenger side, and occupied the seat next to Cassidy as he slid in front of the wheel. The three others piled into the back, leaving Adrian standing at the side of the car. Cas leaned out the door, "Ade- get in! Even if you have to sit on their laps!"

Soon they were speeding down the highway out of Boston; Cassidy definitely speeding like the dickens, and Lydia looking at a map of the United States. "Into the country. We definitely need to go farther into the rural area." The driver nodded in agreement, swerving out into the opposite lane to pass a slow moving truck. On a double solid line.
“Sit on – really?!” Ade spat, folding his arms. There was little time to argue, as he could see Cas jamming the keys in the ignition, and he reluctantly climbed in, scooting to sit in somewhere inbetween a private and the one in the boiler suit. No sooner had Ade had his leg in the door, Cas sped off at full-speed, causing the four in the back to yell out in anguish as the doctor fell backwards onto all three of them simultaneously.

Sorry – I just need to – Excuse me - ” Ade grumbled, shifting himself to find a comfortable position. He kicked one of the privates in the face with his flailing legs, before knocking his head on the roof of the car. Eventually he settled with his legs folded into the footrest, leaning against the engineer and pressing him against the window. The doctor’s miserable face appeared beside Cassidy’s headrest as he leaned forward, and he hissed into the former-Lieutenant’s ear, “You tell me exactly what is going on. Right now, Cassidy.”

Before he even had a chance to reply, Ade caught sight of an oncoming car mere meters away, which had been completely obscured by the lorry and a bend in the road. “Oh my God, look out!” Ade screeched into his partner’s ear, grabbing the wheel and jamming it downwards, causing the car to violently swerve.
Cas watched his lover in the rear view mirror, trying to get into a comfortable position. He would have smirked at Adrian bumping his head, but inside he felt too solemn. The grim matter of the situation repressed his humor, deadening any smirk that he may have had. The Lieutenant kept his main source of entertainment the road. He licked his lips as he saw the dim lights of a car come around the bend, mere meters away. He prepared to speed and swerve, but instead his wheel was grabbed by the maniac in the backseat, and swung in the same direction, but erratically.

Cas screamed expletives as the car almost lost balance, skidding up on the right side wheels, and almost hitting the truck he was originally passing. The scream of two horns drowned out the Lieutenant's angry ranting, making only his moving mouth visible.

The horns died, and Cas swung his head around, his eyebrows tugged down in a furious scowl. "ADRIAN?" The dark haired man hissed, as if responding to his drahy's question minutes late. "I took intensive vehicle operation. I can drive better than your stupid NASCAR drivers. I SAW the car." He paused, fuming and staring right into the other's eyes, "I swear by Helmi, if you ever do that again I will- I will-" Cas was so furious that he lost his words, and settled for a frustrated screech, snapping his head back forward to pay attention to the traffic.

Lydia glanced over at Cassidy, up from the map she had been examining. One brow raised as she looked between Cas and Adrian. Fighting. How wonderful. The Captain interrupted with a loud sigh. "Alright you two." She warned, putting down the map in one fluid motion. "Adrian isn't the only one in the car who has no idea what is going on- he's just a little impatient."

Cas looked over at her twice, grimacing, "Lyd, what is wrong? What the Hell did the U.G.G. do that for?"
“Helmi, you’ll what, Cassidy?! Send me to my room?” Adrian snapped back, growling at the other furiously, “You’re treating me like a child. Tell me exactly what’s going on, I have a right to know as your drahy-” He scowled at Lydia as she interrupted him, but nodded in agreement to her response.

The Captain folded her arms, eyes trailing outside to the country ahead. “I had my suspicions. I never thought they would go through with it, but – we’d been getting complaints recently.” The whole car cocked an eyebrow at Lydia in unison, whilst she continued. “A lot of complaints. From civilians. We were obliged to pass them on to the U.G.G, and let’s just say they obviously weren’t happy with it. A mess like that costs a Helmi of a lot of money to keep people quiet. There was a lot of talk between Captains that they’d, well…”

“-Get rid of us?” A private answered, the colour draining from his face.

Lydia sighed, “Well, yes. I figured sooner or later they’d decide we weren’t worth the hassle anymore. But I imagined we’d be structurally disbanded, or replaced. Not…annihilated.” A silence descended upon the car occupants. Adrian’s face was scrunched in confusion. They can’t just…do that?! Whoever the UGG are…surely they can’t have the power to order the deaths of thousands of soldiers…?

The Captian’s face looked troubled, and her eyes scanned the rest of the car. She nodded at Cassidy, “You remember when the STA went down? The U.G.G mopped up anyone left over by putting them through that…Crimes Against the Universe system. All their deeds totalled up, added to the charge of being a member of an illegal war-instigating corporation…pretty much left instant execution. For all of them.” She nodded at her own conclusion, smoothing over the map with her fingers, “Which is why I suggest we get somewhere remote – far away from Adrian’s Wormhole.”

Lydia turned around to face the pale doctor, “They could follow us through that, and then track us down. And then kill us. So we have to keep moving. Do you understand?” Adrian flinched at the patronising tone. He sat back in his seat, folding his arms and looking down in deep thought. Meanwhile, the engineer he was sitting on piped up, “But – Captain, I’m not an Agent. I’m just maintenance. Surely that means…?”
Cassidy felt faint, letting the truth begin to weigh down on his mind. "Why? Why are we being terminated, Lydia?" Cas was an officer- but not a high ranking one like Lydia. He wasn't even sure she would know why, but she had a much greater chance of guessing for sure. Cas paused, re-phrasing his question: "What do we have on them?"

The ex-Lieutenant began to feel dizzy, the fast-paced action replaying in his head. He glanced down at his uniform, the dark blood stains smeared in messy streaks all over his gray sleeves and chest. He didn't even know who that agent was, but it happened so fast. Too quick to stop. All he had to remember her by- her only legacy- was the smears on his officer's jacket.

Lydia turned round, "No, engineer. You are no exception."

Cas sighed, "A-Anybody have any voffs?" He groaned, closing his eyes for a brief moment. He felt like he would throw up, but continued speeding down the back roads, far away with no particular direction. He wiggled his nose, "And Ade... Do you have something to get this crusted... blood off my face with?"
The engineer stared at Lydia with narrowed eyes. “My name is Aiber. Not engineer.” He sniffed indignantly, “And I’m a damn sight less affiliated with the Agency’s dirty work than you are, Captain.” Adrian stiffened at the accusation, but Lydia seemed to think nothing of it, continuing to examine the map as the car rattled down the road.

Ade’s eyes widened at the request, and he hastily started digging into the bags behind them, “Uh well, Cas, I think yours were, you know…in the bag, at the er, Agency.” He mumbled, wincing a little as the ex-Lieutenant caught his eyes in the rearview mirror. “Unless…either of you guys have some?” He turned to the Private officers he was sitting besides, cocking an eyebrow at their stone-coloured caps.

They both shook their heads, and the doctor shuffled on top of Aiber’s knee, whom grumbled in both disagreement and protest. “No. No voffs, Cas. Sorry.” Ade sighed. He dug out a sterile cleaning wipe from one of the medical kits, and handed it to Cassidy. “Here.” Adrian sighed, leaning towards him a little closer. “You sure you’re gonna be okay?” He murmured, slightly quieter.
Cas mouthed a curse, his hands tightening around the wheel. Lydia stared over at him, eyes searching his body. Cas could sense the attention in the car shifting to him, and he knew he needed to stay calm. Deep breaths. Just focus on the road. Cas' face turned to the side, ear brushing against Adrian's nose, "Yeah. Fine." He whispered, letting his face linger against the heat of Adrian's breath for a moment, before turning back to the road.

Lydia broke her attention off the two, and turned around in her seat. "Alright- Aiber." Lydia narrowed her eyes, pinpointing a threatening glare into the face of the dissenter. "If you want to get out of the car, and try your luck with the U.G.G., you can. If you really think they planned on sparing engineers, certainly after they blew your department out of existence."

The air in the vehicle became tense, and a brief silence descended among the group. Cas interrupted it with an irritated sigh, "Lydia- what do they have on us?" Cas took in a shaky breath, hands visibly tense, his shoulders shaking. The group was all staring at him, so he tried his hardest to suppress his reaction. Trying to ignore that his entire career had just been demolished. Trying to ignore that five thousand people just died. Trying to ignore that they were suddenly criminals on the run. Chased by corrupt madmen through time and space forever. We're going to be running forever. His eyes flashed to the rear view mirror, sweeping across the line of people in the backseat.
Aiber’s face was sticky with sweat, and he made a noncommittal ‘hmph’ sound, casting his eyes out the passenger window. Now wasn’t the time to be making enemies, clearly, and he bit his tongue to stop some vile slur coming out. Sat next to him, Adrian caught Cas’ eyes again, watching the dark ones peering back at him were beginning to become bloodshot.

Lydia straightened up as the question was asked again. She considered for a moment getting her suspicions out of the open – finally without the risk of insubordination. And besides, Cassidy, her own comrade, and the last of their faction, was sitting in the front of the car with her. Despite this, she gave out an unprofessional sigh, eyes remaining rigidly pointing forward. “That’s confidential.” She said, her voice flat and emotionless.

I knew it.” Aiber suddenly spat. He folded his arms, pursing his lips in a satisfied motion. The doctor slumped back onto the engineer, also unsatisfied by the response, and huffed angrily.
Cas leveled a sideways glare at Lydia, mouthing quickly the words 'We'll talk later'. With a roll of his eyes at Aiber's snappy comeback, he pushed on the brakes, making all four in the back lunge forward. Specifically Aiber, whose head snapped forwards and then smacked back into the window. The ex-agent turned around, ignoring the loud roar of a horn zooming past, "Aiber was it?" His voice dripped with phony politeness, and he smiled, "Why don't you share what 'you knew'."

The agitation gleamed in his eyes, and was clearly marked by the rise and fall of his chest. Lydia sighed, and reopened the map. "You're no better than anyone else in this car. So quit it, before I strand you here on the highway and give away your seat to someone that deserves it more. In other words: Shut. Up." He acknowledged Adrian with a quick glance. Lydia pointed at a sign, interrupting the argument.

"Cas- we need to find a place to stay. Take this turn off, and we are a good three hours from the city. I say another half hour in that direction, and we'll find somewhere to hole-up. Okay?" Cas focused his attention on the map, nodding a couple times and pulling away from the edge of the road, taking the turn-off.
Bored numb by the dead silence in the car, Aiber's eyes wandered to the passenger side window. They had been travelling for hours now, and almost every fragment of conversation was shot down by snappy answers from either the Lieutenant or the Captain sitting in the front. The Privates remained quiet, muttering between themselves and shooting worried looks towards the pale giant sitting in the middle who threatened to crush them. As for Aiber - his eyes caught the black smear on Adrian's left hand, as he dug out his cellphone and pressed the 'on' button.

The doctor frowned at the screen. "Cas, what date is it?" He murmured, leaning forward, "You said you were gonna put us back to when-" Adrian jumped as the phone buzzed violently in rapid succession, causing the other Agents to look at him in horror.

"H-have they found us?!" One of the Privates whimpered, reaching for the plasma gun strapped to his waist. Ade sniggered at him, only to realise that the others were staring at him with the exact same suspicion.

"What? N-no, it's just...Answerphone messages." Ade frowned, his eyes widening as the phone continued to buzz. "A...lot of answerphone messages. Cas, what the-!"
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Cassidy sighed, "Not quite sure. We'll surely find out later." He continued driving, looking into the mirror to get a look at his confused drahy, face illuminated by the pale white glow of the cellphone interface. The ex-Lieutenant looked up again with his brows pulled down in his own confusion.

The dark haired man began, "Adrian- you really shouldn't be using communication devices, especially with sig-" Cas was cut off by the exclamation of his name, and finally asked in an irritation tone, "What, Ade? Goddammit tell me what is wrong and quit acting so jumpy around them." Only Lyd and Adrian could understand English he thought, so he could openly comment on their behavior. Lydia nodded in agreement, glancing back at the out-of-place doctor, worrying over the device.
"I'm not being jumpy, I'm just - Oh my god-" He said, his eyes widening as he glazed over the texts, and answerphone messages, and more importantly - the timestamps. He grimaced at the other, leaning forward so his face was inbetween the two front seats. "...Three months?! We've been gone three fucking months, Cassidy!"

He held a hand over his mouth, shocked as yet more messages reeled in from almost every contact he had. The reality of the situation had not fully sunk in - after all, losing his job or being listed as a missing person were no problems for a fugitive - and he instantly dialed the number of his brother, holding the phone to his ear.

Aiber sat back, looking at the device in Ade's hand. "The hothead's right - looks like something the UGG could track." He lied, sniggering as the Private's faces became more panicked. Despite this accusation, he made no move to stop the doctor, leaving it up to Lydia to stare him down with a concerned face.

She sighed, holding her hand out to Adrian. "He's right. We shouldn't take chances, Ade, for now. Hand it-."

"Quiet, quiet." He snapped, waving a hand dismissively to the Captain. "...Hello? Gus..?"

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