• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Everlast


Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.

To make things fair, packs of wolves/huskies/ and anything that normally is in a pack controlled as NPC's

By you can only be 9 or less. There are many different animals in the world, and you can choose any of them!

Please no God Role-play and make it fair by letting your character get hurt sometimes (Think of it like the Real world) if you would like to be like a special animal just Create you character.

For your character use this Format, if it doesn't say anything that is related to your character feel free to add it in.




Type of Breed e.g Rare White Wolf:

Age (depending on what animal you are it can vary):

Weight (if you can't find the weight, just put Above Average or Below Average or Average):

What does your animal look like(feel free to just put a picture):

What Abilities does your Character have?:


Trivia Fact:

Extra Information:

Please Post Your Character to be in the Roleplay.

If you want to be a human use this Format:











Trivia Fact:

My Character:

Animal: Wolf

Name: Xerox Mathia

Gender: Male

Type of Breed e.g Rare White Wolf: Rare Brown Black Coat Wolf

Age (depending on what animal you are it can vary): 7 in wolf Age, 4 in human age

Weight (if you can't find the weight, just put Above Average or Below Average or Average): Average

What does your animal look like(feel free to just put a picture): Used a Picture

What Abilities does your Character have?: Great Sence of Smell and hearing

Backstory: Xerox, since a young puppy, only ever saw his mother once, he never knew what Happend to her same goes to his mother, he has been working as an Alpha Male for a few Wolf years and never could love his aggressive pack more.

Trivia Fact: He Loves Human Food

Extra Information: No Extra Information Needed

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