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Fandom Ever After High: Ignited Fate


The girl who uses a lot of :3 emoticons
What exactly is the real point of these so-called "destinies"? And how comes that nobody disappeared even though the actual Storybook of Legends has never been signed on Legacy Day to begin with? Enter the world of Ever After High and unfold this mystery

Basically, the storyline of this RP will focus on discovering the real point behind the whole destiny conspiracy. We'll come up with a plot on the go. I think it's more fun this way than planning everything from the start :3 Here are the rules:

  • Things here won't be limited to the standard fantasy fairytale setting and atmosphere (you know, with magic, dragons etc). With that being said, you can add things like sci-fi elements or anything else that might cross your mind. There will be some action-adventure elements, so brace yourselves :3
  • No adult stuff. 'Nuff said
  • No god-modding, mary-sues, trolling etc. you all know this stuff
  • If you need to post something OOC in the RP topic, put it in brackets. Also, as a comedy thing, Maddie, Kitty and pretty much all Wonderlandians will be able to hear what we all say when we post OOC (except if it's related to a part of the plot she isn't supposed to know) because, you know, Wonderlandians hear the Narrators and Maddie is supposed to hear voices :3
  • If you're not that good at creating OCs, you can borrow characters from other fandoms. But do it in such a way that other RP-ers won't need to be familiar with that fandom in order to understand what's up with said crossover character.
  • Many Ever After High RPs I've seen ditch canons and replace them with OCs who take their roles. We won't do that here. Instead, here's how you can create OCs with fewer limitations: the story they belong to doesn't have to be a real-world fairytale. For example, you can make up a story called "The Golden Empire" and say that your OC is part of it.
  • If you want to make a character swear, you must censor it in one way or another. And FOR COMICAL PURPOSES ONLY
  • The parents of your characters are automatically your characters as well. However, you will need to submit the parents in the characters topic if they are OCs
Here's the character thread: Characters
It's always open, so you won't have to worry about us still being open or not.
Here's the OOC chat: Chat
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( IsonicfanI IsonicfanI . D O V E . D O V E Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart I guess I'll start)
Cupid and Blondie were running on the corridor, both looking really excited.
Cupid: "Come on, let's find more people and tell them about it! Keep up, will you?"
Blondie: "I'm trying, but it's not my fault I don't have wings"
Ursula put her stuff in her locker and closed it just in time to see Cupid and Blondie run past her, Blondie complaining about not being able to catch up to cupid due to not having wings and cupid saying something about telling others about something. Usually Ursula would want to know but this year she wanted to keep out of trouble, shaking her head she leaned on the lockers, pulling her headphones up from around her neck and clicked the play button on her portable CD player that was hanging from her belt.
Ursula jumped slightly and stammered "W-Well no, i-i just want to get t-to class with m-mr Wolf" She said rushing off with her books to class, leaving her sword leaning on her locker with the stable key attached to the scabbard.
Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart
Cupid: "Well, that's a first"
Blondie noticed the sword leaning on the locker, then turned to the direction where Ursula had run off. "Hey, you forgot something!"
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Sonic, Shadow and Silver were aboard their plane.
Sonic: "So, does everyone remember the plan?"
Shadow: "Yeah, you, Ella, Diana and Bolt are heading to Ever After High. Silver and I will investigate the village and then join you at the school"
IsonicfanI IsonicfanI Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart . D O V E . D O V E
Ella: "Good. And remember, nobody must know the real reason why we're here. As far as anyone else is concerned, we're just here to study at Ever After High"
Diana was piloting the plane. "I bet I'll be the first to get detention"
Meanwhile, back at Ever After High, Cupid and Blondie were still eager to spread the news.
Cupid: "There's got to be someone around here we can tell about it"
Once in the safety of Mr Wolf's class room Ursula slumped into her seat with her bag on the floor next to her. Pulling out a quill and ink she started to doodle as if her right arm were a celtic cross telling her story, not the story of sigurd but the story of Ursula. No dragons, No burning her fingers in a dragon heart then hearing animals but a normal story, where she doesn't have to be a hero. Ursual concidered herself as the comedic support or the underdog of a story, not the hero that everyone expects her to be.

If she had it her way, she could just travel telling old stories from her homeland, like the story of the crosses or the story of mannannin.
Diana landed the plane in a distant area, where other planes of the Pixie Hollow Special Forces could be found.
Ella: "Is everyone ready?"
Sonic, Shadow and Silver activated their armours, switching to their Aaron, Stark and Mag personas, respectively.
Aaron: "Ready"
Ella snapped her fingers. "Chaos Control!"
With that, she teleported herself, Diana, Bolt and Aaron in front of the school.
(I'll take Mr. Badwolf for this part)
Mr. Badwolf looked out the window and noticed four new figures in front of Ever After High. "Well, it seems like our special guests have arrived. I know how excited most of you are about them, so, just this once, you are free to go down and greet them"
Hearing that, most of the students in the classroom, especially the girls, hurried to the door.
Ursula decided to go to the stables instead of rushing outside, grabbing an apple and some sugar cubes she made her way into the hallway. Looking around she spotted her sword, rushing over she picked it up strapping the huge sword to her back and took the key from the leather cord.

Running across the court yard she unlocked the stable with the gray mare that she cared for so much, putting the sadle and bridal she lead the mare out to a old wooden box before attempting to get on the horse.
Among the crowd rushing outside were Blondie and Cupid, who were even more excited than they were before. Blondie had her MirrorPad, broadcasting for her show.
Blondie: "This is it, damsels and gentlemen. Aaron Stone has officially arrived in Ever After"
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IsonicfanI IsonicfanI . D O V E . D O V E Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart
Cupid spun around comically as Aaron passed by her.
Blondie immediately figured out what that meant and pointed the MirrorPad's camera in that direction. "Did you see that, Ever After?"
Cupid: "I see pretty colours"
Blondie: "He's here! He's here right now!"
Cupid: "Or rather was here a few seconds ago"
All eyes were on Apple White as she entered the corridor. The princess had a smile painted on her lips as red as rose and a small hum was coming out of the fairest one of them all. She greeted everyone she encountered, whether destined to be a villain or a hero and whatever after in between. A boy staring at his own many reflections though made her stop, "A hexcellent morning to you, Daring!" she greeted with her sing-song voice to the boy who's presumed to be her Prince Charming. She giggled at the sight of him and all his mirrors, "I see you're being charming as usual."

IsonicfanI IsonicfanI
Ursula rolled her eyes hearing Apple White's voice, it always seemed to annoy her. Putting her horse back into the stable she walked up the long staircase and passed the couple mumbling to her self about them being in front of her locker. Returning to class she started drawing on her arms once more as the others chatted to her friends, Ursula didn't have any as she thought she was the only one that wanted her own story not the story of sigurd and the Dragons heart.
Blondie passed by Apple and Daring after having paused her broadcast. "Not sure how long his charm will last, though. By the way, has any of you seen a cute guy who runs really fast?"
(umm... . D O V E . D O V E , a bit of a problem here. it's already been established that my and IsonicfanI's characters have come to Ever After to investigate who started the destiny hoax and why, which implies everyone know it's a hoax. this means the events of the rp take place after all the TV specials, so by now everyone knows
Daring isn't Apple's prince
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Having figured out where every classroom was supposed to be, Aaron headed for his class. As he entered the classroom, he made his way to the seat next to Ursula. "Hello there. Mind if I sit here?"
Daring looked away from his mirrors and turned his attention to Apple. "Good morning, Apple. Thank you for your compliment" he then looked at Blondie. "What do you mean? Being charming is what I do best. It's even in my name"
Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart I iheartsonic . D O V E . D O V E
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