• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom -- evanesce rules [It/Stranger Things]


girl boss


1. KINDNESS MY GUYS. Your characters can hate eachother all they want, but pls no fights ooc <3

2. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar when rping!

3. At least one paragraph per post ^^ I understand if writers block occurs though!

4. Swearing and fisticuffs are allowed :hornskiss:

5. All RPN rules apply!

6. Pls no Mary/Gary Sues. No fun at a l l

7. You may have multiple characters! Just let me know if you're doing more than 2 uwu
Also, NPCs will be ok for you to make (like family)

8. This is the 80s so please be era accurate! No smartphones you dinguses ;p

9. This rp will definitely require your commitment! Please try to be active :3 If you can't just pm me or @sadvalentine about it!

10. Comment your favorite ST and/or It character in the OOC after you have read this rules!

Lets have fun my guys! This is gonna be rad :ghostuvu:

code by sweet bb @sadvalentine
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