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Fantasy Escape the Darkness

Drako nodded. "It different down here than it is with flying." He looked back at the girl who was looking at him (Elsa) "Someone got bored." He said smirking. "She's asleep."
"I don't blame her for sleeping this new world can take a lot out of a person"robo removed a rock out of the way and walked inside putting the rock in front of him as Sanpuku waiting on the other side making sure it was fully sealed and then start to look for slafa"stay with Robo he will lead you there I'll find another way in."

Robo kept on walking down into the cave after he still the way out"we will be there in a few he knows another way in"

@ashlyn heckman
sanpuku led her to three big rocks he went left of them and uncovered a dusty wooden cover underneath it was a latter downward"well ladies first."
after a while he entered and close the hole "sorry for the dust and has not been used in a while "the dust gone upward recovery the wooden board to make it look like the ground again
"I don't think we'll be good for your health to lay get on my back and I will carry you"
Robo came to a door there was a lot of gold on it Robo knocks on the door and a little slat opens up showing two eyes"who is that knocking on the gold door.""that is who bring gold to share"after Robo said that phrase the door start to open and heat starts to pour from door as it opens

Sanpuku continues to walk down the corridor until they got to a little Stone door he pushed on it leading into the inside
the heat became more intense when they went inside there are a lot of dwarf and different types of robots walking around

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