Escape from Wizard City


Junior Member
A world in which magic and Steampunk collide. Wizardry is a common art, and, although not many possess the gift, the ones that do don’t have much power at all. They can cast a few illumination spells or cause a spark at their fingertips, but that’s it. A few teens, however, are particularly gifted, and the tyrannical government has gotten wind of them. In order to escape the grasp of the assassins dispatched to wipe them out, the teens must scramble across a Steampunk, post-apocalyptic world in search for a haven that will insure their safety.
Yes it actually does. It sounds like a terrific idea and one yours truly would be interested in playing.

This was sent from the Tapatalk app, so I might reply less often.
Thanks! I'm trying to get enough people interested in this one so that I can start the actual RP.
What is the average amount of players you'd want? :)

This was sent from the Tapatalk app, so I might reply less often.
At minimum I would need 3 wizards and some people can play the assassins. I don't mind more people joining but I would like the number of wizards and assassins equal.
I like this. If you can keep it more organized than you'r other RP that was also a great idea. Perhaps have a co-runner to help keep things in balance?
Do you know anyone who is really organized with this? I'm not really that organized so some help would be nice.
Well. See. The downfall of an RP is when it becomes a bunch of diffrent private RP's pretty much. Even 4 posts of that can ruin the whole RP. If everyone's not involved with eachother then it falls apart as a group RP and people start to feel ignored. AKA when a giant monster starts trashing the city and no body ignores it except one dood, they could atleast mention there too far away from it to hear it. But still. When everyones off doing there own thing, that's fine. Just confusing and you need organization or the plot will stagnate

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