Escape from Bedlam.


The Amazon

Bedlam is defined as "a scene or state of wild chaos and confusion." Some view Bedlam as chaos and destruction, but others see the wild side of Bedlam as an immersion in the chaos of the unknown.


In the year 1943, Bedlam Asylum was opened by the U.S. Department of Mental Health in Southern Indiana. It has been the home to some of the worst lunatics and criminals the country has ever seen. It was also used to house those who was forgotten by society and had no where else to go. Parent less children where put in the same building as cold-blooded killers.


In 1973, the asylum came under new management. A young doctor name Dr. Jerrad Newport. Dr. Newport had a strong belief that "The perfect mental asylum is one that has no cost to the taxpayer.". It took him forty years, but he achieved his goal of having a patient ran asylum. He used mentally corrected patients who where capable of varying levels of responsibility for other patients. After some time, Dr. Newport became the only official employee of Bedlam Asylum.


Bedlam Asylum held an unusually high patient death rate. Often, torturous screams could be heard coming from within the walls. A local sheriff once said in an interview "Bedlam is like a slaughter house, and the good doctor is the lead butcher. I wouldn't be surprised if he housed cannibals in there.".


In 2010, a camcorder was found inside the wooded area outside of the asylum. It was unclear who the camcorder belonged to, but within it there was footage of the extreme conditions within Bedlam. It shows footage of the harsh forms of treatment used including extreme Aversion therapy, sensory deprivation, icepick lobotomy's, and extreme electroshock therapy. Many of the forms of torturous therapy seen on the footage was outlawed decades ago.


When the footage was turned in to the local government, what they witnessed was so horrific, that it was believed to be staged. The claims made on the camcorder was never investigated nor was the owner of the device ever discovered.


Now, no visitors ever enter Bedlam Asylum due to the dangerous conditions behind its doors. The only person ever witnessed entering or leaving the asylum is Dr. Newport. Yet, the patient logs continue to see new arrivals and departures daily. The only hope for the patients of Bedlam Asylum to leave is not through reformation, but through death.


  • Rpn Rules: This should go without stating, but all Rpn rules shall apply. This means keeping things pg-13.
  • Drama: Drama within the roleplay is loved, but outside of it will not be tolerated. Please show some respect to everyone involved.
  • Literacy: There will be a three paragraph minimum. Absolutely no one-liners, and keep the two/one paragraphs to a minimum.
  • Characters: All characters must follow the lore and timeline established by the plot. Please try to add as much detail as possible.
  • Roleplay: No god-modding, power-playing etc.
  • Please write "We are all mad here" at the bottom of your application if you read all the rules.

Character Skelly:



Patient/Staff: (Are you still a patient, or have you been reformed and now staff?)

Job: (For staff only)

Crime or Reason for commitment:

Appearance: (picture or detailed description or both)


History: (This part is optional. You can write it all down or allow it to be revealed within the roleplay)



Name: Audrey R. Trintholm


Patient/Staff: Patient

Crime or Reason for commitment: Drug abuse, prostitution.

Personality: Aubrey was diagnosed with Schizo-affective disorder almost immediately after entering the asylum; partly from the drug use, and partly from family dynamics. She is always a little on edge and slightly paranoid. She experiences occasional auditory hallucinations. Due to her estranged relationship with her father, she tends to become obsessive with older men and father-like figures who show her attention

History: Audrey was born into a well-off family. Her mother was a pediatrician and her father the chief of police. She had two older brothers and they all attended a private school. At the age of thirteen, Audrey started noticing that her brothers had an...odd, relationship. They seemed oddly close even with just being a year apart in age. One night while her mother was away on business and her father was out seeking companionship, she found out why.

Her brothers where having an open incestuous relationship, and due to the wonders of social media, everyone began to learn about it. Many rumors began to spread as well as questions why their parents where allowing it to go on. Truthfully, her mother and father had to many problems of their own to worry about what was going on with their kids.

When Aubrey's mother wasn't working or away on business, she was locked in her bedroom with a bottle of wine, a bag of prescription pills, and a DVDs full of I Love Lucy reruns. Her father had an addiction to pornography and prostitutes. Being the chief of police, he often had these women do him "favors" in return for not sending them to prison. While her mother was away, her father would often bring these women home. It was one of these women that introduced Audrey to heroin at the age of fourteen.

The extreme euphoria she got from injecting the drug into her blood stream, allowed her to forget about her messed up home. Her addiction to heroine grew strong over a year. Due to her severe need, she started staying out on the streets, looking for her next hit. She started selling herself to get money for the drug. She spent another year out on the street before she was brought back to reality.

One night, she was out working when a car slowly pulled up to her corner. She approached the car with a sense of confidence. As she leaned over the open car window, all the color drained from her face. A familiar voice asked "How much?". It was her father. Immediately she began to run, but he got out of the car and chased her down. He captured her and brought her back home, locking her in her room while he went and talked to her mother. Three hours later they came back in the room and informed her that they where sending her away.

That was five years ago....
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Renshii Akahero




Crime or Reason for commitment:

Voices.....The voices you can hear them too right? I'm not crazy.

DON'T PLAY WITH ME I KNOW YOU HEAR THEM. They told me you could




Very unstable. He finds the thought of death very amazing. Would much rather stay away from

people unless he was shoving something through their skull, prefers peace and quiet and likes to ponder on his thoughts. He doesn't have a personality just acts as the voices tell him to do.




Insanity, voices telling him to kill, kill, kill. Things like that. x3

Only thing to calm him down is the rain :P Not a drizzle just heavy rain.

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(top left corner where it says John)


Felix Lee Carter





Crime or Reason for commitment:

Post-traumatic stress disorder, Depression, and Murder.


Before the war Felix was a happy soul. He loved the outdoors and would cruise around town in his big 4x4 truck but that was when he was 17 and 18. He grew up quick and became really mature by the time he was 20. The army pushed him to grow up and that made him irritable. After the death of his mother and getting PTSD he became really quiet. He watches more than he talks and he don't speak to a a lot of people. The only thing that makes him happy now a days is music by Johnny Cash, his mothers favorite music artist. It does not make him smile but he is happy on the inside. Over all he is quite and keeps to himself. When he has his flash backs, which are set off by noises, he become violent.


Felix was born on October 23, 1984. He was what you called a perfect child. He went to school every day and got good grades. He listened to his parents and rarely got in trouble with them. He was a good kid. He played outside and was active. When Felix moved into his teens he transformed into the bad kid. At 16 years old he started to hang out with the bad groups at school and was hooked on pot. He turned his life around at 18. He decided to join the Army. They accepted him and he was deployed quickly.

While out on the front-lines, fighting for his country, Private Carter made some friends. One of his best friends went by the name of Private James Watson. They never strayed from each other and were always watching each others back. Felix looked up to James a a brother and a friend, but everything went horribly wrong. Private Carter and Private Watson were in a vehicle when they drove over a land mine. The vehicle exploded and it flew to the side, rolling 8 times, the finally landing on the roof.

Felix cut himself out of the seat belt and pulled himself out of the over turned truck. He had tiny deep gashes all over his arms, chest and face from shrapnel and other objects that were flying. He also had a head wound and his hand was broken. He looked around for James but he had not come out of the vehicle. Felix ran to the truck the spotted the other 2 soldiers that were with them, dead. He then looked at James. His best friends legs were gone and he was crying out. Felix got him out of the truck and held on to him, talking to him until his best friend took his last breath with a 'love you brother.'

That's when everything went to hell for Felix. He was discharged from the army because he was diagnosed as depressed but it was much more than that. When he came home he moved in with his mother and father. They took no notice to his problems for the first 2 months he was home. That's when he started to have his flash backs from the war. It was not just flashbacks from his friend dying it was from everything. Flash backs of the explosions and the gunfire. Flash backs of his comrades dying and worst of all flash backs of the innocent people he killed.

He was having one of these flash backs when his mother was home. She freaked out and thought he was having a seizure in the kitchen. She tried to pull him away from the counter, to lay him on the floor, and Felix grabbed a knife and ended up stabbing his mother to death because he thought it was a enemy from the war. His father found him and his dead mother. He was charged and sent to Bedlam and not to the actual prison because he was diagnosed with PTSD, or Post-traumatic stress disorder. Felix was 23 when he was sent here.


He wears his dog-tags and his best friends dog-tags everywhere. He will not take them off.

He has tiny light scars all over his body from the explosion that took his friend. He also has a nasty scar on the right back side of his head from the head injury.

He has a short Mohawk and buzzed cut everywhere else.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/sad_girl_by_lihnida-d3evlv2.jpg.8503085474f67fc86e25da7f2deaa25a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/sad_girl_by_lihnida-d3evlv2.jpg.8503085474f67fc86e25da7f2deaa25a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Johanna

Age: 21

Patient/Staff: Patient

Crime or Reason for commitment: Murder, Depression, Obsession with blood

Appearance: She stands at a standard 5'5, her black hair cut uneven and always crumbled up into a messy bun at the back of her head. Her skin is pale from lack of sun light.

Personality: Ever since the incident, she has been considered mute and carries on without a word or care for others around her, Until someone bleeds. She is fond of books, always willing to sit apart on her own and enjoy the latest book she can get ahold of. When it comes to group interaction, she needs quite a shove, but she's no stranger of cutting up someone's hand to confirm the color of their blood. (She is convinced its suppost to be orange.)

History: "It was never easy going crazy,"

Johanna grew up in a typical family situation. A loving set of normal parents, who worried and fussed over skinned knees and fevers. The only really problems came to when she attended school. The children had a field day because she was different, because she was odd. While Johanna quickly grew used to her abuse, she knew it was all too true..

In an effort to take out her anger in safe meanings, she began cutting herself. This is when her obsession with blood began, the pain failed to register each time she sliced. All she saw was the bright red liquid drop from her veins, it all made her mad, why red? Why did something so beautiful have to be red! This of course set her mother into a panic over her safety and mental state, the line of therapists walked their way into Johanna's life. So many types she managed to shape herself around them in a cookie cutter fashion, she'd say anything to get out of school.

Her vacation wouldn't last long as she came across a therapist who insisted she go to school. That she get back out there and get over her 'teenage' blues. The world wasn't over because a few kids decided not to like her, and Johanna would be wise to learn that quickly. Going back to school was the worst thing anyone could of made Johanna do.

The headlines of the flash news cameras made only one thing clear. "Girl found swimming in the blood of her classmates" Swimming? That's right swimming. Johanna had found herself cornered in the bathroom, while she had grown numb to the verbal abuse, today, that day... Just wasn't a good day.

Other: She would of been locked away around 17, so this lifestyle is what she finished her development in. At the chance of getting anything sharp, she will make great use of the tool in hand.



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