Escape from Bedlam [Inactive]

Norbert would move as she stumbled, not quickly, but she may realize it was to grab her if she fell. He hadn't meant to unbalance her thusly, of course. He hadn't actually physically touched her in any way, those closest had been closing her gown to prevent her from worrying about it. It might seem odd, considering the hands on approach some of the other staff seemed to take.

"Everyone wants to be wanted, I'm glad you found it, even if it was transient. It's like hope, a golden light that flares as it disappears, seeming to cause harm, unfortunately."

He spoke softly, and she might detect an underscore of bitterness in his voice and words. He would walk ahead the last few feet, unlocking and opening his office door.

"Please, come in, make yourself comfortable."

Unconciously, he was holding the door open for her like a gentleman.

"Just take her, she's nothing but meat."

"You know you want to."

He would blink and close his eyes, slowly counting under his breath, his lips moving as he counted backwards, willing the voices away for the moment. A technique he used.

His office had a desk, a nice wheeled leather chair behind it, a seat opposite, as well as a leather lounge if she'd rather sit there. It was what he used for hyponotherapy, as well, easier to get a relaxed state. Apart from that, a closed door leading off to his small private bathroom, some old inkblot cards framed nicely on the wall, and his briefcase, the office seemed almost spartan, perhaps overly so. It was like he didn't reside here, or he kept his personal life so distracted from his work one, that they never met.
Audrey could barely hear his words as he spoke, but it was enough to bring her back to reality temporarily. Her eyes fixated on his face as she studied him. When he stops, holding the door open for her, she doesn't go in right away. Instead, she stands uncomfortably close to him, watching his lips move. What was he saying? He is talking about you.

She shakes her head and walks into the office. She sighs in relief when she sees the couch. Without another thought, she quickly walks over and flops onto it. The paperclips pop from her gown, but at this point, she doesn't care. She was just thankful to be off her feet. Bring her knees up to her chest, she begins rubbing her tired feet as she waits for the doctor to join her.

Her eyes catch the inkblots lined neatly on the wall. She squints at them trying to figure them out. To her, they all looked like piles of white powder laying on a broken mirror. Her breathing becomes audible and faster as she feels a strong urge to reach out to them. Her hands begin to shake on top of her feet. Her eyes are filled with a mixture of fear and desire. Panic was setting in.
Wendy arrived at Elena's cell and noticed that she wasn't in there after unlocking it. She realised that she was undergoing her treatment and knew that it was too late to start taking notes. She made her way to the nursing station and got a few nurses to help her to get the patients who were due to undergo their ice bath treatments.

After the patients had been taken to the room with the baths full of ice and water, she made her way to it and bumped into Dr Newport.

"Wendy, you continue to disappoint me. You were supposed to fetch Elena and you didn't. As a result, you will spend 4 and a half hours in the tub." He informed her.

"But someone retrieved her before i..." "The bath will be good for you. It will help you to resist your urges and we shall conduct an informal group therapy as soon as we start the treatment." The doctor told her. "Yes sir." Wendy told him. She didn't want to risk getting stripped off her duties as a nurse and walked with him to the room.

The nurses and orderlies had managed to get the patients and were on standby in case hyperthermia set in. Wendy sighed and wished that she had stolen some painkillers.
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