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Realistic or Modern Erlingston Academy

Rad frog father

fight me Helen
Erlingston academy is a college for the rich, gifted, or highly intelligent student. Tuition is high and scholarships are rare making the school immensely elite. While the education is nothing to turn your nose up at that is not what the students tend to reminisce on, they remember the social events. Due to one getting out of control, killing a student, who some say haunts the boys dorm rooms, no parties are allowed on school grounds. There is, however, a beach three miles from the school where the parties are held weekly under the moonlight. But not a lot of good can happen in the dark.


Mischief is encouraged along with creating danger, as long as the permission is given by the ones receiving the mischief.

Keep the danger realistic, stick with humans.

once/if ten people arrive dorms will be decided with a hat draw

if the person you are paired with is too problematic try arraigning a swap with someone else

and just plain be respectful
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