Erick Ashmore


The Most Ginger Of Bread
Erick Ashmore

Fh7TB0x.jpg Age




A flask of the cheapest ale around. A small, weak knife, a jeweled candlestick and a small staff.

What you see in the picture.

Erick is generally unmotivated about almost all aspects of life, after his many failures to do something with his life, he just sees no point in trying to make something of himself anymore, and instead chooses to stay in whichever pub is the closest, and of course the cheapest. Though, the way to tempt Erick into doing, pretty much anything, is to offer him enough money to buy a couple of pints; He has almost no concern for his own personal safety, or anyone else's for that matter, as long as by the end of the day, or even the middle of the day, or even early morning... Well, really anytime, if he can sit down and have a pint, then he'd consider it a good day.. and if he kicks the bucket, then he won't have to worry about paying his bar tabs then, will he?

Erick grew up in a family that wasn't really that well off, but from an early age, he became obsessed with the idea of doing magic, like the archmages around the world. Almost everyday, without fail, he'd beg his parents to to send him to learn magic, of course, his parents didn't really want to just waste the money on something like that, when he showed nearly no magic potential. Though, eventually they caved in and decided to send him off to learn magic, under a semi-local magic trainer, on his sixteenth birthday.. Though.. Erick's fascination with magic, didn't really last that long, he gave up after learning one or two basic spells, figuring out that magic was a lot more work than the books he read made it out to be.

A while later though.. Erick obtained a fascination with assassins, which lead him to quit trying to learn Magic, which ended up angering his parents, since he threw away the training that they had spent quite a bit of money on. Though he just shrugged it off as they disowned him, and started working on becoming an assassin. Erick spent a lot of the money that he had been given to pay for a few more years of magic training, to pay for the gear he guessed he needed to become an assassin. Once he was sure he was well equipped, he went to some of the shady places in the city, that he had heard held people shady enough to hire an assassin.. and he got his first contract to kill someone.. it was just a former lover of the person who had hired him, but he didn't really bother to ask too many questions about it.

Erick started out on the job well enough, finding breaking and entering easy enough, and he made his way towards where he was told his target stayed, and as he entered the room, he saw his target standing next to a bed, about to go to sleep.. Being the competent person he was, Erick rushed towards the figure, finding that it was just a decoy and the person had knew he was coming and had set up a diversion and alerted the guards. Erick was, of course, promptly arrested for an attempt on someone's life. And after spending a long while in jail, he decided that the assassin life just wasn't for him. So, as soon as he got out of the prison, he went directly to the nearest pub and spent all the money he had on drink. Once he ran out, he attempted to pick someone's pocket, which, for once, he was actually successful at

Erick can create a flash of light that lasts a few seconds.

Drunk (I guess he would classify as a Rogue, if anything)



Gold, Drink and pleasure. 

Getting drunk, picking the pockets of people, and generally convincing people not to kill someone as useless as he is.
 Strengths & Weaknesses


-Can handle a lot of alcohol.
- Is still able to function well under the influence of alcohol.
- Can talk his way out of most situations.. provided he isn't drunk.


- Is drunk most of the time

- Gets easily distracted

- Is easy to tempt into doing things


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