Erica Sims


Senior Member
Erica Naomi Sims


Sex: Female

Sexuality:  heterosexual


Height: 5'5


Body type: Hour-Glass Figure, 

Hair color: Changes

Eye color: Brown


There's a lot to say about Erica Sims, but the two traits most people enjoy the most are that she's selfless and incorruptible. Of course she's also freethinking, cheerful and protective, but these are in a way balance by being coarse as well.
Her selflessness though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. Oftentimes people will count on this and her innovative nature in times of need.
she's also  forgiving and resourceful. Of course she's also good-natured, kind and outspoken, but they're often slightly tainted by a mindset of being obnoxious as well.
Her forgiving nature though, this is what she's pretty much loved for. There are many times when friends count on this and her wit when they're in need of support.
Nobody's perfect of course and Erica has plenty of lesser desired aspects too. Her possessive nature are far from ideal and just affect all around negatively.
Fortunately her incorruptible nature helps prevent most of these grievances.

Likes: (5)






-Summer storms

Dislikes: (5)

-Rock Music

-Being Lied to

-Being rejected


-Not getting what she deserves

Hobbies: (max 5)


-Designing clothes

-Running Track

Talents: (max 5)





Favorite color:

Black and Gold


She's hospitable, modest, responsible and perhaps a little too nervous. Which isn't out of the ordinary for someone with her position.
She was born in a high class family to Alexander and Rebecca Sims She was an only child until the age of 14.She lived in peace until she was about 17 years old, and at that point life changed when her brother passed away she then  moved out and was meeting a lot of influential people. Alongside great friends, she loves life in a absurd world. But with her wits and charm, there's nothing to stop her from reaching great success. She could quickly become a person of (great) importance.
However, she is currently looking for a place to truly call home. She feels like there's more than what we get to know in this world. Luckily she has a close group of friends to support her. Her dreams of being the best model and actress to come true but she feels a little piece of emptiness inside searching for the one she truly loves

Why you are entering:To find a love like no other, to give someone her all

Current occupation: Model and B-List Actress

Other: "HOT"

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