Erasin Hedric


I'm literal trash

Name: Erasin Hedrick

Race: Human 

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Personality: Erasin is a relaxed and brilliant commander, and though some may doubt his abilities, they are always proven wrong by his tactics and pure strength. He can be known as a flirt, but who wouldn’t be with his status and stature?  Although these egotistical traits are obvious, once needed he becomes the fearless commander you read about in storybooks. Erasin can be quite tenacious when it comes to being wrong, too headstrong and fearless and is quite competitive to be on top. A few downfalls are his heavy sleeping, stubbornness, and his lack of self-preservation, especially if an ally is in need.

Backstory: A young farm boy can only dream of so much, being told he was constantly going to take over the family’s farm with his siblings, there wasn’t a lot of options given. To Erasin though, it was a challenge he wanted to accept, his strength given to him by the gods wasn’t going to be wasted on plowing fields. He was put on Holdrix for a reason and it wasn’t to be a nonentity, he was going to be known and remembered. Erasin had decided this fact since the day his father had taken him, along with a few of his brothers, to Gilgeross. That day he had seen the current king be selected, Sir King General Falikar the Wise, and was eager to be a part of something bigger. Hearing of strategies, defense plans, made the younger so much more curious and hopeful for a better experience than a farmer. With excitement he declared to his family he would join the royal guard, and much to his dismay they simply told him it wasn’t so. Erasin would never be as strong, smart, or as great of a guard, much less a general. With each of his family’s jabs his rage grew, till one night he finally packed his bags and decided to change his fate, to prove his family wrong, to be somewhere he was needed and respected. Riding on the backs of carts and walking over bumpy roads he had finally made it to Gilgeross, where he would become a knight. Enrolling into the system had been the thing he will never regret, years of hard training and dedication he was finally an ideal knight. Well respected, and admired by his peers he was able to climb the ladder and became a captain of one of the many sectors of the great Eternal Kingdom of Holdrix. The general soon had grown older, and due to a recent battle was partially blind. The man, Alexander, had decided his runner up would be the man who had worked so hard for his positions, Erasin The great general of Holdrix.

Likes: Cigarettes, Plans, lovely ladies, power, militaristic views, and morals.

Dislikes: Being outdone in any way, defeat, cowards, cheats, and Arvo.

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