Equivalent Exchange - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Desu Juice

Big cheese, make me.


"Wind cries out, heavens boil above voicing discontent to my sins,

I have found a way to trick the ferryman,

I have deceived the ancient Gods.

Each day brings me closer to you,

For a price too high,

My tragic victory,

I shudder at what I have done."


I remember making a Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood roleplay, after watching literally two episodes and immediately obsessing over it.

Well, it payed off in the end, because I believe that was the best roleplay I have ever created.

We literally obliterated every other roleplay on the site, and created about 240 pages of writing in over two days. Needless to say, it was amazing, and I've wanted to carry that roleplay over to this site ever since joining.

Warning: may contain swearing, strictness, and some mild ass-kickery.


- All standard roleplay rules apply.

- No posting until I accept you.

- No newbies, you must be experienced to join.

- For now, I am not accepting any homunculi, as my plot will not involve any Philosopher Stones until later.

- Officers are allowed- but only in the appropriate setting. That means that you're allowed to fill out an app for them, and they're yours, but you can only use them if we're in Central or at a crime scene or somewhere applicable.

- Not accepting any Alchemists possessing any abilities out of the ordinary, that means no Edwards yet. Except the actual Edward. That guy is cool.

- No suits of armor except Al.

- You can be a canon character, but you must message me first.

- Original characters must be realistic, and not too overpowered.

If your character is an excellent Marksman, Kung Fu master, black belt, super Alchemist, fire-spewing, half-dragon, demon of destruction and madness, then except to tip of my boot to come in contact with its ass.

- If you have read ALL of these rules, type "Equivalent Exchange!" at the very bottom of your application.

- This roleplay is allowed to go slightly above PG-13, but anything explicit must take place via P.M.

Not that I expect anything too shmexual or goreh to happen.

- Swearing is allowed, but censor words like f*ck, or c*nt or *goes on*

- Hey douche, read ALL of the rules, not just the last one. If you did, you're one sweet-ass motherf*cker.


Appearance: Please include a physical description, as well as an image if applicable.

Gender: Just in case.


History: Optional.

Alchemist Name/What Are You?: No Officers or Homunculi yet!



Crush: You know, for teh dramas.

Extra: Theme Songs perhaps.

I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, nor the quote.

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Name: Rogue Valentine


She stands at exactly 5"3 in height, holding a slender physical build. Her skin is a sickly pale when hit by the wrong light, though otherwise appears normal, her hair a light blonde (eyes being of exceedingly light coloration). Rogue is covered in old scars and has a particularly large one going across her stomach in a sideways line (like half of an X). Her hands are tattooed with pentacles.

Gender: Female.

Personality: First off, Rogue has Delirium tremens, a rare mental disorder which causes her to have the common symptoms such as intense perceptual disturbance such as visions of insects, snakes, or rats. These may be hallucinations, or illusions related to the environment, e.g., patterns on the wallpaper or in the peripheral vision that the patient falsely perceives as a resemblance to the morphology of an insect, and are also associated with tactile hallucinations such as sensations of something crawling on the subject — a phenomenon known as formication. Delirium tremens usually includes extremely intense feelings of "impending doom". Severe anxiety and feelings of imminent death are symptomatic of DT, as she clearly represents. This was caused by the severe head trauma and grief she endured when she first became acquainted with her “Favorite battle buddy”, Lunacy. She now constantly talks to herself or to those hallucinations which she is prone to seeing, and they usually display her lost brother. Rogue is always hearing him speak, as well as others who she has ether harmed or encountered in the past. However, figures of her past self may push through, allowing her competitive and determined behavior to persist. She will never back down, despite the horrors which constantly plague her. Because of the visions, you may see her explode in sudden rages of certain emotions such as rage, sadness, or excitement. One day Rogue may be a social butterfly, the next she’ll be locking herself in a confined space with a tin-foil hat on her head and a sign that says “No assholes allowed”. Other then that, she can be very eccentric and curious, timid though reckless and impulsive.

Her DT is sometimes be associated with severe, uncontrollable tremors of the extremities and secondary symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia, so expect a lot (and I mean a lot) of surprises from her end.

History: Rogue was one of the youngest alchemists to ever be recruited; only being 10 years old when accepted into the force. She joined because of one thing and one thing alone…..a deal. She was so incredibly advanced for her age, having a natural ability with alchemy regarding shadows and psychic connections. In fact, Rogue didn’t even require chalk to perform. But she was practicing such science at such an early stage in her life that others felt threatened. Well, also by the fact that she and her brother used the powers to commit top priority crimes. She was blackmailed: Ether use her capabilities in the military section of research or she and her little brother would face “consequences”.

So she joined. But upon her decision, she wasn’t aware that she would be sent with another group of people to annihilate one particular person. I mean, one being cannot be that hard to defeat with these highly trained alchemists, right?


The reason they recruited her was not just because they needed soldiers, not just because of her abilities, but because of the natural “protection” she and her twin brother exhibited. Their physical anatomy was just what was needed to defeat a newly formed group of homunculi. So in the two years that they tracked down the head of this group, they accomplished incredible feats for the military, actually being praised because of their strength. It was only on that one battle did they finally encounter Lunacy, the very person they’ve been hunting. Little did they know, Lunacy had actually been hunting them. Long story short, Rogue’s brother was killed and she was brutally torn apart. They put up an impressive fight which Lunacy found extremely refreshing. It was because of this that she left Rogue bloody and beaten, but alive.

In order to save her life, the remaining twin was submitted to brutal tests and such as to change her physical attributes. But because of this, she lost some of her original abilities and now cannot use alchemy by just touching the designated target. She was kicked from the military and left in a cage, like a lab rat, because she had gone ‘wrong”. Of course she escaped and went after her brother’s murderer and her own attacker. But Rogue was blinded by rage and by pain. You can only imagine the serious shit she got herself into…..now being a wanted war criminal, a lone fighter, a beaten down girl with nothing in the world but the vengeance in her heart and a screwed up mental disorder. She will never stop until that damned homunculus is dead....but if her hallucinations keep leading her the wrong way, who knows when she'll finally achieve her goal?

Alchemist Name/What Are You?: She once was known as the Shadow Alchemist while in the force

Likes: Training, battle, investigation, competition, challenges, winning, freedom, independence, defeating enemies, self-improvement, understanding something,

Dislikes: Loosing, failure, exposure, having her intelligence insulted, confined spaces, being underground, confusion, being lost, the hallucinations,

Crush: Open and available, gentlemen!



Name: Lunacy

She stands at 5”4, has olive skin, and is slim in build. Her hair is short and choppy, sporting a dark brown, her eyes a vibrant emerald green mixed with red. Her body is covered in tattoos, many of which appear to be fractions of a pentacle.

Gender: Female

Personality: Lunacy taunts and belittles her opponents, allowing them to inflict wounds before healing and unleashing a vicious fury of attacks. She desires battle at every chance, and is genuinely infuriated when her opponents attempt to extinguish their own lives or kill themselves. She longs for a fight as fueled by several things, one of which being able to go against an enemy who can actually pose a threat.

She expresses respect for some humans if they are able to prove themselves capable in order tor receive such respect. She recognizes Rogue as ALMOST an equal to herself and pities her greatly. She has a disdain and strange admiration for humans (the disdain especially for alchemists), commonly expressing pride for those who excel in certain fields. It will become increasingly evident that Lunacy is secretly struggling with her nature as a true born killer, a monster. Though she would never admit it with ease, she greatly regrets becoming a homunculus, but would not take back her decision, claiming that what is done is done and she must face her actions by confronting the consequences. She expresses great disgust for those who kill without purpose, and if she has an episode in which she does as so, she will feel guilt. She is merciless, ruthless, and unforgiving when in battle. She is not against being cruel or unorthodox, though fights with a unique form of her own original “honor”. But do not think that she is completely heartless and without any form of kindness. She sees herself as a neutral-chaotic-evil, not totally good nor totally bad, but instead does what needs to be done. She fights for her own side, and is not a follower in any way or form. Lunacy is as cunning and swift as can be, so do not be fooled by her beauty, she can kick some serious ass. Her and Rogue are greatly similar, and as it is commonly pointed out, it appears as though Lunacy is the dark form of The Shadow Alchemist. Actually, the only reason Rogue is still alive is because Lunacy finds her and her potential interesting, no other reason than that.

Relationships: N/A

History: I would prefer this to be let on later in the story.

Alchemist Name/What Are You: A Homunculus, though she will not be entered into the story until the time is approved by Desu.

Likes: Winning, competition, a valuable opponent, traveling, darkness, night-time, rain, destruction, chaos, information, frightening others, explosives, blades, guns, ect ect.

Dislikes: When other people give up, bail out, or accept defeat, failure, the day-light, when people are unappreciative of the very things they SHOULD be appreciative of, ect ect

Crush: The smexy homunculus Greed.


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Marcel Hoffmann

"I am the determination to transcend,

to dip into the darkness

from a safety of days; though

once I fix things they tend to die."



Marcel is sweeter, softer, more gentle, and more openly compassionate than his brother, Hans. He has a different type of toughness, one of understanding. While his brother focuses on the negative aspects of others, Marcel focuses on the positive, always trying to define others by their best traits. Not necessarily idiotic, as when things get tough he can be as serious as they come, but unlike his bro he is more prepared to accept others opposed to always keeping them under watch.

Marcel and Hans were born in Dublith, their mother was from Resembool, their father was from Central Amestris, and was a little-know Alchemist. Soon after turning two, both brothers began to learn more about Alchemy, sharing a powerful determination to become State Alchemists. Hans wanted to do it to earn a living doing something he loved, Marcel wanted to do it to help people. Once the twins turned twenty, they moved from Dublith, and rented a small apartment in Central City, Amestris.

Before earning the title of State Alchemist, Marcel witnessed Hans jumping off of a roof, drunk, and contemplating suicide. Desperate to save his brother, Marcel jumped off as well- looking to catch Hans and flip over, using his own body as a cushion for their landing. The impact of the ground on his back had broken his spine, and Marcel was taken to a hospital, where he was stabilized.

Paralyzed from the waist-down, Marcel still continued to learn how to use Alchemy, despite his brother's attempts at discouraging him. Thankfully, an automail technician got a hold of Marcel and, for the first time in history, managed to build a prosthetic spine for Marcel.

Unfortunately, the spine is rather flimsy, and tends to break at inopportune times.

At the age of twenty-one, Marcel gained the title of State Alchemist.

His name is the Spineless Metal Alchemist, and is a joke amongst his higher-ups. Marcel hates that name, and prefers to go by Metal Alchemist. But often, behind his back, Offices tend to still call him "Spineless."

Marcel loves his brother above all others. He likes the military, afternoons, Dublith, dogs, alcohol, cigarettes, fights, the sun/daytime, quiet, warm nights, and fireplaces.

He hates anyone that attempts to hurt his brother, Scar above all other people, stupid people, oblivious people, "dumb bimbos" (despite how often he tends to play around with them), the Flame Alchemist (only somewhat.)

He's too close to his brother to think about meeting a girl right now.

Theme Song:




Hans Hoffmann

"It is not easy to forget myself,

worn as I am in this art of clothes,

mostly I am cloud white and corduroy,

a gliding vessel wedded to flight."



Hans is quiet, calm, and calculating. Hans is the official "hard-ass" of the two, always quick to maintain a "tough" and "manly" composure, causing slight tints of occasional arrogance and a bit of an ego. But, deep down he has a caramel center which he attempts to suppress when around others. His inner compassion can, and usually is, hidden by his personal passions. His brother is one of the few that is fully aware of the inner-kind-nature of Hans.

Hans suffers from occasional bouts of debilitating depression, which can be severely worsened by alcohol.

Marcel and Hans were born in Dublith, their mother was from Resembool, their father was from Central Amestris, and was a little-know Alchemist. Soon after turning two, both brothers began to learn more about Alchemy, sharing a powerful determination to become State Alchemists. Hans wanted to do it to earn a living doing something he loved, Marcel wanted to do it to help people. Once the twins turned twenty, they moved from Dublith, and rented a small apartment in Central City, Amestris. Hans earned the title of State Alchemist a year after Marcel earned his.

After a suicide attempt that had left his brother, who had attempted to save him, with a broken spin, Hans has become a much colder gentleman, desperate to show the world that he can be strong. he is plagued by the guilt of causing his brother so much pain.

His name is Quiet Distance Alchemist. You will see why at a later time.

Hans loves his brother above all things, and will do ANYTHING to protect him. He likes quiet mornings, twilight, and dusk. He likes cats, and a lot of other animals. He enjoys taking long walks, exploring areas, and being alone.

Hans dislikes noise, angry people, loud people, barking, car horns, and feeling frustrated/angry.

He only wants to ensure his brother's safety and happiness.

Theme Song:



He needs his bro smiling at him. ;3;

"I seek a Tarot of assurances, to know

that the difference between a swan

and a man merely lies

in twin aspects gone awry."

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Name:Celia Harper

Appearance: Celia is 5'7 and 110 pounds. She has a rather scrawny build. Her eyes are a clear blue and she has pale skin. Her hair is black with red highlights and goes down past her waist.


Gender: Female

Personality: Celia is a very quiet and timid girl. Just from first glance you can tell she is a passive person. When dealing with other people, she tends to sympathize rather than staying on objective which usually poses as a serious problem. At times, she is so merciful as to tend to an enemy if they are seriously wounded. Celia is a very honest person but does not like openly expressing her opinions. She usually keeps to herself about most things, due to the fact that she doesn't like to worry her friends and comrades and therefore is seen most of the time wearing a smile as a facade. She prioritizes the well-being of others before herself.

History: (I'll keep it brief for now and probably expand on it as the rp continues) While kids had been practicing alchemy, Celia was sent to Asia for most of her childhood and had been trained in alkahestry. This was due to the fact that she refused to use alchemy after seeing the destruction it caused. Alkahestry was focused on the purification arts, which would allow Celia to practice advanced forms of medical transmutations. She had been trained to fight as well, considering the masters in Asia were Kung-Fu and Tai-Chi experts. When she turned 16, she returned to her home in Central City.

Alchemist Name/What Are You?: The Pure Alchemist (Due to the fact she practices healing arts in alkahestry)

Likes: Peaceful surroundings and people, Tea, Hot springs, life, animals, singing (not in front of a crowd though).

Dislikes: Alcohol, Cowards, People who put her down, Merciless people, Fighting, The Dark.

Crush: None yet? [Maybe Hans, because he seems really nice? xD ]

Extra: Age 21
Uguu ;v; accepted. Everything is awesome.

But look at the fourth rule from the bottom of the rules list.  
Hans would love her xD
Perfect! Accepted again. xD  
Attention! Big personality updates on the twins. Haru, I think you'll like Marcel better now. xD
Aha, oh Celia. At least Hans has a soft center. :3

Yep, I wasn't sure what to do with them at first, I wanted to balance out their traits and stuff, but the whole time I've been looking at things the wrong way. (Trying to make Hans the sweet heart, while still giving him a cold and harsh demeanor- which just didn't fit whatever sweetness I wanted to give him.)

Luckily Doctor came to my rescue and presented a genius solution, hehe. :3 <3
Hans = how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop xD

Ahhhhh I can't wait to get started T _T -rolls around in mud impatiently-
XDD! It's been a long time since I've heard somebody reference that.

The official thread is up, and you can post an intro if you want. We're not going further than that until we get at least two more people.
There's a rule that prohibits military people from working outside of Central/crime scenes/etc for the sake of realism.

State Alchemists, on the other hand, can follow us. But I won't accept more than a handful of them.
Name: Thane Alderhiem

Appearance: He is 5'10" with a bit wider shoulders than in the picture and slightly shorter hair than the picture too.


Gender: Male

Personality: He is calm and leveled headed with a good sense of justice most of the time but serial killers, racists and sexists can push him past the edge into a anger driven rage in which he looses his sense of reasoning. Earlier in his life he had an extreme amount of fear for blood but has gotten mostly past it and it will often not effect him. He tries to be kind and compassionate but isn't the best at expressing himself and can be shy when it comes to his feelings towards girls. He is smart, clever and fast on his feet making him a good fighting and hates to loose but knows that some times winning isn't everything.

History: He was adopted by a state alchemist who trained him after his parents were viciously killed in front of him by a serial killer at the age of seven. The state alchemist know as the Masoner Alchemist who could quickly created rock structures and weapons out of rocks taught him about alchemy and prepared him to follow him in his foot steps. The man was kind and gentle and a caring father, the best Thane could have hoped for and gave him the strong sense of justice Thane has today.

At the young age of 16 Thane was accepted as a state alchemist. His experience has been a bit mellow dramatic as he has been sent on relatively easy and peaceful missions to this day such as guarding a supply caravan and making sure towns follow proper laws, but he has seen enough action so that he no longer thinks of himself as a green horns well others older than himself still might.

Alchemist Name/What are you?: Weaponer Alchemist

Likes: Sleeping, Relaxing, Enjoying life, training, traveling, wild animals, winning, a good sparing match, and nice sword/weapon(it's a hobby of his)

Dislikes: Unnecessary violence/force/killing, Serial killers, people who are prejudice and people with no will to live/purpose in life.

Crush: Rogue - He would see Rogue often through out Central and he thought she was kind of cute and impressive but never worked up the courage to talk to her and he doubted she ever saw him. Then the incident with Lunacy happened to Rogue and Thane managed to hear about it and he felt horrible about it but hasn't seen her since before the incident.(Doctor Disharmony I hope this is ok with you, and if it's not I can easily change it if you want me to)

Extra:He is 20 years old

Also I will only be able to post really once per every couple of days because I won't always have access to internet, I hope that that is ok with you Desu Juice.

Equivalent Exchange
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Accepted! You can go right ahead and post on the official R.P. page.

I absolutely love your character ;v;
Oh, that's more then fine with me, Forge. :big grin:

I simply adore your character, and I know for a fact Rogue will as well.

Has anybody posted in the official thread yet? And if not, Desu would you like me to post an intro?

Scratch that, I just checked.

Expect a post from me later on today/tonight, it will be there as soon as possible.
I will be editing Marcel's past- specifically the part about his spine.

I feel like Marcel is going to freak out knowing Hans has an admirer. xD
Ah, it's just internet talk or something.

I meant that I made Hans and Marcel's history somewhat sadder. :c
I needed some sort of drama, haha. Plus it sort of plays around with the twin's original history~

I was like


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