Equivalent Exchange - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood R.P.

Desu Juice

Big cheese, make me.
Yep, it follows the same plot as the manga. But because it's a roleplay, not everything will happen the same way. Some things will be different--actually, a lot of things will be different, especially since I'm accepting O.C.s.
I'm interested if you still need another person. I'm a little confident in my writing skills and am able to post at almost any time of the day.
When you say civilians, are you referring to ordinary people or do you just need people who aren't a Certified state Alchemist?

I was wondering, since an alchemist who isn't certified by the state is technically a civilian.
Non-certified Alchemists, or people like Winry.

If you're a plain civilian, you can still be a kick-ass fighter/mechanic/etc., people that the world needs in order to function. c:
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to increase my 'character demands,' so, as long as your character is a semi-skilled Alchemist, nothing too over the top, and has a side profession/activity he/she enjoys doing, that's fine.

I will no longer be accepting skilled Alchemists, or 'pure Alchemists', meaning that, for example, a semi-skilled Alchemist that's also a merchant is fine. An Alchemist god capable of destroying you with a wall of stone, with no other profession other than Alchemy, is not fine.
I have no intention of making a god-like character. That would make the story less entertaining if there was unstoppable character.

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