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Realistic or Modern Epidemic CS



One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
Back story:
Other: (not necessary just tell me anything else you think I should know)
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Name: Kirk "Doc" franklin
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Sexuality: TBD
Ethnicity: Mixed (Native American Cherokee / Black )
Description/Picture: stands at 6’0”, 200 pounds, has an average frame for his age. He wears silver-rimmed glasses and sports a well-groomed beard.
Strengths: Military background, Combat Veteran ( three campaigns), Farmer, Medical background, Husbandry
Weaknesses: not mechanically inclined with fuel engines, will attempt to help strangers in this dangerous age, social stigma, PTSD, EtOH abuse
Likes: carpentry work, light metalwork, sailing, diving, Ham radios, Parachuting (MFF)
Dislikes: computers, loners, cellphones, heat or cold extremes, gardening and the guy that is banging his wife
Other: proficient in Latin, French, Arabic, and Spanish
Former Occupation: Railroad worker (Engineer / Conductor)
Current Occupation: Living and wandering
Talents: Muleskinner, Teamster, Falconry
Equipment: TBD

Backstory: Kirk grew up in the hills of West Virginia on a large farm, spent his time taking care of animals, and using farm equipment. Kirk spent time with his grandfather who worked on the railroad. He spent his summers working with him in the classification yard. After high school, Kirk joined the Marines for one enlistment then went to college and then enlisted into the US Army. After several terms, He transferred to the Navy reserves to close out his military career. Kirk got a job with the railroads after mustering out of the federal service and started as a conductor, working his way to engineer. Now, most people would think that it would be strange to have a railcar on-site at the homestead but that was franklin's dream. But being a doomsday prepper was the least of His wife Tammy worry, Tammy supported his madness but only if they would use the railcar for travel, which was twice a year. The franklin's had a nice home, twenty acres, a few farm animals, and a few dogs. His wife "Tammy" was a Trauma Nurse for the local hospital that was almost an hour away. Kirk worked for the railroad so he wasn't at home as much but Tammy kept the home fires burning for him. Kirk had a small side gig with butchering meat in his shop that was next to the house but away from the barn so the animals won't stress.

The flu hit as it always does but this one was different. by the second week, Tammy was spending overnights at the ER, doing double shifts. Tammy told him not to worry and that she didn't want to bring anything home. Kirk delves back into his animals on the farm and his work till the news on the radio caught his attention. Riots, looting and the whole downtown area was getting locked down by the police. By afternoon the nation started to shut down and the railroad wasn't an exception. SCATANA code was used and kirk's engine was affected, forcing the unit to go to the nearest sliding and the crew had to walk more the 7 miles to a crossroad to get picked up. It was madness for the pickup drivers so everyone wants to drive alongside the rails back to the yard due to all the street closings. By the time everyone goes back to work, all could see the various plumes of smoke in the air, the sounds of consent emergency sirens going off.
Name: John
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: American
Strengths: Armor building,Metal welding, Using guns, Making clothes,cooking
Weaknesses: Talking to people, Having relationship,Wilderness,sensitiv
Likes: Metal,baking,Making armor, gardening,Art
Dislike: Conversation,People,Wilderness,Relationship
Back story: Before the whole outbreak he lived in a very toxic home where his whole family was emotionally and physically abused by there dad. There younger brothers and him were forced to work all day until 6:00 pm and started around 6:00 am. And they forced his sister to do thousands of chores a day. Once the whole virus Epidemic started he stole there food and Took his very neglecting mom’s sewing machine and lived in a old abandoned house waiting for people to come by but not careing very much that he was alone because he is a very antisocial boy.
Other: He has 2 brothers and 1 sister and has always known how to sew because his mom taught him to sew because before he could work on the farm he sewed clothes for his family. He also taught himself how to do metal work and makes fun sculptures with the hot metal. And he was taught how to use a gun so he could kill the animals he raised or just to hunt he also knows how to skin them and also knows how to cook.
Gear: Hockey gear with street signs taped to him and belted to him with a hockey mask one tennis shoe one flip flop and a gu.
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Name: Alexi
Age: 16
Gender: Genderfluid (They/them)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Ethnicity: Slavic
Description/Picture: Wears a checkered cardigan with a black shirt and blue jeans with combat boots. They have green eyes and dark brown hair that is hidden under a gray beanie. Short cropped hair, a scar on her wrist, and bitten nails.
Strengths: Able to sew and knit. They are good with a crossbow, setting traps, and starting a fire. Able to hunt. Can cook meat.
Weaknesses: Unable to cook anything but meat. Allergic to nuts. Trust issues.
Likes: Nature, hunting, grandma's cooking, human affection
Dislike: People assuming their gender, References to their parents, Nuts, Raspberries, Their uncle
Back story: When they were 3 years old, their parent's died in a car crash. They were sent to live with their grandmother and uncle on a little farm next to the woods. The woods were full of wolves and bears. She was homeschooled by her grandmother and taught to hunt by their uncle. Their uncle was not the nicest of teachers but taught her how to survive in the woods. He would take them into the woods and leave them there to find their way home. This caused major distrust between the two. He showed them how to set traps and find edible fruit. Wild raspberries grew abundantly in the forest around the farm. She would always eat them when left alone in the woods. After a few years of this, they developed a strong distasted for them.
By the age of 10, they had memorized the forest within a 40-mile radius of the farm. Their uncle taught them how to use a crossbow at the age of 12. At age 13, she killed her first wolf. Every other day, their uncle would travel to the city to do business. During this time, their grandmother would homeschool them and teach her how to knit and sew. An incident with a crossbow left a scar across their wrist that is covered by their cardigan. They don't like to tell about what actually happened during that incident and only their grandmother knows. Their grandmother was the one who secured a binder for them to wear without their uncle knowing. A few days before the epidemic broke out their uncle disappeared. They were left with their grandmother. A few days into the epidemic their grandmother fell ill and was lost. They were left all by themselves. They decided to go through the woods and search for other survivors.
Gear: Crossbow and arrows, a backpack full of herbal medicines and some EpiPens, wire, net, and some Aquatabs.
Name: Correctional Officer Michael "Ferret" Barstow.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: "Mind your fucking business"
Ethnicity: White British
Appearance: Short (5ft 5") and thin faced, Michael is towered over by most. He wears his Old Prison security uniform, albeit more ragged than it used to be allowed to be, he is missing his ring and pinkie finger on his left hand which were severed in the line of duty.
Strengths: Straight-Shooter, Great Climber, will not get cabin fever or panic in smaller spaces, can play guitar, resourceful, can shout a drill Sargeant to tears
Weaknesses: Paranoid delusions and suffers violent flashbacks from what he saw when the flu overwhelmed his old Prison, quick to anger.

Likes: Rock music, Good Scotch, Climbing and his Colt .45.

Dislikes: Nosy bastards, Birds with high pitch chirps and Fireworks.

Born and raised in blightey, Michael emigrated to the US for work after he was let go from HMP Irongate. He found himself in Colorado doing a Supermax job. The inmates nicknamed him C.O Ferret due to his small size. He held this job right up until the Flu reached the isolated prison through unknown means, overnight most inmates had caught it and Michael was one of very few to get out of that petri-dish of death. He eventually wandered down to Kansas after the last of his fellow prison Staff died violently. He drinks to forget it all, despite the situation needing him sober at times.
Gear: Kevlar SWAT vest over a cloth and polyester grey uniform, a Colt 1911.
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Name: Simon

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual/aromantic.

Ethnicity: Japanese Italian.

Description/Picture: Simon is a lean man of average height, with dark eyes of indeterminate color and a smooth face. He has long, straight hair that falls just below his shoulders. He’s usually very flamboyantly dressed, mostly in black and white. He wears a white leather duster that’s well fitted to his frame, a black button-up shirt, and a pair of black trousers. He’ll usually offset the simple shades with gold accents like rings or necklaces.

Strengths: Very good with a knife, eidetic memory, fast reader, good aim, has training as a navy seal.

Weaknesses: He has a flair for the dramatic, often at the cost of some practicality. He’ll often forgo his own needs to complete his mission.

Likes: He ignores his own desires in pursuit of his goal to bring justice to the world. His one desire is to pass judgment on those who take advantage of the current situation.

Dislikes: Same as above. He wishes to judge those who decided to take advantage of the epidemic. He also recognizes his own hypocrisy, and harbors some self hatred for it, but he finds his mission more important than his own problems.

Backstory: Simon grew up as part of a lower class family, and he joined the Navy as soon as he could, ending up the Seals due to his skills. He served in the Seals for quite some time before being discharged at age 27. Since then he’s worked as a civilian contractor for various governments around the world. Since the epidemic started, he’s changed quite a bit, figuring that since the world was ending, he could do whatever he wanted. He now acts as one who passes judgement on others, particularly those who are taking advantage of current events.

Gear: Several knives, a Taurus Tracker revolver.
Name: Yuki Reaper
Age: 14
Gender: male
Sexuality: (uhh why) pansexual
Ethnicity: (wtf no way man)
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he is great at cooking, he loves to make things (ussually weapons and traps), makeing clothes, killing, he can use almost anything as a weapon (he does love scythe), ect (not necessary to list anymore because the rest are mainly things he'll pick up)
emotions, close people (because he's never gotten close to someone)
food, blood, killing, pain, stealing, weapons, motorcycles, playing guitar, music, and rap
people, zombies, ect
Back story:
when the epidemic hit everyone in his family except for his twin sister (they were born at the same time) were killed, sadly his sister got lost and he's been looking for her this whole time, ever sence his sister got lost nobody has been their to calm down his brutality, but he does whant to find a few friends in this epidemic, ect (i'm lost)
Other: he has an amazing ability to see in the dark, and since he loves to make things he can tamper with any electronic and make it work as something else, he's good at engineering, and he's very tech savvy
he wears a hoodie and carries around a few weapons (he ussually camps at weapon stores)
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These questions are answered weird.
Age: ??? (He looks 14)
Sexuality: Umm why? (Pansexual)
Ethnicity: (wtf no way man)
They are not for you, they are descriptors for a character. If you're refusing to answer them or find it odd, it's because you probably should not be inserting yourself into an RP
also, Nicknames are usually earned either during RP or in the backstory, I doubt anybody is calling a 14 ish kid Scythe master

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