Epic Story Based RP?


Hero in the Making
Hi, I think I should introduce myself first before I get to the particulars of this particular topic. I'm Wirik and I have been RPing off and on for a pretty long time. I've done RP in a variety of environments from MMO's to chat based dice rolling.

But enough about me, what about what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a partner or two to tell stories with. Preferably someone who is able to write a couple of paragraphs and be active. It would be awesome if your willing to direct the story as well, I love finding twists I had never imagined.

That being said, I have several ideas that could possibly be mined for RP gold. But by no means are these the only things I'm willing to RP. Have an awesome idea of your own? Why not. Or maybe we could even make a complete new idea from the ground up.

Without further ado, here's my ideas:

Time has not been kind to Hyrule. What had once been sprawling plains, vast lakes, and fierce mountains has given way to a mechanical city. Smog and noise clutter every corner, and a feeling of desperation clings heavily to everything. Ganon is the Emporer of Hyrule, and he rules his city with an iron fist, and an army of mechanized soldiers(Moblins) His rule is absolute, his word law, and any attempt at revolution is snuffed out. The last attempt a group called the Hyrulian Revoultionary Army is in shambles, its members dead , captured, or fleeing. The voice of the revolution is on her own, fleeing through the night with nothing but the clothes on her back and a small amulet clutched in her hand. Her flight will lead her straight into contact with a man of her own age, an aprentice at a machine shop wearing a familiar green tunic. Together hopefully they can overthrow the evil Ganon.

What if dreams became reality? A Detective spends an hour or so a day after work escaping from reality. In his backyard is a small shack, it's sole furnishings being a simple table and chair. But when he sits in the chair and cradles a drink on the table it becomes something more. A bustling tavern, with men and women of all races mingling together. He would listen to their conversations and allow this world of makebelieve to drown out the cold awful truth of reality. Or so that had always been the case. Until one day he finds himself aproached by a tavern worker, a person who should have no way to interact with him.

How far does blind faith take you? In a society where faith is everything? Pretty dang far. Your faith is rewarded, the more faithful you are, the greater the reward. God is good to those who believe. The faithful are provided everything, food, clothes, shelter. They want for nothing, nor need anything, a truly blessed life. But some people don't believe as much, and as such recieve less from god. They have to preform odd jobs, jobs beneath the utterly faithful. And so it goes, as your faith dwindles so to does the rewards, and your lot in life. What about a man that doesn't believe at all? Refuses to believe? He gets nothing, no food, no clothes, not even a home to call home. Rags are his clothes, and a few pieces of wood his home. The other citizens of his village sneer at him, and shun him. And so he lives his life, alone, barely able to live, until a villager goes out of their way to help him.

Is Strength everything? When your world has been at a constant state of war, almost certainly. But what feeds the war machine? What allows a world to stay in a constant state of war. The War Academy. Every male and female are entered into the academy at birth. Raised by those who use their strength to raise others. The first few years are simple, being raised and taught the basics of society. But once the age of twelve has been reached the Choosing takes place, and the real purpose of the War Academy becomes apparent. All the lords are in attendance, the Men that govern the armies that constantly fight for power of the world. A Person's strength comes from the weapon they hold. In this world weapons are sources of magic, the type of magic varying between the type of weapon. During the Choosing, the kids are told to not only choose a weapon, but let the weapon choose them. A boy did just that, choosing a Sword, considered the weakest weapon. No one chooses sword, and he was the first in decades. At the War Academy classes are taught by weapon, and little time is given to interacting with those outside your specialty. So thus he finds himself relatively isolated, until an upperclassmate aproaches with an agenda of their own.

Reality can be a bit harsh sometimes. The same boring routine, day in, day out. It doesn't help working in a Grocery Store, where the customers are rude, and the fellow employees ruder. It becomes hard to place the mask on each day, to pretend to be happy enough to do your job. The feeling of isloation deepens each day, the noose tightens, and the unhappiness spreads. Life is definetely not what it should of been, what happened to the grand promises and vast potentials? Nothing, nothing happened because they never exsisted. And thus he sits on a bench outside, contempulating his lot in life we someone aproaches and drags him away from the ends of the Earth.

Zombie apocalypse's are just not what they used to be. Spates of zombie outbreaks are spreading across the US, and the goverment is struggling to contain them. But thus far they have been succesful. Caught early enough the zombie outbreaks are dealt with swiftly and propanda spread quickly to minimize any potential damage. That is until the Type M's started showing up. Monsters, giant hulking zombies mutated through some unknown means. Almost unkillable, these montrosaties take dozen upon dozens of men to kill and rack up astronomical body counts. But the goverment holds on, just barely. Now they need a way to fight back, and the Partner program was put into action. A program that uses the link between two people to create stronger soldiers, people more suited to fight the undead menace slowly spreading across the US. One catch, the best link is formed between a man and a woman. So Project Partner secretly recruits zombie attack survivors and puts them together in a hope that the bond they might form will be enough. After all when you force two people to live, and train together, surely something will come of it.

In all of these ideas I plan on playing a male character. In only the first and last ones are the characters gender locked. In any other case I am cool with either gender. Just if you plan on playing a second male character don't expect any kind of romantic relationship forming.

If anything has caught your eye, then either shoot me a pm or respond to this thread. Hopefully we can be writing stories together soon!
Greetings my good sir, I have taken quite the interest in your 'Dreams Becoming and Reality," idea, and I would like to expand upon it. If you wish to RP with me feel free to send me a PM, and if you don't want to, well no hard feelings. Have a fantastic day. :)
I like the concept for several of them...x.x Hrmm I like the blind faith plot the most though. The drama that could possibly ensue from that sounds fun. If it's still open I would like to try it out :3
I already have the faith one about to start. But I think I could do it again, it would be interesting to see a story going in different directions.

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