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Realistic or Modern Enhanced


Nick smiled a little bit at the young boy. "Thank you," he said, the pain in his wrists completely gone. He flexed his fingers and then popped them. He had a bad habit of cracking his knuckles. He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. He was shaky and exhausted. He had already been up for over twenty four hours because he was being used to settle some government debts. Now, he could relax.


"Remember, they all need to be in one piece," Kyle said again. "Let's move quickly. It will be harder once the sun starts to set."
Kirstin Harrison


She sighed and turned away from Carter, glad to see that Nick was back. She... didn't really want to know what he did to get out of his situation. She did wonder however what he looked like for real, incase she was seeing her "ideal man". Turning to look around the run down store, she noticed a few shelves with really old bags of chips and other assorted junk foods. It would have to do until they got some money somehow.

"Is everyone alright?" she asked, surprised at her own concerned-sounding voice. She wasn't very good with people, but today it was like she was someone else, and she didn't find that to be too bad.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing

"I'm perfect actually," Carter said. "Free from that shit hole, here with some good company, for the most part. I feel amazing." He looked over at Nick. "How about you, Pretty Boy? Have fun on your little sexcapade?" he joked. He knew how he got out of it. He wasn't about to let that slide.


Tullio stayed silent, but gave Kristin a small, reassuring smile. He figured that he could trust her. He let out a small scream as a mouse ran across his foot. He pulled his knees to his chest and watched the creature run by. He remembered one of the tests that he was put through... Rats all over him, then spiders, then snakes... They told him that it would help his powers, but all it did was scar him.


Sandra liked that the one Enhanced was on their side. If he was on the other side, she would be afraid. "If we can get all of them back to the building as uninjured as possible, that would be great," she said. She started walking, examining every face that passed her.
Kirstin Harrison


She jumped at Tullio's scream and looked around panicked. One of her tests had been them torturing one of the others who hadn't escaped with them until she found her. Like Tullio,

they claimed it was to help her powers. She had called a bull on that one even then. She relaxed when she saw everyone was alright again and slid to the floor against one of the walls, leaning her head back tiredly. She drifted off to sleep after a few minutes, her head leant against what used to be the check-out counter.

(time skip?)

@Daniel Atlas Wing @Neal Caffrey @Anybody)
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"S-sorry," Tullio mumbled after he screamed. He looked down at his feet. He would never fit in with these people. They all seemed super smart... He was not. He had the mind of a fifth grader. "I'm s-sorry," he said again.
Kirstin Harrison


Kirstin woke up just as the sun was coming up, surprised that she had slept the afternoon away. She snuck out without a sound, not wanting to wake the others, and walked down the way still in her standard issue white tank top and black sweatpants. She figured if they needed to blend in they definitely needed new clothes. She remembered the one time she'd been in New York meeting someone in this end of town. She ducked into a small retail store and found the person behind the counter.

"Kaylee," she greeted.

The two chatted for a long time before the girl allowed Kirstin out with an outfit for each of the boys. Kirstin changed into her own tee and black jeans in the store. She also pleaded and finally convinced the girl to give her a leather jacket that Kirstin loved. Once she was on her way back to the boarded up store, Kirstin stopped to look at herself in a store window that reflected back to her. Her long hair was tangled and had many split ends. She frowned at it and ducked into an office store near her. Sneaking a pair of scissors into her pocket, she walked into the back bathroom and looked in the mirror, taking a deep yet shaky breath before raising the scissors to just above her collar bones and snipping them shut.

She got back to the store at around 10 in the morning finding everyone else just waking.

"Hey everyone," she said cheerily, holding up the new clothes, knowing all of their sizes previously from hours of boredom.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing

Carter woke up and rubbed his eyes. That was the best sleep he'd had in a long time. He looked at Kristin, who had apparently left and got them some different clothes.

"Where did you get the money for that?" He asked groggily.


Tullio smiled at the sight of new clothes. He hadn't had any since his growth spurt, so his ankles had been showing, making him feel stupid.

"Thank you, m-m-miss," he stuttered.
Kirstin Harrison


"Can we leave the how I got these as a need to know?" she asked rhetorically, handing each of them their clothes," anyway, I tried to get something all of you would at least be okay with, if not like. After all I'm pretty sure all of us know each other by now."

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing
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"As long as you're not tripping any security cameras," Carter said, taking off his shirt and grabbing the new one. "We don't need more police after us. Nick can't save us all with his body."


Tullio took the clothes and turned away to change. He was easily embarrassed, so even just knowing that other people could be looking made his face grow red. He had to get more comfortable with them...
Kirstin Harrison


She glared and smiled sarcastically at Carter before peeking out a crack in the boarding near the small hole they'd all fit through. She immediately ducked away, her eyes wide and scared. She didn't say a thing as two shadows passed by the boards and the voices of Sandra and another scientist were heard.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing

Tullio's eyes widened when he heard Sandra. "They're here?" He whispered to Kristin fearfully.


They had stopped for an hour or two during the night to get rest, but they couldn't waste time. They needed to keep looking. They stopped on the corner in front of an abandoned store. She looked at it and then at the others.

"Think they would hide here?" She asked, her voice heavy with sleepiness.

Nick did his best to ignore Carter. He knew that he was pretty much just a sex toy, but he didn't need to be reminded of it 24/7.

He thanked Kristin for the clothes and then changed quickly. Then, he heard the familiar sound of Sandra's voice. He fell completely silent, scared to even move.
Kirstin Harrison


She heard Sandra suggest them look in the store and Kirstin prayed they didn't. She couldn't go back there, especially as someone expendable. She and Nick were at serious risk. She closed her eyes tight and held her breath, waiting for them to move on. In the dead silent room you could hear a pin drop. They were all too scared.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing

"Might as well check," Kyle said, making his way to the door. His hand stayed rested on his gun.


Nick looked around him quickly. He pointed to a spot in the back where light could be seen coming through. The wall was collapsing there. "I'll distract them. Carter, bust through the wall back there and get them out," he whispered.
Kirstin Harrison


"What?" she whispered," are you crazy? Let me do it, in less than a minute I could be anyone. I'll distract them."

She looked at him hard, her fear melting away. She just wanted them to get to safety now. That weird change was back. She huffed and closed her eyes, gripping the shelf she had been leaning on hard to keep from yelling out.

Her face structure changed so that her face was rounder, and her now short hair lengthened to around her waist and became curly, gaining a teal color from the tips to the roots. She became a few inches shorter with a grunt of pain and when she opened her eyes again they were a black.

"See?" she said in a voice that was higher than her normal.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing
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"I'll get the door doc" Angelo say as he cracked his neck loudly and pulled is arm back looking at Kyle and Sandra as if waiting for permission.

"If you don't mind" he adds

Nick shook his head. "They'll know it's you. They won't do too much to me if they catch me. My DNA took forever to code this way," he lied. He gave her his best charming smile. "Just trust me, alright?" He looked over at Carter. Carter would be killed instantly if they found him... he was a failed experiment. "Go," be whispered .
Carter -

Carter looked at Nick and nodded. Nick had the best fighting chance... Except for Tullio, but he was young and scared. He grabbed Kristin's hand. "Come on," he whispered, pulling her and Tullio toward the back wall.


Sandra stepped forward. "Go ahead," she said to Angelo. "Be ready for anything."

Nick smiled a little at her. "I'll do my best," he said. He took a deep breath and then turned to face the door. Whatever was coming... he was ready.


"Let's go," Kyle said to Angelo impatiently. "We have a hundred other blocks to cover."
Angelo nods and thrust his fist at the door.

His hand becomes a blur and as it collides with the door,a strange pulse ripples through the air. All sound seems to be pushed out, a second pulse rips through the silence with a wall shaking boom.

The door explodes into splinters launching shrapnel forward about fifteen feet behind the door

"Knock knock...you punks ready to go home" he says as he steps into the doorframe with a lazy look <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.96824ad1903ff0a6926f0f1bf579be56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.96824ad1903ff0a6926f0f1bf579be56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nick jumped out of the way as the door broke down. When he looked up, he saw Angelo, Kyle, and Sandra. He got up and ran straight for Kyle, catching him in the face with his fist.


As soon as the door came down, Nick was in front of him. Before he had time to react, he was punched in the face. He reached for his gun, but Nick grabbed it from his belt and pointed it at him.

"Don't move," he threatened, "Any of you."
Kirstin Harrison


As they burst into the back alley and made their way in the opposite direction of the front of the store, she couldn't help but flinch at the giant sound that Angelo made while breaking in. She prayed Nick made it out alive. She checked that next to her were Tullio and Carter before ducking back into the retail store she'd gotten the clothes from and pulling them in with her.

"Kaylee we need your help," she said to her friend who immediately jumped up to help.

"Anything, please It'd be a pleasure," the girl named Kaylee replied with a strong Brooklyn accent, smiling kindly to Tullio and Carter,"after what you did for me girl? I'd do anything."

"We need somewhere to hide."

"That so?" she said, smirking at Kirstin," the cellar should work for all 'ya. But it'll be cramped."

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Tullio followed Carter and Kristin into a store on the opposite side of the street. He looked around at all of the clothes and shoes. He wondered what it would be like to be able to shop in a place like that.

Kristin knew the woman who ran the store. Tullio hoped she would help. He couldn't go back.


Everything happened too fast. The door was down, Nick was there, and he stole Kyle's gun. She slowly reached for her own gun. "Now now, Nick," she said, "Think about what you're doing. Don't make it worse for yourself."
Angelo stared blankly at nick

"You realize that if that gun goes off you won't have time to regret it right...and you will have proved that your little group is a liability,then I'll get to hunt them down one by one" he smiles at the thought

"You think your ready for that kid...cuz I'm hoping that you are stupid enough to do it."
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