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Nation Building Engaina: Fantasy Nations

Hi, before I make any decisions on a nation, can I get a little more information about the nation criteria and the map?

So for the map, is this "middle earth" all land, or is there any sea in the map? I also cannot tell if there are mountains and so forth.

For the nations, what is the limit for infrastructure? I understand technology must be medieval, but how large may populations be, education, military, GDP, access to resources, and so forth? And what bonuses do nations get if they have a "below average rating" in order to balance them out at the beginning?

Thank you.
Lordvader59 said:
The applications
Country app

Name: The United Greenskin Kingdom

Location: (Assuming the darker tan is ocean) The top right corner of the map

Landscape: Deserts and mountains

Capital city: Castle Bigblade

Races in it: Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Giants, Frolocks (FrOe-lox phonetically)

Religion: Paganism, They believe in the gods Gork and Mork, one is cunningly brutal, and the other is brutally cunning, they are still unable to agree on which is which.

Backstory (history): The Greenskins used to be a huge mass of disorganized tribes, until one great warboss, Gnolar Bigblade, set out on a war of reunification, one after the other, the states and tribes fell to Gnolar's armies. Eventually, all of the tribes were either obedient to him or put to flight. So, the United Greenskin Kingdom was formed, with the tribes acting somewhat like state or provincial governments. Over the generations, the orcs became more civilized and ever so slightly less battle hungry. Of course, the orcs are still far from unwilling to set out on massive horde expeditions for plunder, battle, and glory.

Legends: Most of the Greenskin legends are tales of war heroes from the old days, particularly of Gnolar Bigblade. Most notably the time when, after a rival king killed his father, Gnolar supposedly single handedly slaughtered the rival's army and killed him in single combat.

Magic’s: Shamans, primarily goblins, accompany the Orc armies and use their own kind of magic, primarily to enchant and improve the main army, but they do carry some offensive spells of their own.

Military Overview (Something I added because I feel like people should know):

The Greenskin military has passed the age of charging in with shoddily made clubs. Now, Goblins and Frolocks actually run smithys, chuning out metal armor and metal weapons like swords, axes, and spears. The Orc army also now will sometimes opt to take a tactical and strategic approach to combat, but it depends on the circumstances and the mood of the commander.

Summed up:

The Greenskins from Warhammer fantasy with one additional custom race and ever so slightly more civilized.

Race app

Name: Orc



Powers (needs to be equal to its weaknesses, don’t have a crazy number of powers): Orcs are extremely strong and tough, in some cases able to keep fighting after having limbs being severed on the field. They are built for war.

Weaknesses: They are built for war... not much else. They are stupid, with the notable exception of the ruling line, it is believed they that particular was inbreeded with other races to explain this. They are too stupid to make anything above a basic club or axe. With this also comes their uncivilized and barbarous nature, which poses a near constant threat to stability within the kingdom.

Backstory (history): Orcs are the top dogs of the Kingdom's society. They always have been, not only because every king in the kingdom's history has been an orc, but because they are the strongest, while still being smart enough to perform basic functions. They regard the other races as their inferiors, as has been for the entirety of the Greenskin existence. They form the main bodies of the Greenskin armies, and serve as shock/heavy cavalry mounted on animals like boars.

Race app

Name: Goblins



Powers (needs to be equal to its weaknesses, don’t have a crazy number of powers): Smarter then orcs, while still being somewhat capable of serving light combat roles

Weaknesses: Weak and fragile, unfit for heavy military duty.

Backstory (history): Goblins have always been playing second to the orcs. They were the craftsmen of the Greenskins in the tribal era, and continue that role today, only getting smarter. Now, along with Frolocks, most of the Greenskin's trade and diplomacy (the little that is done) and civilian work is done by them.

Race app

Name: Troll



Powers (needs to be equal to its weaknesses, don’t have a crazy number of powers): They are big, their size alone makes them a difficult opponent.

Weaknesses: There aren't many trolls in the service of the kingdom, they usually hide up in the mountains, living on their own in dens. This is because they are too stupid to in most cases hold any form of civilized conversation, and those that do work for the kings are tamed like animals.

Backstory (history): Troll history isn't well documented, what with trolls living in their dens like animals and such, but trolls were there when the kingdom was formed, and they are here now. They and giants share the spot as the second lowest social order, only above slaves.

Race app

Name: Giants



Powers (needs to be equal to its weaknesses, don’t have a crazy number of powers): Massive. They tower over pretty much everything else on the field

Weaknesses: The rarest and dumbest of them all, they are about never used because they are as much of a threat to their comrades as they are the enemy. To get a giant where you want it to go you literally have to use magic.

Backstory (history): Giants first showed up some time after the kingdom was formed and built a village near one's den. The result was a series of raids that ended in having to use Shamans to subdue the beasts

Race app

Name: Frolocks



Powers (needs to be equal to its weaknesses, don’t have a crazy number of powers): The smartest of greenskins, these are the ones who do the

most civilian work in the Kingdom

Weaknesses: Frolocks are considered too weak by Orcs to serve in the military.

Backstory (history): Frolocks, also called Half-Orcs, was the result of Orc and Human DNA mixing it is believed the original frolocks may have been born by Orc slaves in the human kingdoms are coming to the Greenskins, or by human slaves within the Kingdom. However it came about, they are seen by orcs as slightly below the goblins, but goblins regard them as equals. They perform almost all of the Kingdom's civilian work.

(If I need to change anything just tell me what)
DefendKebab1918 said:
Lordvader59 said:
I suppose, I may make a fantasy RP to fill if this is declared dead, I'll link it here if I do.
Please do if you're active. GM's need to be active if the thread is to work.
Here's the deal, if this guy isn't on in 2 hours, I'll make one, if he gets back, we can forget about that one and go back to this.
Lordvader59 said:
Here's the deal, if this guy isn't on in 2 hours, I'll make one, if he gets back, we can forget about that one and go back to this.
sounds good to me. It's a shame he doesn't seem very active.

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