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Futuristic Energized


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Roleplay Availability
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@Nateorious @amybri18 @sarahbella @DeeDiebS Welcome to Energized! Congratulations on being the first group of people to join Energized. Would you kindly vote on the poll in the "In Character RPing" section?
Forgive me, I don't know if this is still under construction or what, but I'm... having a bit of an issue.

What would we be doing in this roleplay?
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This would begin as a mystery, with a semi-apocalyptic feel. As the story goes deeper and deeper, you'll begin unfolding the mysteries of the supergenerator shutdowns, and the group of characters will begin the process of restoring the human worlds to the state they were in before the shutdown in a story that will arc across all human worlds.
Possibly. Under ideal circumstances, it should be up today, but I haven't been able to access a computer to type it out on yet.
lol its cool man take your time I'd prefer a well done heart, soul and mind felt starter post then a rushed out jumble of words.
[QUOTE="The Gunrunner]@Annabella
We're not in your area, as far as I know. Think me and Fletchr are far from your meeting.


(Hmm, interesting. The guy stated that we heard you but.. OK! I'll delete that. ^°^)
[QUOTE="The Gunrunner]@Annabella
We're not in your area, as far as I know. Think me and Fletchr are far from your meeting.


Oh wait, he was talking to you. Oook, sorry about that.

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