Endless War of Might and Magic


Junior Member
Story: The Kingdom of Yornal was a happy and peaceful place. Nestled in the rojim valley and surrounded by the mountains with the same name. The people were united by the conquerer Regulas and his line had ruled for hundreds of years. Now the line is contested the King Gorlas took two wives in order to keep peace with the neighboring countries to the east "The Xi Empire" and to the west the "United Overick Republic". The queens both bore a son to the king, and oddly enough the two boy's were born at the same day and time.

For many years the brothers were rivals. The Eldest is usually tittled the High Prince but since neither son's were named high prince there was great speculation as to who would one day rule the country. As years past the boy's eventually grew into men and the fought bravely in small minor conflicts with adjoining nations. The populace were split evenly between the two princes and hoped one day the king would choose the prince that received their respective support.

Unfortunately while on a hunting trip King Gorlas was mortally wounded by an assasin and he died before naming a succesor. Upon investigation it turned out the Kingdom of Alrick to the north was responsible. while the country was in chaos without a successor The Alrick's invaded. the war was only six day's as the prince's Jorlas and Erlas both smahed the Alrick's lines and pushed them back over the border. During the celebration Erlas's army named him king, and Jorlas's army named him king and now here they are two armies pitted against each other.

The hatred has now spilled over and the happy and peaceful Yornal is gone.

Character: Here is the Character skeleton remember to follow it you can make multiple character's Here is mine Hometown is a spot where you can name your own village or town or city if your charrie is a beast you can name the tribe or cave

Rules: No bullying No God Modding and if you join don't post a few time and never post again if you join commit to this please.

objective choose a side for your charrie and a job in the army of your side.

Name: Senrich Alsh

age: 25

Race: Mountain Dragon

Job: Holy Knight

Allegiance: Erlas

Hometown: Little Tol mountain from the eastern part of the Rojim mountain range


Senrich is a young but powereful member of Erlas's Holy Knight corp of the army he knew the prince from an early age when he was pinned under a rock as a dragonling and the prince saved him from death by getting help and moving the large rock. From that day forward Senrich devoted his life to the prince and decided to join the Holy Knights to help Erlas in any way needed. Now being the leader of the Holy Knights Senrich has proved himself as a warrior and his dragon strength is invaluable to the Holy Knights

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When darkness fades, More shall follow.

Name: Ranmaru Asakawa

Age: Looks to be in his Twenties

Race: Human/Darkness Marked

Job: Political Assassin/Interference/Whatever is needed

Allegiance: He has no allegiance, but that is sure to change in the future

Hometown: Shadon Forest Region (Ageki Assassin Order)


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Bio: The Ageki Assassins are rewound for their lethality and indifference of life in any way shape or form, that including human life of course. Ranmaru is a high ranking member of the order of assassins, him always away from the location of the younger members. That is the way of the order, only a select few of seasoned members stay behind and train hopefuls in the way of the shadow. The training weeds out nine out of ten applicants, which speaks to the severity of the training by which they go through.

The training isn’t the strenuous part of the Ageki, even more dangerous is the mark of shadow all seasoned Ageki bare. Each of them had to absorb the darkness which is in all beings, but in this case it would be like feeling all of the world woes in one fell swoop. The ceremony is simply done with only one seasoned master present, and the Sword of Sin. The sword would be plunged deep in the heart of the hopeful, and if the person was willful enough to pull it out a Mark of Darkness would appear on their chest. The mark can be seen bellow in the following picture:

Ranmaru was present when the late king was killed by an fellow member of the Ageki, it being sanctioned by several different individuals that were not know by Ranmaru. He however did not deliver the killing blow, he did not see the challenge in the kill…it seemed to cowardly to jump a man who did not warrant death. In truth Ranmaru liked the tranquility of his rule, because in peace time there were way more assassinations to take part in. In war time such assassinations pose an annoying practicality, it was o so dull. In this case he simply observed as the mans life was taken from him, the king did put up a valiant fight in the end though.

Now Ranmaru spends most of his time away from the Ageki main base deep in the Shadon Forest, teaching not being his strong suit. Sparing with Ranmaru often lead to the death of each hopeful, there were no exceptions when they chose to cross swords with him. He has no set allegiance as it sets right now, but that might be changed in the future of the encroaching war. Assassins in general are an asset to any budding king, but an Ageki is a resource that can not be lost to another side.

Other: Unparallel swordsmanship, Long range capabilities, fluent in hand on hand combat, the ability to fade into the shadows and vanish, (Which is a perk from the Darkness Mark) enhanced strength, speed, agility, dexterity, and endurance…etc.

He also has a falcon that is his eyes and ears, they have a kinship not seen in most people of the day...the age of the falcon is not known, but some speculate it is as old as Ranmaru.

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