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Fandom Endless Space Roleplay: Trapped on the Same World


This roleplay shall take place in the Endless Universe, more specifically between Endless Space 1 and 2. However, the plot will be very open for it becoming an Alternative Universe. The main idea is that all our characters from the various races are trapped on a single world. Said world is much like Auriga and dying, yet it's our characters goals to band together, (or try to kill each other), to find a way off the planet and back to their own space in the galaxy. Will we work together to overcome our differences, will we try to backstab one another to survive? Perhaps, we may or perhaps we may die trying.

1.Characters can be from any of the races in the Endless Space universe, (minus the Endless themselves.) However, you must play them properly. You can have room to develop them, but remember that even in real life, old habits and prejudices die hard.

Here are the races:
Wiki Endless Space 2
.Imperials (humans)
.Horatio (yes, HIM. )

2.This will be very much like a normal interactive RP, in that we're all going to play individual characters from the various races.

3.Your character can be any gender, or any sub-race/ ethnicity. However, all characters must be adult.

4.This RP will try to make a balance of light hearted and then dark/ war themes. So expect something akin to Star Wars in terms of genre.

5.It's fine if you don't know much about Endless Space, so long as you're willing to work with me to make sure you fit in.

6.Sub-faction races will be NPC's, enemies, and supporting characters. (I want everyone to at least have one character from the major races before we get into the smaller ones. )

Template: (Note: This can be altered in case you don't have enough information, have too much information, or some aspects are N/A)



Gender: (I can allow non-binary for some races, but know a lot of human races are traditional and binary)


Race: (Like, your ES race)

Height: (optional, some races are very hard to describe.)

Alignment: (optional)





Character flaws:


Chapter One: Emerging from the wreckage.

The planet of Turandus was in the mist of the galactic war for power and wealth between the great galactic powers and children of the Endless. While it remained as yet unclaimed by any of the galactic powers, it still was considered an slightly hospitable world. However, it also was known for it's deserts and lack of apparent use to the galactic civilizations as there was only so much the planet could efficiently provide. Most races saw it as an eye sore at best on the galactic scale, or an obstacle to maneuver around at worst. However, this would all soon change when a battle between the space ferrying races would meet with an ion storm, causing ships to get struck off course and then fall from space into the planet's atmosphere.

There was a crash, you had impacted the planet and you don't know how many of your crew survived. You would awaken after being in a coma from the impact, you however don't appear to show any form of damage to your body, unfortunately this isn't the case to a crew-member who was dead next to you. There is smoke and warning lights all in your ship's chamber as you see it saying that power is down to about %60 percent of what your vessel once had.
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I do wish myself to announce an interest in becoming a participant in this role play. The Endless universe possess countless wonders to explore, cultures to understand and a reality to comprehend.

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