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Futuristic Endgame


The Nightmare Chaser
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Biggest Strength:

Biggest Weakness:

Biggest Fear:

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Octavius Clayton


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d138d07c6d9926301ad7bbde5370a059.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d138d07c6d9926301ad7bbde5370a059.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






Octavius Clayton, ex-leader of a group of criminals, can only be described as insane. But then, who isn't in The Rift? The group that he leaded was named "Followers of the Flame", a bunch of cultists that prayed to the "Flame God". Octavius was believed of being the one chosen by the Flame God to reveal his existence, and purge the souls of the infidels in holy fire. This has made him very reckless, as he truly believes that he is of divine nature. Also because of his "divine nature", he will start rambing about how great the Flame God is, and how he was purified by the flames, and became he chosen one, that will spread the word of his god, and kill whoever dosen't accept it, by freeing their soul from the bounds of a normal human, and making them take a place in the Land of Fire. The preaching of this strange god and his endless rambling do not mean thay he is stupid, oh no, he has shown a great intellect, on the battlefield and even out of it. He is rather unpredictable, as he tends to usually think out of the box. Sometimes, he might use one of his ramblings to confuse you, and then steal something while you aren't looking. Very slimy. His true intentions are unknown, aside from spreading his religion.


-First degree Arson

-Second degree Arson

-Third degree Arson

-Manufacturing and using explosives


-Destruction of property

-Leading a criminal cult


100 years in The Rift. "Scum like him don't deserve to set foot on earth again"

Biggest Strength:

Extensive knowledge of fire-based weapons and explosives

Biggest Weakness:

He will do anything, if it means pleasing the Flame God

Biggest Fear:

He suffers from Aquaphobia (also called Hydrophobia): the terrible fear of deep water and drowning. Octavius thinks that this is the will of the Flame God, that dosen't want to be weakened by the water.



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Height: 5'1"

Weight: 110

Hair Color:

Orange (brunette)

Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Marks: None

Tattoos: Several

Written Appearance A typical wild child, Cybil isn't one for conformity, apparent in her vibrant orange hair, heavy make up and provocative wardrobe. Her skin, pale as a sheet and without blemish is the canvas for many tattoos, all of which bear a level of profound
Written Appearance


Cybil is on the shorter side, and thin, but with prominent curves, which she isn't shy about flaunting. Her greatest feature remains her eyes, deep blue and almond shaped, round and wide.


Vital Details

Name: Cybil Tash

Age: Twenty-two

Gender: Female

Nickname: Pandora

Sexuality: Yes, please

Traits and Abilities

Greatest Strength: Explosive Engineering

Greatest Weakness: Self-control

Greatest Fear: Freedom | A Normal Life



If trouble had a name, it would be Cybil Tash. Born wild, she discovered at a young age a certain proclivity, as well as proficiency, for breaking the rules. Three times before her twelfth birthday, Cybil faced criminal charges, all dismissed due to her age.

However, as she grew, so did her reckless behavior. By fifteen, Cybil was inducted into a local gang of activists run by a man named Oliver Dekker. By eighteen, she was Dekker's second in command. Cybil being one to almost always mix business with pleasure, it was her romantic entanglement with Ollie that would lead to her downfall.

Beyond her cavalier, wayward lifestyle, Cybil always had a knack for engineering- something she'd dabbled in from the time she could comprehend the science of it. Her penchant for making things explode made her quite the commodity with the activists, and earned her the nickname Pandora.

Her last job was supposed to have been an easy one - a few small explosives, set outside an embassy. A threat. That was all it was meant to be. Then Dekker hit the switch and the bombs went off and just about everything changed... Cybil took the fall and wound up in The Rift, and the rest is history.

You done a bad, bad thing...


Possession and use of explosives, resulting in multiple deaths

Malicious destruction of property, resulting in multiple deaths

Possession of unregistered firearms without a license


Guilty on all counts. Sentenced to life, without parole


no slide
no slide

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Dawn Markovic






Personality + Bio:

Dawn grew up in an abusive orphanage. The head of the orphanage was a savage man who cared for nothing but money. He exploited the children to beg on streets, and beat them if they didn't earn enough. As a child, Dawn was especially small and cowardly, her reluctance to approach strangers led to her being the number one target for her "father's" beatings. One night, after the man burned her intentionally with boiling water, Dawn ran away from the orphanage. She was picked up on the streets by an undercover arms dealer. He taught her the ins and outs of weapon making and trade, and Dawn is now one of the most active dealers in the black market. Her arm tattoo hides the burn scars from her time in the orphanage.

Dawn is a very daring and cunning young woman. She knows that nothing in this world is free, and doesn't trust anyone. Since a young age, Dawn has suffered from what others call a schizoid personality, she talks, but almost never expresses things she deems as important. She also has paranoia, and is constantly looking back behind her, or checking if doors, are locked, as well as cars, etc.


-Homicide (of the former orphanage owner)

-Arms Trafficking


Sentence to life with parole after 20 years

Biggest Strength:

Superb sniping skills

Medical knowledge


Biggest Weakness:


Biggest Fear:

She has a phobia of anything hot, such as flames, boiling water, stoves, etc.

Not really a fear, but Dawn loaths men who wear rings (with the exception for wedding/engagement rings), especially gold rings. Her former abuser always wore a gold ring on his left hand.

Theme Song


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--Psyche Report

By: Counselor ***** ****

First Name: Luicen

Last Name: N/A



Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality: There is not much to say about this man. Lucien has always been a loner, ever since he graduated and entered the military. Even there, he preferred to train alone. He completed his missions without question. After he was dismissed, for ¨unsavory conduct¨, he went to apply his skills elsewhere. In layman's terms a hitman. After telling me this, he shutdown, not literally, he just...stopped. A few hours passed and I had no other choice but to dismiss him. As always he went along without argument. There is not much else I can put in the report as fact...except this: He always wears his armor, no matter what condition he is in.Very few people have seen him without it on. I am one of them. I have no right to comment on a prisoner's appearance, especially when all the facts are not present. But, his eyes...they have nothing in them. No remorse, no regret, no joy, or even hatred. Just emptiness.

Crime: Several counts of murder



Sentence: Life without parole

Biggest Strength: He will obey any order without hesitation.

Biggest Weakness: He will obey any order without hesitation.

Biggest Fear: His father. I mentioned him once in our talk together. To this day, I can still feel his hands around my throat, tears streaming down his face. And his eyes, wide open and clear, and as usual, void of any emotion.

--End of Psyche Report
Name: Gareth Hunter


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Gareth is a loner in every sense of the word. If the situation calls for it he can be very charming, specifically with ladies, but as a rule he is very quiet. He studies people and has gotten very good at noticing small details quickly. His favorite thing to do is find a high place to sit where he can watch people from far away. He doesn't work well with others since he has spent his life alone. He tried having a partner once, which is how he was caught. He is very calm and it takes a lot before he gets angry unless someone is either hurting a child or won't leave him alone. He can be rather territorial and protective, especially of things that are dear to him. He hates talking about his past more than anything, but he can listen to other people talk forever. It's mostly an act, but if he gets intrigued by someone he will become genuinely interested. He is very good at scamming people and has had dozens of aliases within the past few years. He has gotten good at changing himself to be whoever he needs to be and sometimes forgets who he used to be. When that happens, he gets touchy and usually locks himself in a room for several hours. He doesn't get close to people and doesn't really want to. He hates phony people, which is the main reason he isolates himself.

Crime: Money Laundering, Kiddnapping, Impersonating an Officer, Stealing a Squad car, various Degrees and types of Theft

Sentence: 90 years to life

Biggest Strength: Very skilled at 'disappearing' AKA 'blending in'

Biggest Weakness: Absolute refusal to work with others or children in trouble

Biggest Fear: His past or losing himself

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