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Fantasy Empires of Zune, The Great War


it's all good
The year is... well, Zune never actually had a calendar. Instead, they followed the seasons. It was near the end of Summer in Zune, and as tradition, the Emperor of Zune himself throws the largest festival of the year. He attends this festival, and there are multiple events back to back. A feast in the emperor's name, gladiator fights, magic tricks [with actual magic, mind you.], and a countdown until the official end of Summer. This lasts for two weeks without end. Along with this, it also holds the tightest security the world has ever seen. Everyone comes to this if they can, even the thieves and the shunned, even some of the darkest beings of this world manage to sneak their way in.

As of now, the Gladiator fights just ended. Many bets were placed and lots of people lost stacks of coins. Others shouted in joy as they received a payday after the fights. People were filing out of the gladiator arena and into a large courtyard within a walled city where the festival was held annually. Cartels and bands of entertainers were gathered in a semi circle to entertain people while the next big event was held. Things such as dancers, magicians and lion tamers all performed their acts with amazing results. Coins were tossed into hats and bowls.

Eventually people grew tired of the entertainers, and began to wander around. There was a large castle directly behind the semi-circle of entertainers where a very large feast with a huge table was being prepared. At the moment, it was not ready and the common folk were ushered away by large guards holding vicious looking pikes. For at least a few seconds people were rioting, but it was silenced by an slender old looking wizard. He identified as the Emperor's court wizard, and he was both feared and revered throughout the empire. He silenced the riot with only a simple wave of his hand, which no doubt was him using a magical spell.

After the townsfolk were silenced, they all seemed to come to a conscious decision it was better to wait for the feast other than anything else. The entertainers were taking breaks for the most part, counting their income, planning for their next performance, and the like. The common people all gathered and began to converse. A few musicians who were originally on break began to play their instruments. They received a little bit of payment for their music. The doors to the castle would not be open for a little big longer.


[This Entire map is Zune's empire. Everything here is under the emperor's control except for the Oumaji Triangle, Kotal, and the Unexplored segments of land.]

OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/empires-of-zune-ooc.329144/#post-7827927
CSS: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/empires-of-zune-character-signup.329150/


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The Unseen, it lurks in the darkness, sticking to the alleyways to remain, well, unseen. To further camouflage itself, it had acquired clothes and cloaks and rags to wrap itself in, so that at least no one could tell that it is an unseen at first sight. Yet, moving about still proves difficult, as the Unseen, being rather tall, could not help but attract attention. Pity, it would have like to see a theatrical play or two, there was a sense that it had liked one of those once upon a time.

Then there was that performance troupe, "Starlight", it was apparently called. It wonders if they are indeed here, and it also wonders how the rumored Infernos of the troupe blends in. Do they blend? Or are they treated as an exotic attraction? Infernos and Celestials, what a quaint thing, so it began to muse as it remain in the shade of the alleyways.

There was also talks of a feast at the castle wasn't there? So it recalls. Perhaps there's a way to get into that without attracting too much attention. The front door may be too much, but perhaps a weakness in the defenses? Surely, taking down a guard or two isn't a problem, as with the Unseen's regeneration abilities, it could gain some extra muscle mass overwork its body when needs be, that was how it survived by itself up till now. Though there was always a fear of overusing such a power, as the body may not return to normal, and could even cause abnormal growths that could disrupt the body'd functions.

After some thinking, the Unseen decided that it's best not to resort to violence. Better to be patient and wait for an opportunity to arise. But what if no such opportunity showed itself? It thought to itself. Well, it thought again, there's always next year.​
Korag walked through the crowd, a couple nobles, a small group of commoners, and a figure towering over everyone else that was wrapped in different clothing. Korag wore a thick bearskin coat, common in the Badlands where he and his brethren lived.​

He walked past a group of entertainers, some musicians and a group he recognized, a troupe, if he remembered correctly, known as "starlight" Korag focused his attention on the task at hand, he stood by the gate staring into the keep waiting for the right moment, to strike​

was there a way to get in there before the public? Korag's mind whirred, he didn't want to resort to violence, not yet anyway. He decided it would be best to wait, besides he already stood out like a sore thumb around all of these humans and he didn't want to draw any more attention to himself. The plan would work regardless, for now, he would wait.​
Oriwoda, along with thousands of other spectators, poured out of the gladiator arena in a daze. She had never seen anything like it before. It was so brutal, so barbaric, and yet so enthralling. She was flushed, adrenaline practically oozing out of her. Something about seeing two people duke it out with their lives on the line was nauseatingly captivating for her. Ori didn't know if it made her want to puke or go back for seconds.

She stood out by the doors outside the arena for a brief moment, allowing her heightened emotions to wash over her. People of all sorts of shapes and sizes brushed past her, but she stood her ground. Just because Ori was small didn't mean she'd be pushed around by some big dumb human.

Ori wasn't particularly keen on coming to this festival by herself. She had tried to persuade one of her clansmen to come with her, but they all refused. She was left to scout the place out alone, unfortunately. But nevertheless, she was here, and wasn't given too much trouble. Not yet, that is.

An enticing smell wafted over to her and she looked for its source. Whatever it was, it was heavily guarded. The sense of unrest was heavy on the crowd, people looking for ways to break the guard's defenses to get at the meal that lies in wait behind them. Ori knew that was a bad sign right from the start. Never get a group of hungry people together and then deny them food, that's just asking for trouble.

And then, just as quickly as it started, the rioting stopped. The people seemed quelled as they backed off and began talking amongst themselves. Ori gave a slight tilt of her head and scrunched her eyes. How could that have happened? Some sort of magic spell, probably. She didn't catch a glimpse of the one who cast it though.

She decided to get closer to the feast, just enough for a glimpse without being harassed by the guards. After all, a brief look wouldn't hurt anyone.

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