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Nation Building Empires in the Stars

@Melissia @Anaxial @admiral9 @Klimino Zepehphor @Sohisohi @AlphaDraco @The Glass Ninja

As a bit of scale, unless otherwise noted by your faction, this is the "standard" ship classification list as per the UHS navy;

Light ships;

Light Frigate: 100-150 Crewmen.

Frigate: 200-300 Crewmen.

Heavy Frigate: 400-500 Crewmen.

Medium ships;

Light Cruiser: 600-750 Crewmen.

Cruiser: 800-900 Crewmen.

Heavy Cruiser: 1,000-1,200 Crewmen.

Capital ships;

Battlecruiser: 1,500-2,000 Crewmen.

Dreadnought: 2,500-3,000 Crewmen.

Carrier: 4,000-5,000 Crewmen.

Super ships;

Super Dreadnought: 6,000-7,000 Crewmen.

Super Carrier: 8,000-9,000 Crewmen.

Armageddon Class: 10,000+ Crewmen.
Rooktan wonder why other species consign hundreds and thousands of people per ship when about a dozen Rooktan and an AI can operate pretty much any platform.

Does every single robot in your nation have equal rights, from the robot arm in a factory to the space ship?

What you spout is lies, filthy capitalist propaganda, extermination is needed.
AI is different from robot. The AI is basically the brain of the robot, and is capable of changing bodies, thus the bodies themselves are expendable since the heart and soul can go from go to a different body.
You're trying to reason with a genocidal robot. That's also the size of the planet. And is a communist. Good luck, young ones.
You do not understand if that is the excuse you use, a robot has function and a robot hence has rights, the robot arm is part of a larger robotic system that needs representation, it needs protection, if you can not facilitate that then your death is necessary.
I wish I had seen this early enough to join, but I'll be following along anyway because it looks like a fun read. :)
Having seen this thread, I felt a sudden urge to register myself.

I would like to know where you make your posts, as to avoid making a fool of myself due to previous experience.

Thank you, regardless of your response.
NikolaAnicic007 said:
Having seen this thread, I felt a sudden urge to register myself.
I would like to know where you make your posts, as to avoid making a fool of myself due to previous experience.

Thank you, regardless of your response.
Due to imbalances that would be caused by introducing new players/factions after everyone else has a multiple turn headstart on research and expansion the game is unfortunately closed to new players.
Cashdash25 said:
Due to imbalances that would be caused by introducing new players/factions after everyone else has a multiple turn headstart on research and expansion the game is unfortunately closed to new players.
I figured, since the thread was marked with a "closed" tag, but I was asking about your general discussions. Where do you plan turns et cetera, since I found that there were no such logs in this thread or any of it's sub-topics.
Cashdash25 said:
That is all being handled in PMs.
Most of my Forum Roleplaying experience comes from SpaceBattles, where this kind of thing happens in OOCs. This is why I ask. Thank you.
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