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Realistic or Modern Empire City: The Irish Mob - Bonus Scenes (Closed)

James Porter
Chicago, Illinois

~ Saturday 3rd August, 1946 ~
Once Lucy had agreed to his offer of a more casual and relaxed choice of meal, James started the car and left the car park of the fancy restaurant. As he drove, Lucy spoke to him, saying he'd treated her better than the supposedly suitable men she's been with in the past. He wasn't sure how to respond to her words on account of the fact he hadn't been particularly trying to impress her. She was a woman who deserved to be treated with respect and so it only came naturally to do so. Even the fact she was his boss' daughter hadn't made him feel like he had to be extra gentlemanly for her. It was basic manners. Granted, Lucy was far more than basic and deserved every ounce of his respect, if not more. "Those men clearly don't know a good woman when she's right there in front of them. Give me their names and I'll knock some sense into them."

James couldn't help but feel like there was something in the air between them and the urge to flirt or compliment her the way she deserved to be complimented was hard to fight. It seemed like Lucy was aware of it too as she let out a nervous laugh and was quick to backtrack on her words in case it sounded like they were on a date. He let out a light chuckle, figuring she was way out of his league. "Oh yeah, the ladies really go for the sexy battle scars," he commented, briefly glancing to the blonde in his passenger seat. "They're just not so keen on greasy burgers."

As soon as they'd ordered and received their burgers, an idea came to James' head. Rather than park up on some street nearby to eat and then drive Lucy straight home, he decided to offer up a suggestion. "You know, if you're not ready to return home so soon, we could go to the pier. There's some summer fair going on and the last few nights they've had fireworks displays going off. We could take a closer look if you don't want to get home too early and have to explain to your family what happened. I can't promise I'll be entertaining, but I'm sure the fair will be."
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

It had been nine days since Charlotte had been born six weeks prematurely. It had been almost as long since Shona had needed to check into a psychiatric hospital to help her recover from the anorexia she'd been suffering with since a few months into her pregnancy. The same four walls of the neonatal room were starting to feel like his new home after the amount of time he'd spent there since his tiny daughter had been born. Extremely underweight and having caught an infection, Lottie had so far spent most of her short life housed in the incubator within the hospital room. Spencer longed to hold his daughter in his arms, but he'd been told it could be weeks until he would be able to and given her serious condition, that was the hopeful side of things. The only contact he'd been able to have with Lottie so far was by placing his hand through the circular hole in the side of the incubator so he could ever so carefully stroke the newborn's hands and face. This may have been Lottie's only life for the last nine days, but Spencer found himself loving his daughter more with every moment. She was perfect. He hoped for the rare occasion where the world would work in his favour and allow her to come home. With neither Lottie nor, for the moment Eddie having an understanding, he'd passed some time when they were alone talking about their family - the Kings they would never know.

One of the only things strong enough to drag Spencer away from his thoughts as he sat watching Lottie was the sound of Eddie's voice as the toddler began to grow restless. It had proved extremely difficult trying to entertain Eddie whilst stuck in the hospital and even worse when the boy kept asking for his mummy. Whilst they'd been to visit Shona, Eddie was too young to grasp what was going on and he didn't understand why his mother wasn't with them as much as she had been before, never mind why he was hardly in the familiar setting of their home. Without any of his family or trusted friends in Fort William, there was nobody there to support him and certainly nobody he trusted to take care of Eddie while he was at the hospital. Seeing his son look ready to have another of his toddler tantrums, Spencer knew he needed to take him for a brief change of scenery. Having little concept of the time, Spencer looked at the clock on the wall and was surprised to see it was mid-afternoon, past Eddie's usual nap time which explained the boy's crankiness. Looking out of the window to the corridor, he saw the nurses close by and reminded himself Lottie was in safe hands.

"Come on, kid. Let's go outside for a bit and see if those squirrels are playing out again," Spencer said as he lifted Eddie into the stroller and fastened the straps over his shoulders.

The warm spring sunshine had proved to be a pleasant distraction from the various hospital rooms Lottie had been kept in and the visiting room he'd last seen Shona in. After a couple of walks around the perimeter, Eddie was soon fast asleep in the pushchair. Rather than returning straight back inside, Spencer decided to take in more fresh air, especially as the nurse had been not-so-subtly suggesting he did for much of the day.

With Eddie comfortably sleeping in the shade, Spencer sat on a bench near the hospital entrance, allowing the sun to shine down on him. Lighting up a cigarette, he took a long drag as he observed the people coming and going from the hospital, the cars driving into and reversing out of parking spaces. It wasn't long before it all became a blur and his thoughts returned to Shona and Lottie. Taking another long drag, he felt his hand trembling as he tried to hold it together. He was good at hiding his feelings and putting on a strong front, but with his baby girl's life in the balance it was difficult to maintain that stoic attitude. Now especially he wished he had his brothers, sisters, uncle and friends around him. With Shona out of action for the foreseeable, he'd even lost the one person he could always turn to and let his guard down with. If only he could speak to his family, even just once. Shaking his head, he reminded himself it wasn't an option. He managed to catch his emotions just in time to see a familiar, albeit unexpected, man approaching. Sucking in a deep breath to rein in his feelings, he brought the cigarette back to his mouth to take a casual drag of it. "Wasn't expecting you," he gruffly told Klaus by way of greeting the man. "Social call?"

Mentioned: Pyroclast Pyroclast (Shona, Eddie)
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~
Klaus Jäger
Klaus didn't get to go out of his office much these days. With his team having doubled in size over the last two years, he'd managed to be able to stick to his management duties rather than field work which he missed more and more. But for this particular job, two of his agents were unable to go out to Scotland and while he would have sent one of the others, Klaus decided that his services were best for this wellness check. With Wesley assigned to Billy and Rory to the Sullivans, he could get away with the occasional check-in on Spencer and his family, and from the preliminary looks of it. Things were not going as well as they had hoped. While they hadn't been able to get a lot of information on Spencer's well-being, they had learned a great deal about Shona from her inpatient check-in. Klaus was concerned enough to dedicate a visit and would be gentle and professional about the entire thing, as he was with everything he did. The only unprofessional thing he was doing, which seemed to weigh heavily in his back pocket, was giving Spencer a letter from his sister. Harper had argued with him for about an hour about the damned thing, which Klaus wasn't confrontational in the slightest but he did try to enforce rules as much as he could.

After she so rudely pointed out that he'd broken about 100 rules to get them out of the raid in the first place, Klaus took the letter from the blonde's grasp, which was followed by an annoyingly sweet hug and a kiss on the cheek. She sure had a way of buttering you up. Plus she'd threatened to send Erik over, and as of late, Klaus had just been trying to keep Erik off of his back. He had enough to deal with. Scotland he'd only been to a handful of times, but the times he'd been...it was always peaceful. Springtime was especially lovely, with little animals running around in the warm breeze while the sun blessed the earth with its rays. If Klaus didn't love his homeland so much, Scotland would be on his list of places to relocate to.

When he'd parked the car he'd rented. He had hung out for quite some time, just wanting to make sure Spencer was actually at the hospital before revealing his presence. When he spotted him with Eddie, Klaus got out and slowly made his way over. It seemed that the man was just gathering himself when he noticed Klaus and the German gave him a friendly smile, not expecting one in return and not surprised when he didn't receive one. "I don't believe anyone ever really is expecting me." He said, his voice kind before moving to stand by him where he was seated on the bench. When Spencer asked if he was on a social call, Klaus cracked another smile, keeping it friendly, "Something like that. A wellness check, actually. May I sit?" Klaus motioned to the free space next to Spencer, and if he said sure, Klaus would take a seat. If not, he'd remain standing. Either way, he looked out towards the trees and the parking lot of the hospital.

"We received word that your wife has checked into an inpatient facility. So I thought I'd come to check to make sure there was anything you or your family needed. While I'm aware that I am responsible for the separation of your family...it doesn't mean I don't want to offer you help where I can." Klaus said, knowing that might not be something Spencer wanted to hear.

"It is important to keep up your identities but that doesn't mean you have to suffer because of them." He added before moving to grab something from his back pocket for him, "Also, I should hand this to you now before I forget to give it to you." Klaus pulled out a letter blank envelope and handed it to him. "Your sister's got quite the temper when she doesn't get her way. Now I can't give you specifics on where she is but she asked me to give this to you in passing. Felt that maybe at least hearing from her would be comforting and I can't help but feel the same. I'm not sure what's in it, I've pried enough in all of your lives that I would like to keep whatever this is between the two of you." Klaus said, looking Spencer in the eyes. "Now is there something I can help with while I'm here? While Scotland is lovely, I am here for you and yours."
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

When Klaus made his comment about not believing people ever expected him, Spencer simply nodded in understanding. Even when he had been expecting Interpol to show up in 1985, it hardly reduced his shock when Klaus came along to cut Bruce's happy wedding day short. When the German told him he was there for a wellness visit, Spencer took another long, hard drag from his cigarette, if only to stop himself from saying something cold or rude as a gut reaction. He could see the man was making the effort to be friendly and the fact he had enough stress on his shoulders meant he wasn't in the frame of mind to be suspicious or critical in the moment. When asked if he could sit, Spencer removed the cigarette from his mouth and dropped it onto the ground, stubbing it out under his shoe. "It's a public bench, I can't stop you," he said in an aloof manner. Still, he looked up to meet Klaus' eyes and subtly nodded, something in his face betraying his coolness to show he would appreciate the company. Despite the bitter reasons for knowing the agent, he was at least a familiar face and Spencer found himself in need of some of those lately.

Spencer leaned back against the backrest of the bench, folding his arms as he listened on. He briefly looked away as Klaus informed him that Interpol had become aware of Shona checking into the facility. He couldn't help but shake his head and scoff when Klaus claimed he wanted to offer help where possible. "You could send us all back home to London," he sarcastically remarked. He dropped his head back and looked up towards the sky as the man reiterated he had to keep his new identity, making it clear he was stuck in Nathan Miller's shoes. Spencer looked back to Klaus, ready to snap at the man, to ask him if Interpol had some magic power to make sure Lottie to survived and to help Shona feel better about herself. Instead, he remained silent as the man reached into his back pocket and said he had something to give him.

"Harper?" he immediately asked as he was handed the envelope and Klaus mentioned his sister's temper. Despite all of the stress and the coldness he was displaying towards Klaus, just hearing mention about Harper and therefore confirmation she was still somewhere gave Spencer a sense of relief at least. "Temper? You should've tried growing up with her," he drily joked,. He looked down to the envelope as he held it out in both hands. Klaus made it clear the letter was from Harper who had sent it in hopes it would be comforting to Spencer. It was certainly reassuring just knowing she was alive and even thinking about her moody old brother. "How is she doing? Her and her baby... are they both doing well?" he asked, looking Klaus in the eyes as he searched for the truth in his answer. Klaus didn't seem to know what was written in the letter and that made it feel all the more special. So much so that he wanted to read in when he was on his own, it would be something Interpol didn't have to know about him. "I'll read it soon," he said, giving Klaus a smile as he placed the letter securely in the changing bag underneath Eddie's pushchair.

Spencer met Klaus' eyes when the man asked if there was something he could help with. "Unless you have the ability to heal my little girl so we don't lose her, or make it so Shona feels better, I don't know what it is you think you can do," he told him. Though he didn't want to come off as ungrateful, it was all beginning to take his toll and he was struggling to juggle between making sure the three most important people in his life were okay. "Scotland is lovely, but I don't fit in here. There's not a single person I would trust with my wife or kids. I know I'm meant to be stronger than this, but I'm sinking," he admitted, his voice clearly faltering as he struggled to swallow his emotions. "Eddie needs me to be strong, to make him feel happy and normal despite all of this, but the truth is I'm too tired to give him what he needs. I've softened the blow with Sho-- Alicia - told her Lottie is doing well, but... I don't know if she'll even pull through. She's so small and fragile. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her, never mind how I'd be able to break that news to my wife." Spencer's eyes had now filled to the brim with tears, despite him desperately not wanting to get upset in front of Klaus. "I don't think there's anything you can or will do," he dejectedly told him.
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~
Klaus Jäger
Klaus let out a slight laugh at Spencer's joke, "I'll consider myself fortunate I didn't, I was too much of a peacemaker in my household." When Spencer asked about Harper, Klaus could see he was searching for the truth in his eyes. While he felt that it was important to keep things calm while the Kings remained underground, it also wouldn't help to be dishonest with Spencer, especially if he was going to help the man. Harper had been exactly where Shona was a little over a year ago. "Much better than she was a year ago, had her baby last March a boy. Had a bit of a mental health scare and ended up being sectioned shortly after he was born but after that was over she took motherhood in strides. She and the baby are just fine now. Cute kid, the happiest little boy I've ever seen, and she works hard to keep it that way. You should be proud." Klaus said, once again offering Spencer a kind smile but there was some sadness behind it. When he said he'd read it soon, he nodded, "My eardrums will be spared any more high-pitched wailing then. Blessed be."

Hearing about his newborn daughter's condition and Shona's made Klaus frown deeply, it troubled him deeply to think that Spencer could lose two people in his life and he hardly knew the man. But Klaus knew of loss, what it was like, and the stress behind juggling responsibility. Something that Spencer seemed to do naturally and put on his shoulders without even blinking. When Spencer admitted that he was sinking to Klaus, the man watched him with sympathy in his eyes listening as his voice faltered. He spoke about how Eddie, his son needed him to be strong, to make him feel happy and normal despite all of it but that he was too tired to give him what he needed. He admitted that he'd been softening the blow with Shona and saying that Lottie was doing well, their newest little one but that he didn't know if she was going to pull through. Klaus was looking at a broken man juggling so many balls in the air looking after his family that he was failing to take care of himself, the glue that kept all of them together. A dangerous game.

Klaus wore a look of deep sympathy as Spencer's eyes filled with tears saying that he thought there was nothing that he could or would do. "Ahhh, Nathan. But I think that's where you and I have some differences in perspective yes?" Klaus said, looking at Eddie for a moment. "I'm sure you've felt this way before, this feeling of hopelessness and I'm sure the one person who made the difference and pulled you on your feet again was your wife yes?" Klaus asked, turning to look at Spencer. "Behind every powerful man, my father used to say, is an even more powerful woman running the show from the sidelines," Klaus remembered well what he'd felt like when he'd lost his wife, the devastation, the confusion...the hopelessness. The missing part of him that he felt would never be whole again.

"Alicia might not be here with you now, to help you fight this uphill battle with Lottie. Might not be able to help make things happy or normal for Eddie. But take comfort in knowing that she's in the psychiatric hospital getting the help she needs so she can come out and resume her position kicking your ass around again." Klaus said, smiling a little wider this time to show he was completely joking about the kicking ass part. It quickly faded knowing that this was a serious moment.

"While I may not be able to help you with your new little one, or help Shona in the psychiatric hospital...what I was suggesting was helping you." Klaus emphasized, watching to see what his reaction could be. "I won't pretend to know you well, and you may resent me for what I've done to you and your family which is completely warranted. If you don't trust people here with your wife and kids, that's quite alright. You don't have to. But perhaps, allow my crew to assist you where you need it? We have childcare resources, housekeeping resources, whatever you want...we can get it for you because I won't lie to you, you look a little worse for wear." Klaus said, his voice gentle.

"Harper has been kind enough to allow me a glimpse into her life with you all at one point in time and she told me you carried a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, and in her words here, too much at times. I don't want to be throwing that around now but...it seems like you're running yourself down before you even have a chance to get back up and fight. Lottie and Eddie need you at your best but you can't be at your best when you're constantly trying to juggle all these other responsibilities." Klaus paused, taking a look at someone walking by them. He was careful about who he talked in front of even if he'd scoped out the area well enough before.

So with that in mind, taking everything I've just said, is there anything you can think of that I might be able to make happen for you? Dinners, housekeeping? Whatever it is."
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

Spencer had been saddened to hear that Harper had struggled the previous year and ended up being sectioned. He wished he could have been there to support her. He only hoped Jeremy had pulled his weight and had been strong enough for her. He was glad to hear her boy - his nephew -was okay and that she'd settle into motherhood now. It just hurt that he'd never get to see it and that his kids would not be able to meet yet another cousin. "I am proud," he echoed Klaus' words. "Tell her I love her and that I'm proud, won't you?" he asked, his voice briefly softening even for Klaus.

Spencer listened on as Klaus expressed his assumption that he'd felt like this before and that Shona had been the one to get him back on his feet again. Whilst Spencer was typically a tough guy and an alpha male, he wasn't against admitting that it was Shona who had kept him stronger over the last couple of years. From the effects of the war with the Sullivans to his struggles with moving to Fort William last year, it was Shona who he'd been able to turn to in order to help maintain his strength and resolve. But she wasn't here now and Spencer didn't have anyone left to turn to in his time of need. "Of course. She's the one who talks most sense out of everyone," he quietly agreed with the German. "I only met her four years ago, but I always knew she was the one. I can't imagine a life without her. It would be even worse than this life here in Scotland," he bitterly commented.

He nodded in agreement when Klaus told him to take comfort in knowing Shona was in the hospital getting help. He didn't begrudge her of that and was confident his tough wife could get through everything with the help she was getting. He just missed her and her natural ability to ignite the deeper strength within him. "I'd give anything to have her kicking my arse right now," he gruffly remarked.

Spencer turned to Klaus with a curious expression as the man suggested his crew could assist. He was about to make a sarcastic remark about not wanting some Interpol agent in an apron doing his cleaning at home, but the mentions of childcare did catch his attention. He'd always been very picky about who he allowed into his family circle back in London, so that selectivity was intensified when it came to his children, which was why he couldn't get any help where caring for Eddie was concerned. As nice as Fiona was, he hadn't been able to accept her offer as he didn't know her well enough and didn't think she had the power to completely protect his son. Hearing that he looked worse for wear came as no surprise. He'd barely eaten or slept since Lottie was born but he'd managed to avoid getting hung up on his reflection in the mirror as he was too preoccupied to care.

As the German continued to explain how Harper had shared some of their personal life with him, including how Spencer always took on too much responsibility, he didn't try to deny it. He'd been doing it since he was a kid and it was still a hard habit to break out of. It's what made it even harder now to accept that he needed help. The man pointed out that Eddie and Lottie needed him at his best, which struck a nerve. As much as he was trying, he was aware he wasn't giving Eddie everything he needed. Of course his son was being fed, cleaned and everything else he needed to be comfortable, but Spencer was too exhausted and too worried to play with him as much as he normally would and he was sure the toddler could sense he was unhappy.

"These childcare resources," he finally addressed it. "Would this be someone with actual childcare skills and not some uptight agent without any people skills?" he asked. "Not saying you haven't got 'em, but I generally have a sour taste in my mouth about those in your line of work." Lightly shaking his head, he looked Klaus in the eyes. "I need help with Eddie but there ain't anybody I can trust to keep him safe along with being good with kids. Anyone in your team good with kids that I can trust won't let anything happen to him?"
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~
Klaus Jäger
To my biggest brother,

Klaus said he'd give this to you. Just know, when he returns I'll have rummaged through his stuff to make sure he did. I feel like in my head, I can see you giving me that look you always used to give me when I would check on you. Typical Spencer, always trying to remind me I'm supposed to be the little sister and you're meant to be the big brother. And in my head, I just know you're smiling right now...stop it, because I'm about to say I miss it. I miss you. I miss Shona. Little Eddie. You've got a nephew now, okay well, you've had a nephew...two I guess. But this one is my baby.

I snuck a picture in there. If Klaus stuck to his word, he didn't open the envelope and there's a picture for you. Bucky's his name. That's us on his first birthday. The kid's a sucker for cake. Watching you and Alex, it was different. I never really pictured it for myself. But, Bucky's the best thing to ever happen to me. The happiest kid on the planet, even given everything I've been through with him.

Jeremy and I are doing well. He's great with Bucky. I think he misses you more than I do (not actually possible, purely a joke). Life without all of you has been an adjustment but we are certainly making do. I just hope, wish...and occasionally pray (yes, I know, weird) the same for you. I can't go into too much detail on who is with me or where I am but, I've made...unexpected friends and people who I can turn to. Which...is new, and nice. While I know London was our home, I hope you can make it where you are home and open up your heart enough to those around you. You might just find unexpected friends like I have too, Spence.

I know why Klaus has come to visit you...

Accepting help is hard, trust me, I know. But it can be freeing too.
One of those unexpected friends told me last year at my lowest, "You have to know that it's okay if you can't handle it..
.you just need other people to look after your boy when you can't." I had a hard time accepting that I needed help with my son while I took care of myself.

He reminds me a lot of you in terms of the advice he has to offer, while also having gone through things I've gone through.

I miss our talks and would kill to hear that Dick Van Dyke impersonation right about now.

I know Shona will be okay and so will your new little one if they are anything like the two of you.

Thinking of you all always
with love,
Klaus made a mental note to tell Harper about what Spencer said, "Of course, she'll be pleased to hear it, I can see the smile already. Better than the expression she was giving me before I left." Klaus murmured. Hearing Spencer agree with him, wasn't surprising. Not that the German was assuming he'd be right but...he'd seen it all before. While Klaus didn't know him well enough to care, he still wanted to care. Having to lose a spouse was...a pain he didn't wish even on his worst enemy. Even if he didn't know Spencer, he at least knew him through Harper...and that was enough motivation for him to take some steps to help. Plus, if they were to keep things in order...keep things safe, Klaus had to intervene or at least try.

Spencer was surprisingly open to all of what he was saying. Harper had warned him, despite the visit being one of good nature, that Spencer could be stubborn. Even more so than her. Which was...hard to imagine after having dealt with her for more than a year. But this interaction only painted a picture of how desperate the man seemed to be for help and Klaus certainly wasn't going to waste the opportunity to give him whatever it was he needed. Spencer finally addressed the resources that Klaus had listed, causing the German to raise his right brow at the mention of childcare, meeting his eyes as he spoke.

Letting him finish, Klaus smiled softly and laughed, "I take no offense to your assumptions. People in my line of work generally leave a sour taste in my mouth as well, something you may be surprised to find we have in common." Klaus let his smile fade as he looked towards where Eddie was, his expression softening, "I've got plenty of people on my team who are good with kids that you can trust. My team is unique compared to the rest of Interpol, hand chosen by myself. I've actually had quite a few agents already here in Scotland. I can arrange a meeting with you and them if you'd like, let you pick from the lot, even see how Eddie likes them if that's something you're comfortable with?" Klaus turned to look back at Spencer now, watching his reaction, gauging whether or not he'd be surprised by it or not.

"We keep an eye on what we need to here. Agents are close by in case someone gets too close to your family. As I said, while I might not be the most well-liked by you or your siblings, I am trying my best to make sure you all stay comfortable and continue to stay afloat." Klaus murmured lightly. "And once your wife is out, and your new little one is home...if you decide you need more resources or less or whatever. You have them. We will be checking in from time to time. Sure your sister will continue to pester me to bring more stuff along, so you have that to look forward to as well."
Belford Hospital
Fort William, Scotland
~ Monday 4th May 1987 ~

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

Spencer hated asking for or accepting help, especially from those outside of his trusted circle. So for him to accept anything from Klaus, especially as he had a hand in the Kings being split apart 12 years ago, made him realise how desperate he was. Whilst he often took on his problems by himself, it wasn't just about him this time. Shona, Eddie and Lottie were all relying on him, but he knew in his current state he alone couldn't give all three of them what they needed. With that in mind, he was willing to accept the help that had been offered to him.

With his general distrust and scepticism about people, it came as some reassurance to Spencer to hear Klaus assure him there were trustworthy people on his team who were good with children. "I think a meeting with them would be good," he agreed with the man's suggestion. "I wanna see how Eddie is with them before I commit to anyone. If he's happy, then I'm comfortable."

As much as he hated to have Klaus' agents continuing to keep an eye on his family, he knew there was no point in arguing as they were going to do it with or without his approval. He supposed it meant he didn't have to worry about any former enemies showing up. "Thanks," he simply told him when he said he was trying his best to make sure Spencer and his family stayed afloat. He managed a small smile at the thought of Shona and Lottie coming home. "I'll see how it goes and let you or your lot know if our need for resources changes. My sister had better pester you to bring stuff and you'd better give in to her," he told Klaus.

When the time to end their conversation and go their separate ways came, Spencer got up from the bench and briefly checked Eddie was still soundly asleep. "We need to get back inside," he said of Eddie and himself. He then cleared his throat before reaching out to shake Klaus' hand. "I'm not going to start singing your lots praises, but thanks for the offer of help. My family's safety and comfort comes first."

Once the men had gone their separate ways, Spencer returned to the hospital room with Eddie still asleep in the pushchair. Occupying the seat beside the incubator, Spencer opened Harper's letter and set about reading it. By the time he'd read his sister's sweet updates, his eyes were filled with tears but a smile was etched on his face. When Shona was feeling better he knew she'd love to hear what Harper had written. For now, he put the letter away securely in his pocket and transferred the small photograph of Bucky into his wallet.
London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Agent Harper Gray
The cab drove further and further down the familiar street her father lived on, Harper couldn't help but feel nervous. She knew she'd been sent here on an assignment. But it had been years since she'd stepped foot in London. She should have been looking around her, surveying the area but she was just taking in everything. All of her home. With each building that passed, noticing some things that had changed, and some things that hadn't...her heart sank further and further in her chest. Bucky would never know where she'd come from. Germany would always be home to him. The found family consisted of her Interpol friends, his father, Erik, Ava, and the Porters...or the Foleys as they were known these days were what they had. She thanked whoever was out there, looking out for him that they had found people like them to be such great role models in his life. Such great people for her to lean on in her weakest moments. But this was her home, and all she could think about at that moment was her family.

She wouldn't be able to tell anyone when she got home where she'd been, at least not Erik, Ava, or Jeremy. Klaus even said not to tell the likes of Syd or Roxie. This mission was top secret, tasked to her even though it was a severe conflict of interest because Trevor was needed. Ezekiel Carter had taken his claim over London not long after her relatives had been shoved out by Interpol and he'd been deemed a dangerous man not long after that. When Klaus and Interpol found out that Trevor, one of Harper's relatives was working directly for the man, the organization jumped at the chance for direct intel and thought it the perfect opportunity to get the information they desperately needed on a man who had remained basically squeaky clean since he took over. Harper had fought it at first, pretty violently. She didn't want to lose anyone else. Trevor, Alex, and the rest of those who resided in London were living their lives, normally. She was happy for them, no longer envious of what they had.

She wanted to fight to keep that normalcy for them, especially her father who she knew finally got to where he needed to be in terms of his life with work and his relationship with some of his children. Trevor thought the rest of his children to be dead, but he had Alex and May to hang onto, Harper didn't want to be responsible for them actually dying. But when Klaus explained that if they didn't do something now, things would only get worse, that her family could get hurt before they could stop it. Harper had mulled it over. Jeremy of course, had been left out of the conversation. After their argument back in 88, Harper no longer turned to him for the majority of her feelings, decisions, and the like. She had a wonderful support group outside of her husband, who really only represented what was on a piece of paper these days more than love anymore to her, though she really did love him still...it was complicated. It felt wrong to feel that way, but after all of what she'd been through, who could really blame her?

So here she was, the cab slowly coming to a stop at her father's address with Harper looking up and taking a deep breath. The cab finally came to a stop and the driver told her how much the fare was. Paying it, Harper thanked the man before stepping out into the rain, not bothering with her umbrella and just putting her hoodie up as she moved onto the sidewalk. Heading towards the stoop of her father's building, Harper didn't stop until she got to his door. That determination she had with each step disappeared the moment she saw the little peephole. Biting down on her bottom lip, she was wondering what the fuck she was going to say. She had all the time in the world to think it over. But even when she'd rehearsed it over and over again in her head, it came out different each time. Finally, Harper reached out her hand to knock on the door, just shy of it, hesitating. What if he didn't believe her? She'd definitely changed her face over the last 6 years, losing all of that baby fat in her face, innocence. She was a woman, a mother. She wasn't the Harper he knew before she "died" physically but she thought that deep down she was still the same Harper emotionally...even if Jeremy said she'd changed and not for the better. She was biting her lip so hard that she thought it would bleed but before her mind had a chance to make up its mind, her hand knocked on the door. When the door opened and she saw his face, Harper's face broke out into a natural smile, "Hi Dad, it's...it's...me...Harper." She knew it wasn't enough of an explanation, she was sure he was going to freak out, maybe burst into tears...but she tried to be calm about it. She would explain everything if he just gave her the chance. "I missed you."
Trevor Stewart's House
Islington, London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Trevor Stewart

1682976878199.pngIn the sixties, Trevor had voluntarily left his family for over two decades. It had been easy and for most of those years he'd managed to live his life with little thought for the children he'd left behind. Yet, when he reconnected with his family in 1985, something great had already changed within him by that point and he'd wanted more than anything to be given a second chance with the sons and daughters whose lives he'd walked out on. Trevor wasn't self-centred enough to believe in karma or that he was being punished, but when Spencer, Billy and Harper were all killed shortly after he'd made amends with them, it was hard in those first few months not to assume he was somehow to blame. That feeling had soon passed, even if the grief took much longer to ease. He was sure many would say he had no right to grieve for them having only been back in their lives for a few months, but it was how he felt. In particular, he struggled to come to terms with losing Harper. She was the first of them to give him a chance and saving her life when she'd attempted suicide had strengthened the connection he felt with his daughter. Then, on an objective level, there was the fact she was so young and was pregnant at the time of her death. It took a while to come to terms with that. Had it not been for Alex and May still being there, Trevor was sure his grief would have turned him back to his old ways where he could wash his grief away with alcohol and heroin. He hated to admit that, but he was grateful he still had some family there to keep him grounded and remind him that he still had a lot to lose if he let his past addictions win.

Although he often thought about those he'd lost in 1985, Trevor was now living the most stable and healthy life he'd ever had. He was a committed father, grandfather, brother and uncle. He had a full-time job, albeit one that up until recent discoveries about his employer, he'd believed to be completely legitimate. He owned his own house and had now made London his permanent home. Though he liked a healthy amount of alcohol, he'd managed to remain free of his addictions for years. To top it all off, he was also in a romantic relationship. Things with Anne-Marie had started out as a secret office fling last year, with him not expecting it to last given their age difference and the casual nature of it. However, in recent months he'd found himself developing feelings for her and he hadn't brushed her off when she told him she wanted them to be serious. It was still in its early days and he hadn't made a big deal of it to his family, but Trevor could see them being together long-term.

After a busy day in the office, Trevor was now sitting watching the television as he smoked a cigarette to go with his hot cup of tea.He'd been trying to think of somewhere to take Anne-Marie on a date. His thoughts didn't get far when he heard the knock at the door. He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray and switched off the television; figuring if it was any of his family he didn't want their kids subjected to the depressing news nor the cigarette smoke.

Trevor flicked on the hallway light as he casually walked towards the front door. Knowing it was cold and dark outside, he didn't want to keep his visitor or visitors waiting, so he didn't hesitate to unlock the door and pull it open to greet them. He was shocked to see the blonde woman standing on his front doorstep. Though she appeared older and had visibly changed since he last saw her, there was no doubt in his mind that he was looking at Harper. The fact he was so sure was what scared him the most as surely he had to be losing his mind to be seeing a dead woman. When she greeted him, calling him Dad and speaking her own name, Trevor pinched the bridge of his nose and tightly closed his eyes. "What did I put in my tea?" he muttered to himself. Surely he had to be hallucinating. He pulled his hand away from his face and opened his eyes again, shaking his head as he looked her in the eyes. Hearing her say she missed him caused his heart to sink and he felt himself choking up. He cleared his throat and once again shook his head, needing a moment to compose himself. Gripping onto the edge of the open door, he felt his thoughts jumping around in his head in a confused mess before he finally snapped himself into the moment and tried to keep some clarity. "Harper..." he gasped, taking in his features as it became clear this was real. Before he realised what he was doing, he stepped forward and reached out to give his daughter a tight hug, perhaps even partly to confirm she was there in the flesh. Releasing her, he quickly stepped aside, revealing his now tear-filled eyes. "Come inside, out of the cold." As he spoke, he found himself looking around outside, not sure who else he was expecting to be there but checking nonetheless.

Leading her into the living room, he didn't even make it to offering her a seat before turning to face her. "Harper, I'm..." he began, but held his arms out to draw attention to what was surely a bizarre situation to her too. "Harper, what's going on? You... I was told you died," he pointed out.
London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Agent Harper Gray
Harper heard her father ask himself what he'd put in his tea and if it had been a lighter situation she might have laughed. But the man had thought she'd been dead for the last 6 years. "Hey, woah, breathe, deep breaths." She said, her voice full of concern as Trevor gripped the edge of his open door, looking like he might fall over. His face was blanketed with a look of confusion, rightfully so and Harper would give him as much time as he needed to process it all. He'd aged, something that she'd feared but knew was a reality with everything else. One of the things Harper had been struggling with from the moment she'd been pulled from her family was not being able to see her family grow older, no matter how old they were when she left them. Nothing made her heart fuller than seeing her family prosper throughout their stages of life, growing older scared the living shit out of her in her darkest moments but when she had her family with her...it had been easier.

When he finally looked up at her, he seemed to really take in her features and Harper offered her father a kind smile, though her lips trembled as she tried to keep it together. "It's me." She said her voice barely above a whisper and when her father stepped forward to hug her she didn't stop him, her own arms wrapping around him tightly before she pressed a kiss to his cheek. It seemed he was trying to confirm that she was real and while she had been scoping out his position for a few days, knowing that he was still around and very much real, her delusions sometimes led her astray so feeling his warmth put her at ease when she felt that he was very much real too.

When he stepped back, his eyes were full of tears and Harper's own tears had spilled down her cheeks. She was normally much better at keeping a straight face on a traditional job, which was around her family, friends, and her found family she wore her heart on her sleeve but today she was in the presence of such family. Telling her to come inside out of the cold, Harper had only just noticed the chill again. It wasn't nearly as cold as it was in Berlin this time of year, with the temperature having dipped just below -1 Celsius just the other night while she was out with a few of her friends, but it was cold enough. "Thank you." She said simply, stepping inside, the warmth of his place now burning her exposed skin slightly as her body started to adjust to the temperature change. She noticed that he checked to see if anyone else was there.

"I wasn't followed..." She managed to say before letting herself get quiet, not wanting to overwhelm him with information just yet. She was sure he still needed things to settle in so she just stayed silent. There were so many things running through her head, so many thoughts that she couldn't keep track of or even attempt to hold onto in order to try and ask but she would try...she knew she was here for more than personal reasons. Well...she is here for solely professional reasons. Klaus had made that perfectly clear. Swallowing harshly, she let her father lead her into the living room, but he didn't offer her a seat which she wasn't surprised about as he turned around his arms spread as he tried to formulate words to describe the situation. Watching him struggle to get it out, caused a lump to form in her throat.

When he finally asked her what was going on, that he'd been told she died. Harper nodded her head, "That's right. You were told. I died. November 23rd, 1985. Along with Spencer, Billy, Bruce, Darcey, and the rest except the ones here in London…" Harper's brows furrowed downward, it sounded so odd to say it, claiming that she died. She'd tried to take her life twice, her choices, grappling with the darkness that had chased her for most of her life. Recently she'd managed to get strong enough to chase that darkness away, for the first time in a long time she was smiling and laughing more than she ever thought possible. Guilt still consumed her though, realizing that she was doing it without her family around her. Her therapist she was forced to see said it wasn't something she should feel guilty over, and that happiness wasn't conditional. She was slowly starting to learn that there wasn't a when to happiness but a despite. Life was never going to be perfect. She had to let that go. Something was always going to go wrong, something was never going to be quite right. But her family would want her to smile more through her day than cry herself to sleep. Sure, her relationship troubles were still burdening her greatly, making her feel less than adequate...something she wasn't ready to face…

Forcing that thought out of her head, she looked at her father, "Sit with me, yea?" She asked lightly, moving to his sofa, wanting to make sure he had a stable place to be in case the conversation became too much. When they were both seated, Harper turned to look at him, simply staring for a long moment, she wondered how much she missed, a bitter part of her envying how much time May got to spend with him before she said, "The line of work our family was in caught up with them...on a much broader spectrum than I think any of us anticipated. Interpol, an international organization that works with a lot of different law enforcement agencies had been scoping us and the Sullivans out for years, watching us like hawks." Harper said, watching her father closely for any sign of what he knew and what he didn't know. "But Ava...Erik's...Billy's Boyfriend's cousin had been dating a man, Klaus, who was undercover with Interpol... the head of the operation against our family actually. Turns out he had a sweet spot for her, sweet enough that he was willing to put his entire neck on the line for us." Of course, it had been more than that.

"He helped some of us escape, but some of us were able to stay...those that escaped...died. Spencer, Billy, and the rest are scattered throughout parts of Europe, very much alive and safe. I've made sure of that. Jeremy, Erik, Ava, and I were taken back with Klaus. Had to make it believable that some of us were caught. In exchange for that, we work for the organization under Klaus now in lieu of jail time. Not that I was ever a criminal, but Spencer and the boys did some shit that apparently I could be aware of in the court of law. Isn't that fun? But I don't mind, the work pays at least and hey, I'm alive and well...but, I know you had to go the last 6 years..." Harper's throat closed as she felt her eyes burn, tears ready to fall again. As chipper as she tried to make it all sound, it was hard, the last 6 years had been hard for her and she couldn't imagine what they had been like for Trevor. Sure, had he been really close with all of them before they all died? Perhaps not, but Harper and him had been. "I can't imagine what you went through here. And I'm really sorry for having to continue to make you believe that I was dead." Before she went on, she took a look at him closer again, knowing it was a lot to take in.

"How-how are you holding up? Before I get into the reason I'm here...because as much as I want to tell you I'm here for good..." Harper's bottom lip trembled, having to bite it to stop. Turning her head, she couldn't meet his eyes anymore, the guilt was too much.
Trevor Stewart's House
Islington, London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Trevor Stewart

Trevor studied Harper as she confirmed he was correct, that he had been informed of her death as well as two of her brothers and other members of their family. When she told him to sit with her, he nodded and sat next to her on the sofa. He noticed her staring at him for a time, but he didn't react to it with too many questions already running through his mind. Harper then spoke up to explain how her family's criminal lifestyles had caught up with them. Their illegal operations were something Trevor was aware of, even if for the most part he'd played ignorant to such knowledge. He was shocked to hear that Interpol had been watching the Kings and Sullivans for years. Part of Trevor had to wonder if he'd accidentally crossed paths with them too, though he suspected he would know if he'd been somehow implicated, unless that was the reason for his daughter's presence now. He nodded along at the mention of Klaus and how he linked back to Billy. Trevor had learned over the years about Billy's sexuality and Erik had been mentioned in those conversations too.

Trevor was surprised to hear that things hadn’t gone down quite as Interpol had intended, with Klaus and others helping some of the Kings escape. "Oh shit..." Trevor muttered, rubbing his forehead as he tried to process what he was being told. Not only was Harper living and breathing in front of him after all those years, but now he was hearing Spencer, Billy, Bruce and Darcey, along with others, were all still alive too. "This is a lot..." he said, looking his daughter in the eyes as he felt his heart racing in his chest. Regardless of whether he had only been in the early stages of reconciling with Spencer and Billy before he was told they'd died, Trevor had still mourned for them all and had spent years coming to terms with their deaths. He was glad to hear that they and the grandchildren he'd never got to properly meet were all alive and well somewhere in the continent. He raised his eyebrows upon hearing Harper and Jeremy were made to work for Interpol in exchange for their freedom. He didn't need to ask what she meant when she said Spencer and the boys had done some bad things - he already knew and kept quiet about a murder his eldest son had committed when he was younger. Trevor stayed silent as Harper apologised for him having to spend years believing she was dead. "It doesn't sound like you had much of a choice..." Trevor reasoned. As he spoke, he looked past her, with something of a distant gaze. In honesty, his mind wasn't dwelling on the years he'd had to spend believing so many family members were dead. Instead, he was fixated on the organisation she was now working for. "It doesn't sound safe you working for that organisation," he spoke, looking back to meet her eyes. "Though I guess you don't have a choice in that either."

When his daughter asked how he was getting on, Trevor sat up straight and wiped away any excess tears from his eyes, forcing himself to get it together. "Me? Oh, I'm holding up great," he casually assured her. Noticing she was struggling, he reached down to hold her hand and mustered a reassuring smile for her. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your brothers, but I'm doing good, Harper. It was hard at first, I won't lie, but this is probably the most stable I've ever been. I stuck around for Alex and May, got a proper job, bought this house. And it might not look like it right now," he said, pointing to the ashtray with the stubbed out cigarette, "but I'm even working on quitting those. The grandkids don't need me smoking around them and with Kerry pregnant again, she reckons the smell of cigs turns her stomach," he remarked. He suddenly fell silent on that note, gently squeezing Harper's hand as he looked her in the eyes. "You were expecting when I last saw you. Did... Did everything go well on that front? Is Jeremy still in the picture?" he asked. Whilst his first impression of Jeremy had been a negative one, he hoped things had worked out on that front, for his daughter's sake.

It hadn't escaped his attention that Harper said her purpose for visiting wasn't really to catch up or ask how he was, but seemingly something less pleasant. Was Interpol onto him too? Surely his past with fraud and identity theft was insignificant compared to what that organisation was involved in. "I’m made up that you’re here. Thrilled that you, the boys and even Bruce are all alive and well, but that’s not what you really came here for, is it? What did you come here to tell me?" he asked.
London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Agent Harper Gray

Harper nodded softly as Trevor said that it sounded like she didn't have much of a choice on account of her not being able to reach out to him. It was true, she couldn't. None of them could. Even though she had been able to join Interpol, well, forced to join Interpol...she still wasn't as free as one would think. A lot of the decisions weren't her own. Like the position, she was currently in. As lovely as it was to see her father, she was still conflicted. He then mentioned it not sounding safe, working for Interpol, which had her briefly cracking a smile. It wasn't all that safe, but neither had been related to the King family. Harper would rather be in the thick of it with Interpol these days than be sheltered away from the violence her family stirred up. As much as she loved them dearly. Even if Interpol chose the jobs she went on, she still got to be involved, in the know...not left in the dark like she had to watch Syd and his family. It was debilitating.

Her question about how he was, seemed to snap him together and Harper used it as an opportunity to try to do the same. She knew her mention of being in his house for a different reason didn't escape him, so she allowed him to fill her in on everything she missed. Her father said he was holding up great, sounding casual as he assured her, it made her eyes burn as much as she tried to hold it together and he reached for her hand which she was thankful for giving him a squeeze and returned his smile. Hearing that he thought about her and her brothers every day was sweet, but hearing he was doing well and that he was the most stable he'd ever been...it nearly choked her. That guilt she had been feeling increased nearly tenfold again. Trevor stuck around for Alex and May, saying he got a proper job....which Harper knew about. That he bought this house...which she didn't know about. Harper's smile wavered slightly as he continued speaking, looking to the ashtray as he pointed to the butted-out cigarette stating that he was working on quitting.

Harper had started up that habit, with the stress of work, parenting, her marriage, and mental illness it was a habit she tried over and over to quit. Win some, lose some. "Pregnant again?" Harper asked, her voice small. While she had been keeping tabs on certain things, she didn't keep tabs on everything and really couldn't. Tears came to her eyes again and one managed to spill down her cheek. Using her free hand, she wiped at it as Trevor went silent while he squeezed the other hand he was holding. Her father then mentioned that she was expecting the last time he saw her, before asking if everything went well on that front. Followed by a question about if Jeremy was still in the picture. The fondest smile formed on her face, thinking about Bucky who was currently at home with Jeremy in Germany, probably just waiting not so patiently for her to get home. "Everything went well. Um...here." Harper let go of her father's hand to get her wallet from her coat pocket."I have a picture of him." When she opened the wallet, she pulled out a folded picture of Bucky from his latest preschool photo and handed it to him.

The curly blonde-haired, blue-eyed almost 5-year-old boy smiling widely at the camera in a plaid button-up shirt and jeans. "Named him Nicolas Buchanan...kind of a giant book nerd. But I call him Bucky. Born March 13th, 1986. The cutest little goofball the universe could have ever given me. I love him more than I thought I could love anyone." Thinking about Jeremy, Harper bit her lip, "Jeremy is still around, in all of his brooding and moody glory. He's good to his baby, loves him just as much as I do." If and when Trevor tried to hand the picture back, Harper shook her head, "Keep it, you should have a picture of your other grandkid."

When the inevitable question of why she was here came around, Harper sighed, looking down at her lap. "Well, to start...you're not in any sort of trouble with Interpol. I wouldn't be here if you were. It would be a huge conflict of interest." She wasn't sure how to say it, "But your employer...the Carters...have become an issue. Do you know anything about that?"
Trevor Stewart's House
Islington, London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Trevor Stewart

Trevor was glad to hear everything had gone well with Harper's pregnancy and when she let go of his hand to retrieve her wallet, he watched with curiosity. When she confirmed she had a picture of her son he couldn't help but smile. It dawned on him that he was missing more milestones for most of his kids, this time them having children of their own and him being able to watch those grandchildren grow. It wasn't his fault this time, but it hurt all the same. Still, he knew he had no place to dwell on it. Instead, he smiled as she handed him the photograph and his expression only broadened as he looked at his grandson. "Ah, another blonde in our family," he commented as he studied the picture. He looked back to her with a fond smile. "Bucky. That's a good name and there's nothing wrong with being a book nerd. He sounds like a great kid - I’m made up to hear how happy he makes you," he softly told her. When she confirmed Jeremy was still around and also loved the kid, he nodded his head. "I guess he wouldn't be the first moody guy you've had to keep in line, growing up with three brothers and all," he remarked. As he moved to hand the picture back, Harper stopped him and told him to keep it. It went without saying that the photograph would be the closest he'd get to seeing Bucky. "Thank you. That means a lot," he told her, carefully setting it down on the coffee table.

Trevor was relieved he wasn't in any trouble, but it didn't completely relax him. He was then surprised Harper shifted the conversation onto his employer. Granted, in the back of his mind he wasn't entirely shocked, given what he knew about the Carters, but he still hadn't expected his daughter to be quizzing him about them. "An issue, huh?" he repeated her words as he slowly nodded. "I've been working for the Carters since just before you... left... in '85. It's a great job and I was promoted to Head of Sales back in 1990. Great people to work for," he assured Harper. Weaving his fingers together, he thought about her words about them becoming an issue and the context of her comments that couldn't be ignored. "Though I can see how they might have become an issue for your employers, you're going to have to elaborate for me, Harper," he compelled her.
London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Agent Harper Gray

Harper had been all smiles until she had to turn the conversation to why she was really in London, in her father's presence, alive and well and speaking with him at this very moment. Now she was trying to remain neutral in her expression, not bothered by an answer he did or didn't give her. Trevor confirmed that he had been working for the Carters since before she left. Okay, that choice of work made her smirk just a little, but she quickly fixed her smirk back into a neutral expression, listening as he said it was a great job. He'd been promoted to Head of Sales back in 1990. Which she knew about given the briefing that Klaus had given her recently. It sounded like her father was happy, that he'd made his own way in life and everything had fallen right into place for him...which was breaking her heart into two pieces.

Why the hell did Klaus decide to send her here? Why couldn't he send someone else? Wesley, Rory, Thea, Jeremy...well, maybe not Jeremy knowing that her father wasn't the biggest fan. But any of the others could have been seated right where she was right now. Not that she wasn't made up about seeing him...but now she was forced to sit here and ask him to change it all, and for what? The evidence they had against the Carter family right now was...zero. It was all speculation. Well, most of it. There were a lot of dots being connected and a lot of those dots led back to that family in London.

Swallowing harshly, Harper listened as Trevor said that he could see how Carter could be an issue for her employer but she was going to have to elaborate for him, which caused her to crack a smile and it was followed by a laugh. "Ahh, how did I know you were going to ask for that?" Harper said, her tone teasing. Klaus had recommended that she tried to be as vague with the information she gave as possible but how the hell was she going to do that when they needed her father on their side? Here he was saying that he thought the company he worked for was good people, that he enjoyed his job, and that he'd worked his way up and Klaus somehow wanted her to be vague in trying to onboard him. Like that was going to fucking happen.

"Well, my superiors were going to have me try to be as vague as possible but... what the hell does he know?" Harper said, offering her father another smile and a shake of her head. "We've been following the Carters for quite some time, when I say we, I don't mean myself specifically but Interpol as a whole...I can't give you a timeline but it's been a while. While the evidence isn't enough to take them to a court or even to lock them up right away, we've been connecting the dots little by little. Some of the crimes they could be tangled up in the range from running illegal drug operations, blackmail as well as suspected murder among a long list of other things. Now our family had been found on crimes for much of the same, but it took years to build up cases due to not being able to get anyone on the inside until the very end..." Harper bit down on her bottom lip, now nervous as she tangled her hands together.

"My superiors have sent me here as a request for your services. Something that I felt was too much to ask and fought actively against for weeks but at the end of the day, I really don't have a say in it, which is why I am here with you tonight." Harper watched her father's face, for any sign of anger, or disappointment. She knew that if he was, she would understand. But after all this time, it would hurt, no it wouldn't just hurt...she knew it was going to kill her inside. She'd spent half of the late 80s thinking about seeing him and the rest of her family again, and this was one scenario she never imagined seeing him in. But regardless of what happened, even if Trevor kicked her out onto the street.

Harper wouldn't hold it against him. "We would like to onboard you, as a double agent of sorts, to help gather some sort of evidence. If it turns out there is none and we were wrong then you're free to continue your work for the Carters and we can pretend this conversation never happened. But if you find things, we will be slowly building a case against them which will take some time." Harper continued to watch Trevor, with sympathy in her eyes.

"I know this is a lot to ask, your life is together, and I am so happy for you. If you say no, there are no repercussions. But perhaps think about it?"
Trevor Stewart's House
Islington, London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Trevor Stewart

Trevor grinned when Harper made a comment about how she would know he'd ask her to elaborate. "Maybe I've become predictable in my old age," he remarked. Truth was, he was still tiptoeing around the conversation, unsure what exactly Harper wanted to know about Carter and not wanting to put her in an awkward or dangerous situation if he misread what she wanted. He smirked when she said her superiors told her to be vague but she was seemingly not going to do as they said. "What do they know, huh?" he teased, still just shocked yet happy to see her again.

Harper explained that Interpol had been following the Carters for some time but they didn't have enough evidence against them. "Ezekiel is an extremely intelligent man. He knows how to conduct himself," he assured her. When she reeled off some of the crimes they suspected the Carters were mixed up in, Trevor wasn't surprised. Nor could he argue when she pointed out the Kings were guilty of pretty much the same. It took Interpol years to get evidence on the Kings and he suspected their investigations on the Carters would take just as long too. Still, he wasn't sure why Interpol had sent Harper to tell him this, nor why she appeared nervous as she spoke. He suspected she was there to grill him for anything he knew about his boss.

Then it came, Harper indeed explained that her superiors had sent her to request his services. She seemed like she'd been reluctant to do so but she hadn't had any choice. "Anything I‘m aware of about the Carters I don't have evidence for," he was quick to inform her. "I don't think anything I could tell you would fast track the investigation." It soon became clear that Harper wasn't just there to question him, but she informed him that Interpol wanted to set him on as a double agent of sorts in order to gather the said evidence he currently lacked. "Is this some kind of joke?" he asked her, a confused smile lingering on his face. "Do your superiors realise how difficult it would be to get evidence? I'd have to work overtime to get Ezekiel’s full trust." He placed his hand on Harper's arm. "They're dangerous, Harper. You need to stay away from this," he said, looking her in the eyes as he urged her to try to distance herself from the Carters.

Having recently been witness to the ways Ezekiel asserted himself and his power over rivals or competitors, he knew his own family still in London were also at risk of being hurt or threatened by the Carters. He looked her in the eyes as she asked him to think about Interpol's idea of him being a double agent. "What support are they intending to offer me in return? It's a lot to ask for me to just do it out of the kindness of my heart," he pointed out. He let out a sigh. "It's risky, Harper. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the things I've seen and heard. Not to mention I want Alex, May and Phil to all have their families live in safety in London. But what support would I have? Admittedly, I've led multiple lives that I made up for myself, but this? This is a whole new league to the shit I was involved in years back. In fact, do your superiors know about my reputation - the man I used to be? Drug-addicted, selfish, and someone who would have betrayed his own mother."
London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Agent Harper Gray
Harper hadn't been shocked when Trevor said he didn't have any evidence of anything he was aware of the Carters doing and furthermore that anything he could tell her would be helpful in fast-tracking the investigation. That was to be expected. His response to Interpol's request for him to be a double agent would have been amusing had it not been for her father. Harper had just listened to him talk about how his life was together, how he was happy, how things were going so well for him and now here she was, showing up or rather rising up from the dead and asking him to be a double agent. To potentially throw all of that away. The confused smile on Trevor's face was breaking her heart. She was going to kill Klaus. Trevor was asking if this was some kind of a joke and Harper wanted to be able to laugh and say something along the lines of April Fools! But that wasn't happening.

The blonde's eyes trailed down, watching as her father lightly placed his hand on her arm before they snapped back up to meet his eyes as he warned her that they were dangerous. The hairs on the back of her neck stood from that warning, letting her know just how serious he was. Sure, it was one thing to talk about it at work back in Germany...but Trevor, a man who was never really serious about most things, to begin with, her father, warned her to stay away. Swallowing harshly, Harper had to regain her composure, her mouth slightly opened in a gentle o shape as her father warned her about the Carters. It surprised her. Made her wonder what exactly he knew, just how much he'd seen. Even if he wasn't willing to work with her, now she was just wanting him to stay away too.

Trevor then asked what her organization was willing to offer him in return for his services, something she was prepared to answer. She nodded her head as he said it was a lot to ask to do out of the kindness of his heart, "It's a lot to ask of you in general, and I told them I didn't want to ask it of you in the first place but...the threat seems to be...a great one, or it's starting to be." Harper said softly, the guilt still stewing in her chest as she watched her father. He let out a sigh, saying that it was risky which she nodded in agreement with again. He said he didn't like the things he'd seen, which did put some of her thoughts at ease, slightly worried that he'd been okay with what the Carters were doing for only a fraction of a second. Hearing he wanted safety for Alex, May and Phil as well as their families made her smile softly. Even if they didn't know she was alive or where she was, it was her driving factor. Her motivation. Harper would walk through fire for her family, blood, found or otherwise. Face any danger she had to in order to keep them above water.

Trevor asked again what support he'd have but as she opened her mouth to speak, he went on, causing her lips to snap closed. She let him get what he needed to off his chest. Any and all of his worries or anxieties were valid, and understandable and would be addressed as such. Harper would see to it. Trevor said he'd lived multiple lives but this was a whole new league before asking if her superiors knew about his reputation which caused her to smile. The way he made himself sound, belittling himself. Some things never changed.

"My superiors know your past and who you are now. Former drug addict, selfish still perhaps but for the right reasons these days. And would have betrayed his own mother but didn't yes? Also saved his daughter from suicide, and gave her a second chance at life, and that little boy in that picture you have now a chance at life, to begin with. They see a man who doesn't waste his time. A man who gets the job done. Trust that they know who they are partnering with. They employed Jeremy and me, which was questionable at best." Harper's eyes burned slightly, always ending up getting emotional at the mention of Trevor having saved her. "Interpol is prepared to offer you immunity from anything you've done in the past with the Carters, as well as anything you shall do from here on out in order to aid us. As well as a cash pay-out, for any wages lost on your end." The blonde's tone was professional, her face neutral before her face melted into a kind smile, "Plus, you get to see me once in a while. Getting your favorite dead daughter back has got to be the biggest perk out of all of this huh?" She teased, laughing slightly a moment before the laughter died down and she grew serious again.

"You have the option to say no. But as much as I appreciate the warning dad, I am legally bound to Interpol. As is Jeremy. It was part of our plea deal. Lots of legal bullshit. So I will be working to take the Carters down with or without your help. I am understanding if you don't want to throw everything away for this. After all this time, I can't just come back in here...and as this of you. I don't think I've seen you this made-up before, it's a nice look for ya. And I'm really proud of how far you've come, honestly." Harper murmured, meaning every word.
Trevor Stewart's House
Islington, London, England
~ January 1992 ~

Trevor Stewart

Trevor was at least glad to hear that Harper's superiors already knew about his past. It both meant they weren't going to come at him for it and that things wouldn't be awkward if he agreed to their request before they found out the truth about him. He nodded, his head when Harper said he was perhaps selfish for the right reasons these days. The decisions he made now were for the sake of his remaining family in London rather than his own needs, which at times ran hand-in-hand with looking out for himself. Who else was going to keep the Carters appeased on their behalf right now? When Harper said he hadn't betrayed his mother, Trevor shrugged his shoulders and pulled an awkward expression. He was still a teenager, but he did ditch her, Philip and Elizabeth before he met Laura. But that was all in the past and he made up with his mother before she died. He decided it wasn't relevant unless Harper wanted him to elaborate.

A sad smile briefly crossed his lips as she reminded him that he'd saved her life and made it so she could go on to have Bucky. He would always be grateful for whatever it was in him that day that compelled him to persist with his visit to Harper's place. Hearing her speak highly of him wasn't something he heard too often, so it meant a lot to know he was considered someone who got the job done and could be trusted by her superiors now. He'd come a long way over the years and he was glad he hadn't given up during the times he was faced with the most difficult challenges in his journey to self-improvement. "No offense, but ain't about to sing Jeremy's praises. However, Interpol knew what they were doing, enlisting you onto their team. I always said you were strong and wise. They clearly saw you'd be valuable to them."

Trevor's interest only grew when Harper said Interpol was prepared to offer him immunity for things he'd done in the past for the Carters and anything he may do if he chose to help them moving forward. Whilst Trevor hadn't actively carried out any crimes himself, he knew he was complicit through his silence and being present on occasions where the Carters had broken multiple laws. Multiple moral codes, at that. He'd stayed where he was not only to try to steer Ezekiel from targeting his remaining family but also out of fear of what would happen if he tried to depart given the knowledge he now held about the darker side of the man’s business. He knew it was only a matter of time before he may be asked to get his own hands dirty, so hearing he would have immunity if he worked for Interpol at least brought him some relief. There was also the cash payout for any losses at his end. Whilst he wasn't desperate for the cash, he would at least try his luck dragging some money out of Interpol if they wanted him to risk his life for them. When Harper added that he'd get to see her once in a while, he returned her smile. "Well, that's enough reward in itself," he said, still processing in the back of his mind that she was alive and sitting with him right now. "But I'd still want the immunity and cash payment too," he added, in a light tone, but his voice showed he meant it. "It's a big risk for me not to make some demands," he pointed out.

When Harper said he could say no and that she was legally bound to Interpol, which meant she would have to work with the Carters regardless, he sat forward. "Harper. I'll do it. If you've got to do this, I want to help where I can. Not to mention, Alex, May, Phil and the others, they're at risk as long as Ezekiel is able to keep building this empire of his." He let out a sigh when she said she understood if he didn't want to throw everything away. "Y'know, the job satisfaction kind of took a dip the first time I had to watch some poor bloke being beaten into signing a contract. If I can do anything to reduce the likelihood of one day having to stand by while it's my own son or nephew being threatened, then I'll take that over this normal life I've got." After looking down to his hands for a moment as he contemplated what he was saying, he turned back to Harper and looked her in the eyes. "I'll do it. Tell those suits or whoever's in charge that I'll do it."
The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)


1684857115344.png“Nathan? Nathan!” the barmaid’s voice called out from beside Spencer as he counted the cash behind the pub bar. He’d heard his employee say the name, but as he concentrated on taking out the larger notes from the till it hadn’t quite registered with him that she was addressing him. It had been four months since he’d moved to Scotland and taken over the pub. Four months of being known as Nathan Miller. He still struggled to get used to it to a point where he could naturally respond to that name.

Pushing the till drawer shut and gripping the top of the cash filled bag, he turned to the young barmaid and flashed a smile. “Sorry, Fiona. I was miles away,” he told her. “All the way back in London, if some of the blokes around here had their way!”

“Ahh, they’re not good with change. They’ll get used to being served by an Englishman,” the Scottish redhead teased. “What I was asking was if you need me to sort through the delivery when it arrives?”

“Nah. You stay here and keep serving at the bar. I could do with the exercise anyway,” he said, with regards to carrying the stock down into the cellar. If anything, he would appreciate some time alone. It was more difficult than anyone could believe to trade the stress and pressure of London for his new life in Scotland where some days the hardest decision he had to make was whether or not to deal with an alcohol delivery.


Late Afternoon…

Spencer had left his staff to look after the pub so he could retreat to his living quarters that occupied the upstairs rooms of the large pub. Whilst Shona was out at the park with Eddie, Spencer had returned to stripping the wallpaper from the bedroom that would become Eddie’s once decorated. It had taken months for Spencer to make a start on doing up room, having refused to accept Scotland would be his home. Determined to make progress once he’d started, he’d found himself working hard and fast to scrape the paper off of the walls. Perhaps it was the pent up frustration that had him tackling the job more aggressively than was necessary, but he soon worked up a sweat and ended up taking his shirt off, despite the room itself being relatively cold. He used the item of clothing to wipe the sweat from his forehead before tossing it onto the windowsill.

Returning to the job at hand, he only seemed to attack the wall more vigorously. The whole time he’d been hacking away, he’d been unable to stop the usual thoughts from filling his head. Living the last few months as Nathan Miller was hell. Nathan was a fraud. An imposter. An identity that would threaten to push out everything that had made Spencer who he was. He was terrified of losing his identity - forgetting the man he’d become. His life in London might have been full of stress and suffering. The abuse and the grief he’d endured had been traumatic, but it had made him who he was. How could he now live a life where none of that had mattered? As he decorated Eddie’s bedroom, all he could think of was how it hadn’t been too long ago that he’d been decorating his family’s real home. London was the home where Eddie was meant to grow up - surrounded by his cousins, aunts and uncles. Scotland was not Eddie’s home.

A slip of the scraper caused the blade to slide across the skin at the back of Spencer’s hand. Despite the minor scratch, the shock of the contact caused the already tense man to throw the scraper against the opposite wall in frustration. “FUCKING BASTARD!” he angrily yelled.

1684857115383.gifAnxiously running his hands through his hair, he paced the room before stopping in the centre and lighting up a cigarette. His hands visibly trembled as he did; the emotions finally bubbling to the surface. All of his life he’d had to stay strong and keep up his walls. Whether it was to stand up to his father, protect his siblings, or prove himself to his uncle, Spencer had always been forced to keep his cool and show no weakness. But what was any of that worth now that all of them were gone? The only people left in his life who he cared about were the two people he’d never had to hide his feelings from. He loved Shona and Eddie more than life itself, but even the endless adoration he had for them both couldn’t fill the particular hole in his heart that had been reserved for the family he’d now lost.

With nobody around and no reason to hide his emotions, the floodgates opened and Spencer burst out into an uncontrollable sob. He was too exhausted from holding it all in.Too tired of pretending to be someone he wasn’t. Without even realising he’d done it, he soon found himself sitting on the floor with his back against the cold wall as he took in quick drags of his cigarette between choking back the sobs. His heart ached and in that moment, as he sat unconsciously shivering, he could feel the pain in his chest as he gasped for air.

Pyroclast Pyroclast
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The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Alicia Miller (Shona King)

1684859285147.pngSomething that Shona and Spencer had in common was their ability to push through hard times for the sake of others. Of course, she did it for her own sake, too - she found that wallowing got her nowhere and focusing on the negatives made it a lot harder to get on with life. Her mother had been the same, always keeping going despite all the violence and aggression her husband brought into the house. Even with bruises on her face or a broken arm, the woman never skipped a chore. Fortunately Shona had ended up with a man who never hurt her - she trusted him with her and Eddie’s lives - but the King family, while not abusive, still attracted trouble. It was an occupational hazard, and as such Shona had carried her mother’s fortitude into her own life, able to keep going even when their world was falling apart.

Still, she missed her world. Four weeks into their new life in Scotland, it still didn’t feel like home. She felt like she stuck out, having yet to see another black person in the community. Eyes seemed to fall on her when she entered a room, and there had been a few times already when Spencer had had to kick customers out of the pub on her behalf. Peaceful, safe, with a close-knit community feel and surrounded by beautiful scenery, Fort William seemed a perfectly happy place to raise a child - but having grown up in the multicultural melting pot of East London, Shona felt conflicted about raising her mixed-raced son in such a sheltered neighbourhood.

After taking Eddie out for a walk in his stroller, Shona was glad to return to the pub. They hadn’t yet lived there long enough for her to fully believe that it was their permanent living situation, but as long as Spencer was there with her, it would be home enough. “Hey, Fi,” she greeted the bartender with a smile. The good thing about being a pub owner was that they could ensure all the staff were the sort of people they could be friends with. Shona wasn’t going to have her son grow up around any unsavoury characters. After picking up Eddie into her arms and folding the stroller away, Shona carried both upstairs and into the small spare room that Eddie’s crib was currently in. “Hush little baby, don’t say a word,” she began to sing as she changed him into his sleepsuit. “Daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird! And if that mockingbird don’t sing, daddy’s gonna buy you a diamond ring…”

Once changed, Shona laid Eddie down in his cot and continued to sing to him until he fell asleep. She then tucked him in and quietly left the room. Knowing that Spencer had been working on what would soon be Eddie’s new bedroom, Shona tiptoed across the hall and gave a light knock before entering to see the progress. “How’s it comin’ along?” she asked, but stopped in her tracks when she saw her husband sitting against the wall. He was sobbing so heavily that his breathing had turned ragged and he was shaking. Her heart dropped and her hands flew to her mouth. Even though she knew she was one of the only people in the world who Spencer ever showed this side of himself to, it was still a rare thing for her to see. “Spencer?” she asked instinctively, before realising she was supposed to be using his new name. Now didn’t seem like the time to correct herself, however, so she just went over to kneel down at his side. “Come ‘ere, my darlin’,” she softly uttered, and pulled him into a steady embrace. It took a lot for Spencer to fall apart, so when he did it was a sign that something truly disastrous had happened. This time, however, Shona could think of no such surprises that could upset him…just that the gravity of their new reality must be finally hitting him. After several seconds of holding him, she leaned away just enough to look him in the eyes, and raised a hand to catch his tears. “D’you wanna talk to me about it?”
The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

ezgif-1-4b30a4c703.gifSpencer hadn't heard the light knocking at the door, most of his senses clouded in his devastated state. Even when she'd first addressed him, he hadn't heard Shona's words. With his eyes focused down on the floor in front of him, he was taken by surprise when one word grabbed his attention, causing him to look up at hearing the sound of his name. His real name. Usually, knowing he was no longer alone, he would have straightened himself up and brushed off the tears ready to assure her he was okay. This time it felt like his spirit was broken and he instead looked at his wife's face as she knelt down beside him. His teary eyes were filled with a deep desperation, a sense of grief as only now was he beginning to accept the finality of it all, that they weren't going back to their family. "Shona," he quietly whispered as she embraced him.

At first his body had remained stiff, but Shona's touch led him to wrap his arms around her in return, still shivering as he soaked in what warmth of hers he could. When she released him and leaned back, Spencer reached his hand up to the ashtray on the pasting table so he could stub out the cigarette butt and let go of it. All the while, he kept focused on Shona as she looked into his eyes. He knew he had to look a mess and that he would now have her worried, but he couldn't reach the part of himself that would normally adopt a strong and defiant front. When she asked him if he wanted to talk about it, his instinct led him to very briefly shaking his head before it transformed into a clear nod. He knew this wasn't just about his own feelings and traumatic experiences, but it was something Shona was going through too. The Kings adored her and she'd settled into her life in London, only to be dragged away from it all with him.

"I hate this," he said, still sitting rigid as though in shock. "I got through the last few months thinking this was going to be temporary and we'd be going home. We're the Kings and nobody keeps us down," he said, his voice gaining some of its usual tone as he managed to fight through his emotions for the moment. "All of my life I've had stress or some kind of pain thrown at me. I had to be strong so I could look out for those I care about. It wasn't easy, but that was my life and even all of the trauma I went through as a kid - it was mine. It was my life. How do we act like everything is normal? I'd rather still be getting jumped by the Sullivans but have all of our family around us than live in this Nathan Miller bloke's world." He looked Shona in the eyes, tears once again filling them. "I can't even visit my dead mother's grave again, never mind keep my promise to look out for Harper and the others." He struggled as he was again choked up by a sob, forcing him to take a moment to try to pull himself together again. Reaching out to rest his hand on Shona's shoulder, he looked her in the eyes, a hint of his deep adoration for her trying to overcome the sadness. "I love you more than anything. You and Eddie. But I don't know how I'm going to do this. This is nothing like our life was."
The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Alicia Miller (Shona King)

1684859494238.pngShona didn’t want to take her attention off her husband for even a second, but she had to glance back to the door to make sure it had closed behind her. Before he even started explaining himself, she knew what was wrong…and it wasn’t something they could afford to let anyone overhear, should somebody come looking for them. Besides, given how upset he was about it, the last thing she wanted was to have to step back into their lie if they were interrupted. For now, he needed to feel normal and get just a taste of his old life back.

She listened as he lamented the life they had had to leave behind. Sure, it was full of pain and violence, but at least they could be themselves…at least they had all been together. Now, it was just the two of them and little Eddie; no cousins to play with, no aunts or uncles to watch him grow up. He wouldn’t even get to meet Bruce and Darcey. It was hard for Shona to not dwell on that - every time she thought about it she had to do her best not to cry, even after four months. It hurt her more still that Spencer was really having a hard time with it all. When he mentioned never being able to visit his mother’s grave again, she thought of her own mother in a care home, her dementia getting worse, and how she would die alone. All of it brought tears to her eyes - but what really broke her heart was to hear her husband lose his confidence to cope with their new life.

“Spencer,” she softly uttered, cupping his face in her hands. “I know that we have lost so much. I know it hurts not to know where our family is or if they’re okay. This life that we have now - livin’ out here in some Scottish town, runnin’ this pub - it ain’t somethin’ I ever could’ve expected. It ain’t nothin’ like our life was, you’re right about that.” She shifted to be even closer to him, catching the tears that rolled down his face. Her own eyes had welled up by now, too, but she was still determined to make him feel better, and so she found it in herself to smile up at him. “But my darlin’, not everythin’ has changed,” she said. “You are still the man I married. My Nathan Miller is still the same handsome, charming, loving man that you were when people called you Spencer King. No matter what your name has to be, you’ll always be that guy. To me…to our son…to anyone who gets the pleasure of knowin’ you.” Holding her eyes on him for another moment, she then leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“And you know what else?” she added, still staying so close to him that she could feel his body heat radiating onto her. “Your son may have to grow up without the rest of his family, but he’ll be happy and he’ll be safe. He won’t have to worry about wars like the one we had with the Irish, or about losin’ his dad to a bad fight or a job gone wrong.” Placing a hand against his cheek, she gently turned him to face her directly. “You wanna know how we’re gonna get through this?” she asked. “We do it for Eddie. We hide in this weird little life so that we don’t lose him and he don’t lose us…and we keep up this facade so he don’t ever have to share our pain.” Her lip trembled as she spoke, but she spoke with determination nonetheless. “Every time you feel like you can’t go on, I want you to think of our beautiful boy and the life he would have if we hadn’t escaped.” Hoping she was getting through to him, Shona leaned forward and kissed him to show him how much she meant it. With eyes closed, her forehead came to rest against his as she held him loosely in her arms, and whispered, “Do you think you can do that with me…for him?”
The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Spencer King (Nathan Miller)

When Shona cupped his face in her hands, Spencer looked at her, the tears in his eyes blurring his vision in that moment. She'd spoken his real name again, drawing his focus completely on the rest of her words as she continued. He lightly nodded in agreement when she said it hurt not knowing where the rest of their family was. As she mentioned the life they now had in Scotland, he let out a sigh. Other than having each other and owning a pub, nothing else was the same. He was still struggling to feel welcome in their new town, let alone begin to settle in and try to appreciate their new life. He lowered his gaze when she shifted closer, feeling almost guilty for putting his troubles onto her shoulders. He stifled any emotion as she caught the tears that continued to escape the corners of his eyes. He caught the smile she managed to muster before assuring him he was still the man she married and nothing had changed on that front.

He sucked in a choked breath as she leaned in and kissed his cheek. He closed his eyes as she spoke of Eddie and how he would get to be safe and happy away from the risks London had posed for their family for so long. Spencer couldn't help but feel selfish in that moment. He craved and lived for the excitement of the big city, even when it could lead to him getting injured. But that wasn't the best environment for his son. Fort William was boring, but it was safer for Eddie. "I know. I get it... It's kinda selfish of me to think like this," he admitted, opening his eyes again as he turned his head to face her. He listened as she told him they would get through their new life in order to ensure neither of them lost their son, and that the boy wouldn't have to share their pain. He nodded along as she told him to think of Eddie whenever he was struggling with their new life in Scotland. Spencer didn't speak before Shona moved in to kiss him, which he returned. When she held him loosely, he wrapped his arms around her, keeping their foreheads touching.

Shona asked him if he thought he could do what she'd asked, for both her and for Eddie. There was a short pause as he thought about it. He'd spent his whole life putting on a strong front; a mask to hide his worries and fears, in order to protect those he cared most about. He knew he would have to do it all over again, for Eddie. If anything, he at least figured that would be something else he'd still have in common with the version of himself that existed in London. "I can..." he finally answered her. "I will do it for all three of us."

Spencer let go of Shona and moved his head away from hers so he could wipe away the remaining tears using the backs of his hands. The action caused a streak of blood from his cut knuckle to smudge across his face. The slight stinging drew his attention to the minor wound. "Shame Nathan Miller is even worse at home improvements than Spencer King was," he managed to joke. Allowing a small smile to grace his lips for a time, he then looked Shona in the eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put this on you. I just... I got frustrated with the shite wallpaper the nutjob before us thought looked remotely nice. It got me thinking of how I did up Eddie's room back in Bethnal Green and then... we ended up right here," he said, shrugging. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head. "On the plus side, I get to spend more time with you. This place is boring, but I'd never get tired of you, love. You're going to be sick of Nathan Miller by the summer," he teased, trying his best to fight off any remaining upset from his system.
The Loch Inn
~ Fort William, Scotland ~
Friday 14th March 1986

Alicia Miller (Shona King)
1684859593205.pngEven when he was upset, feeling her husband’s arms wrap around her made Shona feel safe. While Spencer wasn’t typically overt when it came to his emotions, generally holding a strong grip on them, he didn’t misplace them like other men often did. Her own father could never seem to recognise his own feelings; disappointment, embarrassment, grief and everything in between was displayed only as a beastly, violent rage. She never saw him cry, nor talk anything through - the man only knew how to shout and throw his weight around like a wild animal. So, even though it saddened her to see her husband so upset, she could at least appreciate Spencer’s emotional maturity.

Shona knew Spencer could and would keep up their new life for their son’s sake so it didn’t worry her one bit when he took a moment to answer her. He was just grieving everything and everyone he had lost, and she understood that first hand. When he gave her a verbal confirmation that he would do it, she directed him into a kiss to show how much it meant to her.

“We’ll get through this together, love, I promise,” she said, allowing him space to wipe the tears off his cheeks. A smear of blood left behind caused her to look down to his hand, where she noticed a cut across her knuckle. Shona calmly plucked a fresh babywipe from her pocket and cleaned the blood from his cheek before using it to tend to his hand. His comment about Nathan Miller being worse than Spencer King at home improvements made her laugh, and her eyes shone with love at seeing him smile, too. But the sympathy in them remained as he apologised to her and brought up the room for Eddie he had done up back in Bethnal Green. He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head, and she wrapped her arms around him in return, smiling again as he reminded himself that he would at least get to spend more time with her.

“Oh, I don’t know - I’m gettin’ to quite like this Nathan Miller bloke,” she said, shifting around to sit in his lap and face him. “Not the best at DIY, but he does know how to use his hands for other things…” With a teasing smile, she combed her fingertips through the back of his hair. “And don’t you apologise to me,” she went on. “I’m your wife and the only one around ‘ere goin’ through this with ya’. We lean on each other, okay?” She leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips before shuffling off his lap and getting to her feet. “Stay there.”

Shona left the room, and a few minutes later she showed up again in a pair of old dungarees and with a plaster in her hand. With a smile, she moved over to her husband and stuck the plaster over his cut knuckle before bringing his hand to her mouth and kissing it. Then, she pulled out an extra scraper from her dungarees pocket and said, “Let’s say goodbye to this hideous wallpaper, then!”

~ END ~​
The 'Campbell' Residence
~ Utrecht, The Netherlands ~
Monday 8th September 1997

Billy King

1688514476446.pngBilly was perched on the edge of the bed, waiting for Hendrik. He had told him that he needed to talk to him about something but wanted to wait until Charlie had gone to bed. It wasn't suspicious at all that Wesley had come up for a surprise visit, as it was known among the family that that was his style, but what Billy knew would raise both Charlie's and Hendrik's suspicions was his behaviour after the man had left. Wesley had handed him two documents, an opt-in agreement and an opt-out agreement, and given him a week to make a decision.

His first option was to uproot his life and move back to London, reclaim his old identity without risk of arrest in exchange for helping Interpol take down Carter Technologies. Billy remembered the Carters but in his memory they hadn’t posed any sort of threat. It was hard to form an opinion on the matter when he hadn’t been in London for 12 years and he was aware that being so far removed from it meant that working for Interpol could place him on the wrong side of a war. But what other chance would he get to see his family again? For so long he had been hoping for a door to open that would lead him back to them and after years and years of waiting, Billy had settled for the likelihood that he would never see them again.

He had the choice to decline the offer too, of course…and in that case, he would be able to keep himself and his new family away from any possibility of war, something he knew was a valuable option for Charlie’s sake. But if any of the rest of those in hiding chose to return to London, the whole of Interpol would know that none of them had been killed in the first place, and they may begin hunting for him. And if they succeeded, he would be taken away from Charlie and imprisoned anyway, no doubt landing the boy in the foster care system. At least if he chose to move back to London, Charlie could finally meet the family he had been longing for.

While he still had six days to make a decision, Billy knew what he wanted. The only thing he needed to do was to tell Hendrik and Charlie. And that meant explaining to his boyfriend everything he had kept a secret from him since they had first met. The man had known something was up ever since Wesley had left the previous day, but Billy had just kept telling him that he would explain it soon. Now, he was ready.

Billy heard the shower in their ensuite turn off, and in the silence he could hear his heart beating in his chest. He had his hands resting on his thighs, anxiously squeezing them in anticipation. As soon as Hendrik stepped out of their ensuite, Billy looked up at him. “Hendrik?” he said. “I, uh…I need to tell ya’ somethin’.” There was a pause, and he realised he was shaking ever so slightly. “And it’s big, so…so I need ya’ to sit down with me for it.”

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