[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion


Malevolent Entertainer
This is where you propose your ideas, discuss them with your peers and haggle with me on the rating.

Remember that to define a Project you have to specify BOTH what you want to achieve in good detail AND which resources/assets you will use.

Ex: If you train people, tell me how many and how you pick them.
The first and obvious Projects Malek will be heavily invested:

Taking over Nathir

Why: The Cross is a parasite, it cannot survive and thrive on its own. It's far from any large settlements of equal or superior population and therefore needs to depend on a large and sustainable settlement.


- using his assets there (his men and sister have been in the city for over a year now, preparing the terrain for his next move), and his many contacts with the criminal underworld

- using his powers and unusual methods like: forging and stealing official documents to gain the upper hand and real estate, bribing the right people, twisting arms and breaking legs of the wicked with power and money, and blackmailing.

The weaknesses of his enemies are his strength, as well as discretion, deception and guile.

Ruling is not his main goal, he searches hidden control and supervision over all forms of trade and industries to facilitate the rest of his plans.

Results expected: increase in followers contacts and influence, steady sources of income and supplies, preparing for the future of the Cross, Mirunda and the whole area.

Rebuilding Mirunda:

Why: it is located on a River, far from immediate rival power influence, ideal for trade and it has fertile soil... and oh right I almost forgot THE BLOOM !

How: jade, materials, tools manpower... tons of.

First priority: security. The Bloom protects against the undead but not the rest.

As soon as possible we will send soldiers (mercs or our own) on site with workers (rented or ours) and materials (most likely bought and sent from the river) to rebuild the port and the town.

Results expected: a safe town where people can prosper more easily than in the Cross and help developping the Cross.

Building up the Cross:

Why: because it has the Library and it's close to Big K and both need our protection

How: I'm open to suggestion :D

Taking the Hoods to the next level:

Why: because he thinks it's the key to fulfilling his Motivation. Greed and selfishness is what plagues Creation the most. The lack of global conscience and solidarity cannot be cured with words, actions have to be taken. If people do not share and are not responsible, he will make them through his Hoods.


- expanding his influence and homebase in Nathir to get more followers

- training them to become the best of thieves and agents provocateurs

- spreading their roots as far as they can

- use them to gain intelligence and information to spot targets (tyrants, corrupts, evil). Where there will be nasty business and threats, he will get there and deal with it.
  • Taking Over Nathir (aka: Mafia Wars)
    As outcome, can you better describe the level of control you want on the city?
    Be the "capo di tutti i capi"?
    Get a cut of every crime that happens in Nathir?
    Get a cut of every legit business that happens in Nathir?
    I think it's important to define this because it will have ethical implications for Malek (and whoever helps him).
    If the city is too small you may end up eradicating all the crime, as it is not any more profitable.
  • Rebuilding Mirunda
    Can we say that the goal is have "X thousands of people settling in the area with enough infrastructure to be self-sufficient"?
  • Building up the Cross
    This may need to be broken down.
  • Taking the Hoods to the next level
    No unambiguous goal stated.
Taking Over Nathir
Interesting question, we're having a debate with Kacie about that :)

My aim is to rule the life of the city to help out the Cross, lay the foundations for Mirunda and expand Nathir.

My angle of approach is the lesser criminality, the little people, the forgotten ones.

I do not aim to be the Mafia boss.

I aim to be the Boss.

The one who regulates thing, the one who says "this is my city, no murders, no drugs, and no slaves !" and make it happen and make more money from it because he has a plan.

The one who turns a whorehouse into a courtesan palace within a few months, freeing the gals from a life of abuse and servitude, empowering them and making twice the profit, or who makes a thief den a secret police locale.

I'm just taking short cuts to get there, getting my hands a little dirty to clean up the big picture.

Hence why I picked people from Mirunda to start my gang of Hoods. I needed people motivated not by greed but by moral duty.

The Hoods and Malek steal but not from the righteous. The ones who are smart enough to make a fortune morally and share a bit with the less fortunate have nothing to fear from us. The ones who don't will see their coffers and purses lightened and will soon have to leave or face justice or a serious ass kicking.

My plan is not unlike the Joker's. Aggressive expansion.

First I control and regulate the bad apples, and then I change things from the inside for the best.

I thought a long time about starting with Mirunda to support the Cross but I got it wrong. Neither Mirunda or the Cross are self sustainable, they will depend on a third party to thrive.

You don't build a kingdom up from the ground (though technically we could), you conquer cities one at a time and try to make them better while you're at it.

Not much is know about Nathir, but if it's on the map, it's obviously a major sustainable settlement. Perhaps not as important as Great Forks, Nexus or Marita, still I'd say 10+K inhabitants easily and considering the location one of the commercial ports of the area.

I think it's one of those cities they left for STs to write their own stuff (kinda like the 2 or 3 Deathlords not described in the books).

If you say "there is no crime in Nathir, everyone is righteous", then my work will be even easier. I just assumed that like any major city it would have a decent level of crime and human misery, enough to be exploited.

Rebuilding Mirunda
Can we say that the goal is have "X thousands of people settling in the area with enough infrastructure to be self-sufficient"?
Yup, that is the plan.

I mean to form a virtuous triangle using a logic of long term investment.

Nathir must have many things for itself but cannot rise on its own, Mirunda lies in ruins and The Cross can't make it on its own.

The plan is simple: help Nathir reach new heights, take a bit of the profits from Nathir and reinvest it in Mirunda and the Cross and soon the three cities will help each other out, all will benefit from the initial investments... and voila, Empire started ! :D
Taking Over Nathir, take 2:

How: take control of the city by wiping out crime and corruption.

Result: be the de-facto benevolent dictator of the city, whatever puppets and trusted Hoods will be left.

Malek has Ride Charms to be in Nathir basically whenever he wants, and has established already his Hoods, so I'd say that this would be a FOUR DOTS rather than five.

Rebuild Mirunda:

How: bring XXXXX people from Cross.

Result: settle with just enough infrastructure to be self-sufficient.

You have to tell me who and how many you bring there: depending on this, I'd say this ranges from 2 to 3.
Taking Over Nathir & Rebuild Mirunda:

Of course if anyone wants to help (Argis just loaned me a most useful artifact) they are more than welcome ! :)

About rebuilding Mirunda I'd like some input from the others.

In my mind we'd have to take people from the Cross to lead them to Mirunda once it is rebuilt enough. We cannot empty the Cross of people or exalts because we have too many things to protect and use there, but I guess we could spare a few thousands for starters.

From Nathir we can buy materials and workers and send them down to Mirunda.

Once the rebuilding has started I thought we could use our contacts and allies to present Mirunda, Nathir and the Cross as lands filled with opportunities to the little people in other major settlements.

Those who can't make it in big cities and are willing to work hard to earn their honest living will be greeted with open arms.
cyl said:
Taking Over Nathir & Rebuild Mirunda:
Of course if anyone wants to help (Argis just loaned me a most useful artifact) they are more than welcome ! :)

About rebuilding Mirunda I'd like some input from the others.

In my mind we'd have to take people from the Cross to lead them to Mirunda once it is rebuilt enough. We cannot empty the Cross of people or exalts because we have too many things to protect and use there, but I guess we could spare a few thousands for starters.

From Nathir we can buy materials and workers and send them down to Mirunda.

Once the rebuilding has started I thought we could use our contacts and allies to present Mirunda, Nathir and the Cross as lands filled with opportunities to the little people in other major settlements.

Those who can't make it in big cities and are willing to work hard to earn their honest living will be greeted with open arms.
Could be a nice spot to park the Thornians permanently. Then they can build crap and export it to The Cross.

EDIT: Park. Park the Thronians. Sorry.
I don't think it's a good idea.

We have 10K Thornians and 2K Mirundans.

The Mirundans have been working their asses off to keep the Thornians alive, and I fear that if we say "hey guys, we've taken back your old city, but... we're going to give it to the other guys" we'll have to calm down a very very angry mob.

On the other hand, not all of them may want to return to Mirunda... too many bad memories.

When we're there let's offer the guys who lived there for generations the priority in order to use their knowledge of the land to make it prosper again.

Obviously we'll take some Thornians too. But I feel that with the Library around the Thornians would be better used closest to the Cross.
No biggie, you just forgot one little parameter.

In the long run your idea makes total sense. Materials from the Cross, Craftsmen in Mirunda, Traders in Nathir.
I mean, you can certainly still move a large number of the Thornians to Mirunda. It will eventually be better suited I imagine. Though it may be worthwhile to concentrate crafters in Cross for the time being for Siham's use.
Some projects Argis may end up working on...

Further training for the civil defense force (part of this he is going to be looking for other trainers for help). Additionally training them on some softer skills and making them more police force ready.

Establishing a dojo and finding some students. (obvs needs to work on his own knowledge first)

Creating a small navy, probably mostly merchant, to serve the needs of Mirunda and allow further independence from others. Ideally this would be something we could hire out in the long run or perhaps use for our crazy assault on the Walker. :-P

Work with Cunning Fangs on developing the civic structures of the societies.

Help train many other things likely... also help with construction projects, but nothing immediate until we decide when and how and how many for Mirunda and such like.
Count on me to build up the troops and bring them weapons and armor as soon as possible !
Ok, so.. probably Argis's first project should be Organization of Labor.

Goal: To organize the people according to talents and purpose and equip them as needed for their professions.

Obviously there is going to be lots of input and interplay here among the exalts, but once this is done all the rest of the projects should move more smoothly. This would be the task from the bureaucracy perspective.

I'm a bit hesitant to tackle this before something food oriented, but it sounds like Malek is making haste on that front?

His other project is ongoing, to Train the Civil Defense Force.

Goals: I need to put some stats and such in here...
Well if Saving the Cross from starvation can be treated as a project, then hell yes, that's the first thing I'm going to do and any help is needed.
cyl said:
Well if Saving the Cross from starvation can be treated as a project, then hell yes, that's the first thing I'm going to do and any help is needed.
I figured that was your going to Nathir and arranging for shipments from that direction to Mirunda area.
Yep that was the plan, but I seem to have forgotten to make it a project.

Saving The Cross from starvation:


- getting immediate safety supplies from Sanctuary and nearby villages

- scheduling larger supplies incoming from Nathir through Mirunda

- using Mirunda's fields to grow crops again

- asking the Autochtonians for flying ships !!!

- using the genesis lab to grow / breed practical edible and tasty lifeforms... like a shmoo !

Result: stop people from dying and being worried about the food

It's an idea but a massive exodus back to Mirunda could be an solution to avoid fatal delays.
@Feantari: "To organize the people according to talents and purpose and equip them as needed for their professions" can be the How.

What are you actually trying to achieve here?

What will be the advantages for the Empire once the project is complete?

How many people and from where?

@cyl: many of your points are not obviously within Malek's reach, for example you don't know if you'll get Tirana's help.

Transporting food from Mirunda is not practical, there's a jungle in between (Albane and his jungle-enabled land ship would have come handy here...)

You can use Mirunda's fields only if you bring at least someone there.

As with Tirana, you have no clue whether the Autos will help you.

The Genesis Lab needs to be restored. It has been down for 2 RL years.
Yesh, so we can't really count it as a Project at the moment, too many variables.

How cruel of you to remind me about the land ship... I miss it sooo bad !:eek:

Edit: hey... about that can I catch up with Albane the same way I bumped into Zenjo ?
Well if Sanctuary and Autochtonia send me to hell... he's my last resort (unless there are other land ships known in the Scavenger Lands because, you know... I can always borrow one... :P ) so I'll be riding like the wind to get him.
xarvh said:
@Feantari: "To organize the people according to talents and purpose and equip them as needed for their professions" can be the How.
What are you actually trying to achieve here?

What will be the advantages for the Empire once the project is complete?

How many people and from where?
He really is more thinking of it as the what. Right now we have all these people and they are starting to get integrated into helping around Cross I imagine and Rhapsody is working with some of the leaders to draw out skills. Argis wants a complete accounting of skills and to determine what skills are available and make sure things are working at optimal efficiency. If I had to pick a task... Too many here's my short list:

Argis would put people to work towards these main tasks in order of priority:

Crafting arms and armor

Crafting tools

Gathering food

Constructing water and sanitation systems

Crafting goods for trade

Teaching skills

But really, he just wants to get everyone contributing to maximum effect. Of course he probably will have to apply the efforts of some in places that aren't optimal because they need certain things, but just knowing what we have to work with.
@Feantari: ok, I don't care how Argis thinks about it, he does not have to run the game, I do.

That description is for me, to understand what I should allow you to do once the project is complete.

You can start with a 1-dot projects for a trade census among all the population.
cyl said:
So it would be a census.
"I'm a potter, Sir !" :D
Yeah, I was considering that already in the Meeting of Minds thread, but couldn't find a fitting parody.

It's an especially stupid scene 'cause, in the end, the potters won. -_-

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