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Fandom Embassy Row


Senior Member
And Embassy await's behind two black curvey gates. The Embassy's wall's are big and white. The walls curve around the embassy row. You have been sent to the embassy. The room's are big and old they have specific colour's like Pink, Yellow, Blue, Red and white.

The Embassy welcome's all new comer's to a new life, a new breath outside of all the troubles. a home for the troubled. Whatever your need's be. This Embassy is like no other. It's your choice wether to rebel or to listen to the exact order's. The Embassy Row is alway's here to lend a home or food.

The owner of the Embassy keep's the gate's closed at all time's other than the formal day's. But the garden is alway's a good idea. The flower's will blow you away and every year they plant a new tree for the peace keeping.

This is your Life in the Embassy. Make it whatever you want. The Councillor, Miss Chancellor is alway's here to help you with your needs. and worries.

Enjoy your stay at Embassy row!


Brycon Keem, The Owner of the Embassy

(If your wondering what the Fandom is, it's a book called All Fall down)

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