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ELYSIAN ❖ DAYS [Mr.Teddy ♡ Yumi-chan]


Mr. Teddy

THIS IS A 1x1 RP WITH Yumi-chan AND me!

No one else is allowed to post here except us.


It's the beginning of school in Halcyon High. Students of old and new attend the first day of school wearing the school's uniform with the emblem placed on the left side of every uniform to show that they are the respected students of Halcyon. The buildings are quite old but kept so well that it's hard to believe it's over hundreds of years old. It was meant to be torn down to build another school but the Principal had kept it safe and made the system more unique for students from all over to attend. The school may be beautiful but don't get struck in awe for there are rumors saying the school is 'haunted' or 'magical' but then again, those rumors are all just a myth... right?


Each grade is given a badge to place onto their collar to identify which grade level they are. The badges for each grade level are;


= First Year


= Second Year


= Third Year


= Fourth Year


If you live in the dormitory, you will have a dorm mate as the school's purpose is also to help their students get engage with one another.


Each students are given a Student ID Card so they can enter the buildings but there are some doors that may not accept a Student ID as it is restricted for staffs.


Do not leave campus unless it is free time or you just want to skip -- which is not acceptable here so don't try -- which will get you sent to detention or even worse.


RPNation Rules Apply

? You know them Yumi-chan so just follow them


First Period: Mythology

Second Period: Robotics

Third Period: Gym


Free Time

Fourth Period: Arts/ Crafts

Fifth Period: Literature

Free Time

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| CHAPTER ONE: Youthful |


Sunny with little to no clouds




Halcyon Campus


The campus was bustling with activity as students all dressed in Halcyon uniform flooded from the gates onto the school grounds where the student council members would be around to greet the students -- both old and new -- while doing their duties to assist any students with whatever questions or concerns they have. Since it was the first day of school, the classes were not starting till the Opening Ceremony was over but were open for students to enter. Most students were outside enjoying their time chatting, hanging out, and just have fun until they were to be assigned to the auditorium for the Opening Ceremony to listen to the Principal's announcements.

Among the students, a girl with light blonde -- almost sliver -- tresses was squeezing her way through around the sea of students. Her locks were tied back in a ponytail but even with the ponytail, it was still long enough to reach past her waist as her crystal-blue eyes scanned her surrounding as she had lost sight of her older brother after entering the campus,"Where is that idiot of a brother of mine?" She thought getting annoyed by all these tall students pushing her around just because she was smaller than some of them.

She may be only 5'3" tall but she wasn't afraid to push her way in but it was the first day of school so she kept her anger to herself, making her way around through small spaces in the crowd until she made it towards a place with lesser people. With a sigh of relief, she tried to find her brother again, pulling out her phone to call him. Dialing his number, she waited after two rings until he picked up,"Aniki! Where are you? First you were with me and the next you disappear!" She huffed almost yelling it out but kept her volume at a minimum so she wouldn't get weird stares from bystanders passing by her,"Ah. The students kept pushing me... what was I suppose to do?" Pierre said on the other end of the phone as he was standing in the middle of a crowd with 'his groupies' -- mostly his fan clubs -- all asking for him to accept their gifts,"Please save me my sweet sister of mine." Pierre said sarcastically but really meant it about saving him as he wanted to just get away from these girls at all cost. It was a complete annoyance to him and he was about to lose his cool. To the girls, he was putting on his princely manner but really, he just wanted to tell them off.

Hearing her brother's pleas at the other end, Airiana, or Iria, the girl's name, let out a sigh,"Fine, tell me where you are." She said already making her way back into the crowd to find her brother once more,"I'm near the main building at the front." He answered which was enough information for Iria to find him, hanging up and stuffing her phone in her blazer's pocket.

After a few minutes making her way through, she finally found her brother surround by his fangirls. Though she could see him smiling sweetly at them, his smile was only fake to Iria, rolling her eyes at why her brother even tried to be sweet to them. Walking over to the group, Pierre was the first to notice her and smiled even more,"Airiana, you are just in time." He said making his way out of the group to reunite himself with his sister, holding her hand in his,"I'm sorry ladies but I have to take my leave now, thank you for all your gifts." He said with a sickening sweet tone that made Iria gag slightly but she kept quiet with a stolid expression plastered on her face.

Once that was over, she tugged at her brother's hand to follow and made their way to somewhere private as she released his hand the minute they stopped. Turning towards her brother, Iria was already ticked off,"Baka Aniki! You could have just got out of there yourself! Why bother me to be your hero?!" She snarled but only to receive a chuckle by her brother who's face was also as pissed as her,"We already discussed about this, I'm their prince so why ruin my image? Are you jealous that I get a lot of sweets and cute objects unlike you?" He said teasingly his sister but it only made Iria have more reasons to get angry over,"Shut up! You give them to me anyways since you dislike sweets and those cute animals." She said crossing her arms with Pierre chuckling again,"Anyways, just stay out of trouble and keep away from those girls." She warned as Pierre only sighed,"The same goes to you, you're the one who has some anger issues.""I do not!" Iria retorted,"End of discussion, I'm leaving." Iria said walking past her brother without another word,"What a rude sister I have." He snickered and also walked off to spend some time alone away from people.

OOC NOTES: Iria is walking around the campus and Pierre is somewhere else. The NPCs are for you to play with, just say who you bumped into and I'll reply for them c:

(e.g. I bumped into Yuki etc.)


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Dylan sat down on the steps silently eyeing the many students rushing past her to get to a student council member. Many were tripping over each other, chatting, hanging out, and some freaking out. She was guessing the ones who couldn't keep their cool were the new students. The uniform she was wearing had the Halcyon Logo on her right breast and the vest she wore was a dark cotton. Her skirt was patterned with blue, grey, and black. The socks matched her vest, as for the shoes, it was a bark brown loafer.

Her eyes met with a stranger surrounded by many teenage girls. Dylan's stomach sickened a bit. He seemed to have charmed the serpents with his music of looks, as you see these girls could be terrifying. They were showering him with gifts and compliments. Someone who seemed to be a friend or someone close to him dragged him away from the group and after a few minutes the boy seemed to walk in his own direction. She blinked a bit and focused somewhere else. Dylan stood up carrying her binder and started off into the school.

After a few steps up the stairs, somebody bumped into her and Dylan fell backwards. Her binder was flying in the atmosphere and landed flat on her face. "O-Ow..." She was greeted with an icy glare when she got up. A blonde beautiful girl with cold eyes and flawless smooth skin. The girl's lips curled into a snarl and the group behind her started to copy her. "Oh my gosh, Didn't you see where you were going?" A girl behind the blonde asked with the same blizzard glare.
Iria only wanted to just kill time until the ceremony begin until she saw the scene at the main building. Everyone gasped and some even laughed at the poor girl as if she was some joke. It sicken Iria the most when someone bully just because they are weak or different, it made her blood boil till it turned to molten lava that could blast out of her head at any moment. Clenching her fist, she stomped her way over into the commotion, pushing her way ruthlessly through the crowd, ignoring their yelling of her rudeness, till she was face to face with the group of hags,"Hey!" She yelled out grabbing attention on her but it didn't matter to her as she got closer to the blondie who seemed to be the leader of the groupie,"First of all, how dare you start a scene on the first day of school, second, why don't you watch where you're going? You must have been blind to trip someone, especially on the stairs!" She exclaimed, venom coating every word she said piercing each girl with fear of her wrath. Her once calm eyes were now icy cold making the atmosphere tense among them. Not even the student council members dared to make a move except a girl from the crowd,"Are you okay Dylan?" A girl with gorgeous brunette hair running past her elbow asked running over to Dylan.

Yuki, a friend of Dylan, helped the girl up and shot glares back at the groupie. She didn't need to say anything as Iria stood her ground in front of the girls. The leader, though frighten, held her pride and puffed out her chest to show she wasn't gonna let down so easily against Iria's small form,"Hah! Well aren't you making a scene too, little girl?" The blond laughed as the others joined along with "oohs". If Iria could, she would have threw the girl over her head since she had took Taekwondo and Judo for a reason but since they were in public, Iria had no choice but to verbal fight,"I wouldn't be so high and mighty if I were you." She snarled until out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a familiar fellow coming to 'aid' her as she grumbled,"Iria! What are you doing?" Pierre asked running over to his sister but noticed that there was something going on as he looked down to see a girl on the ground with papers scattered all over her.

His eyes were expressionless at first until his mood darken as if a snowstorm so strong had frozen the place, twice as worse than Iria's arrival,"You..." He started and turned towards the groupie who started to cower slightly to see their prince expressing such coldness,"Did you do this?" He asked, no meaning put into his words but ice. The girls cowered in fear, not a single peep could escape from them,"Leave. Don't ever show your face in front of me again." He demanded, disgusted with these girls that think they are better than everyone. With his final words, the girls wasted no time to ditch the scene, running out of there as fast as their legs could carry them.

"Ooh... what happened to that 'good image', huh?" Iria snickered softly for only Pierre to hear who glared back at her but she didn't flinch. They were equal in power and she could easily 1v1 him with no problem at all,"I could have handled that myself." She said and turned her back on him running over to the girl,"Are you alright miss?" She asked and glanced towards Yuki, a smile formed on her lips,"Sorry that you guys had to see that, we'll clean up the mess later." She assured as Pierre walked past her to pick up the girl's things,"Please accept my dearest apologies ma'am. I didn't mean for you to be put into this mess." He said, worry reflected in his hazel eyes that resembled the sun.

Yuki, who just watched the scene, couldn't help but smirk, trying to hide her face with her hair,"This is priceless, just like a manga!!!" She thought laughing mentally to herself.

Dylan smiled a bit at the two girls who helped her and the other boy from before. They seem to be kind enough to help a peasant like her. It seems the snake charmer sent the serpents to go slither somewhere else. Let's hope they don't devour anymore victims. "Thanks you guys!" Was pretty much all she could say. Though her heart wanted to say more, but she was fine with little words. It was nice to have someone stand up for you no matter how lowly you are. It was half of Dylan's fault and half of the blonde's. They both didn't see each other and collided together. Her smile widened as her blue pupils set on Yuki. She had to know their names so she can meet them again. Maybe Yuki knows? "So... um... Can I get your names?" She grinned with a twinkle in her eye.

Alice snorted in disgust as she walked away. Who does that girl think she is? She thinks she's so cool to stand up to a peasant. That little girl needed to learn that respect for the higher, graceful, wealthy students, are necessary since they have the freedom to do anything at all. But that girl acts as she had that privilege to do anything. Alice fumed up and clenched her fist. Her pink decorated nails created crescent moons on her palm. No one can treat a Freedman this way. No one ever even dares to, except today...
Iria was relieved to see that the girl was fine, even Pierre felt the same, his smile somehow grew gentle into his genuine smile, a rare sight even for Iria as she smirked,"Smite already? How cute." Iria thought, giggling softly to herself, turning her attention back at the girl, she couldn't help but smile along with her brother, feeling happy that she was able to help,"No problem. Try to keep away from them, they're bad trouble here." She warned shrugging her shoulders,"But don't worry, come find me when you need someone to beat them up." She added cracking her knuckles as Pierre only sighed,"She's the one who is bad trouble." He mumbled to the girl, chuckling when Iria gave him a punch in his arm.

Pausing their little sibling quarrel, Iria grin at the girl and nodded,"Excuse our manners. I'm Airiana but call me Iria. This here is--""Pleasure to meet you princess, my name is Pierre.""Call him Pie-chan." Iria busted in, getting back at her brother to disrupt her introduction as Pierre glanced at her then back at the girl,"Pie is fine. Ignore this girl's comments." He said earning himself another punch in the same exact spot,"Ow! Stop using so much strength." He groaned rubbing his now sore arm.

Yuki stood besides Dylan giggling at the two siblings before them,"You guys are still such loving siblings, I feel jealous now at how close you guys are." She teased though it was the truth as Iria and Pierre turned at her with shocked looks,"What?" They said in unison in disbelief at Yuki's comment,"Like I want to be close with her.""What are you trying to say, huh?" Iria growled as Pierre glared at her, the two sending death threats at one another through some eye 'telepathy' while Yuki continued to laugh.

Dylan giggled as the two siblings quarreled over each other. She looked at Yuki and back to them. Cute siblings. This day could be a great day. It was also cute that Iria called her brother Pie-Chan. Nicknames are one of the rules of cuteness. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Dylan." She said in a smooth flowing voice. It reminded her of honey flowing gracefully for some reason.

Alice sat down on the wooden bench by the koi pond. Sadly, most of the girls following her couldn't fit on the bench with her so they had to stand up with their aching legs. "Alice... I wanna sit too!" She shot a glare at the girl.
"Well, aren't you dumb? Can't you sit on the ground like you actually know where to sit? If you want to stand there like an idiot, fine with me!" Alice was pretty pissed off and she crossed her arms. The Halcyon uniform vest crinkled up against her arms. Pierre belonged to her and only her. But the lame girl took him from her and made him pissed at her.
"Dylan?" Pierre said repeating the name to himself softly as Iria butted in,"Nice to meet ya Dylan! Since you know Yuki, I'm guessing you're a second year like me, yes?" She assumed glancing at Yuki who smiled back at her,"Yep, Dylan and me had been through a lot as first years!" Yuki giggled locking arms with Dylan wiggling her eyebrows teasing Dylan of their crazy year in Halcyon. On the other hand, Pierre was still thinking back on the name until he snapped out and looked towards the three girls with a small smile,"Oh, excuse my rudeness, a pleasure to meet you Dylan, a lovely name for a sweet princess." He said and glanced towards Yuki,"What's with that look now, Yuki?" He asked confused why Yuki was putting on some smug face as if she was trying to get someone jealous of how close she was with Dylan but before anyone could speak, the intercom came on.

Ahem. Attention Halcyon students! Welcome back for another wonderful year in Halcyon High! I hope you guys had a great summer vacation and are ready to make more beautiful memories in Halcyon! Now if all of Halcyon students would please, make their way to the auditorium for the Opening Ceremony so we can begin! Thank you!

With that said, Pierre, Iria, and Yuki all glanced at one another and smiled,"Let another year of Halcyon begin!" Yuki exclaimed pulling Dylan along with her towards the auditorium,"Hurry up you guys! We need to find seats for us!" Yuki yelled at the two siblings who followed after laughing at Yuki's enthusiasm for the Opening Ceremony. While Iria rolled her eyes annoyed that she had to go, Pierre was quite pleased that his first day back was already heading for the better though, little did they all know, their high school life was just the start of a great adventure.


Somewhere else away from the campus and staring down at the four students, a crow with ocean-blue eyes stared dully at the group as it let out a caw and raise it's jet-black wings, taking flight into the sky leaving the scene with only a feather fluttering softly onto the ground behind the group as they ran off to the auditorium.


"Okay! Let's go!" Dylan said letting Yuki pull her to the Opening Ceremony. Her feet made the rhythm of clamp, clamp, clamp while following her group. She looked behind to see Iria and Pierre trailing behind her and smiled at them. You can tell those two were siblings, by the way they act and such. They were greeted with a swarm of many many students crowding.
The auditorium was packed with students and teachers alike. The stage up ahead was covered by the large-red curtains that blocked anyone from seeing what was happening behind the curtains as the Principal, along with other teachers, got into position. The place was bustling with chattering and students making their way to a seat while Yuki squeezed around with ease though the siblings had trouble following, especially Pierre who always got stopped by his fan group offering him a place to sit but Iria already got that cover by dragging her brother away from them with a glare to the girls who dared bother them. Once Yuki made her way into a row in the far right near the exit, she sat them down close enough to hear the announcement to be made,"Is everyone here?" Yuki asked looking over them to see if the siblings were able to catch up with them,"Yeah, we just got a bit side-tracked." Iria answered glaring at her brother from the corner of her eye,"Not my fault." Pierre grumbled only to receive a stomp to his feet as he held back his cry to scream in pain as his poor, now bruised, foot was sore.

He was about to cause a scene with his sister when the curtains were then pulled apart to present before them the Principal of Halcyon, Mr. Andersen, as he smiled warmly ay all the students. Clearing his throat, the Opening Ceremony was now in session;

"Hello and welcome back to Halcyon High, students! I am your Principal, Mr. Andersen, and I hope the morning had treated you all well thus far. Now, let me introduce you to some of our wonderful teachers of Halcyon. I present to you---"

From there, teachers were introduced and rules of Halcyon were told. After a while, Iria was already dozing off, resting her head on Dylan's shoulder, accidentally, not even noticing that she even fell asleep. Pierre sat next to her with a bored expression and his head resting on his hand while his elbow foundation on the arm rest of his chair. Yuki eagerly paid close attention to the announcement, time to time shaking Dylan's arm whenever their old teachers were up there,"Oh! Oh! Dylan! It's Ms. blah blah blah." She would say rambling on and on over past events.

Their time there was felt like years but it was soon over when Mr. Andersen came back up once more;

"Thank you Halcyon students and this concludes the end of the Opening Ceremony. I wish you all the best of lucks and make this year something worth remembering! Now, starts your first period classes so please exit carefully out the doors towards your classes."

He said finishing the Opening Ceremony with applause. The doors were then open for the students to leave as Yuki shot up with a grin,"
Let's hurry Dylan! Ah! Iria is asleep." She huffed covering her mouth. Iria was still fast asleep on Dylan's shoulder and Pierre was right after her with his head on her shoulder. The two were both so identical and poor Dylan was burden with the two sleeping beauties.

Dylan giggled. These two, they were both cute. "Should we wake them?" She asked looking at Yuki. Her face had a slight blush on it with Pierre on her shoulder, but thankfully it was light enough to blend with her skin tone. The anxiety in Yuki's eyes made her smile.

Alice groaned as Mr. Anderson left the platform. She flipped her pink wavy locks and sighed. Everything was falling apart. Her followers are dumber than last time, and the day didn't start out too well. It's all the peasant and her friend's fault. They deserve a bad day. She took out a chapstick/lipgloss colored pink and applied it to her soft delicate lips. Disgust filled her heart and she spat out her mint gum into the trash.
Yuki couldn't help but laugh at the scene before her. Two siblings slept together and Dylan was stuck in her seat because of them, this was a picture she must take! Scavenging around her bag for her phone, she pulled it out and quickly snapped a shot before throwing her phone back in her bag before Dylan had a chance to do anything,"Yeah, let's wake them up before we're late for class on the first day!" Yuki squealed not wanting to be late as she was the 'perfect' student of Halcyon. Walking over to the two siblings, she inhaled."OH MY GOSH! IS THAT A FROG I SEE ON YOU!" She shouted attracting attention towards her as Pierre was the first to shoot out of his chair,"What?! Where?!" He exclaimed terrified by the thought of a frog on him but saw that there was nothing besides Yuki laughing her butt off and behind him, Dylan and a cranky Iria who had a threatening aura declaring her death wish on Pierre.

"Uh... See ya!" Pierre exclaimed and dashed out of sight into the crowd towards his class leaving the girls to themselves,"Hahahaha! You should have seen his face!" Yuki said laughing harder till tears spilled out of her chocolate-brown orbs. Iria grumbled and wiped the sleep out of her eyes,"I'll get his head when free time comes." She mumbled to herself making out the plans she had to get back at her brother. Catching her breath, Yuki sighed and took both the girl's hands in hers,"Forget about your brother, we need to get to class!" She said remembering that they had class time and pulled them along with her towards their first class, Mythology, with Mr. Griffon.


It was lunch as well as free time for everyone to go eat in the cafeteria or go out of town to eat out in one of the restaurants. Wherever the students went, they needed to be back on school campus by the time third period started which was 3 hours away so there was plenty of time to kill time. The girls were sitting on the stairs in front of the main buildings as they discussed over their plans,"So where would you guys like to go eat at? Cafeteria or eat out?" Yuki asked,"I don't care where we go, just as long as there is food." Iria said too hungry to even give a care for anything as her stomach growl. Yuki giggled and turned towards Dylan,"So got any ideas?" She asked.


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