Elvira:: A New Domain


Mistress of Time and Space

"Welcome user to Elvira! You will begin your journey on the mystical land of Chamossa, a paradise riddled with evil. But first you need to sign up and create your own character. Please don't detach the Dream Realm headset while creating your character."

NOTE: As of now the roleplay
sign up will be closed. Unless I think we will need more players to keep the rp going then for now it is closed.

Character name:





Weapons & Unique Items:

Powers if any:


Are you in a guild?:

Would you like to assign your self a specific class?:


Background(you may keep some parts hidden so you can tell them in the rp):



  • Scarlettia

  • Fae Mortis (AKA Mo)

  • Kiska

  • James Wilson

  • Asrith

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Character name:

"Hello. I'm Scarlettia."

Her real and full name is Scarlettia Crimson. She just used her first name to be also her character name.


"I'm a female, most definitely."


"I'm sixteen years old. Don't tell anyone... else."

She doesn't look as young in the game, and she likes that.


"In this game, I chose to be a human. Just like in real-life! What a coincidence! Yeah, people might say, 'look, she's just a human! Ha-ha!' Well, I'll prove their underestimations wrong!"



In real-life^



Weapons & Unique Items:

She keeps two weapons with her:


1. Twin swords (She just loves using it as a baton)^


2. A long, black, thin sword (for slashing and doing... things.)^

Powers if any:

"I can't say that they're powers. Just more of abilities."

She can do basic to medium enchantments and element-related magical abilities. Aside from other experiments that she has made, that's about it. Because of her divided attention to magic, then physical fighting like the ways of a warrior, assassin, etc, she hasn't been learning as much as she should be when having only one class.


"I've heard about this ever since... and I chose Akela. I've always wanted to be noble. And alive"

Are you in a guild?:

"Well, many invite me all the time, but I haven't joined one yet. I plan on either making one or joining one soon, though."

Would you like to assign your self a specific class?:

"No thanks. I prefer having many abilities at once, even if it's really hard to do and limited. I'm not the kind of person to throw all my attention, focus and hardwork into only one category anyway. That goes the same for classes. Being a warrior alone seems kind of boring. Staying solo forever as a respected assassin would be sad. Doing magic all around would be too overrated! Get what I mean? As for now, I'm trying to equal my knowledge about many kinds of things. That's me, the multi-class'er."


Scarlettia totally loves making new friends, either in her daily life or just across the internet. If you would take the time to know and be friends with this girl that a lot may call 'weird', then you'll probably be meeting one of the most amiable people you would ever need. You'll probably see her just like how a few people who didn't like her did--too hyper and annoying--but pretty much, all she'd want to do is make people happy. It would seem that she never cared about the other people who distance away from this little piece of destruction, but she's totally not oblivious to the fact that her recklessness that made most people happy drove away a few. But still, she moves on and goes on, hoping that she would someday prove to people that being herself isn't such a bad thing.

She is indeed a pet-lover, and she has a very soft spot for cute and furry things; specifically felines. She wouldn't hesitate to bring home and take care of an injured bird that would fall by her, or a stray cat that's in need of food and shelter. She likes taking care of anything that grows, be it plants, friendship, or her levels in every single game she had played. She is a certified nerd, using most of her time at home just to browse in the internet, play lots of games or talk to people online. But of course, she's not really the kind of person to spend her whole life cramped up in her room. Occasionally, she know that it wouldn't really hurt to just take a little walk, especially at night, by the park or somewhere with trees and plants and animals. She loves peaceful times as well, even if she is well-known to be very upbeat and noisy. Sometimes, even girls like her need a minute or two to enjoy nature.


-super childhood memories shall be revealed in the roleplay-

Ever since Scarlettia was a little girl, she has been really interested in anime, and soon enough, she became an anime otaku, and a gamer too. It wasn't long until she created her own blog, and lots of people recognized its bloom. She would test different games of innumerable categories and genre, as requested by her supporters. Then, the Dream Realm was announced. It was just like a place where anything could come true, and it just seemed too amazing that everyone just somehow had to talk about it. She never actually was interested in it, but decided to try it when she saw countless followers recommend the game or beg her to play it.

She researched all about it for a few hours (with the help of her knack for technology), and realized that she could just pre-order it. And of course, she did. She was totally happy when her parents told her that they'd take care of it, due to her great performance in school. She wasn't so sure how she was able to balance school, blogging and playing, but it somehow worked out. For quite a while, she's been playing it and really in love with it. She was even one of the first players, and her being an easy-learner helped so much. She definitely loved the concept of experiencing the consequences of death in-game. She even almost stopped updating her blogs to inform those supporters who were fellow players, or just too afraid to play the game.

She was about to log out for a little rest (after playing non-stop all night) when she realized that the log buttons were just gone. At first she thought there was some event that they should finish shortly before it came back on, but whatever she and many other players did, nothing happened. No log-out button still. Then, lots started to panic. Even she didn't know what to do. After a few moments of panic, confusion, calming down, panicking again, and a lot more feelings and emotions, she realized that this never-ending cycle wouldn't help. It was either she just killed herself, or lived until she saw the (real, earthly, natural) sun once more.

And of course, she chose to live.

"I mean, who wouldn't?"


She has a companion who joins her in her travels and adventures;

An Ashwing Moth that Scarlettia named 'Winter'.

She's a good companion and helper in battles/ survival.

Click winter to see the full 3D model! c:

Also, she's gone through all stages of Elvira; beta, alpha, whatever-a, you name it. This was actually the first game that she's given so much, or too much attention to.

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Character Name: Fae Mortis "Just Mo, please."

Gender: Female

Age: Takes the form of a 16-year-old but Mo is 9 in reality

Race: Pixie/Faerie

Appearance: Her avatar is the beautiful pixie/faerie of Mo's fantasies: She is slim but short with cascading copper locks, pale skin with a hint of freckles, eyes that shift between grey and green, and pointed ears. Mo also features a beautiful shimmeringly translucent set of faerie wings and is usually found dressed in a flowery natural dress that falls to her knees.

Weapons and Unique Items: Her wings and a magic wand that her body guard originally helped her get, she doesn't really know what it does yet.

Powers if any:

Has mild nature magic and healing powers, these will develop more and become more powerful as the avatar gains more experience and expertise. Can also fly for short periods of time but this drains her of her energy and power quickly

Alliance: She hasn't been in the game long enough to be a part of an alliance.

Are you in a Guild?: Not yet at least

Would you like to assign yourself a specific class?: Nope

Personality: Very well mannered and polite young child. Mo often attempts to hide her real age behind her avatar, she believes that if people knew her actual age they would exclude her, and she loves playing the role of the adult her parents never let her be. Though she tries to be careful, there are many occasions where her real age slips through and people get glimpses of her true feelings. Most people in the game write her off as a scaredy cat newby, never guessing her secret. She is rather sensitive and thoughtful and because of this she often takes what people say to heart. Mo has trouble separating the game from reality.

Background: Mo comes from a decidedly wealthy family and as the only child she was spoiled rotten. Surprisingly, she managed to retain her kindness and empathy towards others and seems to be turning out rather nicely. On her 9th birthday last week her parents finally gave Mo her very own Elvira, she was surprised as well as thrilled at the freedom and responsibility they were allowing her. Mo's parents are very protective of her, wherever she goes a personal body guard follows her, and she has barely had any contact with other children. So of course there was a catch: Her body guard would follow her in the game as well. Mo was less than delighted at this prospect and at the first chance she got she slipped into the game on her own in the avatar of a 16-year-old pixie. She saw the game as her very own fairy tale kingdom and at first she galavanted about having the time of her life. Then the log-out button disappeared. At first she thought it was something she had done and tried to change it back to no avail. Soon Mo was overwhelmed with all the panic around her and she picked up cries of "No escape" and "Doomed" which were quite sufficient to inform her that she and all the others were indeed trapped. Perhaps forever.

Other: Mo has not been in the game for an extended period of time before so she is a bit inexperienced.
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  • Character name


    (Joshua Naroom in RL)





    Appearance in RL(real-life)

    In both the game and RL Kiska/Josh has deep blue sapphire eyes.


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[Routine check up between Christopher Dathmon & Blaire Asrith Dathmon - Elvira Alpha]

Character name:

"Choosing my middle name for this one, Daddy."


"Either you're blind or I'm delusional, believing myself to be female throughout my life."


"I'm pondering on looking seventeen, though my long painful years as a twenty-six year old lady would shine through my personality."


"Human. Both the strongest and the weakest of the bunch, the one race that adapts to everything." - Asrith, compared to other humans and race, is more agile and fast due to years of training in quick character development + her going through both the alpha and the beta state of Elvira.

Weapons & Unique Items:

Asrith has more than a few weapons stored in her inventory and online home, though for Elvira - she currently only has a set of seven swords and five bows which she treasures. All of them having different features, due to their rare 'ingredients'.

Blaire is also very fascinated of Victorian clothing, forging her armor to represent either a short or a longer complex Victorian dress accompanied by some black knee-high boots made of dragon skin.

Powers if any:

"Oi, Daddy. I found these abilities I can apply to this character... Hmm... I'll go with extra fast, extra agile, night vision and 'observant'."

Note; The ability 'observant' was granted to Blaire due to her involvement in the alpha of Elvira, back then dying in the game did not result in death in real life. 'Observant' allows Blaire to see in a 355 degree from her forehead when activated and also allows her to feel any major 'presence' within two meters.


"Unaligned, keeping myself to one of those foo-... Sorry for cutting that sentence short, Daddy, I felt a shiver at the thought."

Are you in a guild?

"Have I ever been in a guild? Jeez, these questions are getting dumber and dumber as we go, Daddy."

Would you like to assign your self a specific class?:

"Yes! This sucker game gives me options! Woohoo! No, Daddy, I don't want a class! Do I look stupid, to not understand the fact that I may become literally 'everything' in one way or another?"

Note; Blaire always leans onto being more of a thief and blacksmith, her love for forging her own weapons not wavering through the years.


Blaire has always been the weird mix of optimism, sarcasm and pessimistic thoughts since childhood. Her words, often colorful with curse words or sarcasm, scare off most players and she honestly doesn't mind, living life 'solo' has always been her thing. Though do not underestimate the youngster, her intelligence and observation skills beyond most professionals, her acting Broadway worthy.

And once in awhile, one can feel a sorrow and pain emit from the girl, especially when she is emotional.


As the daughter of Christopher Dathmon, one of the developers and inventors of the 'Dream Realm', Blaire lived a rocky life. Her childhood wasn't full of riches nor parties but Ramen Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a widow and a single father, Christopher was not only extremely protective of his child but also very close to his daughter, providing her with endless happy memories.

Even so, Christopher as one of the developers and inventors of the Dream Realm was nearly always busy and this resulted in him taking his daughter to work once kindergarten was over. Due to many people refusing to involve themselves with the Dream Realm as test subjects, Blaire would find herself curious over the 'head-thingy' which 'Daddy' worked on day and night with the weird 'aunties and uncles'.

In due time, when Blaire turned ten and the Dream Realm was finally showing some results, she was to test it out sometimes and answer her fathers and his friends questions. Blaire didn't find it scary and her father, reassured by the many safety-exits Blaire had, they continued to use her as a test subject whenever possible. That is, until she turned twelve and 'that' incident happened.

Beyond depressed and traumatized, both Christopher and the developers isolated Blaire in the room now known as 'Blaire´s Lair'. Ever since, Blaire had been the main test subject of the Dream Realm, only ever leaving the game for food or other things but once the 'in game food=nourishment' feature was added, Blaire would only surface to the real world during her mother's death anniversary.

And for her, being stuck in a game was an everyday thing and since Elvira is deemed her favorite game of them all, she didn't mind.

"There was a log-out button?" - Asrith, Elvira, Blaue Rosen Inn.

Note; If one were to check in on the 'Most Active Player of the Dream Realm' they would find B.A.D. as number one with fourteen years of activity.

Other: As mentioned, Christopher wasn't one of the MAIN developers or inventors of the Dream Realm but was involved with the project, sponsoring it etc + allowing his daughter to be a test subject gained him a hefty bounty once it was released. As for 'that' incident, it does NOT have to do with the Dream Realm directly, though she was in the Dream Realm at the beginning of the incident. If you want to know more about it, I'll gladly inform you what happened in the PM;s.


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Character name:

"I suppose I can trust you with that..."

James Wilson


"Is it not obvious from my name?"



"Age is but a number, I'm perfectly mature despite my youth."



"I chose one that would suit secrecy and being hidden."

Dark elf


"I'm short, but I can use that to my advantage."

Dark, short hair, red eyes. He looks very much like your stereotypical dark elf, except he's slightly shorter than average. He often has a serious look on his face, and not often a smile. He wears a dark, mottled green and brown cloak, which helps camouflage him.

Weapons & Unique Items:

"Don't touch the bow."

A very large longbow, which many people would not have the necessary muscle structure, or indeed technique to draw. He also carries a large, well-balanced, heavy dagger, which can be used as a throwing knife when necessary, and he often coats this in fast-acting poison. A rather unique weapon of his is his pair of weighted brass strikers, which fit into his closed fists, with a dome of brass at each end, so that he can deal huge damage with a hammering strike.

Powers if any:

"Now you see me, now you don't."

He can use magic to shroud himself or objects in darkness, able to blind his opponents, and he uses night vision magic to see his enemy in the darkness he makes, using more magic to make himself absolutely silent and make his blows far more powerful.


"I don't want to be responsible for others. I'm not very good with that."

None, he plays solo, although he has been playing for a while now. He does join temporarily when offered a prize for his work, to any guild which offer enough.

Are you in a guild?:

"Only when the coin's good."

No, unless they pay him, in which case he will ally with them temporarily.

Would you like to assign your self a specific class?:

"Could you not guess from my bow?"

Ranger, certainly.


"I stay quiet."

Quiet and calm, he doesn't like working with others. He works hard in the game, as he does in real life, and is quite intelligent and cunning. He prefers to shoot an enemy from a distance or to sneak behind them, but he is still good in combat, as he uses his magic to deadly effect.

Background :

"I've been playing more than most."

He was a beta tester for Elvira, so he knows quite well how to play, and attack combos and such. He comes from a normal family, no deaths or problems really, he has had a reasonably normal life. He works hard at school, and gets pretty good grades.

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