Elvira:: A New Domain [Inactive]


Mistress of Time and Space

Elvira:: A New Domain - Don't worry gamers have multiple lives...right?

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Within the shadows of night a dark figure loomed. It's chest rising and falling methodically as it lay in a king sized bed alone. The boy, a skinny teenager, had spent years of his life napping. So with his hands gently placed at his sides and snoring loudly, no one would have guessed that in thirty minutes the sleeping boy would be in mortal danger.

Although for now he experienced true dreams. Ones that were hazy, undefined, and made no sense. Ones that flew past his mind in uncontrollable torrents of emotion. To us this spectacle is the norm when we sleep, but to Josh it was a unique and oddly frightening thing. It had been more than a year since the 18 year old had had the pleasure of truly dreaming and this left him in a state of shock when he woke back up at 2 in the morning.

Blindly, Josh reached out and pulled the cord to the lights. A bright white color quickly flashed throughout his room, like a camera taking a picture. Then the light settled down on a soft yellow hue that only slightly irritated Joshua's eyes. Carefully, the teen rubbed out the sleepiness that had covered him over, also a relatively renewing notion considering he had become conditioned to awaking to the Dream Realm on his face. Looking over at his digital clock, that was a laser light shinning off the back panel of his wall, Josh gasped. Though not because of how late it was, but because he forgot to slip on the virtual reality helmet before he went to bed.

"Great...I probably missed out on the new update release that was supposed to come out tonight." Josh groaned. His Dream Realm sat on the desk on the other side of the room. It was a chilly walk away till he could even reach it. Reluctantly, the teenager pulled back the overwhelmingly warm covers and snatched the vr headset from the table, shivering as he did so. Once he was back in bed with the Dream Realm snugly covering his eyes and plugged in, Josh laid his head back down on a soft down pillow.

It took several minutes before the white headset's system lights flickered on, indicating that Josh had finally fallen back asleep. When Josh opened his eyes he had very little feeling that his body was still in reality. Everything he was experiencing in the Dream Realm felt like real life all on its own. He stood in a empty gray room, the linking room. On the four walls that surrounded the area were panels that displayed games he had downloaded through the Internet onto his headset. Josh walked promptly to the screen that spun around a huge symbol, the Elvira game insignia, and placed his palm directly onto the screen. Instantaneously, Josh's body transformed, shifting to become much larger and hairier. The gray room wavered and turned into a vast prairie land. Sounds of a rushing river could be heard from where Josh stood, but no longer was he Josh. Instead a muscular tiger humanoid stood in his place. Above the tiger a GUI was visible. The floating tag labeling his name as Kiska.

The wind billowed around him, seeming to whisper the words, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF CHAMOSSA!

Grinning broadly, Kiska looked around at his surroundings, the Telmarion Plains. It was the same area he had logged off of last night. To the right of him Kiska heard loud shouts, like two people were arguing. Their calls could be heard all the way around the grassland and it peaked Kiska's interest. So quietly the tiger approached the river bank where the noise was originating from. As Kiska hid behind a nearby shrubbery he listened to two people bickering. One elven girl and a demonic looking boy were screaming senselessly at each other.

"And what?! Wait until the servers crash?!...We have to at least try Rumin!" The adult elf argued at the demon who, panicking, replied aptly. "I don't know! But we can't go into the dungeons! We could die Bethany...and I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if something terrible happened to you. Besides without being able to log out it is possible the servers will crash from being flooded right?" The elf only sighed in response. "No Rumin...the servers can't crash...they're backed up with layers of protection and server space."

Kiska didn't listen to the rest of their conversation as he had opened his own personal GUI. Where the logout button should have been was instead a blank slot. Timidly, Kiska reached out a claw and tapped the floating screen on the blank space,but nothing happened. Now panicking and hyperventilating, the anthro got up from behind the bush, no longer caring that the arguing couple had spotted him.

Kiska started run for the nearest forest, hoping desperately he could find someone else who knew what was going on. I can't be trapped here, he screamed in his thoughts, I have work and school at 7 today!
Around the same time Josh was waking up, a young girl far away who looked to be the age of eight, maybe nine, was perched at the edge of her bed. Her knees were tucked up to her chest and her eyes were focused intently on the white headset sitting on her nightstand while her fingers twirled a lock of her dark brown hair as she always did when she was nervous. Not that she was nervous very much at all. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mortis, were some of the richest people in the country, which meant that Mo was spoiled to the point of exhaustion and protected to the point of near death by exhaustion. Of course Mo loved her parents (she knew they meant well) but they were convinced that everyone was out to get their precious baby girl. They had even hired a personal body guard to follow her wherever she went.

Mr. and Mrs. Mortis had even gone so far as to prevent her from owning one of the basic needs for human entertainment, a Dream Realm. Though she had begged them for one countless times they had never consented to her requests. Until last week, that is. Last week was Mo's 9th birthday and to her utter shock and delight she had woken up on her birthday morning to find it sitting there on her lavish mahogany desk with a small note attached. The letter read:

To: Fae Alexandria Mortis (Mo)

From: Your Mother

Happy Birthday my dearest girl, your growing up so fast! We have agreed to let you use this gift provided your guard is in the Dream Realm with you the whole time. It is for your own protection, darling, so don't argue or we may have to reconsider the responsibility we are placing on you. I am sorry that we can't be there on your special day but your dad and I have some very important business meetings that we need to attend. As long as you stay within the mansion feel free to do whatever makes you happy. I have told the chef to cook anything that you request and your favorite breakfast will be up in your room by 9:00. I love you so much, my sweetness, we will be home by tomorrow evening.

xoxo Mom

After quickly skimming over the letter Mo set it aside, she was used to her parents being away, and eagerly grasped the deceptively simple object. The Dream Realm looked like a black and white headset with a thick band that stuck out several inches in the place which would cover your eyes and sleek headphones to fit over your ears for "the maximum virtual experience", as all the advertisements said. It felt smooth and cool in her palms when she lovingly caressed the extraordinary device and as Mo pressed it to her cheek she thought she detected a faint humming sound emanating from its depths. She committed this beautiful moment to memory, then skipped out the door to find her body guard.

Soon Mo realized that she needed to enter the Dream Realm alone. Her body guard (or "Guard", she called him) was supposed to keep her away from anything that might scare or harm her, and apparently that meant anything fun. The only thing she was allowed to do was wander aimlessly around the game called Elvira with Guard stuck to her like glue, avoiding all living things and anything that had the slightest possibility of being entertaining.

So Mo devised a plan: She would wait until Saturday night and then sneak into the Dream Realm. Guard had his day off on Sunday, he usually left Saturday evening and her parents were most often off on some business something or other. Mo already knew how to get into Elvira, so she was pretty sure that she could pull it off. She wasn't really much of a rule breaker though and had never intentionally disobeyed her parents before, it left a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. But Mo was determined to persevere.

And it was there that she found herself at the edge of her bed with the queasy feeling growing stronger from her unorthodox display of rebellious behavior. Finally, after much internal debating she rose shakily to her feet, shaking feeling into her half asleep left leg, and reached over to seize the Dream Realm. She placed the device on her head then snuggled into her still-cold sheets and waited for sleep to whisk her away to her fairytale world. It was a while before her heart slowed to a normal pace and the Dream Realm stole her from reality.

It seemed to Mo that she had just closed her eyes when she was opening them again in the Linking Room. She looked down to see her realistically nine-year-old virtual self and swiped once across her chest from shoulder to shoulder to bring up the computerized interface, "Umm..." she spoke hesitantly, "Interface, change my avatar...?" The Interface responded in a smooth and distinctly female voice, the sound coming from all around her,

"Confirm: Would Mo like to change her Elvira Avatar?"

"Yes..." replied Mo.

"Confirmed." The computer brought up a hologram screen that displayed different attributes her Avatar could have. Mo flipped through them and chose to be a Faerie with gorgeous shimmering wings, coppery chestnut colored curls, and eyes that shifted between green and gray depending on the light. She loved feeling she was a part of a fairytale, like an elegant faerie princess about to be escorted to the ball, she thought to herself. After examining her Avatar she found it completely to her satisfaction except for one thing: It's age. Mo was tired of being treated like a baby who couldn't take care of herself and besides, people would probably exclude her if they knew her actual age. She was thinking this all the while she slid the age meter up to sixteen.

Mo's Avatar was still rather short because it was a faerie but her features had gained a look of maturity that Mo would have loved to have in the real world. Next she swiped away the hologram screen and walked over to the spinning Elvira symbol. She carefully brought her hand to the screen.

Mo was now inside the game.

The game dropped Mo off on a pathway in the midst of a welcoming sunlit forest. The sky was a lovely shade of azure and the cobblestone path was dappled with patches of light that radiated a slight warmth.

Mo took a deep breath then took the first steps of the first adventure she had ever had, her flats quietly clipping on the stones.

After walking for some time along that same path she came upon a quaint little village that was nestled in a valley just off the trail. The buildings had a vaguely european style to them and Mo could see people milling about the streets. Thinking that this would be a good place to maybe get some advice she picked her way over fallen branches and made her way down the slope into the valley.

On coming into the town she was astonished to find the people there were running about in a panic, nothing seemed the matter to Mo and she edged along the street trying to catch what some of the people were saying. A dashing wizard-looking boy with a flowing plum cape was partaking in an intense conversation with two other wizards of some sort. His voice had an edge of hysteria to it, "But their has to be a way out! They must have some sort of security measure or something! I won't believe it." Another older wizard with an emerald cape responded,

"I'm sorry Somza but it it doesn't seem like there-" The third one in a crimson cape cut him off,

"It must be the programmers! I'll bet you anything that they are behind all this!" He exclaimed angrily.

No way out? What do they mean? No way out of the game? Mo thought. The atmosphere of panic was beginning to infect her and she brought up her GUI to make sure that everything was as it should be. It was only after a few minutes of careful examination that she noticed the missing log out button. The button that Guard had taught Mo to use to escape was completely missing.

Mo sank to the ground and huddled up against a building, putting her face in her hands and aggressively twisting a lock of hair around her finger.

No escape.
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"It's about time." Scarlettia said to herself happily, munching on desserts that one of the maids brought to her in her room. Yes, she still had lots of food stored at different places and areas in her room, but she couldn't help but request for chamomile tea and freshly baked cookies. She was scrolling through her blog and all the sites she joined, and they were all about the Dream Realm. Every now and then, she would get calls and texts and different kinds of messages from her real-life and internet friends, only to plan when and where they could meet in Elvira, just one of the greatest games they've played, ever. Heck, each and every one of her friends knew and owned at least one of that amazing console.

Scarlettia looked at her laptop's desktop clock. It read 1:47 a.m.

Apparently, she had already eaten her breakfast earlier at one o'clock, and she was just getting ready. Now that she got the Dream Realm to be The brunette removed the hair pins that held her hair, letting it flow a little below her shoulders. She and a few real-life friends, and lots of fans and followers of her blog, decided to meet somehow in Elvira for the newest patch--Today at two o'clock a.m. In truth, she had already checked out and adapted her character to the changes of the latest patch last night, but she regularly played anyway, and meeting more of her fans and friends in-game wouldn't be such a bad thing. After stating in her blog her confirmation that she'd go and details of the planned meeting, and reading almost a hundred comments that started sparking a few minutes after, Scarlettia closed the lid of her laptop and placed it at the side table.

2:10 a.m.

After finishing all the pastries and gulping the last drops of calming tea, Scarlettia sat on the bean bag beside her bed and sat there, letting her neck lean on the comfortable cushion of the bed. A pillow was placed under her arms and above her stomach, just for extra comfort. Her legs were straightly laid across the bean bag and her feet were resting on the cold floor. She took some minutes to stare at the ceiling and adjust the temperature of her room with a small remote she found beside her. After doing all those preparations, she put on the Dream Realm, and closed her eyes, immediately letting herself fall asleep. A few seconds at most, she woke up in the linking room, with walls of all-gray, and choices of games available for her to pick. Of course, she chose Elvira, and selected her one and only character; A human she named Scarlettia, just like her first name. Not only is the name unique and not yet used, it was also her first name. She didn't have to struggle at all. Never in a game did she have to.

Not much has been changed in Scarlettia's appearance in-game, since she chose to simply be a human. Her silky brown hair that reached a little above her chest got a little longer that it almost reached her waist, and the color became a dark, strawberry blonde. Her hair was a little wilder and with small curls at the ends that she really found cute. Her sky-blue eyes turned just a little darker, but enough to be able to intimidate. Her body got a little level-up, including her height and structure. She couldn't have asked for more. Of all the races in this world, she chose to be a human. It was quite unexpected, but the only thing she was surprised about was that she only rarely saw humans in Elvira. She was probably one in a thousand, or she just hasn't been observing too much. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in the Uzgob Desert, close to a small cottage beside the river, and totally far from their meeting place. She totally forgot that she logged out last night after finishing her research and item-gathering.
"This is bad..." She mumbled to herself, collecting spare items and Serbans that she found around the cottage. She had that habit of inspecting every inch, and you'd be surprised at the things she'd find.

After doing so, Scarlettia grinned in delight (she obviously got lots of things) as she went outside, and spotted a fellow player with some kind of rhino mount resting by the river. He was an elf, obviously, and she simply and fearlessly skipped towards him just to ask for a ride. After a few seconds of quick conversation, she found out that he was one of the bloggers in real-life that she knew over the internet, and he was going to the same place as she and a whole lot more people. With no more hesitations, she rode the dangerous-looking mount with him towards the plains of Telmarion. At the exact coordinates, they arrived, and Scarlettia saw a lot of players who immediately distinguished her and her character. As she hopped down the mount, they almost swarmed towards her, wanting to meet their fellow blogger, friend, or idol.

"You're so pretty!" One of the females, a human-cat hybrid, screamed in happiness.

"It's an honor," A dwarf male, most probably a wizard, stated while shaking her hands.

"Come here often?" Winked a really buff, faerie male.

"The log out's gone!!" One male voice exclaimed, louder than everyone else's, but it didn't need to be louder to get everyone's attention. A player squeezed himself forward just to get closer to Scarlettia. She leaned forward beside that random elven guy and her eyes slowly widened as she saw that a blank space was where the log out button supposedly was. Immediately, she checked the menus in her GUI, and it was the same for her. "Calm down, guys!" She said to the panicking group of perhaps more than a hundred players. She couldn't blame the players who quickly ran away from the gathering. But no matter what she said, everyone seemed to not hear her or the other players stopping the chaos and screaming. In just a few seconds, players were doing their own things--looking through the log out button every once in a while, flailing their arms and running around, or almost saying their goodbye's to the others.

"Hmm..." Scarlettia browsed her inventory, which was for her, a little more important than the lost log out button. "This is probably just some kind of event, don't you think?" She said, her eyes still focused on her wide range of items, not really talking to anyone in particular. In a while, players dispersed and went away from this place, leaving Scarlettia alone. Even that mounted guy was gone. With a soft sigh, she sprinted towards the closest forest up in the north, and noticed that another player running through the forest--someone else, not from that group that she had gathered with. "Hey, wait!" She couldn't know if it was a male or a female, because that player took the appearance of a walking tiger-like... It was perhaps a hybrid. "Hello." Scarlettia said with a little smile, easily catching up with the tiger-man's pace. She loved running, and that helped her a lot in chasing players running around in the forest. She looked a little above him, seeing his character name mentioned in the GUI. "Kiska," She mentioned his name, but still continued running. She normally created these kinds of weird introductions, but nobody seemed to mind. "Nice to meet you."
Kiska skidded to an abrupt halt as a human player came up from behind. She must have been bold to charge forward on Kiska like that because the tiger looked in no way like the friendly type. Despite his eagerness to meet new players in the game, Kiska had always had a fearsome appearance and liked to often flaunt that fact by wearing not much more than a pair of armour leggings and a right shoulder guard. But for the most part he was bare chested, which showed off the rippling muscles beneath his furry coat. So when the human approached Kiska, he became very startled, but also elated.

Around the two, the air was crisp and refreshening. Nevertheless, it held the tinge of a coming summer. A summer that would burn the world and scorch the lands in heat. This alone was already making the boy sweat since he was after all covered in a layer of warm insulating hairs. Perhaps this is what led him to fall to his knees or at least that's what he had hoped would be the case. But in reality Kiska was slightly breaking down from the newfound knowledge of the game's bug.

He then looked into Scarlettia's eyes. His own eyes were a deep sapphire color that portrayed his inner emotions clearly like the ocean and they ignited with the with the look of agitation. However, on the inside he was relieved to finally have crossed paths with someone.

"Hello...umm...Scarlettia." He blurted out in a gritty voice, obviously male sounding. The anthro's gaze had shifted to look at the floating name tag similar to his own.

At Kiska's height he came eye level with Scarlettia only when kneeling like he currently was. Drawling on, he questioned, "Do you know what's going on? I can't use my logout button and school's in 5 hours. If I can't go back to reality when I wake up I'm gonna miss it!"
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Mo sniffled. Her eyes were dewy with tears and her perfect faerie hair looked a bit rumpled. Soon after finding out about the missing log out button she had fled the little village, having been overwhelmed by all the chaos and frankly frightened by all the funny-looking creatures. Mo knew that they were really just people but when a ripped seven foot dude with spikes coming out of his back had stomped past her down the street she couldn't help feeling a wee bit terrified. Now she was leaned against a large tree along the path with her arms hugged around her legs and her chin resting upon her knees. Her wings drooped over her shoulders.

The area around the girl was quite picturesque; birds were chirping beautifully intricate melodies that wove into harmonies and on the horizon there were solemn mountains that climbed into the sky with an air of regal superiority. Rolling hills cloaked in outlandish trees spanned into the distance as far as the eye could see. The trees were trees of all sorts, real and fictitious. There were trees that cradled plump glittering golden apples, trees that had strange eyes peering out from in between their delicate leaves, and even trees that seemed to have eyes themselves. All in all the land of Elvira radiated a subtle sense of adventure that lurked just beneath the surface. The beauty of the land however, did not reflect the mood of the young faerie resting near the path.

What will my parents think when they come home to find me trapped in the Dream Realm? What if they come after me? What if they get trapped too? Mo fretted, torn between wanting them to be there with her and wishing they would stay safe in the real world. She was gazing disconsolately at some undefined spot on the ground when a gentle breeze rippled through the trees making her hair swirl a bit and carrying the voices of two people talking. Mo turned her ear towards the sound, they seemed to be coming down the path and she could just make out the figures of a human girl with long hair and what seemed like a fierce tiger-man thing. Mo wondered if she should hide from them but she desperatly wanted some company and the girl at least didn't look too alarming.
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"Sorry, Kiska." Scarlettia slightly and apologetically shook her head, a little surprised when he suddenly knelt a while ago. "I can only guess that this is some short event. However, the game masters seemed to have never gone this far." She felt only a little estastic because nobody really did it to her, kneeling, no matter how tall or fierce-looking they were. As far as she was concerned, most players she met only probably wanted to just analyze her fully and somehow supress and embarrass one of the top ranked gamers all around the internet and gaming world, if not fully defeat her or kill her. She was great in sensing these things just from a look at one's face, and all that she could think of while observing the anthro was that it was so adorable. Tigers were basically cats (or so she's learned), and anything else close to that was cute to Scarlettia.

Scarlettia slowly enjoyed the view around them, as well as the rustling wind that whistled and birds that chirped and sang beautifully. While doing so for only the fewest of seconds, she came up with a small realization. Players of this game were all around the world, and it was possible that she and Kiska were at least a country away, but she still managed to ask,
"Your school's in five hours. My high school's in a few too... Could your time be about seven o'clock in the morning?" She paused, raking back to her mind the memories that seemed to try to get away. In truth, she wasn't that great in remembering things, so she had to hold on to things she had to say and do. She thought that it was quite stupid of her to be asking, but maybe they were close enough in real-life--not in a friendship way, yet, of course; just the distance. Her fellow sapphire eyes seemed to gleam a little as she started thinking of the possibilities. For such a short while, the honest smile on her face made her character look as young as she was in real-life.

"Which school do you go to? ...If you don't mind me asking." She asked curiously, keeping herself from bouncing up and down and everywhere. Before she could come up with more questions, her head moved towards her right side. At will, her eyes scanned the area full of trees, and seemed to zoom a little, seeing another player by he forest path. "Hm?" She looked at Kiska before looking back at the pretty (and pretty stressed-looking)... was it a fairy or a pixie? She didn't really even know the difference, except for the reputations given to each specie. Scarlettia didn't even have to squint, or move towards the player to observe her every detail. It was a great thing her eyes moved like that, as if they knew beforehand what she would make them do. Recently, she had been practicing her skills, like accuracy, tracking, etc. She, still standing by Kiska, gave out a little wave at the player named Fae Mortis. Despite Scarlettia's apprearance that most called 'bad-ass', her expressions and actions seemed to lower people's guard--for good reasons only, of course. No bad intentions. All those times she has been in games, not just this, she'd experience lots of traitors and trust-issues.

"Hi there!" She said a little louder, just for Fae Mortis to hear. "We're, um, safe. I guess." Scarlettia chuckled faintly, looking at Kiska with a small hint of elation. "Loook! There's some other player. Maybe she knows about this no-logging-out thing."
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Kiska massaged the back of his neck as he stood back up from the kneeling position, suddenly embarrassed. Now his full height was much more apparent. He stood at least a good foot taller then Scarlettia in his anthro form. An intimidating animal from any distance. However, the human girl had made him sink down, so he had to regather his strength before answering her.

"Uhh, isn't that kinda personal?" He mumbled then replied with the actual answer, "Yeah my school starts at seven and I uhh go to a private school, St. Gainscrest High. Why? Do you know of it?" It would be uncommon in this massive mmo to ever run across someone you knew from real life unless you planned it, but the questions that Scarlettia had asked peaked his interest. Perhaps she knows me? He pondered to himself.

But when the bushes rustled and the human girl pointed it out, Kiska acted on instinct. He immediately assumed that a monster had spawned nearby. So the tiger growled ferociously, jumping into a fighting stance, one hand cupped over the hilt of his longsword. As he began to unsheath the massive blade, Kiska opened his other hand and, palm facing upward, lit a bright flame that sparked to life in midair. It hovered like a magical orb just above Kiska's paw pads, a sign of life and destruction in one little fireball.

"Come out!" The anthro bellowed. He in no way wanted to fight, but when startled a cat jumps and so did Kiska.
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Mo had stood up a second ago only to gasp and scramble backwards, scrapping her knee in the process. The tiger-man thing that she could see now was called Kiska had assumed an attack position and was now pointing a very intimidating fireball in her direction that she figured probably wouldn't be very good for her health. "Come out!" the creature commanded. Now Mo was very afraid and all, but it wasn't very nice of this Kiska person, whoever he was, to be ordering her around. After all, she had chosen this age so that she would be seen as independent and mature. Mo assumed what she hoped was a condescending and fierce expression, then stepped somewhat reluctantly from behind the brush where she had taken cover. Only the slightest trembling of her lower lip betrayed her true feelings.

Once she was clear of the bushes she could more clearly make out the features of the two newcomers. The human girl, her GUI said she was named Scarlettia, had long darkish blond hair that formed pretty little curls at the tips. Deep blue eyes that managed to twinkle merrily and be intimidating at the same time peered inquisitively in Mo's direction. Even though Scarlettia's appearance was decidedly formidable, something about her made Mo think that she was a good person. Kiska was a large tiger humanoid with thick handsome fur and intense sapphire colored eyes that were narrowed in distrust. He stood over a foot taller than Mo so she was left eminently trying to refrain from cowering in his forbidding presence.
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Scarlettia wanted to stop Kiska. She wanted to pat him and say, It's all right, kitty. She wanted to bounce around and say that she also goes to St. Gainscrest School. Most of all, she wanted to watch the ball of fire that he just created, probably even take it. But of course, the most important thing at the moment was to not do any of these. After silently snapping from her thoughts, Scarlettia leaped in the middle of Kiska and Fae Mortis, and spread her arms. She couldn't help but spin childishly in the middle of the trees and the players too. How very intimidating.

"Uuum..." She stopped playing around, thinking of what to say to the two. Tension was obvious in the area, but Scarelttia just shrugged it off. "It's okay, guys." She said reassuringly to the two players. Woah, she added to herself. Millions of words and that's what I say. She looked at Fae Mortis, who seemed to be quite shaken up from what Kiska just did. Who wouldn't? Well, perhaps Scarlettia wouldn't, but what she might've done was at least do a backflip, in instinct. Or worse. She didn't even want to imagine.

"Sorry, Fae Mortis." Scarlettia stepped away apologetically from the two other players, and they were able to look at each other again. That was just in case they wanted to say anything to each other. After all, they were both startled. In that short period of time, Scarlettia looked over at Fae Mortis, admiring her beauty. Everything in her character was simply stunning, like in a fairy tale. While observing the fairy-like player, Scarlettia didn't know that her hand was already working, scrolling through her inventory. She was used to scrolling through that menu so much that she didn't even have to look or be conscious about it.

"Hmm..." She focused at her inventory, looking for something to give Kiska and Fae Mortis. She had always done that to players whom she just met. But apparently, she forgot to do so today, even to the others whom she met before the two others in this forest.
Mo cleared her throat, "Just Mo, please." She could see that Scarlettia obviously didn't think Kiska was going to hurt her so she relaxed a bit and noticed Scarlettia scrolling through her inventory. Why was she doing that? Mo thought, Doesn't she know that we are all trapped in here? Possibly forever?

Mo looked around and saw that the sun was starting to sink lower in the sky, washing the world in a glowing amber light and warping the shadows into hiding places for the beasts of the night. Mo shivered, suddenly the forest didn't look that inviting anymore. It was going to be night soon and she was probably never going to get home and she didn't know anything about this virtual world and she missed her family and all she had for company was a strange human girl and a scary tiger-man and..and... Suddenly Mo was awash with emotions that she couldn't contain, pearly tears welled up in her eyes and spilled out. Why did she ever want to do this in the first place?

She couldn't see how Kiska and Scarlettia were being so calm about this. Now they were going to think she was a big baby. Mo cried even harder.
James had been following a deer in the woods, when he heard a party moving around. They were noisy as hell, he could have shot them without looking.

He was trying to decide what kind of group they were. Murderers? Innocent players? Were they a scout party for a guild?

He was also wondering how to treat them. Ignore them? Steal from them? Talk to them? These were all good options. He needed to know why the hell there was no logout button, and they might know the answer.

However, he decided the best course of action would be to stay unseen and unheard, listening to what they say. He might have a bit of fun with these guys, the little that one could get in this world, playa few pranks on them, maybe. He would see.
As the game's sun descended from the sky Kiska's brilliant golden orange pelt appeared to illuminate in a quite grand way. Normally a tiger's pelt allowed them to stay hidden as their fur would blend in with the shadows of a softly lit forest. However, when Josh had created the character he didn't plan the tiger out to be one indulged in the shadows. Instead the beast was a warrior, strong and bold, but completely fierce. Not only did his strength and size give this away, but also his attitude. Though he seemed to have trouble when presented with situations he was unused to. For example, a quirky human girl coming up from behind him or a pretty fae starting to cry.

The tiger immediately felt terrible when the fairy, who couldn't have been older than 16, started to bawl. "Oh shoot! I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I mean I just thought you might have been a monster cause they like to start spawning at this time you know?..." He uttered in shock. Then glanced over at Scarlettia, watching her shift though the slightly translucent GUI. As he watched her he softened suddenly again, the world closing in on him.

Shaking his head, he looked back towards Mo before he hoped Scarlettia had seen. Now, lending down a hand to shake Mo's and show that he was actually alright, Kiska relinquished the burning flame and let go of the massive sword's hilt.
James was still watching. He decided now, he's have a little fun with them, then maybe talk to them.

He moved with his shadow magic keeping him unseen and unheard, getting closer to the tiger warrior. Closer... Closer... Then he grabbed it's tail, and moved immediately back into the bushes, quickly, silently, and invisibly going away from them.
Scarlettia was well aware that Mo wasn't that happy, and that there was some kind of presence nearby, but she put her focus in her messy unorganized inventory full of random spare pieces and anything that that she loved picking up from everywhere in this big, big world, for now. "I got it!," Scarlettia mumbled delightfully, and pressed her finger on two items from her inventory. A few inches away from her cupped hands, two items integrated in a beautiful way, and fell to her grip. The first item was for Mo; a bracelet of the colors of the rainbow, simple yet stunning. The second was for Kiska, but she didn't seem to be too serious as to pick. She'd gotten her hopes up of sneaking a small bell on the anthro's tail, just for the sake of fun, and occasional chiming.

"Here you go, Mo." Scarlettia held up the bracelet, and guided its way onto the fae's right wrist. "It's actually enchanted by yours truly." The human said kindly. Her jokes never had a sarcastic ring to it, and although that made most people take her seriously, she actually preferred that, than unconsciously hurting anyone else with sarcasm or anything of the sort. "I remember putting lots of buffs on that one, like..." Scarlettia tried to think, but logical things, memorizing and remembering wasn't really her forte. "Sorry. I forgot... But it really suits you. Sometime, I'll search through that bracelet's properties. But as for now and until you want, it's yours." She said lastly, hoping that Mo would like her gift. She has never really met anyone who didn't seem to like what she gave them, but little did she know if those players were untrustworthy enough to say things when she wasn't looking, or hearing.

She then faced Kiska, with a little grin like,
Oh, don't mind me. You can just turn around for a little while. It's not like I'm trying to put this cute bell on your tail while you weren't looking. Scarlettia observed the bell for about a second. She had actually created the chain on it to fit into anything, but the small bell's size would remain the same. While looking at it, she enjoyed the fact that the chain actually shrank to fit her finger like a ring. She silently, looked at the anthro in a silly and childish way, trying to not laugh at how she think the bell would look like on his tail. Perhaps, Kiska didn't know her intentions yet, so probably she could try to just...

Scarlettia's thoughts were stopped by a really tingling presence--One that she got used to feeling, every time she could feel something, or body she wasn't expecting. And this time, it was surprisingly close, like it was just behind... Kiska. It was already so close to them, she didn't even notice it. It didn't really surprise her that this would happen. Most of the time, she wouldn't pay attention to anything around her except for the things that made her happiest. Just like when she was scrolling through her inventory. Undivided attention was give by her most of the time. And now, she'd met two players. That was a great experience for her. After a few seconds of wondering, she finally, kind-of understood the situation. Gods have mercy on invisible beings who dare pull on a cat's tail. She said to herself worriedly, and put the bell back in her inventory, knowing that this would be such a horrible time.
The tears just kept on coming. Mo pressed her palms to her eyes as if trying to force the tears back into her head. Over her own shaky sobs she could here a male voice saying something and when she took her hands from her face Kiska was standing there with his hand outstretched. Mo was hesitantly reaching to shake his hand when Scarlettia exclaimed, "I got it! Here you go, Mo." and promptly fitted a radiantly colorful onto Mo's delicate wrist while saying something about enchantments and "buffs", whatever those were. She gazed at the bracelet, entranced by it's swirling colors and brilliant hues when all of the sudden she felt an uncomfortable prickling on the back of her neck. Something was wrong. A small noise from the woods made her jump with nervous tension and she unthinkingly moved towards Kiska, clutching his fuzzy arm like her life depended on it.

Her wide eyes scanned the area, looking back and forth in apprehension. She caught a worried expression on Scarlettia's face, then a flash of understanding passed through the girl's features. What is going- Something brushed against her ankle, she shrieked and jumped into Kiska's arms, pulse racing. Mo's cheeks were flushed from the excitement and her breathing was ragged, the tears had dried up but she still had that quavery feeling that comes after a lengthy cry. Then she realized she had jumped uninvited into the arms of a near stranger that had recently come close to attacking her.
The anthro watched, smiling, as Scarlettia handed Mo the vibrant bracelet. He instantly became glad as Mo seemed to cheer up. Her gazing at the magnificent bracelet leaving him with a feeling of hope. I may be trapped here, but at least I'm not alone anymore Kiska considered to himself. The tiger hoped quietly that the moment would last forever. That the young acting Mo' would stay happy and Scarlettia smiling, but more often than not things didn't work in his favor.

The faerie leaped in to his arms before his brain registered what exactly was happening. The forest around him still seemed to be alive with the sounds of nature, a good sign that no monsters had directly spawned. However as Kiska caught a look of worry on Scarlettia's face he too began to frown. What are they so upset about? But Kiska had let his guard down and this was clearly shown when the elven boy yanked at his swinging tail.

The pain seared vehemently through his back side. A acute stinging that caused Kiska to release a menacing screech before letting go of Mo by setting her down. Kiska then rapidly turned on his perpetrator or at least as rapid as 400 pounds of muscle and cat could turn. No longer was the soft caring cat there, but instead the demon inside. He roared agonizingly loud and the whole forest appeared to still. The light river sounds in the background, the whistling of small game designed birds, the pitter patter of the forest critters all subsided. For the moment the woodlands darkened at a faster rate and Kiska stood at its center, a impending threat in the looming darkness.

"FOOL!" The tiger boomed. Part of his thoughts revolved around not letting the two innocent girls see this side of him, but the part that worked as a life curator for himself took over. All wild animals possessed the ability to turn their back on domestication, a wild side that appears only when endangered. Kiska just happened to have less control over this side of himself than most, but what did the elven boy expect, a tame kitty? After all the tiger hated having his tail yanked and for most cats it was a sign of war.

Kiska hissed through clenched teeth, "Come out coward! I should have smelled you sooner...But your skills are clearly with blending in...So come out now or are you to terrified to fight?" As he spoke he completely unsheathed the sword this time, not hesitating like he had with Mo. The blade was a fine black color and the hilt fitted the anthro's hands perfectly.
James had to hide his giggles with magic. He could barely contain himself, looking at how angry they were. He thought he saw a flash of fear as well, but he was unsure. He should do this more often, he thought.

They all seemed to be looking in the exact place he wasn't. Fools. Now, what next...?
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01:45 am

The faint smell of ashes, the sound of two rivers merging and the sight of flowers was welcoming for Blaire as she lured her way through Arcadia, watching her dragons bloom into full grown beasts of destruction. The game, Arcadia, wasn't popular as of yet in its beta state but the blonde old lady didn't mind as she strolled across the massive green plains, her gaze full of amusement as she saw a newly hatched dragon tried to flap its wings while its owner laughed hysterically. She knew that this game would hit the charts for animal lovers, noting it down once she opened her GUI.

She had nearly forgotten the time, as she kept on exploring the lands and the different animal species. Blaire had come upon, so far, griffins, dragons and giant crabs. The thought of the yellow crab making her chuckle every single time but it didn't make her grin like Elvira did. The automatic alarm surrounding her as she was reminded of her absence. She had allowed herself a maximum of seventeen hours away from the game, ever since it came out. Swiftly she took her three middle fingers of her right hand, swiping them down to open her user interface.

Saving her gaming process, the young lady pressed the log out button. Taking a deep breath, Blaire let the air change around her as her body merged back to its own. A deep darkness took over the once lush plains and soon, all one could see was plenty of screens in an endless path. Running her fingers through her short dark locks, Blaire let her eyes wander over to her games tab. It was filled with more than enough games, either completed, alphas or betas.

Among the few hundred games, one shined brightly at the top of the list. Its name making shivers of bliss run through the girl as she used her voice command. The soft, mature yet clear voice traveled through the darkness.
"Igoshkova, Access Elvira!"

The Dream Realm did not hesitate to answer its master, a pre-installed woman's Russian voice echoing her words.
"Player B.A.D. Accessing Elvira. Checking stats, stats cleared. Searching for connection... Connection found. Accessing the game Elvira in 3... 2... 1... "

Seconds later Blaire felt her body changing its appearance once again, her simple granny clothes turning into her crafted short Victorian dress, black boots clinging onto her feet. The tips of her long, light blue hair reaching her waist even as it was set into a high ponytail. Her deep, dark emerald green eyes taking in her surroundings. She didn't care to listen to the familiar voice, welcoming her to the lands of Chamosa again but instead, wondered how she would pay for her night in the Blaue Rosen Inn as she hurried off the bed she was on.

The Inn was located in the lower parts of Coruneon, near the Lower Glarmion forest and the Inan Sea. The Cascon village was a last second stop for any passing players, as it was small in size and barely had note-worthy Npc's. Though it was a great stop for those heading into the nearby forest, not many wanted to spend their night in the only Inn around.

Blaue Rosen, with it's uncomfortable beds and dirty rooms took more serbans out of ones pocket then most Inn's in the whole game and to boost, one risked to lose their lives in case the Blaue Rosen owner went into its 'Rage mode' turning into a beast of level 42.

Counting her serbans, checking the required amount for her three well-spent hours in the dusty room, Blaire took her small hiking bag that allowed her to get forty extra slots of inventory and trudged down the stairs. Her gaze was set on the lady standing at the door, facing away from her. Her flaming red hair was without a doubt familiar to Blaire as she strolled over to the Npc, giving her a hundred and seven serbans.

"Thank you for staying with us, My fair lady Asrith. We hope to see you again!"
The small lady, seemingly innocent with her doe eyes answered Blaire with her human like voice before going on with her work. Blaire rolled her eyes at the remark, of course the fool would be happy! She was practically stealing every dime she had!

Blaire, used to the exchange was about to go on with her 'adventurous' life when she noticed something odd, something that made her frown as she walked out of the door, heading for the forest as the sun went down. Opening her GUI once again, she squinted her eyes to murmur under her breath, scrolling to her downloaded files which she stored in there.

Amongst them was the hits from the years 2000 - 2014, including Blaire's hidden gems. She found herself putting on a song, her whole being lightning up as one would see small notes flying near her ears.


A hour later, Blaire was deep inside the forest, singing along to The Cab as they performed live in a show back in 2015. Her voice was unbelievable out of tune, and as the night grew deeper, she seemed less aware of the fact that she couldn't log out from the game. In fact, she had ignored every message sent to her and she had ignored Ser Rudolf's attempt to start a chat with her. Rudolf, the founder and leader of the Crimson Hounds, one of the top guilds in Elvira, was an old friend of the fox for a lady. Their meeting in the Telmarion Plains in the Beta a fresh memory for the girl.

Yet she didn't have time to dwell on it as her song stopped playing, a message box from the system appearing at her left. Reading it, Blaire snorted out loud.
"No internet connection found.... You're kidding!"

"Activate voice command," She blurted out, muttering about her mood getting killed, "Igoshkova, access the network BlaireLairIT"

"Access denied."

"Access network Lovestruckpuppies." She had to settle for some other network, for now.

"Access denied."

"Igoshkova! Search for a network, NOW!" Outraged, Blaire opened her GUI to gently touch the options screen. Her eyes roaming for errors but finding none, she accessed the advanced options. Nothing. She had checked everything, she found no fault but the stupid thing was refusing to let her access any network of the fifty ones her father had opened in her lair.


After calming herself down, and possibly destroying more than six trees in the process, Blaire huffed about. She didn't like the annoying, supposedly, bug in the game. For her, listening to YouTube's amazing 21st century hits was a part of the Elvira experience. She was so immersed in her thoughts, that she didn't notice that she had stumbled upon a group of misfits. A fairy, some human chick and a cat stood in front of her, raging their anger at something... Or rather
someone else.

Luckily, they hadn't seen her yet as she immediately turned her Observant Skill on, spotting the idiot playing around with them. She also spotted the crazed, level ten rabbit heading for the fairy. Smirking, Blaire took one of her throwing knives and hit the rabbit as it was centimeters away from the level one youngster. It didn't last long before she walked over to the rabbit stuck in one of the many trees. Not even checking its stats, Blaire took her small knife and restored it inside her inventory before grabbing the rabbit by its ears.

"Hm, not enough meat to be a good dinner but enough bones to be inside the ingredients list of the gender change potion." Blaire, clearly thinking of the money she could get by selling a gender change potion, smirked wistfully for herself. She knew they would notice the red glare of her name, indicating that she was the cause of someone's death in the game and with her putting her stats and level as 'secret' in her settings, they'd never know who'd they be dealing with if they attacked.

[Asrith is her game name, just pointing that out for the heck of it.]
Note to self: Mo probably likes jumping on people. Be prepared with amazing, carrying skills.

Scarlettia was about to withdraw from her random, not-so-useful thoughts, when she thought of another one.

Another note to self: ...I forgot. Sorry.

Shrugging lightly, she finally put her attention to what seemed to agitate Kiska extremely. He couldn't blame the anthro. Scarlettia had a lot of cats living with her secretly, and she observed them so much that she almost felt the life of being a cat. She usually wrestled with the cats at her home until they would calm down, but she was pretty sure that tactic wouldn't help Kiska at all. Behind Kiska and Mo, she simply stood in her place. Her skills--observant, tracking, etc.--were already automatically enabled, and the only thing she had to do was mentally use it.

Less than a second later, a small smile crept on her face. The player messing with them wasn't fully clear, but after some time, she definitely was able to make out the details of this invisible player. Indeed, he was experienced in this. But Scarlettia wasn't really the type to hide and assault. Maybe someday, she'd gain interest in it, though.
"It's okay, Kiska." Scarlettia reluctantly patted his shoulder, hoping that it would calm him down a little. "He just wants to play." She said delightfully.

Then, she felt it. From quite a small distance, she could sense monsters spawning. She looked down as a level 10 rabbit-which was unnoticeably a monster in the game. It was exactly the one she needed for one of the pending requests a fellow player asked of her. Scarlettia couldn't help but remember her first experience with this rabbit's kind the past months, though. She actually thought it was tame, and started poking it, until she got attacked by the annoyed specie, which caused her first-ever death in-game. There was no way that she was to tell anybody about that, but what she didn't prefer sharing was the fact that she almost died in reality, rather than being attacked by a seemingly-inocent rabbit.

Scarlettia was so busy thinking about her experience and trying to remove it from her thoughts again, when she realized that it had gotten so close, and to Mo too. The human only noticed at this moment that the fae was still a level one--probably new in the game--and a sneak attack even from a rabbit would cause her first death too. She couldn't bare to see anyone else live after that shame. Scarlettia was about to attack the rabbit when she saw a throwing knife fly low and carry the rabbit onto some tree. Forgetting that Kiska and Mo were beside her, and a sneaky elf--perhaps?--that loved to annoy them, she leaped subtly towards the fellow player.

"Hey there," Scarlettia called to the fellow human player casually and calmly, silently admiring the player in front of her. Her gaze drifted to the character tag, ignoring the other specifications, and she realized why the player was a little familiar. "It's been a little while, Asrith. Do you still remember me?" She flashed a small smile, wondering if Asrith remembered her too. "You know, the Beta. Gathered 'round with... what was the name? Rulie? Runor? Ru...die?" She sighed, disappointed that she'd forgotten a player already. Heck, if she had remembered Asrith without seeing her character name, she'd probably be making more names up to now. "Rudolf. Yes, that was him. I think."

There was no way she could forget everything she's been through in the game with players like her, even in the starting phrase of Elvira. She looked at to Mo and Kiska, and back at Asrith. "That's Mo, and Kiska. I haven't really checked the invisible one." Scarlettia glanced at the dead rabbit being held by the fellow human. "Do you know anything about the missing log out button?" She asked curiously, being that she looked up to this player quite. All the time's they've done things together before, she'd learned to trust her too. "You're probably the third player who didn't run around and freak out when I asked about it."

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Mo shrieked. Kiska had dropped her and was flipping out at some invisible dude when suddenly a dagger had come whizzing past her head to impale some poor innocent bunny against a tree. The bunny-killer was a human who looked about seventeen with choppy blue hair and an overall striking appearance. While Kiska and Invisible Dude were flipping out and Bunny-Killer and Scarlettia were engaged in a friendly conversation, Mo was left to sit recovering from a near death-by-impalement. Everything was happening so quickly she couldn't keep up.

She tuned out the chaos around her and immediately felt an intense premonition of unease radiating from the forest. "Um, Scarlettia? Kiska?" She timidly spoke, "I think that something bad is in the forest..." Scarlettia and Kiska didn't seem to hear her. The feeling of unease grew stronger and stronger until it morphed into downright terror. Something was coming, and it wasn't a bunny. They were making such a clamor that everything in entire forest could probably here them, and Mo wasn't so innocent that she didn't know that not everything in the game was friendly.

By now the sun had sunk below the horizon and the last streaks of daylight were fading at an alarming pace. Mo somehow knew that they needed to be far away from the forest by the time the light had diminished. Just as she was about to speak up again her GUI started to talk, "Night mode activating. Night mode activating. Calibrating....Calibrating...Calibrating... Commencing night mode." Mo was stricken.

The final shreds of light disappeared and an unearthly howl resounded from the forest.
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Kiska hissed in pure agitation as chaos erupted around him. The elf had gone back into hiding and Kiska had gotten into the rhythm of slashing nearby bushes in search of the elf when Scarlettia attempted to reassure him. The big cat relaxed his hunched up shoulders when the human patted him and a soft chuff came out of his throat unwillingly. Unlike house cats, tigers don't purr. Chuffing is their way of communicating being content. Kiska though looked surprised by the gentle sound that had leaked out. Great, now I'm sure I look tough...The tiger thought sarcastically to himself and leaned away from the bushes.

The human girl was no longer paying heed to Kiska's rambling and searches through the nearby brush and since Scarlettia didn't seem concerned with the sneaky elf's tactics Kiska figured he could calm down a little. But for a tiger, who was used to the peace and quiet of solitary, calming down with so many people around was just plain impossible. So he settled for the next best thing, just concentrating on something else. Kiska spun his broad longsword around in wide arcs. It was his method of distracting himself from the turmoil around him. The spinning blade was mesmerizing in a way, but more than anything it helped pass the time.

Shining through the branches less now, the sun's rays from the earlier sunset were disappearing. Darkness was quickly descending and Kiska knew that the dark would only bring trouble. However, it was to late to try to escape the forest now. A dash through a woodland so densely populated with twisting branches like this one would only mean broken ankles and scrapped legs.

The good part about the dark though was that the tiger could gain some quick cash flow if he didn't end up dying. Kiska was particularly well leveled in his longsword and fire skills making the anthro a great front line warrior. Of course on the other hand, any chance of staying hidden dissolved when the bulky beast was around.

Suddenly, Kiska's deliberating was cut short when another person appeared nearby. It was a girl who looked only slightly older than Scarlettia. She had blue hair, not an uncommon thing to see in the game, but quiet a spectacle in RL. But it was the serious look that displayed across this new player's, "Asrith's", face that kept Kiska at bay. He waited patiently, watching as the newest arrival revealed herself after shooting the rabbit and for Scarlettia to finish talking to the other human.

Kiska had only wanted a person to talk to to understand what was going on and now he felt claustrophobic around so many players. This didn't stop him from continuing to spin the sword or watch everyone mill about, that is until a earth shattering howl resounded from nearby. Now he stopped the spinning weapon and stared in the direction the noise had originated from. Kiska may not know any of these people well yet, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to risk his life for them. No one should deserve to die, especially not in Elvira. So without further procrastination Kiska roared back and prepared to charge whatever was waiting. Cause that's just the kind of guy he was, one who advanced on things headfirst to protect those he cared about even if it meant his death. "Okay people, no more formalities, we aren't alone anymore! Night is here and this forest explodes with monsters at this time. I hope you're all set to fight..."
James rose from the bushes, slowly, with his hands up.

"Alright. I've had my fun, and now I think we'll all need each other if we're going to survive. I can hide you all with my magic, as well as letting you see, but i won't be able to fight while doing that. I'll need one of you to protect me. I suggest one by me, the rest in a circle around us. I help you, you help me."
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