Elves vs. Orcs/ The Great City Crumbles. Adverse elves join together in one city.


Dealer of Fates

The ancestral city of Eruaistaniel was so far north that Orcs invading such an ancient elvish homeland seemed like a farfetched threat. It was a harsh reality to find the waterfront city of Círtolthiel to be the first overtaken; the massive elegant boats from this loss used as a harmless front for the Orcs to glide into the icy construct of the fortress of Eruaistanial. It was a daft mistake to think little of the potential of such masses. Many elven lives have been lost, from the best crafters to the eldest historians.

It is no easy task to replenish a population that was already naturally receding. For elves only reach the age to birth life after seven-hundred years, and from then are usually meticulously selected and promised to other prime candidates. It is a tradition instilled to protect the population from being stunted or blood being muddled. As it goes, with purer blood comes a greater capacity for strong magic. It is not so strict though to where there are not options, it's just an afflicted task to find a mate within the 700-1000 fertility age.

Three years of Orc invasions have caused survivors, warriors, and healers to retreat to the Utopian city of Tolandiel which resides deep within dense, archaic forests. Elves from Eruaistaniel, Círtolthiel, Amoniel and other scorned cities have all gathered to Tolandiel to ward off the Orc revolution. Ancient ways of the battalion are being reawakened for the peaceful species. Blacksmithing, an art once forsaken for its blight against nature is now being kindled back to life from the fires of the oncoming war. Tolandiel is now the base of operations as well as the safe house for survivors. Tolandiel will not be brought down.

------the cities-------

Eruaistaniel— The city of ancient origin. It was once a land full of wildlife and rich soils, but over the millennia it had been iced and snowed over. It stood as a symbol of the semi-immortal elf, older than any living elf, for it was the first large city built strictly by the elven species. Nobility, Historians, elders, and core institutes resided in this city. To have it now overrun with orcs is a scorn hotter than any burning fire.

Círtolthiel— The waterfront city; also known as the port city. This city was centered on an island surrounded by the sea. It was the trading capital and a city created to mirror the beauty of the sea. Elves residing here learn to be more outgoing for Círtolthiel is one of the most populated cities. Unfortunately it was the first city to be brought down by the Orc invasion, and that's where the mystery of the revolution lies. To take control of an island is a fete all it's own. The boats from this city are now in the orc's control.

Amoniel— A city not far from Tolandiel, nestled between a gorge and river. It is a smaller city compared to Eruaistaniel or Círtolthiel, but vital to elves all across the land. Amoniel is where many pregnant elves travel to give birth. If you don't live in a large city, this is where to travel for the best healers and care. Amoniel is also home to the largest nesting site for pixies, the town center just 3 kilometers east of it.

Tolandiel— Tolandiel is not just a city in the forest, it is spread out throughout the forest known as Eon. Eon is an old forest that's home to many creatures, none of which want to be burned by Orcs. You know when you'll be reaching the heart of the city when you start to see organic lanterns throughout the brush, much like the bulbs lightning bugs. The outer parts of Tolandiel are quieter, for elves who wish to be more at one with nature. The heart of the city is what you could call bustling. There are many festivities and ceremonies held throughout the monthly cycle of the two moons. Tolandiel is referred to as the Utopian city, for all the elves living there are happy and at home in the forest that birthed them. No elf is shunned here.

Character Sheets:


Anything goes, doesn't even have to sound elvish.


As mentions before, 700-1000 are the years in which an elf can give birth. Looks wise I would call it equal to 16-25. If you want to be a child, I would say >550, and for elder I would say 1000+.


Picture or (good)descriptions or both.


You can put the personality of your character, but don't give away everything. It's nice to develop a characters personality throughout the roleplay.

A Backstory can be given in your introduction in the rp.

Elvish Talent:

Note that if you are descended from a noble bloodline, you are more apt to have abilitys, although they are not necesasry. Can be anything but try to be creative and balance a powerful gift with heavy downsides. Not too much drama preferably in this category. Try to stay away from elements unless you describe the elemental gift as a small manipulative part of said element. For instance: "Earth; She can help nature to grow. Nurturing a sapling to develop into a towering ancient tree. She has no control over parts of the earth that do not grow, and can't telekineticly move any portion of earth other than to cause it to grow, or revert it into a seed." You get it? Good.:blink1:

can make an Orc if you really want to, just pm me or ask me here and I'll see if I can't develop an Orcish subplot.

Romance, battle, etc encouraged.


  • The basics. I Know you know the basics. So don't make me waste my time.
  • Obviously the site's rules.
  • Character maximum is 3.
  • Give me a fruit somewhere in your character description so I know you read the rules. And just for fun. ^^

  • If you're going to add a picture in your description and not use a link, please try and shrink you image to the point where viewers don't have to scroll down the page to view the entire image. Arigato. (As you can see I failed at this task)
  • Lastly, I am the Grand Commander so what I say goes. :3 fufufu~ And feel free to refer to me as Grand Commander-san = I will think you kawaii.


Name: Erulastiel Anira Nostariel (can call Anira for short)

(Elvish translation: Listener of God, Desired, Of noble birth)

Age: 893


Long silvery blonde hair, usually worn in intricate braided patterns to keep it maintained. Her blind eyes appear glazed over and her face adorns hundreds of intricate elven tattoos—each with an attached story. She has long blonde eye-lashes and milky to olive toned skin. Her ears point a tad more horizontally than upwards, hinting at her noble bloodline.

Personality: On the outside she is reserved, stoic, and occasionally sympathetic. On the inside or with family she can be rebellious, daring, sarcastic and showing of great compassion. She puts on the front that's expected of her from being descended from a noble bloodline. She doesn't take any decision lightly and even as a healer would be more than willing to pick up a blade a fight--although most elders will not have such an action.

Elvish Talent: Anira is blind by definition, but she still sees. She likes to describe her vision as seeing life energies; it can be similar to infra-red except that each life form has a unique color. She is also an adept healer, and has been trained since birth to heal anything from minor bruises to tumors. It is a draining talent and requires long periods of meditation to recuperate from.

Name: Maeron Nethaefarason

Age: 803

Homeland: Círtolthiel


Maeron has shaggy, golden brown hair, amber green eyes and horizontal ears. His blood is noble but he gave up his title of nobility when he failed to defend his sister in the fall of Círtolthiel. He is almost six feet tall with a limber build. His skin is tanned from the years spent in the waterfront city.

Personality: Since his sister's death, he has become hardened and cold in the presence of others. If warmed up to he may reveal the fun-loving, humorous boy that one was. He still tries to attend to his duties within the city he resides in.

Elvish Talent: Although his blood is noble, Maeron has not discovered an aptness for any elven magics. He's not found his calling yet. For now he is training in the ways of the blacksmith, which he actually is quite good at.

Extra: Anira is a very distant cousin of Maeron's.


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