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Fantasy Elvandar Characters


Rocket Scientist
heavenly heavenly and Johno Johno

The Basics


Name: Alish (Ah-leesh)

Age: 30

Tribe: Rhe'ak

Tribe position/role: Not in good standing. Not applicable.

Appearance: Washed out skin and light-damaged hair. She’s tall for her gender but not awkwardly tall, and she makes it a point to keep her hair disheveled enough to make a statement. She’s seen almost always wearing her furs, which she takes good care of. Her eyes are wide and observant, set above cheekbones littered with freckles due to the light their exposed to.


Vices: Stubbornness, Manipulation, Self-Righteousness..
Virtues: Loyalty, Strategy, Attention to detail.

Likes: Travel, Exploration, Cute creatures,
Dislikes: Being dirty, not being listened to, not being busy.

Goals: To return to her tribe with proof that she’s always been right, and to strike down those who have wronged her in order to take position at the top and expand.

Bonds: Her father, her tribe, discovery.

Background: Beginning the moment she was of age to understand, Alish’s father raised her to be something he wished to see in their tribe. He drove into her mind the ideas that she, a woman, should be listened to and feared. He made her believe that she had the right to hold power, and he taught her from an early age about the social system. He told her stories of a world outside of their tribe, of monsters and travelers and feats she thought to be fantasies until she became older. When she grew even older her father expressed his regret for not gaining the high-ranking status he dreamt of, and in a drunken state one evening he even admitted his regret of marrying her own mother. This hadn’t phased Alish, because after being raised the way she was, she viewed her mother as passive and weak.

Alish swore to her father that one day she would make him proud. She would climb the ranks. She would have them listen and she’d convince them that their strategy is wrong. She would shape the tribe into what it needs to be to succeed, to compete with the other Alphas. His answer to her was cruel but she thought it inspiring. I doubt it, my child.

During her youth Alish grew friendly with a majority of their small tribe. Like anybody though, the young woman had her share of enemies. It wasn’t often that her plot to infiltrate the council’s ideas and strategies was taken to. During her late teens and twenties, it hindered her relationships with the opposite sex, since the desire for a submissive wife was the standard. Even for those who agreed with her, the attention and disapproval she got from their leader was undesirable and they’d turn Alish away. Even her friends began to turn at the sight of her in public. Frustration grew inside of her as she aged and one early morning she decided she had had enough.

Alish had always been naturally observant. She kept a journal with her own notes on people, objects, and happenings that she found peculiar or interesting. She spent hours watching their tribe’s warriors train and she paid a lot of attention to the travelers chosen to venture into the mountains and beyond. She counted how many returned. Of the eight groups that she had watched leave over the years, the only men to return were the ones who turned back just in time after the rest of their party had been killed. Be it by the terrain or some creature lurking in the distance. The statement their leader always made blamed the harsh climate and weather. He’d state that they’d wait until the spring to send another group. It was always the same story.

At the age of twenty-eight, the young woman had confronted the council personally. They had seemed taken back by her presence. She explained to them that their tribe had potential to conquer, to expand and build. She had pieced together stories, studies, and proof that they went about travel plans wrong. They went one way each time when they should be going another, but they didn’t believe that there was a clearing through the mountains. She took it as an invitation to gather more information and sketch her own travel plans. Only they’d laugh, destroy her ideas, and dismiss her time and time again. She offered to be a party member each spring but each spring they’d overlook her. Frustration burned into anger, and before long Alish made the decision that if they didn’t want to hear her, she’d make them.

When conversations turned to arguments, and then from arguments to fights, and then finally from fights to threats, then Alish made a decision. She vowed to prove herself.

Secrets: To dethrone her leader and to eliminate anyone in the way of her own glory.

Theme Song! [insert link??]

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The Basics

Name: Kostel

Age: 37

Tribe: Azgardie

Tribe position/role: Scout/Ranger, ‘Far-seeing Eyes of the Chief’.

Appearance: Light olive toned skin and dark brown shoulder length hair, kept tied back. Above average height, and although lanky he is well toned. His face is kept clean shaven, accentuating his sharp cheekbones and jawline. His eyebrows decline towards the nose, giving an expression of apparent anger.


Vices: Dismissive, Chauvinistic, Exotic Women.
Virtues: Honour, Retribution, Tradition, Discovery, Initiative, Stoic.

Likes: Exploring, People-watching, soft smiles and gentle voices, Nature, and predators that stalk prey.
Dislikes: Other Tribes and anything that is different to the ways of his Tribe, and being too close to his own Tribespeople for too long.

Goals: To aid his Tribe in expanding further into the wilds, to discover and defeat each exotic predator the land has to offer.

Bonds: Chief of his Tribe, an herbalist in one of the outer settlements.


Ever since Kostel was young, he would join his father on long hunts and scouting missions. His father was well known within the tribe to be a man of keen vision and wisdom, and those were virtues the boy admired most. Whenever the boy and his father would be out on one of these hunts, his father would do well to pass on all he knew about the forests of Elvendar, the creatures that called it home, and what plants to eat and to avoid. He taught the boy how to string a bow, to notch an arrow, and how to keep quiet and stalk. Kostel loved his father, but more so he loved being away from the intensity of tribe life.

It was two weeks into scouting an unfamiliar patch of forest when his father told Kostel that the next year boy would become man. Kostel hardly paid attention to what his father said, he was too busy keeping an eye on whatever was following them. He tried telling his father but was shushed and told to listen. If only his father had seen the folly before the fall. The moment his father was grappled and thrashed around by a beast the size of a small tree, Kostel ran and ran and ran, never looking back until he reached the settlement of the Azgardie tribe, where he smacked straight into someone who would become his friend for life. The older, ape-like boy Kostel ran into was none other than the son of Chief Azgoul, who would later become Kostel’s only true friend.

For years after that day, the Chief’s son would offer solace to Kostel and lend an ear to his doubts. Kostel appreciated him endlessly, and when he was to become Chief himself, their roles reversed. Kostel spent many moons offering the new Azgoul and his long-time friend wisdom and reassurance, never shying away from telling the truth of matters. But when the Chief’s own council grew in numbers, Kostel was pushed further away. He didn’t mind all that much, really. It meant less morons to deal with, and now he could finally see about hunting whatever attacked his father so many years ago.

Secrets: Wants to start his own Tribe or take control over the Azgardie.

Theme Song! [insert link??]

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