Elijah Paravel (Edit Later)


"Film Major"
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SURNAME: Paravel



AGE: 28



LENGTH: 12 inches

CORE: Unicorn Hair

WOOD: Pear

FLEXIBILITY: Reasonably Supple



SPECIALIST AREA: Concealment & Disguise

N.E.W.TS EARNED AND WHERE: Hogwarts: Charms, DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, and Herbology

FORMER OCCUPATION: Make-up Artist & Costume Designer


BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood

HISTORY: There's not much to Elijah's life that needs to be known that plays a role in who he is a why he became an auror. The basics are he was bastard child to a muggle woman and wizard man, and was very quickly put into an orphanage at 5 months when his parents realized that they couldn't handle raising a child, especially when they weren't truly that committed each other, to begin with.

He lived in an orphanage up until he was a legal adult, choosing to be positive and the sunshine to the children around him, instead of letting the hand of cards he'd been dealt get to him. Growing up, Elijah had a knack for sewing and making things look pretty, as the girls in the orphanage used to gush, and although he used to get teased constantly about it, he took pride in his talents, especially when he started to go to school and noticed that the other kids would make fun of him and the other orphan children for their hand-me-down clothes, and ragged appearances. When Elijah would come out of the clouds and realize how people truly looked at them, he decided to take matter into his own hands and re-stitch and clean up the clothes that had been donated to the orphans, and do their hair, along with the make-up of the girls with the scarce amount of cosmetics they had lying around or hidden under pillows.

The looks on the other kids' faces at school gave Elijah a sense of pride, and although he wouldn't be there to see anymore after getting his letter from Hogwarts, he ensured that he had made quite a few extra pieces of clothing, and taught everyone his tips and tricks before leaving for "boarding school" as the stunned Miss Wren over the orphanage had informed him to say.

Fast forward a few years, and Rory had decided to put his Hogwarts and muggle knowledge together into his sewing and make-up abilities together and start a career in the performance business. Before long he was working for movies and broadway. Elijah truly had made a life for him, so it was a mystery why he would become an auror, but although he had never told anyone, one late night cleaning up his work space after a production, his father made a sudden appearance stunning his son into silence. He wasn't there to reconnect, but had come to find him for Elijah's mother who was ill in the hospital and wanted to see her firstborn before dying. The looks he recieved from his birth mother's family were extremely awkward, but Elijah chose to ignore them, instead focusing his attention on his mother as he told her about his life and made her laugh and smile multiple times with his father chuckling lightly off to the side. He stayed there all night talking to her in hushed tones until she fell asleep, and didn't wake up the next morning.

The journey home with his father was silent and they were both red-nosed, although Elijah also had tears streaking down his face. His father invited himself inside, and on request from Elijah, told his son about his life working as an auror, and about the Wizarding World -good and bad- and the new dark wizard that was running the department ragged. Elijah listened eagerly as the last bit of tears dried, and the last thing his father said before leaving, you know, we could use someone with her talents at the department, I saw your marks at Hogwarts, pretty impressive in Transfiguration. That was the last Elijah saw of his father, even after joining the auror department, but he still held the words of kindness close to him as he worked for the Ministry of Magic.


PERSONA: Elijah is a very happy-go-lucky man, taking joys in the simple things in life. You can tell him a joke and not find it particularly great, and have him laughing heartily for a good minute because that's just the type of guy he is. If you tell him a story, he'll always listen attentively because he just appreciates you taking the time to talk to him. He's quite silly and enjoys making others laugh and smile. Elijah very rarely dwells on the negative side of life, and some may call him foolish or ignorant for not realizing how cruel the world is, but he sees it very well, it's just not the forefront of his life.

There are many things in life Elijah loves, Herbology, pranks, people, but above all, he loves creating things. Most people tend to notice that he's a man that 5 feet 10 inches tall with dark brown hair, and a bright blue eyes on his seemingly serious face, but he's also a metamorphagus, and although he doesn't use his powers often, his abilities fueled his love and desire to allow others to experience an aspect of his abilities, and that was the fluidity to change. With this passion, he excelled in transfiguration, and very soon became a traditional and fx make-up artist in many branches of work in the muggle world, so that they could also experience the magic of change without transfiguration or being a "shapeshifter" of sorts. Suprisingly, although he has a very social and loving nature, Elijah can typically be found easiest in a place void of people enjoying his solitude.

STRENGTHS: Disguises, Herbology knowledge, Works well under pressure

WEAKNESSES: Easily blindsided, Passionate, Very forgiving

FATAL FLAW: His trusting nature



Favorite Color



Amortentia Scent



Mirror of Erised

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