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Elf goddess x human (closed)

The halls of the Versare palace were quiet in the dull light of the morning -- a new dawn of day, one that would bring an eventful schedule for the young Queen that ruled her kingdom with stern pleasantry. There was movement at her bedroom door, a handmaiden having come in to rouse Ophelia from her sleeping state, the Elf goddess laid strewn across silk sheets and soft fabrics that adorned the pillows her head laid upon.

"Your highness," the young hand main timidly spoke as she gently woke the Queen with a shake to her shoulder, her pale sea eyes slipping open to stare at the girl. "It's time to get up. We have to prepare you for the incoming visits of the princes." Ophelia raised a hand and tediously rubbed it across her face, a sigh exhaling from her lips. "Yes, understood, Mira. Draw me my bath -- please." She instructed softly and risen to wrap herself into a bath robe, sleepily shuffling her bare feet across the smooth flooring.
Kira had awoken on the ship which was on by one of his crew mates saying "captain were reaching the island" as he saluted Kira got out of the bed with bad bed head getting out he went over to the crew member telling him to "scee-dattle" so the crew member left as he got dressed in his all white clothes after he went to his bathroom which was connected to his room combing his hair down and brushing his teeth spitting out a window into the ocean, after he got done he left putting on a pair of white boots.

The outside smelled of salty ocean and seals were flying around the ship trying to look for food the ship was big and was prepared for a large scale combat with three ships the same behind it he was the 3rd of the captains but he was the strongest and the best with weapons, so he looked over the deck seeing a large island where the goddess elf kingdom layed as he said "finnaly...boys get ready were going in!"

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