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Fantasy Elements of Beyond [Reboot]

Ruler Of The Maniae


The Elements were scattered when mankind was created.

Now they have come back, in human bodies.

Ancient books have been written about them, leading scientists and the government to there new homes.

The Elements have chosen you to help them survive.

How will your story act out?​
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Zia stepped out the door. The mahogany wood slammed behind her, leaving her alone in her backyard. She sighed and carefully walked down the broken steps. Ever since her mother died; killed by CAD, he had stopped caring. About the house, about Zia, about himself. I wonder if he'd listen to me . . . she thought, sitting on the dead grass. I'd take him to the asylum. She sighed and put on her sweater. The soft brown fabric warmed Zia's arms. She looked around the backyard, waiting for something to happen. She didn't care what; she just wanted something that would take her away from her father. Inside, her father could be heard yelling and stomping around the house. He better not be looking for those pills, thought Zia as she stood up to leave. Her father screamed for his pills, throwing papers and plates off of the kitchen counters. Zia winced and ran to the side of the house. She pulled open the gate and walked through. Looking up to a window, she made sure her father wasn't there before running down the street.
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Kira was walking down the streets, he left his house a couple minutes ago without something to warm him his mother told him to wear something but he didn't he never got cold anyway so what was the point. So he kept on walking down the street on his usual running route until he saw a girl walk No by herself so he walked up to her saying "miss you ok you look like you've been running" he said with a grin trying not show he didn't want to talk but what the hey he couldn't keep tape over his mouth forever right.
Kou walked around the lake by his highschool, he has 45 minutes before he has to report to the Lacrosse lockeroom to prepare for today's game. He walked shouldering his Black Defender's stick, he had invited a girl from the softball team to join him but they have regular time practice so she couldn't come. But at least the softball team will come to watch the game and cheer his name as the starting and very conspicuous LSM. He checked to make sure no one was looking and held out his hand creating a small spark of electricity in it which made him smile a bit. This he found was always amusing for some reason.
Zia looked at the male. "I have been running," she said, setting both feet firm on the ground. "And I'm fine. Why?" She looked to the left, where she'd just came from. I hope he doesn't notice . . . she thought before turning her attention back to the boy.
"Hmmm you look worried for some reason" he said looking at her then looking where she was just a moment ago, he didn't know what was wrong but hey he couldn't just leave someone that looks like they're I trouble by themselves that's just not how he is .

Alright I have to go I'm going to my cousins.
"Well," said Zia, "thanks for your time. I have to go now." She started to walk away, putting her hood on. She shoved her hands into her pockets and brought out her iPhone. Putting in her earphones, Zia began to play her music. It was all from three years ago, but it never got old. The first song that played was a song caled Whirlwind. Zia sighed and blasted the music. She didn't care if anyone else heard it, she just wanted to block out what was around her. A blue van stopped beside her, and a man stepped out. He kept his eyes on Zia before entering the store next to her. Zia scowled at the man before speeding up.
Aiden pulled up the bandage mask on his face, as it was slipping covering his mouth and nose as well as the cut that ended up being hidden by the bandages. He was sitting under a table umbrella, as he heard the footsteps from a girl his power was much more concealed so not many people knew about it, plus he lived alone. He started to sip a cup of tea, pulling his mask down so he could do so, the mask wasn't for him it was more for others since they seem to usually faint on sight of the scar that would turn green at times. He pulled back up the mask as a young male would take care of the issue, pulling his hood and leaning forward as he would start to listen to what they were speaking about, the male noticing that she had been running a bit, with the girl admitting that was true, and now worry, oh worry was his specialty, taking a brief glance at the two as his element allowed him to figure out what they were scared of, although he wouldn't know someones name, he would just know what they are terrified of, the girl started to move again at least that was what his ears told him.

Sitting in her basement, Rylai trains on how to use her powers correctly. Surrounded with water tanks she uses new techniques to maybe discover something new. But today was different, Rylai had been determined to find out how to thaw the ice she has created. She just freezes everything, but cant unfreeze them she could only wait for the room's temperature to chill the ice down and melt it. Hopeless she slams the door to her basement and goes out to her front porch, slamming the door behind her. Rylai had sat on the stairway infront of her house, she had no companion and cannot control her power's full potential. Releasing a shout of anger, helped release a burst of ice up into the sky. Making it temporarily snow, just for a couple of seconds. Rylai had hoped that no one had seen that mishappen
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Zia pulled the hood down over her eyes and stared at the ground. She didn't notice when the man entered the car again, nor that he was following her. Glancing up, she saw the car in the corner of her eye. What the hell? Zia crossed the road, over to a book shop, and entered it. She sighed with relief when the car continued straight. Pausing her music, she placed her phone in her pocket and took off her hood. Brown hair fell around her face, blocking her view of the walls. She looked around. Why am I here? Whatever. Since I'm here . . . she began to search through the books. One of them fell off of the shelf. "Dammit," hissed Zia as she picked it up. After reading the back, she placed it on the shelf. She walked back out of the shop, hesitating by the door, then began to walk to her house.

The hours were dragging slowly, as Siene sat for the counter of her father's bookshop, squinting her eyes at the brightness that broke through the windows. The smell of dusty books and old wooden floor comforted her - made her feel at peace. Surrounded by so many books - could she really ask for more? She sat there, watching people pass by, pick up one or two books, bring them to her or put them down - as she wondered what they read, how they felt about it, what shaped their decision to take the material with them, or just put it back to its old place?

She leaned her head on her hand, dreamily looking through her eyes, as the tanned girl entered the shop in a hurry. She took one book and put it back in the place. Siene was already going to offer to help her, to maybe reccommend something but she disappeared as abruptly as she appeared.

There wasn't much Maraka could do now - except lean back, and wait for another customer.

Zia looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, the car was there, driving slowly and following her. Looking ahead again, she sprinted down the sidewalk until she found an alleyway. God dammit . . . she thought before running in. The walls loomed around her as she ran down the dirty alley. She stopped a while later, no longer hearing the car's engine. "What the hell?" Zia panted, resting against a wall. The alley was filthy; trash and scratches littering the floor. A few cats were there, too. They meowed at Zia as she regained her balance. She started running again, to the other side, not knowing where it led. Emerging a little while later, she looked around. Nothing seems familiar . . . she thought, walking down the new road.
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Gametime came faster than expected as Kou soon found himself in the Lacrosse lockeroom strapping on his shoulder pads and putting on his jersey with the number 4 over it. He put on his game shorts and then his cleets. He put on his helmet and placed his mouth guard inside his helmet. He then put on his gloves and skipped his elbow pads as Defenders don't need elbow pads.The coach yelled that the goals were still not on the field.

Kou and a few others jogged out of the lockeroom to go get the goals. He saw a girl walking by down the road that runs parallel to the field. Kou yelled "Hey you, come watch the game in 15 minutes. It's free, come support the team." Kou then continued to follow his teammates to get the game goals, the team could always use more supporters. Since it's senior night they're playing on the Football field, there are fliers about the game all over town. The seniors deserve to have a grand audience on their night afterall.

Zia stopped walking and turned to where the voice came from. "Sure," she called back, though she didn't know who called. As she walked back to her house, the roads became familiar. As soon as she was in front of her house, Zia opened the door and stepped inside. Her father wasn't there, but his car was. He must be asleep, thought Zia as she took off her shoes. Fifteen minutes . . . Better get my book. She walked up the stairs, past her father's room, and into her own. Zia changed her clothes, out of dirty yoga pants and a tee, and into a light brown sweater and dark blue jeans. She ran down the stairs with a book in her hand, then put her shoes back on. Outside of the house, she began to run to the game.
Chrona had been all over the place today but only now did she come to the conclusion that she didn't have to rush around. She had all the time in the world to get her errands done but she rushed them instead. However, since she was done she figured she'd entertain herself by going to this Lacrosse game. It most certainly wasn't the most entertaining sport in the universe but she figured she'd go. Mainly so she can screw around with the game. How the look on the people's faces would most certainly amuse her. She pictured it now, just taking the ball from one player's stick and putting into the opposite team. She chuckled lightly to herself as she headed to the football field. She frowned lightly at how many people showed up. She'd have to sit next to someone after all. Chrona let loose a low sigh of disappointment before she shuffled through people and found a seat closest to the field. She smiled slightly and her golden eyes flashed slightly.

This was going to be fun.
Ciana sat in the stands alone, a bit self-conscious about sitting alone but it was a new experience she was trying to get over her stupid fear of being alone. It wasn't so bad since the game of lacrosse mostly took her attention. The girl's lax season had ended a week earlier than the boy's, their senior night being last Friday and decided to give support to the boy's senior night since some came to their senior night. Watching the boy's play was so much different from the girl's, especially since they didn't have as much fouls and penalties as the girl's did normally. Out of habit, Ciana often found herself shouting from the stands to check the other opponent which was embarrassing when the people around her would stare.

( My lax season did actually end like two months ago though. My jersey was #2 on Girl's Lacrosse cx )
On the field sat the inflatable cave they saved for special athletic's events like the Pep Rallies and Senior Night. The senior players walked out of these caves escorted by their parents and walk under a bridge formed by the other players extending their sticks and meeting them in the air forming a tunnel of sorts. The announcer in the Box called the name of the players and their parents as they exited the cave. The other team gathered on their sideline waiting for the Senior Night pre game showing to end. After about 10 minutes they were done and then the teams began to do warm ups whild the Referees called for the coaches. The JV teams were in the stands watching. Kou from down on the field looked up at the crowd that had gathered and smiled. The all came to the Knights vs. Archers, even on the level of names the two teams were rivals.

5 minutes till game start the Referees called for Captains. After the captains met the coach called out fkr starters. The Knights were defending left side of the field, Kou went out the left the wing as the starting LSM. The goalies took their places and then the Referee placed the ball in the center of the midline. Then the two face off specialist got down and on the whistle the first face off began. Kou sprinted to the center as the Knight's won the ball and the first face off. Kou sprinted off the field so the Midfielder he trades off with can enter the field and complete the offensive formation.

Kou looked up as he heard a girl yelling for the team, he remembers her from the Girl's team. Then he heard the home crowd go nuts and turned to see that the Knight's have scored. Kou jogged back to his position on the Left Wing for the next face off.

(Mine too, I am number 4, a Defensive Midfielder, my specialty is being the One Slide)
Aiden would get up as he was done with his cup of tea, his bandaged mask, covering his face again before he would walk around again,he saw an lacrosse game going on, he didn't know much about the sport in particular, but that didnt stop him to go see the game in hopes of understanding it as the game goes on. He wasn't one to make a opinion, but it seemed fun to some as he would sit down putting his hand on his chin as he sat down in the bleachers, as the game went on, looking at the yellow haired male with the seemingly large scar on his face around his eye area. He was more interested as to how he got said scar then the game itself, he was keeping a eye on the bright yellow haired male, rather than the game and the other players themselves. He would then look at the crowd itself taking his hand away from his chin so he could see the entire crowd. His eyes turned a little active in his usual grey eyes, seeing the girl from before, and another one that seemed to think that she had all the time in the world. His dull gray eyes returned, as he started looking around the crowd of people, other than those three people he didn't see anyone that caught his intrest. He looked at the male again after he was finished observing the audience themselves.
Zia looked up from her book. She stared at the game and shrugged. She had never understood sports, and it wasn't going to happen now. Whenever the crowd cheered, Zia covered her ears. They cheered all the time. Looking around she saw the car that had been following her earlier. "Damn them," hissed Zia before she closed her book. She stood up and began to walk from the bleachers. As she stepped onto the grass, the car started to drive again. Zia scanned her surroundings, and tried to walk casually back to her house. Where are they? she wondered, now paranoid about the car.
Ciana watched intently as they scored a goal and continued on with their next. The first goal was made in the quickest amount of time she had ever witnessed in the first quarter, "Dang.." Mumbling to herself as she cheered on once more as they were about to fight for the ball once more. The game only just started but it seemed that the crowd was already amped up, especially the JV team who took up the first few rows of the bleachers.

(Yeah, girl's lax doesn't really have that many positions but I play Low Attack behind the Goal. Sometimes I sub for as an A-Wing which is an exhausting position might I say.)
The Archers won the second face off, Kou sprinted down the field to protect the crease and luckily the two midfielders got to their position to. It was a standard man to man defense the Knight's used, the Archers used an offense in which the midfiders form a wide triangle infront of the goal with the attack forming a triangle with the goal as the midpoint of its base.

Kou focused on the ball as well as the guy he is guarding and the next pass. He suddenly saw the midfielder on the left get beaten with a swim dodge that sent the Away crowd into a fit of cheering. They were silenced when Kou slid from the crease with his stick far out from his body and collided with the ball carrier. The enemy midfielder from right scooped up the ball and in a panic shot it at the goal, Kou who was trying to get back to his position felt the ball ricochet of the top of his helmet. He stumbled for a bit as his helmet shook. He turned around to a fierce ground ball battle. He waited till an enemy player was over the ball before sprinted into the pile and bodying the olayer from the front and then scooping up the ball. Kou ran usinf all his body and got to the otherside of the field faster than he thought he would. He found himself going towards the goal and then sidearm shot the ball into the goal which made the Away crowd go silent and the Home crowd go nuts at a D Pole scoring on their rival the ultimate shame for the team that got scored on.

The first half of the game to summarize was an even battle with both team even at halftime with a score of 4-4, face off percentage was 60% for the Knights and ground ball percentage was 50-50. Though the Knights did get more penalties with Kou responsible for 2 of them. One of which was when he slammed into the crease man from behind to stomp a dunk. This made the tempers of the Away crowd flare, insults and shouting filled the stands by halftime. It seemed a fight was very likely at one of these points.

(It seems Bohs LAX has different position because I assume A wing is a midfielder in Girl's LAX. If your character thinks the first goal was fast our varsity face off guy this year won a face off then drove straight to the goal threw the ball bounced it off the crossbar and then scored. That had to be less 15 seconds, it was too crazy. He also totaled 190 something ground balls for the season.)
It's still following me, thought Zia as she hugged her book. The van was driving ever o slowly down the road Zia was walking beside. All of the windows were tinted, so she could see nothing inside. She scowled at the car before running down the street. The car sped up as well. Why are they following me . . ? she thought, looking back at the car. It stopped by a mailbox, the lights dulling and the engine slowing. Zia sighed, her muscles loosening. Nobody stepped out, which made Zia question the persons mental health. What is he doing? she wondered, tensing up again.
"Books always help, why not go to a bookstore?" Rylai asked herself. She stood up, her blonde hair glowing under the bright sun. After a long walk from her little house, atlast Rylai reaches the closest bookstore. She peeks inside to find a young woman, making sure it wasnt closed she enters calmly. Everybody near her might have felt the cold breeze as she entered. "Hello, Excuse me can you help me please?" followed by a sweet smile. @Pushks
Kira was going to meet his close friend Rylai, so when he got to her house she wasn't there so he waited for a while and got fed up and started walking. So he figured she was at a bookstore or something like that "she can be a nerd sometimes" he said as he was walking to the nearest bookstore and saw her when he got to the door and went in saying "there you are Rylai dang I was walking everywhere not that it made a difference it's not like I get cold" he said in a smirk.

Rylai giggled and blushed, " Well.. Iam sorry I just needed a certain book, i'll tell you why when iam done." followed by a smile. " I feel like having icecream! " Rylai said as she junped childishly "orrrr... We can have huice and ill turn it into icecream!" she held his hand and left the bookstore when she realised no help was given. She tightened the grip on her hand, and pulled him to her favorite icecream shop. @Aqua

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