Elements (morkai & skys54)

As you walk looking for clues you hear a strange sound under your feet. The floor sound different like the creek of old wood. "What was that" the count says "I think you found the door. Here help me get this rug up." He starts ripping up pieces of rug, slowly reviling a wooden door in the floor.
She helps clear the rug off the floor and slowly opens the door to spiral stair case leading down "Well let's go have a look" she said and started to walk down the stairs.
You enter into a large basement full of crates, cages, worshiping materials and all sorts of weird machines but luckily enough no pirates, no elements either though. The cages were full of people some dead, some dieing. A girl in a cage jumps up. "Count Vance its me countess Sere of Zelma. Can you get me out of here. They destroyed my town but I know they didn't find my element, there to stupid to do anything right."
As soon as the girl addressed the count and explained that she looked around to see if she could find anything to open the cage with "Good we need that element" she said as she found a bar of steal. "Cover your eyes" she said and placed the peice of steal in the bars of the cage and gave it a good hard kick which broke the brittle and thin bars to some extent, all she had to do was pull on the bars and a few came free, she held out her hand to help the girl up and out.
The girl stands up. "ok lets get out of here before they get back" The count replies "It will be a long ride to Zelma. Do you know where any other elements might be." Sere replies "There might be one still in Dolock, that desert town out west."
"Well we have to start some where let's go" she says quickly and heads back up the stairs. Once they had left the hidden passage she replaces it to the way they had found it maybe that could give them some time, she then turned and walked out and back to the horses she helped the count onto his horse and then the girl on to hers then lead the horses away covering there tracks.
After weeks of travel you make it back to Zelma. The ship wreck that you caused still in the docks. Sere states " We need to head up river. I decided the best way to hide the element was in plane site. Fallow the river until we reach the large oak tree. The element is in the nook of the tree." The count gives her a glace as if shes crazy.
The count follows you up the river. You follow it for about an hour. You are very far from the town now and then you see it, a giant oak tree with a large baseball sized nook in it. "That's it" she says "go ahead grab it and lets keep moving."
"Right" she says and stands up on her horse and jumps up into the tree and retrieves the element. Then jumps down on the horse and then rides of toward the west.
Another long ride and you make it to the desert town, the heat almost unbearable. The only town you have seen so far that hasn't been destroyed by the pirates. The town had no walls and the building are far and few between made of brick or mud and grass and even though the town has about seven buildings they all stand very tall. A man walks up to you wrapped up head to toe in a cloth. "Can I help you?"
She let the counts speak she was never any good at the formal introductions and she didn't think asking for the element first up was going to help there case right now. She was also tired and slightly sunburnt, they need to rest once they got this element or they would be in big trouble.
The count speaks "we came to collect your element. Your countess will be able to tell us where it is. Surly you have herd about the pirate attacks. We are here to put a stop to it." Without saying anything the man leads you to one of the brick buildings, looking no different then any of the other buildings. "Right this way" he says. The two counts dismount there horse's and head inside the building.
She follows them in quietly Well I would have thorght they wouldn't have trusted us she thorght as she walked through the town to the building the man led them too.
Inside looks like an average house. There is an old woman sitting at the table eating some sort of stew. "Care to join me" she asks. "Thank you countess" the count replies taking a seat and receiving a bowl of stew. You receive one and a seat as well. As you eat and relax the count explains his story to her. "Ok" she says simply "Head out into the desert and look for the mirage building but be warned once you enter you will not be able to leave until you collect the element. The building will try to kill you. Try to hold you there forever."
"Thank you for the warning and direction my lady, and thank you for the meal" she says bowing slightly. "My lady my I ask that we stay in town for a few days we need the rest" she said. If the building was that dangerous they couldn't even think of trying to enter it in there state they had been on the move for weeks and she of all people was getting incressingly fatigued. She would expect at least one of the counts to object, If I can't do it in my condition then we all might not have a chance and losing someone now is not a risk I'm willing to take she thorght.
"of course" she replied "stay as long as you like my home is your home." The two counts agreed, resting a while was the best option because no one knows what to expect in this mysterious and apparently living building. The countess gave you a spare room in home, a bath, a change of cloths and some hot tea for the night.
"Thank you my lady" Sky smiled and stood and bowed before walking to the said room and lying down to sleep she hadn't slept in about a week so once she had fallen asleep she slept for two days constantly tossing and turning in a restless sleep plagued with nightmares. Her body finally caught up with her activities she was after all not even twenty yet.
The night was quite and cool. The other two counts, each with there own rooms sleep somewhere down the hall. Everything was easy going in the desert town. All the people were friendly, all willing to help anyway they can for an outsider.
When she woke up the first thing she did was some training a cross town run, scaling the building and running across walls for hours she did this and then came in for lunch and went back out for truing she had rested but she knew if you rested for two long you lose the strength to fight quickly she worked on her strength with the normal chin ups, push ups, sit up stuff like that till it was close to dusk. She then headed inside and had dinner.
While you did your training Vance sat and talked to the countess of Dolock most of the day about the attacks, about the queen and about the future. Sere spent time in town looking at the few shops, at there jewelry, clothing, weapons and armor.
Another calm night, maybe the pirates don't want to venture this far into the desert. Maybe the don't even know this town exists. It's not very common for a town to be in the desert. There are no animals for food and no resources out here but yet the town seems to be doing just fine.
We should get moving tomorrow, as important rest is we still need to get going, I'll talk to the counts tomorrow about a strategy and a future movements, we also need new supplies but those can wait till after we get the Element she thorght as she sat in her room and slowly fell asleep.
The night passes. The hot desert town becoming quite cold as the night goes on. Morning comes. There a knock at your door, you can hear Vance on the other side, "sky, sky. Are you awake? Are you ready to go? I got the horses ready. We have to head out into the desert and find this building now."

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