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Realistic or Modern Elemental Wolves


The Infinite Being
The 5 clans are preparing for war. New territory has been discovered and everyone is desperate to grab it. The only way to stop the war is a mythical relic that can show the future. When the clans look into it, they will see the territory they are destined to have and no one may see blood. Unfortunately, the relic is often thought of as a legend and no one know where it is. Except for an elder of the water tribe. She knows about where it is, but is too old to retrieve it herself. This is why the younger heroes must take their place in the world.


Water: This clan feeds off of intelligence and wisdom. Their society functions off of the experience and wisdom of the elders, who make most of the decisions. This clans look on the war is mostly pacifist, but the elders feel they need more room to relieve the pressure on their densely packed population.

Air: This clan values freedom above all else. In this society, you have the freedom to do basically what every you want (excluding crime). They are comfortable with the land they have now, but they fear their land may be used as a war zone between the earth and fire clans.

Lightning: This clan believes in justice and the natural order. In this society, mentally balanced citizens vote for decisions. They want more land, but they want to claim it as soon a possible in hops of avoiding conflict.

Earth: This clan values hard work and determination. Their society functions off of a leading group of people who's word is final. They want some of the land to try and create better trading routs with other clans and become less secluded.

Fire: This clan believes in honor and serving their ruler. They function off of a monarchy system where the word of royals is final. This clans rulers are greedy and want as much land as possible, no matter what the price.




Normal RpNation rules.

Hybrids are allowed (except for (fire and water) and (earth and air). Lightning can hybrid with anything. Ice is water and air.)

Act like you grew up in the designated kingdom.

Stay within the limitations of the world.

Do not chose an element already chosen.
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We will now begin! Find your way to Keishi, the fire Capitol, for one reason or another. Remember, none of you know about the relic yet.


Typhon cautiously walked around Keishi. A water wolf in fire territory isn't safe, but he needed to be here. With the war warming up he figured this would be his best shot at finding allies. It was the center of all the clans, after all. As he walked passed the palace gates, a couple of the guards started towards him. Trying to avoid conflict, he booked it out of there. He stopped several miles later at a public park. The citizens here didn't even try to hide their disgust with a water wolf in their Capitol, but no one did anything about it. Looking around he did see several wolves that didn't belong including an earth wolf and an air hybrid of some sort. He needed to talk to one of them, but he didn't know who he could trust. 'This is going to be harder than I thought' he thought to himself.
Tong was wandering about silently, his wings tucked tightly to his sides to hide his feathers. He didn't like it here and, whilst his hybrid elements made ice, he was still part water , and clearly not welcome in the capital. But he had needed to escape from his pack for a while, needing to be alone
Typhon was stunned to see what he thought was an ice wolf. Still part water, Typhon thought he was the only one crazy enough to come here with water wolf in his veins. He walked over and said "What are you doing here? Express ally now it's dangerous for our kind to be here. I'm Typhin, but the way." He did a slight bow as was customary in the water clan when introducing ones self.
Tony bowed his head back, though was clearly wary of the other wolf, "I uh... Needed to get away from my pack for a while." He mumbled, "I'm Tony by the way" he replied, trying to not look like he wanted to run away. It was his natural instinct now, to stay away from others
Nogitsune padded through the park proudly, making his usual rounds. He'd been enjoying his day so far, which had been unusual recently with all the pressing matters dealing with the war, but he was plenty relaxed at the moment. The young prince liked the battle planning and things as such, but after a while, it had begun to stress him out.

That is, until he noticed the two water wolves.

He couldn't believe they were stupid enough to show their faces in his very own home. He began to walk towards the two, hackles raised, and his violet eyes gleaming.

"Well what do we have here..."
"You needed to get away, huh?" He said a plan formulating in his head. "You know where you can go to get even further away? The new land. I know how crazy it sounds, but a small party can easily explore the land unnoticed. We will need a few more people first, but that shouldn't be too hard. What do you say?" He noticed Tony's agitation and couldn't help relating. He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible also. 
Typhon turned his head to see the fire prince. 'Great, this is just what I need' he thought bitterly. He respectfully bowed and said "Young prince, I am simply looking for a small party. Trust me, I want to be here as much as you want me to be. I'll leave in a few days." He raised his head and looked him in the eyes, not backing down.
Tony nodded in agreement to the other wolf and smiled slightly, before flinching as another wolf appeared. His wings immediately glared, though the reason was unknown, and he backed up
"A party? A party for what?" He asked, gazing from the confident wolf to the one who'd backed away. Rightfully.

"You water wolves planning something?" the fire wolf added, daring the first one to challenge him. He cocked his head menacingly, waiting for an answer, hoping it'd give him an excuse to fight.
Typhon noticed Tony had taken a step back, so he compensated by taking a step forward. He hoped this would throw the princes confidence off a little. "It's my idea, and none of your buisness. With all due respect, there is a lake in the middle of this park. As I said earlier, we will only be here a few days and you never have to see us again."
"'M not a water wolf... I'm a ice wolf." Tony mumbled, feathers ruffling in fear and agitation. What annoyed him is that fire could easily defeat his ice powers, so why was he hated so much? He sighed, staying back and not looking at the two
"Same difference," Nogitsune said, swishing his tail in irritation. "Are you really threatening me? Here!?" He stared coldly at the two for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing. "I have to admit, you lot aren't pushovers like the majority of water - or ice - wolves I've met...so. I'll come with you."
Typhon blinked in shock. This prince really was full of himself. "And who said you were invited? You don't even know where we plan on heading. Don't you have a clan to oppress or something?" The general consensus among the water clan was the fire monarchy was oppressive and held too much power. Typhon never had any reason to doubt it before.
Storm was wandering around, the usual loner activities. She sniffed around, her dark fur swishing as se walked. She sighed and looked around for anything to do. She stretched her long wings before folding them to her sides. She sighed, looking at the sky. She turned around when she heard voices, her attention snapping to the location. She went racing off in the direction of the voices, approaching the wolves with a low head and quiet footsteps.
Nogitsune kept his smile, though now considerably more dangerous as a warning sounded in his voice. "Now now, I just figured you could utilize someone as powerful as me. The Fire clan doesn't seek to oppress...only maintain balance through strong rule," he recited. He supposed that was the majority if the reason why the other clans were so wary or jealous of the Fire clan. Because his clan was strong enough to rule all the others...and should, in his opinion.

He noticed the she - wolf that had padded up to them, and he nodded his greeting.
Typhon howled with laughter. He knew he shouldn't insult prince Nogitaune in the heart of his own clan, but he simply couldn't help it! "You… you think this is strength? You don't have the slightest clue what strength is! Strength is not about being superior to others, but willing to be able to work with and even help them. I'm willing to bet you think the fire clan is stronger and superior to every other clan in every way possible! If that was true, why would they all be willing to fight against you?" He felt the water in the pond beginning to bubble.
Storm nodded and sat down, her wing tips touching the ground. She looked around, not saying a word. She held her head high from there on out, not bothering to speak up. She figured they were to busy arguing to notice she had even showed up. She smiled and looked at the sky, longing to spread her wings and fly.
"They wouldn't be bothering to do so if it wasn't for your clan and all it's lies," the prince spat, feeling his paws grow hot in the grass they stood on, steam rising from his claws. He'd unfolded his great red tipped wings as a reflex, holding them up behind his back as his body went rigid, prepared to pounce if needed. Several other wolves in the park had stopped to stare at the exchange, wondering what had upset the young prince so very much...not that it took much to get under a fire wolf's fur.
"What lies? The only reason we want any if the land is so we can relieve our densely populated citizens. We have just a little less than the air clan and all of their land. We need more space! This is a means of survival, not power! If any of your numb brained officials had any intelligence, you would see things differently!" He was perfectly aware he was shouting, but this moron needed a lesson! He called upon the lake and ran it dry, pulling most of it under him and raising him into the air. "You think you will win something by fighting me, that is obvious! So let me prove you wrong again!"
Storm looked between the two. "If you would stop talking like boneheads fighting over a kill we could get somewhere." She muttered, glaring in between the two. She looked at the fire one, who seemed to be keen on burning the grass, and the water one, who seemed to be keen to make it rain on us all.
Tony moved back further, eying the two who were arguing. He agreed with Storm, fighting like this was stupid, it was only drawing attention to them. Ice spread from his paws and encased the paws of the two arguers, though he didn't mean to, he was only thinking of doing it, but it had happened and he looked at the floor
They were right. Typhon knew both of them were right. However, he also knew he had challenged the prince to a fight. If he backed down now he would appear cowardly in the fire wolfs eyes and spread rumors about the water clan and how weak they are. He would not let that happen. He help his paws become cold and looked down to see them encased in ice. This could problematic, so he dived into the still floating water where he had every advantage. He could, after all, breath under water.
Luna had made her out of the her home and was looking around the forest around her. Her silver fur shinning as she walked amongst the tree and her bright eyes looked around for anything to do. Hoping down from the tree, Luna lied down in the sun. Enjoying the sun in her fur and the breeze through it as well
Nogitsune wasted no time in melting the ice off of his already heated paws. The water wolf had insulted him, but had also intrigued him. Whatever mission the other wolf was planning...he wanted in, if not only just to spy on him. And one measly battle to show who's boss would just help his case.

He watched as his opponent sprung into the floating water, and decided his fire would be useless at the moment, therefore causing him to draw on his electrical abilities instead. Fur sparking, the prince too sprung toward the water, using his wings to propel himself forward, knowing the moment his lightning charged paws hit the liquid the other wolf would be fried.
'This guy isn't very bright' Typhon thought to himself. 'He does know water wolves are resistant to electricity, due to the number of ocean creatures that use it, right? And he's only half fire and half lightning, so that weakens down both sides. Still...' Typhon split the water in two so when Nogitsune hit the water, he would remain unelected.

(Remember your power is a combination of fire and lightning, not having both. However, given your combination I think just using them at the same time or something like that would be perfectly acceptable.)

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