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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Argus said:
Wait he gets new wings? Like they rip his wings off and then put new ones on? That's seriously metal
i cant breathe this reaction is just really funny to me for some reason pFfft


it sounds hecka cool

you know what would be really dramatic

the ritual is interrupted, and Arie ends up wingless for a period of time

Uxie said:
kpop especially

I'm so in love with the dancing

it's mesmerising
I actually got into kpop because of the dancing!

I'm a dancer so I watch a lot of videos and I saw the BTS Intro performance trailer. Instantly hooked, it was a downward spiral since.

Uxie said:
the ritual is interrupted, and Arie ends up wingless for a period of time
Fudge me uuuuuup. That would be the worst, but as a reader? I live for stuff like that in books
Vannah said:
I actually got into kpop because of the dancing!
I'm a dancer so I watch a lot of videos and I saw the BTS Intro performance trailer. Instantly hooked, it was a downward spiral since.

Fudge me uuuuuup. That would be the worst, but as a reader? I live for stuff like that in books
So do I!!! On one hand I adore a character and want to protect it from the evils of the world, but on the other hand I sadistically would like to see lots of misfortune befall them

Ooh a Dancer!! I've always wanted to learn dancing, but I never committed ha. I self-learn most of the dances with a few of my friends, and it's really fun. I NEED U's intro has become a running joke between us, ngl
Hey, sorry I wasn't able to post today, and I won't be able to post tomorrow either. I had OT today, and tomorrow I have to attend a wake because one of my cousins passed away.

But I'll post as soon as I'm able to once I'm free.
@H A R P Y

oh curious question, which artist drew Naris' picture? It's so lovely and I'd like to check them out
Uxie said:
@H A R P Y
oh curious question, which artist drew Naris' picture? It's so lovely and I'd like to check them out
Oh, I wish I knew! I found it on WeHeartIt without any credit information. I tried a reverse image search, but that turned up nothing as well.
@Huor Spinks Sorry to hear that, recently lost a family member as well so I hope you're doing okay.

Posting as soon as I get home from work tonight.

@silentecho Gonna get the dance out of the way and make some conversation, let me know if there's anything you need from Giroux and I got ya.
So my husky was barking at a possum in my backyard just now so you know what I did? Took my .22 ruger and capped that mutherfucker!
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Twyllvarlais said:
So my husky was barking at a possum in my backyard just now so you know what I did? Took my .22 ruger and capped that mutherfucker!

or did you kill the possum








Giroux gives me such a vibe of that boyfriend who has this idealistic romance fantasy but when he actually gets together with his partner he realises she's not that cool and he's like

"Well, I mean,

this is okay. Yeah."
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H A R P Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7094-elias/ said:
Naris approached Adam and spoke to him. . .
Shit. How did I miss that? I'm so sorry OMG....

EDIT: Well I didn't edit my original post, but I did incorporate you in my new one, so its all good from here
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Elias said:
Shit. How did I miss that? I'm so sorry OMG....
EDIT: Well I didn't edit my original post, but I did incorporate you in my new one, so its all good from here
Much appreciated~
Uxie said:
Giroux gives me such a vibe of that boyfriend who has this idealistic romance fantasy but when he actually gets together with his partner he realises she's not that cool and he's like

"Well, I mean,

this is okay. Yeah."
Haha, things should be interesting.
[QUOTE="H A R P Y]It has been ssssssuch a busy day--
I'll post tomorrow withtheferventhopethatthisrpwontdiesoon

Not while we're here to breathe it life :D
[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]Not while we're here to breathe it life :D




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