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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]Hah! That shit happens a lot to be honest. I swear, the dice gods hate me.
But oh well. At least it'll make an interesting post.


Hey you're not the only one to get a bad roll... with a +1 modifier......... (TAT)
Vannah said:
Oh don't worry, we'll do Monday we well. (my family is very passionate about America... aka we look for any opportunity to grill out so we celebrate the 4th twice lol)
(It's weird, I know)
No I completely understand I'm in the military, come that Tuesday I will be nursing a monster hangover that will attempt to crush my soul
Argus said:
No I completely understand I'm in the military, come that Tuesday I will be nursing a monster hangover that will attempt to crush my soul
Oh cool! What part of the military, if you don't mind me asking?

But oh man saaaame on the impending hangover. Today was extended family so we had the littluns around, but Monday? Not only are we grilling out but it's also my friend's birthday so it'll be a grand ole time
Vannah said:
Oh cool! What part of the military, if you don't mind me asking?
But oh man saaaame on the impending hangover. Today was extended family so we had the littluns around, but Monday? Not only are we grilling out but it's also my friend's birthday so it'll be a grand ole time
No I don't mind answering, I am in the army. But yea the hangover will be real, I expect to wake up with many regrets the next day. Woooooooo
Oooo signal, some of my buddies from a signal company just got deployed to Afghanistan like a month ago.
Argus said:
Oooo signal, some of my buddies from a signal company just got deployed to Afghanistan like a month ago.
Yeah a majority of my battalion is getting deployed to Jordan next year. I wasn't on list though. What's your pay grade?
Twyllvarlais said:
Yeah a majority of my battalion is getting deployed to Jordan next year. I wasn't on list though. What's your pay grade?
I'm in the E4 mafia boss
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Test...cause I'm dumb.


Ok cool, posting soon.

@silentecho time to shake something not break something
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Vannah said:
A... chatzy?
Oh, sorry. On another forum I frequent, we use this website called Chatzy to set up chatrooms so that roleplay OOC's don't get flooded.
I'm so absolutely amused the two so far with modifiers both rolled the two lowest numbers

what is this luck

and also man this military talk

and this 4th of July thing

quietly hails from not-america and doesn't understand half of what was being said
SP3CT3R said:
Oh, sorry. On another forum I frequent, we use this website called Chatzy to set up chatrooms so that roleplay OOC's don't get flooded.
Sounds like what I did on other RP forums in the past.
Uxie said:
I'm so absolutely amused the two so far with modifiers both rolled the two lowest numbers
what is this luck

and also man this military talk

and this 4th of July thing

quietly hails from not-america and doesn't understand half of what was being said
South Korea?
Twyllvarlais said:
South Korea?
I wish

I do speak a bit of Korean though

I'm practically a koreaboo

and also a weeaboo but I'm going through a korean phase right now

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